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- Tuesday, 3/5/2024
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he shall judge among many people, and rebuke strong
nations afar off; and they shall beat their swords into
plowshares, and their spears into pruninghooks: nation
shall not lift up a sword against nation, neither shall
they learn war any more." (Micah 4:3, KJV)

Cutting Edge Teachings
Dynamic New
DVD Title
Deliver Us From
Evil - Rebellion 3
The Portal To The Abyss Is Slammed Shut By GOD
Bible readers today fail to grasp the fact that the
first 11 chapters of Genesis are specifically written
not just to tell stories of a time before history, but
to give us a correct interpretative framework for understanding
the rest of the Bible. Where we fail in our modern attempts
at biblical exegesis is often in the fact that we approach
Scripture as if we could pick up the New Testament,
read the Gospels, and then assume the Old Testament
was just a lead-up to the important stuff. If one does
not get a grip on Genesis 1-11 in its cultural context,
the rest of the Bible will be lost on us.
As this segment of our
study concentrates on the Tower of Babel scenario, we
will learn that approximately 200 years after the Flood,
the family of Noah traveled collectively to the Plain
of Shinar. There they began construction on a tower
that would “reach to heaven.” We must understand
that the ancients were not so naive to believe they
could build a structure that would literally reach to
heaven and the very presence of God; but rather, there
was something spiritual happening on the Plain of Shinar.
Likely, the tower was a structure that would function
as a portal for attempting to call up the evil “Old
Ones” who were confined to the abyss before the
Flood. This was a blatant rejection of God, and this
action led God to assign the nations to spiritual beings
that would be less than loyal to Yahweh.
Some modern teachers like
Dr. Rick Warren would have their adherents believe the
Tower of Babel event was a positive example of men and
women working together in community. However, the ramifications
of Rebellion #3 will be shown as one of the most significant
catastrophic events to transpire in the entire history
of mankind. This very rebellion led to the alienation
of humanity from God and the worldwide proliferation
of the worship of evil entities masquerading as gods.
We will learn that there
will ultimately be a "happy ending" for world's
population as the Lord Jesus Christ will ultimately
reverse the rebellion, defeat all evil entities, and
reign as King of Kings over the entire earth---but not
before sin and rebellion takes its toll in the hearts
and souls of mankind.
90 minutes run time
This video presentation
is available on DVD of Flash Drive. 
1 and 2 - click the image for
more information

Satanic Ritual of the Royal Secret"
BELIEF: Eternal
Life To Anyone Having Sex With a Minor Child
Pedophilia is
literally the 'grease that moves the levers of power',
from people as diverse as Jeffrey Epstein, Bill and
Hillary Clinton, Hunter Biden. both George Bushes
and Henry Kissinger!
In this Teaching
learn what demonic overlords command: geopolitical
perversity, nihilism, violence, 'Wokeness' and satanism
working frantically to crush and pervert our morality,
children, Scriptural family values, freedom and religious
yours now
Edge needs your support
help us to continue our world wide outreach with
a gift of any amount. Thank you.
Your vital
contribution will help us reach the world with
the gospel message.
We are experiencing
a decline in donations and book store sales during
these tough economic times, plus we are supported
by less than 2% of our readers. In other words,
over 98% of our readers never support us financially.
Are you one of the 2%
or of the 98%? Please help if you are able. Any
amount is a blessing.
Important News Articles - Analysis --
1. World continues
to catapult toward "Vegetarianism"!
That monstrous
wildfire in Texas is consuming 85% of Texas beef grazing
NEWS BRIEF: "Wildfire
Destroys 1 Million Acres, Killing Thousands of Livestock
In Texas", WLT Reports, 3/3/2024
"It’s the largest
fire in Texas history.
"Over 1,000,000 acres
have been consumed.
"Around 500 structures
have been destroyed.
"Why isn’t
the media covering it?"
"And is it a coincidence
that this fire just happens to be where 85% of the state’s
cattle population is located? Is this an attack on beef
It is this possibility
that we wish to focus today, simply because the subject
of forcing the world to adopt a diet completely forlorn
of beef and chicken occupies such a large place in the
published plans of the coming
New World Order.
Listen to their spokesman,
Jeremy Rifkin, speaking of "Low Entropy/High Entropy:
Rifkin believes our current
Industrial Civilization is living an unsustainably High
Entropy lifestyle, let us examine his 1992 book, Beyond
Beef: The Rise and Fall of the Cattle Culture . In this
book, Rifkin makes it quite clear that he considers
the entire meat-eating culture to be one of the major
culprits in the unsustainability of this current society,
and needs to be destroyed immediately and completely.
Rifkin blames the cattle
industry for most of the supposed ills of today. Rifkin
mixes real fact with manufactured "fact",
just as all Extreme Environmentalists do. Rifkin also
quotes many New Age front organizations as the source
of many of his "facts", organizations that
were established for the express purpose of spreading
false "facts" under the guise of legitimacy.
Nevertheless, Adolf Hitler
had propaganda principles down pat when he said, "Truth
is not what is; truth is what people perceive it to
be." Thus Hitler, and the New Age propagandists
of today, boldly spew forth lies, big and bold ones,
and too many people today are believing it. THAT is
the crux of this story -- not whether Rifkin is telling
the truth; he is not, but many people believe it today,
and the Illuminist elite are using these bodacious lies
as the basis for their "zealous", "militant"
to this type of economy requires ... a draconian crisis
in order to transfer from one state to the other."
(Jeremy Rifkin, 1981)
Let us now begin our discussion
of "Beyond Beef".
"We consumed beef
to gain power over nature and our fellow human beings
... by choosing not to eat the flesh of cattle, we serve
notice of our willingness to enter into a new covenant
with this creature ... Freeing the bovine from the pain
and indignities suffered on the modern mega-feedlots
and in the slaughterhouses is a humane act of great
symbolic and practical import. Liberating these creatures
from the process of dehorning, castration, and estrus-blocking,
from forced hormone injections, massive doses of antibiotics,
insecticide showers, and an ignoble death on an automated
assembly-line kill floor, is an act of contrition. It
is an acknowledgment of the damage we moderns have inflicted
on the whole of creation in pursuit of unrestrained
power over the forces of nature." [Beyond Beef,
p. 288]
I find it unamusing to
realize that Rifkin lists "dehorning, castration,
and estrus-blocking, from forced hormone injections,
massive doses of antibiotics, insecticide showers"
as reasons to eliminate the eating of beef.
But, his contemporaries
are using the power of government to strongly support
human body parts severing, to violent, dismembering
abortion upon demand, to promoting foreign wars since
Then, Rifkin shows that
he views the destruction -- the deliberate collapse
-- of the Beef Culture as an integral part of returning
all the peoples of the world to a Low Entropy state
in which Sustainability is the key word.
"Our changing relationship
to the bovine ... will be a sign of the new world in
the making. The benefits of moving beyond beef will
be immediate and visible, providing tangible evidence
of the life-affirming future that awaits our children's
generation." [Ibid., p. 289]
We can now see that the
terrible and deliberate destruction of the entire Beef
Industry is not only the goal, but is believed to provide
mankind with a "life-affirming future that awaits
our children's generation". Since these Illuminists
running the American government believe that the "Ends
Justify the Means" we can understand that they
will not falter in the destruction they are causing,
nor of the "temporary" pain and suffering
the farmers and ranchers are going through at this time.
After all, these farmers and ranchers were pursuing
a livelihood that they had no business pursuing!
Rifkin tells us what benefits
we human beings will enjoy once the Beef Culture is
"Future generations
will have the opportunity to know, interact with, and
appreciate these many diverse life forms; this multitude
of wild and exotic creatures that creep, crawl, dart,
fly over, swing through, and stalk the ancient forests,
all fellow travelers in the unfolding evolutionary saga."
{Ibid., p. 289-290]
Rifkin then goes on to
describe anew the benefits each region of the world
will enjoy once the Cattle Industry is destroyed. But,
then, on the last two pages of his book, Rifkin goes
back to his favorite subject -- the destruction of the
Beef Industry.
"The collapse of
the global cattle complex will likely precipitate a
chain reaction, resulting in the elimination of other
grain-fed meats from the human diet." [Ibid.]
Are we witnessing the
beginning salvo in this global plan to eradicate the
eating of beef from the world's human diet?
You will see the next
step, if we are right, when President Biden and his
ilk step to a microphone to blame all wildfires -- including
this Texas blaze -- on Mother Gaia / Climate
Even the Pope
is getting in on this nonsensical agenda.
Less Beef!”: Out-of-touch Pope," Canada
Free Press, March 5, 2024
wonder even non-Catholics such as Jordan Peterson are
now blasting Pope Francis for putting climate concerns
over and above the salvation of souls ... Pope Francis
warns against eating too much beef."
While ignoring the many
and the serious nature of our world today, Jesuit Pope
Francis is focusing on such trivial subjects as eating
too much beef!
However, by urging parishioners
to eat less beef, the Pope places his priority exactly
where the politicians of the New World Order want it
to be placed.
But, we have been expecting
this development, ever since that night in Boston, in
August, 1991, when I was sneaked into a critically important
House of Theosophy seminar for Members plus one. At
this conference, the New England Director revealed,
quite emphatically, that the Pope is on the same game
plan as the Elite.
"At the proper moment
in history, the Pope will visit the combined Jewish/Christian/Moslem
sector of Jerusalem to announce that all religions should
be combined into one. This action will then finally
break the Middle East logjam."
"Surely the Pope
is a proper receptor to the Christ' (Antichrist)."
The seminar speaker emphasized
that the Pope, whomever he is at the time, will be completely
in line with the political agenda of Antichrist!
Just as this current news
story proves!
New Podcast
or read the transcript
2. As the world
converges to proclaim a Palestinian State:
World Prepares to Recognize a Hamas Palestinian State,"
The Jewish Press, March 5, 2024
"Hamas, Islamic Jihad,
the PLO’s Palestinian Authority and the other
Islamic terrorist groups who make up the official “Palestinian”
leadership have been invited for unity talks in Moscow."
This grouping of nations
is designed to be the 'Terrorist" group.
"The Biden administration
and the European Union are all pushing for a “Palestinian”
state after they force a ceasefire. And that state will
inevitably include Hamas."
This grouping of nations
is to be the "Left-wing" group.
Each group is prepared
to jointly recognize a Palestinian State.
"Russia has invited all Palestinian factions who
will be meeting on the 26 of this month in Moscow. We
will see if Hamas is ready to come to the ground with
us,” Palestinian Authority Prime Minister Mohammad
Shtayyeh informed the Munich Security Conference. “We
are prepared to engage. If Hamas is willing to join
us, that’s positive. We need Palestinian unity,”
2) "The Biden administration,
the European Union (for now only being held off by Hungary),
Russia and the rest of the international community are
preparing to reward Oct 7 with a terrorist state.
"A ‘Palestinian’
state will be a state of the terrorists, by the terrorists
and for the terrorists.
But, a declaration
by the international coalition as outlined above, will
fulfill key prophecy, " They shall call the nobles
thereof to the kingdom, but none shall be there [nothing
shall be there] and all her princes shall be nothing."
(Isaiah 34:12, KJV)
3. The attack
of the Palestinians may occur during Ramadan
Islamic Jihad Call for ‘Terror’ During Islamic
Holy Month of Ramadan," Breitbart
News, 3 Mar 2024
"Leaders of the major
Palestinian terror groups have called for Arab states
and the Muslim world to engage in “terror”
during the Islamic holy month of Ramadan — even
as the Biden administration aims for a Ramadan truce
in Gaza."
"Jerusalem Post reported
Sunday: Palestinian Islamic Jihad
is calling for Ramadan to be a “month of terror”
and seeks to escalate attacks in the West Bank and Gaza.
In a recent speech, Abu Hamza, the spokesman for PIJ’s
Al-Quds Brigades, said he wants Arab countries in the
region and pro-Iranian groups to continue to “unify”
various arenas and fronts against Israel."
The current Palestinian
Authority is not the answer,, as it is as full of hatred
as is Hamas.
The Palestinian
Authority insists upon continuing their "pay for
slay" program, paying for assassination of Jews.
NEWS BRIEF: "Palestinian
Authority: Key to Biden’s Mideast Peace Plan,
Commits To Pay $97M a Year to Hamas,"
The Washington Free Beacon, March 4, 2024
President Joe Biden pushes to empower the Palestinian
Authority in the name of Middle East peace, the PA has
committed tens of millions of dollars for terrorists
who were killed or captured while carrying out Hamas’
Oct. 7 terror attack on Israel and the resulting war."
Not one Palestinian group
is an entrusted partner for peace!
4. New research
indicates that Left Wing adherents are "stark raving
research, psych experts call left-wing leaders 'psychopathic':
Are Stark Raving Mad."
March 4, 2024, World Net Daily
"The Biden administration
– which insists Donald Trump’s reelection
would be very bad for America – enthusiastically
supports amputating the breasts and sexual organs of
thousands of troubled children, is obsessed with ushering
as many millions of illegal aliens (including terrorists,
fentanyl smugglers, MS-13 gang members, child sex traffickers
and legions of surly, military-age Chinese men) as possible
into America, and – just to pick one of many examples
of bureaucratic insanity – recently demanded,
via its FAA, that U.S. airlines employ more people,
including pilots, with “severe intellectual”
and “psychiatric” problems."
"It’s increasingly
clear that many of America’s current leaders are,
to put it plainly, stark
raving mad." (Emphasis Added)
dozens of years, generations of generations, Elite global
leaders have pushed the NWO agenda down our throats,
and we’ve meekly accepted it. The role of the
Secret Society is not only secret, it is overwhelming.
The pulsing, squeezing
beat of the living organism called the Elite—those
in influential positions who are making unwanted decisions
for us—have succeeded in bringing forth a global
government or New World Order (NWO). They pulled out
their entire armory, and over dozens of years, generations
of generations, they have pushed the NWO agenda down
our throats, and we’ve meekly accepted it.
They have used and still
are using both overt and covert methods to make us accept
the dissolution of the American Constitution, and, in
irony, be grateful for it. They have invaded our churches,
our schools, our culture, our economy, our history our
political strongholds, and even our minds. And with
barely a whimper, we have condoned the loss of our country,
the loss of our values and mores, the loss of free thinking,
and the loss of the control of our own minds. They own
our economy, our political system, our children and,
most of all, they own us—we, who years ago, should
have fought back to prevent the downfall of our beloved
America and our freedoms.
Some of their means for
achieving their goals are blatant; others are camouflaged
and done behind closed doors, but however they accomplish
their goals, the result is the same: They have planned
well, implemented admirably, and shattered us conclusively.
But, at the bottom of
this entire effort is a worship of Satan, just as the
Bible predicted!