the full analysis of these articles below our
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$1.95 Each - See
them all here
Must I Do To Be Saved?
The Foundation of Our Faith - Volume 1, The War Against
Regularly $24.99,
Only $19.99
If you liked Mac Dominick's
Revelation Series you will love his Genesis Teaching,
because Mac also teaches a combination of Traditional
Bible exegesis plus unique Cutting Edge understandings.
'The War Against God' 2 hours run
time, Mac plans 3 DVD's in this series Watch
the trailer
must have been howling with glee as he witnessed God
changing the nature of Adam and Eve to where they
would now be susceptible to physical death and they
would have to earn their sustenance through hard work
fighting weeds and brambles, wild animals, dinosaurs,
demons who have taken the form of men (Nephilim, Genesis
6), paranormal activity, parallel dimensions, and
a new nature of sin and of murder.
Genesis 6 reveals that
Satan flooded the world with Nephilim who mated with
human wives, producing a new creation that was no
longer purely human, but mixed with demonic DNA.
God will ultimately
triumph over Satan and empower mankind to share in
the glorious victory.
Run Time 98 minutes,
Only $19.99 Order
your copy - Shipping Now
News Analysis
Finally! The New Age plan to reduce global population
by causing a rift between men and women is beginning
to raise its ugly head.
Catastrophic Success of #MeToo",
The Weekly Standard, March 12, 2018
"The “first
wave” of feminism arose in the late-19th and
early-20th centuries, when women claimed the rights
of full citizenship: property ownership, the right
to vote ... Betty Friedan birthed the “second
wave” in 1963 when she named the American housewife’s
nameless malaise. And the feminists who under the
second-wave banner rode the rising tide of civil rights,
birth control, and elite coeducation into a renewed,
liberationist demand for equal status in work and
life tended to be practical revolutionaries. They
were women who worked and who asked to advance at
work according to their abilities."
"It was only in
October of last year that the Harvey Weinstein stories
started to hit, yet it already has the unmistakable
feeling of epoch-making history. Predatory men, perched
on the ruling rungs of highly visible professions,
fell one after the next. They continue to drop. In
droves, women they’d harassed, raped, abused,
flashed, pinched, and embarrassed—often over
decades in power—confessed these long-hidden
workplace nightmares and dream-killing disappointments."
The disastrous problem
is that we have reached a point in our society that
a woman can step forward to tell a lie about a man,
and have people believe her simply because a woman
made the accusation.
A man at this point
will have no recourse, no defense, even if he is totally
men wary of interacting with women",
The Korea Times, 3-7-2018
"#MeToo movement
puts male workers on guard"
"An increasing
number of male workers are becoming wary of interacting
with their female counterparts, out of concerns that
they may be implicated in possible sexual misconduct
allegations. Some even choose to go to the extreme
by shunning all contact with women amid the escalating
#MeToo movement. They organize company get-togethers
only among men and do not go on business trips with
female colleagues, among others.
Radical Feminist organization, #MeToo,
is giving rise to the new reality that a man is automatically
"guilty" once a charge is leveled.
Men are beginning
to distrust women and that is the beginning of population
control by sowing seeds of anger and distrust between
Men and Women.
Since the shooting murders at Marjory Stoneman Douglas
High School in Parkland, Florida, NRA membership has
Memberships Surge in Wake of Anti-NRA Protests, ‘Media
Bias’, " Breitbart
News, 5 March 2018
"National Rifle
Association memberships surged in the wake of the
anti-NRA protests and 'media bias' that followed the
February 14 Florida school shooting ... Google searches
for “NRA membership” rose “4,900
percent” since the Florida attack. That rise
occurred at a time when many Democrats, media personalities,
and Hollywood celebrities were denouncing the NRA
as causal in the shooting that took 17 lives in a
gun-free zone."
"... a large swath
of the American populace is equating these various
attacks on the NRA with attacks on the Second Amendment,
and others see the attacks as proof of “media
bias.” The result is an explosion in NRA memberships."
Americans are
serious about maintaining their Second Amendment rights,
even as President Trump seemed to favor seizing guns
before carrying Due Process through.
3. Leftist,
Liberal, anti-gun activists are backing the Gun Seizure/Control
movement spawned by Parkland shooting.
Who’s Funding the ‘Student’ Gun
Control Movement? Constitution
News, March 1, 2018
"At the risk of
being called cold or harsh, let me begin by saying
every American has a right to his/her opinion on just
about any issue. Including guns ... the people playing
partisan politics on the graves of the 17 innocent
dead people from Douglas High School are despicable.
I don’t care what age they are."
"Over the last
couple of weeks, a variety of conservative voices
have gotten in trouble for insinuating that the anti-gun
protesters coming out of Douglas High School seem
far too practiced to simply be grieving students ...
others began to wonder if they had someone training
So who trained these
students to face the press with skill and poise, after
losing many of their friends to the shooter? A better
question is to ask who is funding these students?
"... these kids
were indeed being coached, and not just coached, but
also funded and elevated by their leftist idols ...
So, who’s bankrolling the lefty kids from Parkland,
Florida? It’s a veritable “Who’s
Who” of leftwing money from Michael Bloomberg,
to George Soros, to the baby killers at Planned Parenthood
... Everytown for Gun Safety, Giffords, Move On, Planned
Parenthood, and the Women’s March LA ... "
George Soros,
Michael Bloomberg’s groups and the Women’s
March working on the upcoming March For Our Lives,, Planned Parenthood
4. President
Trump realizes that America holds all the valuable
cards as he re-negotiates the NAFTA agreement.
teams set to close telecom chapter as U.S. softens
stance",, March 1,
"MEXICO CITY (Reuters)
- NAFTA negotiators paved the way for closing the
telecommunications portion of the trade deal this
weekend, as the United States has dropped a proposal
to enshrine measures targeting Mexican billionaire
Carlos Slim's America Movil, sources said. Telecommunications
are due to be discussed in Mexico City on Saturday
as part of talks to rework the 1994 North American
Free Trade Agreement, according to a schedule."
"The new proposal
allays Mexico's concerns considerably, said Senator
Gerardo Flores, who has been briefed on the matter.
Negotiations "have advanced a lot," he said.
'There is an expectation that they will close the
chapter this round'."
The President
backtracked on his earlier inclusion of Canada and
Mexico in his Tariff Proclamation.
Come to think of it, maybe Canada and Mexico could
be exempt from the tariffs", Canada
Free Press, March 5, 2018
"The greatest hope
of those of us who know protectionism is folly has
been that President Trump is taking a negotiating
pose with his insistence that he’s going to
impose tariffs on steel and aluminum imports from
every country in the world. That would be a pretty
Trumpian thing to do, with the real objective being
to get them to negotiate better overall trade deals."
"Imposing steel tariffs on Canada
is an especially disastrous idea, since they are our
number one source of imported steel, with more than
10 times the steel coming from Canada as from the
hated boogiemen in China. Is this really about nothing
more than getting our continental neighbors to the
table on a new and improved NAFTA?"
President Trump almost immediately
backtracked his inclusion of Canada and Mexico in
his steel import tariff plan, and that only makes
sense if he knows, in his heart of hearts, that Canada
and Mexico are part of this country!
"U.S. President Donald Trump
on Monday appeared to suggest that Canada and Mexico
could win exemptions to his planned sweeping tariffs
on steel and aluminum if the two countries sign a
new NAFTA trade deal and take other steps."
Now, we also see that Trump is simply
negotiating: he will exempt Canada and Mexico IF sign
the new NAFTA reorganization! Vintage Trump.
The day is coming
when Trump will recommend to Congress to join the
United States to Canada and Mexico in the North American
The prophecies
of a global 10-Nation reorganization of all nations
will have passed its greatest hurdle (Daniel 2:40-45,
7:7-8, Rev 17:12-17)