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Mound Builders" DVD
On The 'Trail
of the Nephilim' Series, by L.A. Marzulli
Most people who visit
the complex at Poverty Point Louisiana, which is the
second largest earthen-mound in the United States, never
ponder how over 390,000 tons of dirt was moved and compacted
to form this incredible wonder of the ancient world!
Conventional Wisdom stats
that the earth was dug with flint hoes and then moved
one basketful at a time to create the huge mound at
Poverty Point. I asked one archaeologist if this theory
had ever been tested. He answered that he didn't know!
We timed how long it would
take to dig one bucket of earth and move it. We then
calculated how many single buckets of earth it would
take to construct the mound at Poverty Point. How does
26 MILLION SINGLE buckets of earth sound? Think about
it& 26 MILLION buckets of earth. And, there are
10,000 such mounds in Ohio!
There is a hidden history
that has been deliberately obfuscated from the people
of the world. This history points to the fact that the
Biblical narrative of the Nephilim was a reality. In
other words, giants towering over 9 feet tall once roamed
the earth.
Goliath was all
too real!
$19.99 - Click to "Related Items" to see all
Marzulli DVD's
Critical News
1. Are "Open
Border" Democrats protecting and nourishing a pipeline
of human trafficking?
We already know
that drugs pour over the southern border in huge floods,
but protecting a system of rape and torture is clearly
"beyond the pale".
2. President Trump
has declared that a 'War Against Socialism" will
be an important goal in the 2020 Election.
Too many Americans
have a false concept of Socialism.
Do you know the
Biblical difference between Socialism and Capitalism?
3. Hillary Clinton
announces she will not seek the 2020 Presidential nomination.
But, she wants
Congress to keep on digging against Trump!
4. We need to
review the record of today's Democrat Party and get
it forever on the public record!
of the Beast: Antichrist's Resurrection and Return Planned
in Washington DC!"
This video builds
upon the foundation of our 'Secret
Mysteries of America's Beginnings' series and adds
to and builds up and updates what we presented!
From 1776, a Shadow
Government existed which really controlled the levers
of power; under President Obama, this shadow government
was transformed into the 'DEEP STATE'!
Washington DC
was planned to be a 'High Place' of Luciferian worship,
exactly like the 'High Places" in Old Testament
times, against which God railed. Washington DC is correctly
called the 'most evil place on Earth' with spiritually
controlled buildings and seething with occult energy,
just as we reported in
'Riddles In Stone'!
The Luciferians
of Freemasonry, Rosicrucianism and other occult leaders
have always viewed world and national events as being
controlled by 'National Overlords', demonic beings as
revealed in Daniel
US Capitol was
built with a secret crypt empty of a body, so that,
at the right moment in world history, the body of the
assassinated Masonic Christ can be placed within; the
most powerful Scottish Rite Masonic leaders will then
convene to conduct the Aleister Crowley 'Raising of
Osiris' ritual which will raise 'Osiris' (Antichrist)
from the dead, thus fulfilling Revelation 13:3, so that
the power and authority foretold in Revelation 13:4
can be fully established.
Finally, you will
understand the Satanic Black Magick power of Hillary
Clinton, much as we reported in our video
'Hillary Clinton: Sun Goddess Unleashed'!
2 hours long,
a 'MUST SEE' video for our day and age! Only $24.95
By Dr. Tom Horn,
Russ Dizdar, LTC Robert Maginnis, and Other Experts
Videos (DVD's)
New Atlantis: Secret Mysteries of America's Beginnings"
Volume One - Watch
The greatest "Whodunit"
of the past 500 years! Secret Mysteries takes the mystery
out of America's history. This video unfolds the fascinating
history behind the founding of America, and exposes
the esoteric underbelly of its design.
*Why is Washington
D.C. build on the 77th Meridian?
info- Three hours - Reg $29.99, Now Only $17.39
in Stone DVD - Secret Architecture of Washington"
Mysteries of America's Beginnings",
Vol Two - Trailer
Volume II zeroes in on the
Masonic & Rosicrucian influence so prevalent amongst
our Founding Fathers as they planned, and began to implement,
the layout of America's Capitol.
Is there really
an inverted Pentagram formed by the street layout just
north of the White House? We have discovered the Black
Magick reason why this Pentagram is missing one segment.
More info - Three
(3) Hours of Intensity
- Reg $29.99, Now Only $17.39
Eye of the Phoenix: Secrets of the One Dollar Bill"
Volume 3 -
Secret Mysteries of America's Beginnings Series
All esoteric plans
revealed in 'Riddles In Stone' are revealed on the One
Dollar Bill, using different occult symbols.
This high quality
documentary proves the following points about the two
Seals on the back of the One Dollar Bill with clarity
and precision: 1) The two Seals are Egyptian and Luciferian
2) The two Seals were introduced by Freemasons, in 1782
3) Masonic President Franklin Roosevelt, aided by his
Secretary of Agriculture/Vice President Wallace, ordered
these Seals to be placed on the back of the Dollar Bill
in 1935, having been urged on and advised by the Russian
channeler/mystic, Nicolas Roerach.
Three (3) Hours Long - Watch
Trailer -- Reg $29.99, Now Only $17.39
Hidden Faith of Our Founding Fathers" DVD
Vol 4 In Secret
Mysteries of America's Beginnings Series
This DVD is perhaps
the first and only documentary to go where no film has
ever gone before: into the hidden faith of America's
founding fathers. Many founders were involved in secret
societies, and yet it is often claimed these men were
Christians who were trying to build a Christian nation.
But was their faith the true faith of the Bible? And
is it possible, as some claim, that the exact opposite
is true?
* What did the
founders believe about the Person of Jesus Christ?
* Were they fighting
for Christianity, or against it?
Three (3) Hours Long - Watch
Trailer --
Reg $29.99, Now
only $19.99
All Four "Secret
Mysteries of America's Beginnings" Available In
A DVD Combo Offer
Mysteries of America's Beginnings - Buy Videos 1, 2
and 3, and 4 - Save $60
Nearly 9 Hours
of Video - View
All Four Trailers
Video 1 - New
Atlantis - demonstrates that the Secret Society plan
to create a New Atlantis nation on the North American
Continent began in the 1580's between Queen Elizabeth
I and Sir Francis Bacon. We also show that America's
Founding Fathers carefully carried out the Baconian
Plan in establishing the government of America.
Video 2 - Riddles
In Stone: The Secret Architecture of Washington, D.C.,
Video 3 - Eye
of the Phoenix
Video 4 - 'Hidden
Faith of the Founding Fathers'
News Analysis
1. Are
"Open Border" Democrats protecting
and nourishing a pipeline of human trafficking?
Admits Mass Rape of Latino Migrants: by
cartel-affiliated coyotes who traffic them to
jobs in Democratic-run cities",
Breitbart News, 4 March 2019
"The New
York Times has admitted that many Latino migrants
are being raped by the cartel-affiliated coyotes
who traffic them to jobs in Democratic-run cities."
Why should anyone
be surprised that sexual abuse and assault is
common in these migrant caravans? Government
officials have been warning of this crime for
years. Yet, I find it very significant that
even the Leftist New York Times is now admitting
this situation to be true.
"Under the
headline, ‘You Have to Pay With Your Body':
The Hidden Nightmare of Sexual Violence on the
Border', the newspaper reported: 'Gladys, 45,
a mother of four from Guatemala, said she was
kidnapped by armed smugglers after crossing
the border and jumped out of a car to escape,
but was captured again. For days, she was held
prisoner at a stash house in McAllen and forced
to have sex with six men."
This next statement
must have been hard for these Liberals to write,
in their own newspaper.
"The admission
spotlights the Democrats' hypocrisy in claiming
to support migrants even as the migrants are
raped en masse, said Jessica Vaughan, the director
of government policy at the Center for Immigration
Studies. Democrats protect the coyotes'
migration routes, and 'if they really
cared, they would be drafting legislation and
trying to work with Republicans to pass the
changes in law needed to deal with this [migration]
crisis,"; she said. (Emphasis added)
" 'They are not
lifting a finger to do so' ... Pro-migration
Democrats protest the deaths of migrant children
but 'shed these crocodile tears'; while encouraging
the migrants to risk rape, she said ... 'sexual
violence has become an inescapable part of the
collective migrant journey."
We already
know that drugs pour over the southern border
in huge floods, but protecting a system of rape
and torture is clearly "beyond the pale".
This deplorable
situation is truly a "human sex traffic"
crime. In a search for Latino votes, Democrats
are the ones guilty of crime here, as they protect
and perpetuate this criminal activity.
Where are the
Radical Feminists in this whole issue? They
virtually declared war when a campaign worker
complains that Donald Trump kissed her on her
cheek, but they then turn a blind eye toward
this issue of innocent women being brutally
kidnapped and forced to have sex with thugs.
I reiterate!!
Where are the Radical Feminists in this whole
For much more information on human sex trafficking,
click here on "Just
Facts: Sex Trafficking")
This deplorable
situation is "Demonic
Warfare In The Heavenlies" at its highest
President Trump has declared that a 'War Against
Socialism" will be an important goal in
the 2020 Election.
puts socialism on trial for 2020 elections",
Canada Free Press, March 4, 2019
Trump has given notice that the lurch to socialism
by the Democrats will be a key issue on which
the Republicans will contest the 2020 elections.
Trump flagged his intentions during his State
of the Union address on February 5 - when addressing
the deteriorating situation in Venezuela ...
The President
"Here, in
the United States, we are alarmed by new calls
to adopt socialism in our country. America was
founded on liberty and independence—not
government coercion, domination, and control.
We are born free, and we will stay free.
we renew our resolve that America will never
be a socialist country."
If Americans ever
adopt a Socialist Economy and Government, it
will be out of ignorance. Public Schools have
utterly failed in their duty to teach history,
economics and critical thinking skills.
How else can anyone
favor a system which has failed every time in
the past 100 years when it has been instituted
in a country? The graveyard of history is filled
with the headstones of countries who have tried
Socialism and have failed. Some examples:
* Communist Russia
* Communist China
* Cuba
* Brazil
* Bangladesh
* India
* Iran
* Pakistan
* Sri Lanka
There is not one
winner in this entire list. Every single experiment
in Socialism during the past 100 years has failed.
Therefore, I find it ludicrous that today's
"Know-Nothing Democrats" are promoting
Socialism, replacing Capitalism in this country.
When Brazil abandoned
Socialism, replacing it with Capitalism, the
world barely noticed.
But, if the United
States were to adopt Socialism as a replacement
for Capitalism, the world economy could not
survive. America is the economic engine that
drives the factories around the world and which
makes foreign owners filthy rich.
President Trump
is leading America to the fulfillment of Revelation
"How much she
hath glorified herself, and lived deliciously, so much torment
and sorrow give her: for she saith in her heart, I sit a
queen, and am no widow, and shall see no sorrow."
(Revelation 18:7, KJV)
America will never
adopt Socialism, because then this prophecy
of unparalleled prosperity just before God destroys
her would never be achieved.
As "Canada
Free Press" states at the very top of her
home page:
without America, there is no free world"
Too many
Americans have a false concept of Socialism.
NEWS BRIEF: "America's
Youth Embraces A False Idea of Socialism",
Canada Free Press, March 4, 2019
is now a significant component of the reinvented
Democratic party gaining momentum and visibility.
Recently Democratic Presidential candidate Bernie
Sanders held his first campaign rally in Brooklyn,
New York amidst a crowd of cheering and enthusiastic
supporters many of whom represent the youth
and future of America."
is a lot like three-card Monte where the promises
of winning are not just exaggerated but impossible.
And where people continue to believe that this
time their new brand of Socialism will work
only to find out like the citizens of Venezuela
that there's no electricity and Wednesday is
dog meat night."
relies on ignorance, gullibility, and laziness
to penetrate a non-socialist system. It thrives
by manipulating language as It promises free
education, but not education at no cost. It
promises free healthcare coverage, but not timely
or adequate healthcare. You will get what everyone
else gets, but never what you alone need."
takes a man's dignity, and his reason for being,
by taking away the incentive to work.".
Do you
know the Biblical difference between Socialism
and Capitalism?
recognizes the Biblical doctrine that man is
inherently evil, particularly, inherently greedy.
Then, Capitalism seeks to create opportunities
for anyone who wants to work harder, or to work
smarter, or to create something brand new, to
then be able to keep the vast majority of the
economic increase his hard work has produced.
In other
words, Capitalism seeks to channel the hard
work and creativity into paths which will enrich
and strengthen a great number within the entire
teaches that man is inherently good. What makes
society evil is the result of evil men and evil
institutions like churches and public schools.
Therefore, Socialism heavily regulates these
evil influences so that people can continue
being good.
But, Socialism
takes away any incentive for a man to work harder
or smarter, because at the end of the day, the
worker will get only the same amount of money
as if he had not worked harder or smarter.
it is true, "Socialism
Takes and Capitalism Creates"!
3. Hillary
Clinton announces she will not seek the 2020
Presidential nomination.
NEWS BRIEF: "Hillary:
‘I'm Not Running',"
Breitbart News, 4 March 2019
"During an
interview with News 12 on Monday, 2016 Democratic
presidential nominee Hillary Clinton stated
she isn't going to run for president in 2020.
Hillary said, 'I'm not running, but I'm going
to keep working and speaking and standing up
for what I believe'.";
Then, Hillary
complains that America today is exactly what
she and her fellow Democrats have been actively
pursuing since the November, 2016, election!
"What's at
stake in our country, the kinds of things that
are happening right now are deeply troubling
to me. … We've gotten into really opposing
camps, unlike anything I've ever seen in my
adult life'.";
This tactic is
purely from Bill Clinton. He accuses others
of doing things that he has been doing for a
long time, and then he seizes the innocent side.
The Bible strongly condemns this kind of action.
"Woe unto them
that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for
light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet,
and sweet for bitter!" (Isaiah 5:20, KJV)
You will hear
much more of this practice of turning evil into
good and good into evil as we head toward the
elections of November, 2020, Just be aware of
this peculiar type of evil.
But, Hillary
wants Congress to keep on digging against Trump!
Digging! Clinton Wants Congress To Pursue
Russia Collusion, Even If Mueller Comes Up Empty",
Sons of 1776 News, Mach 4, 2019
"Failed 2016
Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton
doesn't want Congress to give up on pursuing
evidence of President Donald Trump colluding
with Russian officials to impact the 2016 elections,
even if Special Counsel Robert Mueller's report
comes up empty."
I believe the
time has already arrived when a significant
majority of American voters have reached "TILT"
on this type of "Fake News"! The more
the Democrats continue to beat this dead donkey,
the more they are going to fall in the polls
and at the election!
4. We
need to review the record of today's Democrat
Party and get it forever on the public record,
just in time for 2020!
NEWS BRIEF: "Getting
the Party of Infanticide on the Record
", American Greatness,
March 3, 2019
have always been the party of abortion. For
a while, the mantra was "safe, legal and rare.";
But in the era of the progressive Left, they
have turned that slogan on its head. As of last
Monday, Senate Democrats have confirmed that
their party is now for unrestricted, unregulated,
and unlimited abortion."
"Last week,
44 Senate Democrats voted against legislation
that would have required doctors to give the
same care to infants who survived abortion procedures
as they would give to any other infant. So radical
is this new Democratic Party that 44 of them
in the 'world's greatest deliberative body'
would not even consider protecting a baby who,
far from being in utero, has kicked and screamed
its way into the world."
NEWS BRIEF: "California
Democrat Pushes Gun Confiscation As The Ultimate
Goal To Prevent All Gun Violence",
Explain Life News, March 3,
"Shall not
infringe. Shall not infringe. Shall not infringe.
How many times do the gun-grabbing Democrats
in Congress need to hear these three simple
words before they get it through their thick
skulls that the Second Amendment to the United
States Constitution, which protects and guarantees
Americans' God-given right to bear arms, is
"... House
Democrats are busy scheming up legislation that
would make it much more difficult for the people
of this country to rightfully buy, sell, and
possess firearms. And their ultimate end game,
as openly admitted by California Democrat Mike
Thompson during a recent press conference, is
to eventually confiscate everybody's guns."
NEWS BRIEF: "Maryland
Sheriffs Won’t Enforce New Gun Law Say
It’s A ‘Suicide Mission’ For
Cops", Explain Life, March
4, 2019
HB 786 is a “suicide mission” for
law enforcement, according to Sheriffs from
three Maryland counties. Blue Lives Matter reported
that they told the Maryland assembly that taking
guns away from citizens would cause citizens
to shoot at officers, and the laws were unconstitutional
so they will not comply. Wicomico County Sheriff
Mike Lewis testified “The way the bill
is written, it is impossible to comply, I can’t
send (my deputies) on a suicide mission.”
The problem in
Maryland is Baltimore, a Democrat-controlled
gun control city out of control.
gonna let them know that we are sick and tired
of being penalized for Baltimore City’s
inability to control crime. If these bills pass,
we will not comply… Law-abiding citizens
are repeatedly being penalized because of Baltimore
City’s inability to control their crime.
And I’m sorry — I’m not someone’s
puppet. I’m going to stand up for what
I think is unjust and unconstitutional to the
American people, including those living in the
state in Maryland.”
Modern history
is filled with examples of what occurs in countries
in which private citizens surrendered their
arms to the government. In Nazi Germany, Communist
Russia and Communist China, the government waited
little time clamping an Absolute Dictatorship
once guns were surrendered.
And, today, the
world is heading into the greatest Dictatorship
of all, the "NOVUS
ORDO SECLORUM" (New World Order) printed
on the back of our One Dollar Bill. United
Nations studies of the difficulty taking away
guns from a population of 100 million people
is very daunting, almost impossible.
As Charlton Heston
once remarked that he would surrender his guns
only when soldiers could pry them from his cold,
dead hands!
Harris Wants To ‘Decriminalize' Prostitution",
Big League Politics, February
28, 2019
"The Democrat
Party continues swerving to the left. The newest
zany policy to be embraced by a 2020 front runner:
decriminalized prostitution.
"I think so. I
do,"; Kamala Harris declared when asked if she
thought "sex work"; should not be treated as
a crime in an interview with The Root published
Tuesday ... Problematically for Harris, when
law enforcement is withdrawn in a sensitive
area like trafficking, acts between nonconsenting
adults are also — de facto — decriminalized."
"We can take
the word of law enforcement officers in California,
like Officer Tony Herrera, where such decriminalization
policies have been tried already, leading some
to suggest that it is a de facto legalization
of child trafficking."
"Make no mistake,
California: This is the legalization of child
prostitution,"; Officer Tony Herrera writes
at Washington Examiner. "
And, these facts
brings us back to our Story #1, above. Democrats
have set up child prostitution legalization
/child trafficking, within California borders
and are naturally protecting such activities
within migrant caravans!
total absence of Biblical morality is truly
disgusting and threatening to the very fabric
of America!
Occult Holidays"
by Former
Satanist Doc Marquis
$39.99, now only $19.99
Did you know that
all our annual holidays are rooted deeply into
Black Magick Satanism? Doc Marquis, delivers
a knockout punch against the practice of all
our major holidays, providing details only a
former Witch would know.
Doc begins by
demonstrating how the Illuminati effected the
change in our calendar and how that change has
affected a dramatic change in our everyday lives.
The Illuminati copied heathen holidays from
Satanism and then just gave them Christian names.
You will be shocked to realize how very pagan
our annual celebrations are! You will be shocked
to realize how most of the symbols used in our
holidays originated within Satanism.
Doc covers the
following pagan holidays most of which America
fervently celebrates. 1) America's Occult Calendar
-- Marquis reveals how our entire calendar is
patterned after Illuminism, from January 1 through
December 31! 2) Valentine's Day/Groundhog Day
3) St. Patrick's Day 4) Easter 5) Beltaine -
May 1 - May Day 6) Halloween (Samhain) 7) Christmas
Your Children From These Deeply Satanic Holidays
News Articles: "Resurrection
Eggs" -- Another Sign of Apostasy Within
the Christian Church "
Baptist Apostasy Reaches New Proportions --
Celebrating Easter Eggs -- Easter is BAAL Worship!
Another Sign The End of the Age Is Near.
News Article
war erupts over Jesus 'physically' rising from
dead", World Net Daily, January
13, 2019
"When Jesus
rose from the dead, was it a physical resurrection
of His body, or was He transformed into a spiritual
body? That question has sparked a serious dispute
in the Church of England, and the archbishop
of Canterbury is now being pressured to force
his new representative to Rome to resign."
" 'We need
to challenge the belief that the resurrection
of Jesus from the dead was a physical resurrection',
Shepherd says on video."
The Church of
England has finally slid so far into the muck
and mire of Apostasy that they have landed into
the Abyss of Antichrist. When they "challenge
the belief that the resurrection of Jesus from
the dead was a physical resurrection",
they are fulfilling 1 John 4:2-3, quoted below.
"Hereby know
ye the Spirit of God: Every spirit that confesseth
that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is of
God: And every spirit that confesseth not that
Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is not of
God: and this is that spirit of antichrist."
The verse of Romans
10:9 also condemns this type of teaching:
"That if
thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus,
and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath
raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved."
(Romans 10:9, KJV)
Personally, I
believe that when a person does not believe
Jesus rose physically from the grave, that person
is not saved!
In fact, this
belief comes dangerously close to the teaching
of Illuminized Freemasonry! "But, Pike
then 'reveals' that Jesus did not actually live
a normal human life, but 'took upon Himself
only the appearance of a body ...' (Albert Pike,
"Morals and Dogma of the Ancient and Accepted
Scottish Rite of Freemasonry", p. 564)
Then, a few pages
later, Pike returns to this heresy. 'The Light
[Jesus] could not unite with the darkness. It
put on the appearance of a human body, and took
the name of Christ in the Messiah, only to accommodate
itself to the language of the Jews ... But the
Chief of the Empire of Darkness [Satan, which
is Ialdabaoth] caused Him to be crucified by
the Jews. Still, He suffered in appearance only
Next Prophecies': Volume
2 of 2
by Bill Salus, Only $19.99
PROPHECIES is A DVD that attempts to chronologically
set in order the prophetic events of the
end times. These PROPHECIES will happen
soon after The NOW PROPHECIES and the
stage is presently being set for their
1) The Ezekiel 38, 'Gog of Magog' invasion
2) The Pre-Tribulation Time-Gap Mystery
3) Satanic Supernatural Deception, (Super-Signs
and Lying-Wonders) 4) The Rise of the
Antichrist, (The Lawless One)
5) The Revealing of Mystery Babylon, (The
Harlot World Religion)
6) The Opening of the Seal Judgments (The
4- Horsemen of the Apocalypse)
7) World Wars, Famines and Pestilences
8) The Decline of Islam, (Allah loses
his Akbar)
9) The False Covenant that triggers the
Tribulation Period
10) Christian Martyrdom, (The Fifth Seal
11) The Two Mysterious Witnesses of Revelation
critically important video prepares the
reader for powerful future world events!
Don't get LEFT BEHIND to face these NEXT
This title
is also available as a Book:
Now Prophecies"
by Bill Salus, Volume 1 of 2 - Only $19.99
God's word
to Noah was to prepare NOW for a worldwide
flood. God's word to Joseph was to prepare
Pharaoh and Egypt NOW for seven years
of famine. God's word to Jeremiah was
to prepare the Jews NOW for seventy years
of exile into Babylon.
The key
word in these historical examples was
NOW! What does God's Word say for us to
prepare for NOW? What are the tough decisions
we need to make?
Prophecies identifies the biblical prophecies
that were
centuries ago for THIS GENERATION! These
ancient inscriptions predict powerful
events that will profoundly affect everyone.
This video makes it easy to understand
how to get ready NOW for what to expect
in the near future!
The titles
of these critical NOW prophecies are:
* Disaster
In Iran!
* Destruction of Damascus! Decline In
* The Final Arab- Israeli War!
it is time to 'look up, for our Redemption
draweth nigh'!
Past, Present and Future" - DVD
2 of 2
$24.99, Only $19.99
Today's Christians
have a very sketchy, superficial, and foggy
knowledge of the progress of the Jewish state
that has led to the conflict and confusion broadcasted
by the current news media.
In Part I of our
study, we discussed the origins of Israel from
the Abrahamic Covenant up until 1948. Part II
of our study of the nation of Israel begins
with a look at the modern birth of the nation
in 1948 and will discuss events that lead right
up to todays headlines.
We will cover
the military struggles from the attack on the
new Jewish state in 1948 by the surrounding
Arab countries, the Suez Crisis, the 6 Day War,
the Yom Kippur War, and the later attacks from
terrorist organizations such as Hamas and Hezbollah.
Most importantly,
Part II will center around the biblical perspective
of the modern Jewish state. We will give all
sides of the arguments regarding Zionism, Christian
Zionism, Christian Palestinianism, and even
look into the effects of the Hebraic Roots movement
on modern Evangelicalism.
The goal of this
study is to equip the individual Christian with
a totally biblical perception of the modern
nation of Israel, God's biblical plan for the
Jewish people, and what we as Christians should
do to align our thoughts and actions to the
Word of God.
Almost 2 Hours
long -
Plan given at the end, so this DVD is a soul-winning
also "Israel's
Past, Present and Future" - DVD,
Volume 1
Vol 1 of 2
By Mac
Dominic, Cutting Edge Films
$24.99, Now Only $19.99
Time 1 Hour 30 Minutes
series 'The Foundation of Our Faith' - Three
-- Resurrection Day
Societies Killed Jesus Christ" DVD
by David
Bay - Watch
You will
never read the Gospels the same way again after
you understand the REAL reason that the Pharisees
and the Sadducees plotted to persuade the Romans
to kill an innocent man.
What were
they thinking, since they did recognize that
Jesus was the prophesied Messiah?
How does
their thinking and plotting then impact us now,
2000 years later? And, what bearing does their
belief against Jesus have today, as the Biblical
Antichrist is soon to arise?
Secret Societies are once again driving the
plans to produce the Jewish Messiah.
You will
never look at Easter (Resurrection
Day) the same way again!

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If you wish to make a contribution,
you can use our electronic
Donation Form , or call us at 803-564-3341, or mail a
check or money order to:
Cutting Edge Ministries, PO Box 1067,
Wagener, SC 29164

Jesus Richly Bless You,
Bay, Director
Edge Ministries
803-564-3341 -- Customer Service or
Must I Do To Be Saved? |