Eternal Perspective Calming Our Fears During These Troubled Times
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We want to thank all of
our financial supporters. Over the years your support
has proven crucial in enabling us to make our full site
free for everyone so that those who cannot afford to
donate can have full access. BUT, This year we have
experienced the painful 'birth pangs' of a world which
is going crazy as it spins toward Antichrist!
We are clinging to life
in a barren land, much as this struggling tree shown
above! Our heartfelt thanks for helping us continue
our outreach and preventing Cutting Edge from disappearing
from the Internet, at a most crucial time in world history!
We have always believed
that more souls will be won for Jesus Christ during
the Last of the Last Days than in entire previous centuries.
But, we need your financial support.
Thank you in advance!
May Jesus Richly Bless
David Bay, Director
Must I Do To Be Saved?
World War III
- Began
News Analysis
The Climate Change 'Hand of Madness' is falling upon
us through this developing world war.
Kerry: Putin’s Useful
Climate Idiot", American Greatness,
March 5, 2022
"Vladimir Putin’s
invasion of Ukraine marks the end of the West’s
Era of Illusions. It was an era in which Western elites
obsessed about solving climate change because the climate
crisis was far more dangerous than issues of war and
peace and the stability of the international system.
They even convinced themselves that climate change causes
war, so climate change policy could double as national
security policy; and, for many years, the annual round
of kumbaya UN climate talks was the apogee of international
"Putin understands
the importance of energy as an essential component of
American strategic power. John Kerry does not. That
is why, to borrow from Lenin, Kerry acts as Putin’s
useful climate idiot. Putin’s invasion of Ukraine
plunges the world into its gravest emergency since the
Cuban missile crisis 60 years ago. It puts into perspective
the folly of those, like Kerry, who confuse imaginary
crises with real ones."
John Kerry has never been
able to separate real world science and reality, which
is why he keeps talking about Climate Change, even though
a potential world war is already in the shooting stage!
But, Kerry is not alone
in this strange obsession.
In the face of
rolling shortages of oil and gas, a Democrat Senator
proposes committing even more to "Green Energy"!
NEWS BRIEF: "Merkley
(D-OR): ‘We Should Have a Climate Emergency’,
‘Have the World Transition’ to Green Energy
to Undercut Russia",
News, 7 Mar 2022
Monday’s broadcast of MSNBC’s 'All In',
Sen. Jeff Merkley (D-OR) argued that in order to undermine
Russia’s power, we have to 'end our dependence
on oil and have the world transition to renewable energy'.”
in the Merkley/Kerry world, ending our dependence upon
oil means rushing into 'green' technologies which are
either untested or have already failed. Germany is in
the throes of a very significant energy shortage, caused
to a large degree upon her headlong rush into technologies
which do not work well.
Let us
listen again to Sen. Merkley:
We should be having a national American solar program.
We should have a climate emergency. We should be transitioning
to offshore wind, and we should be doing it in partnership
and leading the world in this effort to end this addiction
to oil, this damage to the climate, and the enrichment
of people like Putin.”
He wants
us to "transition" to "renewable energy"
now and instantly, even though there is every indication
that the amount of "renewable energy" will
in insufficient in both quantity and in reliability
to keep this economy running.
But, you
see, the fundamental reason people like John Kerry are
so adamant about Climate Change is that they firmly
believe in the Mother Gaia doctrine.
They are insisting that
man has evolved into such a "predatory" animal,
that he threatens all other animals, and Mother Earth
herself [Gaia is her name] with extinction. Man's "predatory"
nature now threatening the world is manifested in his
pollution and destruction of the environment and his
destruction of the many species of wildlife. Therefore,
man is a dangerous "animal" that must be controlled
by other men who have spiritually "evolved"
into a higher state than the rest of us humans. Of course,
these "more highly evolved" humans just so
happen to be the ones who are controlling governments,
global institutions, and armed forces today that are
spearheading the drive to the New World Order!! They
have concocted many extreme environmental "crises"
that are global in nature, and are being promoted by
schools and various governmental agencies as "turning
mankind upside down".
Truly, Satan has control
over the affairs of mankind just like the demon hand
shown above, grasping an anguished earth. The Holy Spirit
has withdrawn His spirit enough that Satan's spirit
now rules the Earth!
The appearance of the
Masonic Christ is close at hand.
2. Rep. Salazar
(R-FL) lambastes the Democrat Party as fully Communist!
Salazar torches House Democrats: 'Marxists are part
of the Democratic Party'," Fox News
Video, March 7, 2022
"Florida Rep. Maria
Salazar shares the ‘one thing’ the Biden
administration can do ‘to fan the flame of freedom’
in Cuba ... is to empower the Cuban people to come out
into the streets again and protest for their freedoms."!
Russia and Cuba are having
the warmest diplomatic relationship they have had since
the fall of the Soviet Union."
Russia recently negotiated
with Cuba on two factors:
1) Russia would again
light-up a system called "Lourdes" which allows
Russia to intercept every American military communication
every second of every day.
2) Russia will pay for
Cuba to rebuild, or refurbish, every airport and naval
port in all of Cuba.
"The Biden Administration
has come up with the idea that, since we are probably
stop buying oil from Russia, we are going to buy it
from Venezuela! We are punishing one tyrant so we can
buy oil from another. "
"What is causing
this disaster is the fact that Marxists are now part
of the Democrat Party, and they are not allowing Biden
to do what is morally right to do."
"American Democrats
have drunk the Kool-Aid and believe that Marxism is
a better system and they do not know what is about to
happen to them .. the people surrounding Biden are nefarious
for the future of this country."
America is going to be
soon overrun by demons and the hatred they embody. Listen
to Karl Marx as he regurgitates his hatred.
One of the key understanding
of Satan is that he hates all mankind, and wishes them
dead and in hell with him, simply and only because all
human beings are made in the "image of God"
(Genesis 1:26). Satan wishes eternal damnation for every
human being God has ever created, even those people
who serve him, even John Kerry. Now listen to Marx:
"...Yet I have power
within my youthful arms
To clench and crush you
(i.e., personified humanity) with tempestuous force,
While for us both the
abyss yawns in darkness.
You will sink down and
I shall follow laughing,
Whispering in your ears
'Descend, come with me, friend'".
This is the attitude,
the voice, of Satan. Marx knows his choice will send
him to Hell for eternity and he wants to carry as many
people with him as possible; and, Marx knew he was headed
for Hell, as his next poem shows so very well:
"Thus Heaven I've
I know it full well,
My soul, once true to
Is chosen for hell."
As Dr. Wurmbrandt stated,
"Communism is collective demon possession"!
This future awaits all
people of the world, as it accurately represents the
seething hatred of Antichrist.
Communist Democrats NEED this war.
"Never let a good
crisis go to waste" (Saul Alinsky, Communist Agitator)
Oh, let me count
the ways.
World War III
Will Cement All of President Biden's Proposed Changes
This coming global war
will allow him to dissolve our Constitution, eliminate
all our rights and freedoms, and allow for complete
government control over EVERYTHING.
President Biden's poll
numbers keep heading in the wrong direction. But, the
Democrats don't care, because they plan to act domestically
once the global World War III begins that will cement
all the changes they are implementing!
to the plan of the Protocols
of Zion as they reveal how each government of the
world is going to treat their citizens. (Remember the
Protocols is 200 years old)
"... The gentiles
are a flock of sheep, and we are their wolves. And you
know what happens when the wolves get hold of the flock?
..... There is another reason also why they will close
their eyes: for we shall keep promising them to give
back all the liberties we have taken away as soon as
we have quelled the enemies of peace and tamed all parties
..... It is not worthwhile to say anything about how
long a time they will be kept waiting for this return
of their liberties ....." [Protocol
#11 -- The Totalitarian State]
This Third World War is
going to be unprecedented in power and destructiveness.
When the Global Elite
pulls this lynchpin
event called World War III, events are going to
be unleashed in such severity and in such great numbers
the peoples of the world will not stand in awe, they
will panic and run for the hills. Jesus said that "men's
hearts shall fail them for fear", and the Illuminati
is creating such climactic events which shall not occur
until the lynchpin known as "World War III"
is pulled.
Russia's invasion of Ukraine
is the first deliberately created crisis to fall from
the lynchpin of the grenade called "World War III".
Soon, one major crisis after another will begin to systematically
fall until the world is awash in crises so huge that
men and women everywhere are going to be overwhelmed
and crushed emotionally.
NOTE: Can you understand
now the critical importance of John Kerry being a Lifelong
Adept in the Satanic Secret Society, "Skull
& Bones"?
4. The Government
of Poland "outed" Secretary of State Blinkin,
exposing him as a supplier of "Fake News"!
NEWS BRIEF: "Blinken:
NATO Countries Have ‘Green Light’ to Send
Fighter Jets to Ukraine", Breitbart
News, 6 March 2022
"Secretary of State
Antony Blinken said Sunday on CBS’s “Face
The Nation” that the United States has given the
“green light” to NATO countries who have
wanted to provide fighter jets to Ukraine. Russia has
warned countries offering airfields to Ukraine would
be entering the ongoing conflict."
"BLINKEN ... we’re
talking with our Polish friends right now about what
we might be able to do to back fill their needs if in
fact they choose to provide these fighter jets to to
the Ukrainians. "
However ---------------
Blinkin was lying
when he announced that Biden was considering supplying
fighter jets through Poland.
NEWS BRIEF: "Blinken
Claims He Is Working on Polish Jet Plan Which Poland
Called ‘Fake News’," Breitbart
News, 6 March 2022
"U.S. Secretary of
State Antony Blinken claimed he is looking “very
actively” at a scheme for Poland to donate Soviet-designed
jets to Ukraine and have them replaced with American
jets — hours after the Polish government said
the plan was 'fake news'.
As always, the "first
casualty of war is Truth"!
In fact, since the Vietnam
War, Media has been actively creating news!
On Feb 21, 1998, was caught
producing a very believable, detailed account of an
American attack on Iraq! (NEWS1151)
"CBS NEWS hit total
embarrassment Friday afternoon when anchor Dan Rather,
in full pancake makeup, and Pentagon correspondent David
Martin, were caught rehearsing coverage of a U.S. bombing
run on Iraq -- a rehearsal that was mistakenly beamed
to television affiliates via satellite! For 20 minutes,
Rather could be seen on the satellite going through
the motions of [describing] a bombing. According to
one viewer who witnessed the spectacle, Rather at one
point described how it was not known how many casualties
were caused by the bombings. 'It felt like
Wag The Dog', a senior new producer at
a major-market affiliate tells the DRUDGE REPORT. 'I
bet the network is living in fear that someone on the
receiving end had tape rolling.' "
" 'It looked like
a real broadcast of what was going on', Bill McClure,
master control operator at WTAP-TV in Parkersburg, W.Va.,
an NBC affiliate, told the ASSOCIATE PRESS."
We are at that
point in world history spoken of by the Apostle Paul,
writing under the influence of the Holy Spirit. Paul
had this warning about the appearance of Antichrist.
"The coming of the lawless one, the antichrist,
is through the activity and working of Satan and will
be attended by great power and with all sorts of pretended
miracles and signs and delusive marvels -- all of them
lying wonders -- and by unlimited seduction to evil,
and with all wicked deception ..." [2 Thessalonians
2:9-11, Parallel Bible, KJV/Amplified Bible Commentary].
You must watch all news
with a real grain of salt!
5. President Biden
is going from bad to worse!
Goes From Bad to Worse",
Townhall, March 8, 2022
"Honestly, did you
think Joe Biden could be as incompetent as he has been?
I knew he would be bad, his combination of senility
and stupidity was never going to lead anywhere good,
but to be this systemically bad on everything is almost
more of a skill than an accident. You’d really
have to try to suck as badly as he does."
"How does a man inherit
a country that is energy independent, a exporter of
energy, and, within a year, make it and the western
European allies we could have continued to sell our
energy to, dependent like a newborn baby on one of our
obvious enemies? "
"The Biden administration
is willing to crawl into bed with foreign government,
no matter how disgusting or evil, to low the price of
oil. They won’t allow for expanded drilling in
the US, that’s a non-starter, but if you’re
either actively paying to murder Americans, or even
just considering it, the Biden team is open for business.
The more oppressive you are to your own people the better!"
Did you know that the
Elite planning document, the Protocols of the Learned
Elders of Zion, boldly stated that the final government
had to be so bad and so evil and so incompetent, that
the people would welcome a New World Order change with
open arms?
""The principal
factor of success in the political is the secrecy of
its undertakings: the word should not agree with the
deeds of the diplomat."
Listen now to the plan
to achieve their plan with wonderfully sounding public
rhetoric -- all designed to deceive.
"When we come into
our kingdom, our orators will expound great problems
which have turned humanity upside down in order to bring
it, at the end, under our beneficent rule. Who will
ever suspect, then, that all these peoples were stage-managed
by us according to a political plan which no one has
so much as guessed at in the course of many centuries?"
[End of Protocol No. 13 ]
Consider this excerpt
about the powerful rhetoric that is supposed to accompany
this rush toward dictatorship, in the guise of fighting
"Moreover, the
art of directing masses and individuals by
means of cleverly manipulated theory and verbiage, by
regulations of life in common, and all sorts of other
quirks, in which the [common people] understand nothing,
belongs likewise to the specialists of our administrative
brain." [Protocol #4; Emphasis added]
"In order to put
public opinion into our hands we must bring it into
a state of bewilderment by giving expression from all
sides to so many contradictory opinions and for such
length of time as will suffice to make the [average
person] lose their heads in the labyrinth and come to
see that the best thing is to have no opinion of any
kind, in matters political." [Protocol #5]
Now, you know why the
Sunday Morning TV programming is full of "Talking
Heads" that so fill the airwaves with opinions
on everything, so that the average person is completely
bewildered as to what is the truth! This type of TV
programming was foreseen over 100 years ago in The
Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion.
When you combine the power
of Rhetoric, above, with the discussion of the Mass
Media role, you can understand better the part of the
plan coming up next:
"The principal object
of our directorate consists in this: to debilitate the
public mind by criticism; to lead it away from serious
reflections calculated to arouse resistance; to distract
the forces of the mind towards a sham fight of empty
eloquence. In all ages the peoples of the world, equally
with individuals, have accepted words for deeds, for
they are content with a show and rarely pause to note,
in the public arena, whether promises are followed by
performance. Therefore, we shall establish show institutions
..." [Protocols #5; reiterated in Protocol #10;
Emphasis added]
The time is here for us
to obey Jesus Christ when He told His followers living
at the End of the Age:
"And when these things
begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your
heads; for your redemption draweth nigh."
(Luke 21:28, KJV)
Must I Do To Be Saved?