Critical Headlines
1. Panic over
the Coronavirus hits a new height, as cases increase
and death toll spreads.
Many Medical doctors
are warning that the Mass Media is over-hyping this
new virus.
Let us put this
"Tempest In A Tea Kettle" in perspective:
* 80,000 people
died during 2017 in America from the "Common Flu"!
* Nearly every
single year since 1999 has seen a malady which so-called
"experts" have warned that "could kill
us all"!
Since other maladies
kill far more people than newly developed viruses, why
are we being threatened by a new, exotic virus nearly
every year?
more information on the colusion with big Pharma and
the medical industry see the DVD - Medical Murder: Architects
of Madness - DVD by Bill Schnoebelen
2. The "Stop
Bernie" campaign within the Democrat Party is officially
underway, as Candidates begin to drop out, throwing
their support to the old man, "Joe Biden"!
3. Israeli elections
conclude with highest voter turnout ever, initially
handing Prime Minister Netanyahu the victory.
4. Now that Netanyahu
has been re-elected Prime Minister, he will fulfill
his vow to immediately assert Israeli sovereignty over
the Jordan Valley and most of the West Bank and Samaria.
He might even
change the rules of worship granting Jewish people more
access to the Temple Mount. Will war commence?
5. What a ridiculous
picture Iran presents to the world.
Iranian leaders
all over the nation declare that they will kiss the
holy shrine in the city of Qom to prove that Allah has
power over the virus.
The Iranian government
shuts down because so many have come down with the virus
and some have died!
6. Pope Francis
I is planning a global meeting in May to promote an
aggressive "New Humanism"!
He plans to announce
a new "Freedom FROM God"!
Since the Pope
will be the False Prophet of Revelation 13:11-18, we
should not be too surprised that he is deliberately
organizing a global pagan religion!
Another "Sign
of the Times"!
For more on this subject see our DVD - False Prophet
Soon To Step On World Stage: Plan To Produce Him Just
Set In Motion, by David Bay
7. Utah GOP Calls
For Romney’s Immediate Resignation
When Romney voted
to impeach a President so popular in Utah, did he do
so with the Democrat Party nomination in mind?
Kingdom View = Unbiblical Theology"
Volume 3 of the Series, "Are
We Building The Kingdom of God"?
Two Hours Long, Only $19.99
Deadly errors arise when
people believe in a false, unbiblical view of the
Kingdom and its establishment. Disc 3 will reveal
why this view engenders, not only these problems,
but also the false teachings within Christendom that
have arisen specifically because of a skewed viewpoint
of the biblical teaching of the coming Kingdom of
What are the key false teachings
we need to address?
* Replacement Theology
* Covenant Theology
* New Calvinism
* Christian Palestinianism
* Dominion Theology (Note that President Bush used
this false theology to encourage pastors to support
his wars in Afghanistan and in Iraq)
This DVD will also address
some related subjects:
* The truly Biblical teaching
of the Doctrine of Election
* The true Christian perspective of the modern state
of Israel
* The false kingdom within the Charismatic Movement
* The New Apostolic Reformation
News Analysis -- End of the Age
Illuminati Plan -- "When we come into our kingdom,
our orators will expound great problems which have turned
humanity upside down in order to bring it, at the end,
under our beneficent rule." ["Behold
A Pale Horse", End of Protocol No. 13 ]
1. Panic over
the Coronavirus hits a new height, as cases increase
and death toll spreads.
NEWS BRIEF: "Coronavirus
fears drive Americans to stockpile groceries, medication",
Fox Business News, February 28, 2020
"As fears of the
coronavirus outbreak continue to mount, Americans are
stocking up on non-perishables, leaving retailers across
the country with empty shelves ... Big retailers like
Target and Walmart could be completely empty shelves
by mid-April, some analysts say."
Many Medical doctors
are warning that the Mass Media is over-hyping this
new virus.
England Journal of Medicine: Coronavirus Could Be No
Worse than Flu", Breitbart
News, 28 Feb 2020
"An editorial published
Friday in the New England Journal of Medicine speculated
that the coronavirus currently causing panic in world
markets could turn out no worse than “a severe
seasonal influenza” in terms of mortality ...
The vast majority of patients recover, and among those
who are hospitalized, the median stay thus far is 12
Coronavirus Cases Confirmed in Georgia",
Breitbart News, 3 March 2020
"The state of Georgia
confirmed Monday that two people have tested positive
for the deadly coronavirus on returning from Italy ...
The development comes after Washington state announced
a total of six people have died from the virus ... On
Sunday, New York confirmed its first case of the coronavirus
— a woman in her late 30s who is recovering at
her apartment."
BRIEF: ""Dr.
Drew Pinsky: Media Coronavirus
Coverage An Over-Reaction", youtube
"Dr. Drew Pinsky
says that the press is overreacting terribly and they
need to stop it now."
Let us put this
"Tempest In A Tea Kettle" in perspective:
* 80,000
people died during 2017 in America from the "Common
80,000 people died of flu last winter in U.S., highest
death toll in 40 years", STAT
News Online, SEPTEMBER 26, 2018
"An estimated
80,000 Americans died of flu and its complications last
winter — the disease’s highest death toll
in at least four decades. The
director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention,
Dr. Robert Redfield, revealed the total in an interview
Tuesday night with The Associated Press. (Emphasis Added)
A death toll of 80,000
is exceedingly high and yet no one panicked or cancelled
events or stripped grocery store shelves of food essentials.
Let us put this "Tempest
In A Teapot" in perspective.
* Nearly every
single year since 1999 has seen a malady which so-called
"experts" have warned that "could kill
us all"!
1999/2000 - Y2K is gonna
kill us all
2001 -- Anthrax is gonna
kill us all
2002 - West Nile Virus
is gonna kill us all
2003 -- SARS is gonna
kill us all (Numerous 'experts' predicted that SARS
might kill one billion people!
2005 -- Bird Flu is gonna
kill us all
2006 -- E.Coli is gonna
kill us all
2008 -- The bad economy
is gonna kill us all
2009 -- Swine Flu is gonna
kill us all
2010 -- BP Oil is gonna
kill us all
2011 -- ObamaCare is gonna
kill us all
2012 -- Mayan 'End of
the World' Calendar is gonna kill us all
2013 -- North Korea is
gonna kill us all
2014 -- Ebola is gonna
kill us all
2015 -- Disney Measles
and ISIS are gonna kill us all
2016 -- Zika Virus is
gonna kill us all
2017 - Fake News is gonna
kill us all
2018 -- Migrant Caravans
are gonna kill us all
2019 -- Measles are gonna
kill us all
2020 -- Coronavirus is
gonna kill us all
Cutting Edge Note:
News from both political parties is constantly designed
to discourage us! Wherever you turn that dial on your
TV or radio, news broadcasters are filling our ears
with the worst of the bad news. Murder, violence, armed
robbery, and kidnappings are a part of our daily regimen.
It seems as though a week does not go by but we shake
our heads in wonderment over the seemingly endless stream
of all this filth and mire. We have noted much of this
in previous articles, and have noted that the Bible
prophecies repeatedly that, at the End of the Age, wicked
men shall increase more and more until society breaks
down under the impact of all the lawlessness. This wickedness
is one of the major signs that the world today is marching
relentlessly toward the appearance of the Antichrist.
Make no mistake about the fact that these society crimes
are slowly and systematically tearing this great civilization
The Illuminati
Plan -- "When we come into our kingdom, our orators
will expound great problems which have turned humanity
upside down in order to bring it, at the end, under
our beneficent rule. Who will ever suspect, then, that
all these peoples were stage-managed by us according
to a political plan which no one has so much as guessed
at in the course of many centuries?" ["Behold
A Pale Horse", End of Protocol No. 13 ]
Since other maladies
kill far more people than newly developed viruses, why
are we being threatened by a new, exotic virus nearly
every year?
Many People Actually Die From the Flu Each Year?",
Constitutional Health
"Influenza is a cash
cow for Big Pharma. Make no mistake: influenza is big
business. Any pharmacy bigger than a phone booth is
giving out flu shots. Doctor's offices are pushing them.
Many states recently passed laws allowing dentists to
give flu shots, and others are setting up immunization
stations in schools. Flu clinics are popping up everywhere.
Even big-box retail stores — who have no business
mucking around in "healthcare" — are
getting in on the act."
"If you think this has anything at all to do with
your health, think again. Do you really think these
folks are doing it out of the goodness of their hearts?
"There's big money
to be made from the flu. But to make the money, first
they have to scare you into getting a shot. That's where
the news headlines come in, and the big, scary —
and outright untrue — statistics about flu deaths.
Even President Trump is
aiding and abetting this scam.
Meeting with Pharmaceutical Companies to Accelerate
Coronavirus Vaccine", Breitbart
News, 2 March 2020
"President Donald
Trump said during a Monday meeting ... 'We’re
talking about a vaccine, maybe a cure. It’s possible.
We’ll see about that', Trump said. 'We’ve
asked them to accelerate whatever they’re doing
in terms of a vaccine'.”
We have maintained all
along that science has never been able to beat a virus
because viruses mutate constantly, sometimes every day.
This reality means that a vaccine which takes many months
and sometimes years to develop and test, cannot kill
the current virus infecting the world.
Science can only beat
a bacteria, which does not mutate; therefore, scientists
can identify a bacterium and develop an antibiotic to
kill it. Even if it takes years to develop the antibiotic,
that is OK, since bacteria does not change.
Even the common flu virus
vaccine is a joke, as it always treats for a past virus,
not the one currently infecting people. But, the vaccine
remains dangerous for the elderly, for those with compromised
immune systems, and for the very young.
I shall never forget what
my youngest daughter, June, told me after she had started
working at the local hospital as a Registered Nurse,
shortly after she graduated from school. She told me
that the other nurses and the doctors called the routine
flu vaccine the "old people killer". Vaccines
do not work, AND they are dangerous to the health of
many people within our population.
But, there is big money
to be made by scaring people with these frightening
stories and by overreacting to tiny numbers of sick
and dying.
Finally, as we noted in
our News
Alert of Friday, 2/28/2020, We believe that the
intense propaganda panic being engineered by Mass Media,
is preparing mankind for the global pandemic prophesied
in Seal #4, which kills 25% of all humans.
2. The "Stop
Bernie" campaign within the Democrat Party is officially
underway, as Candidates begin to drop out, throwing
their support to the old man, "Joe Biden"!
Key Endorsements Flow To Biden, Trump Says Dems Are
‘Staging A Coup Against Bernie’",
The Federalist March 2, 2020
"In the midst of
a day that saw several prominent Democrats endorse Joe
Biden, President Trump tweeted a 'coup' was being waged
against Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) ... 'They are staging
a coup against Bernie!' the president tweeted around
4:30 p.m. on Monday. Speaking about the primary to reporters
on the South Lawn of the White House moments later,
Trump added, 'It’s rigged against Bernie, there
is no question about it'.”
If Establishment Democrats
are widely seen as denying Bernie Sanders the nomination
he had won, Bernie just might declare a Third Party
run for the White House. Of course, such a move would
siphon enough votes from the official nominee that a
Trump victory in November would be guaranteed.
After all, Ross Perot
handed Bill Clinton the Presidency twice by running
as a Third Party candidate!
3. Israeli elections
conclude with highest voter turnout ever, initially
handing Prime Minister Netanyahu the victory.
NEWS BRIEF: "Benjamin
Netanyahu Celebrates Come-from-Behind Win: ‘A
Victory Against All the Odds’,"
Breitbart News, 2 March 2020
"Israeli Prime Minister
Benjamin Netanyahu delivered a victory speech to supporters
of his Likud Party in the wee hours of Tuesday morning
after his stunning, come-from-behind victory in Israel’s
third successive elections."
" 'I remember our
first victory in 1996. It was an historic victory',
Netanyahu said, in Hebrew. 'But this victory, this time,
is at least as sweet, if not sweeter. An even greater
victory! Because it was a victory against all the odds'.”
"Netanyahu cited
his record. 'Do you know why [voters] put faith in us?'
he asked. 'Because they know that we brought the greatest
decade in the history of the State of Israel'.”
4. Now that Netanyahu
has been re-elected Prime Minister, he will fulfill
his vow to immediately assert Israeli sovereignty over
the Jordan Valley and most of the West Bank and Samaria.
NEWS BRIEF: "Israeli
voters, the elections are a referendum on national sovereignty",
Israel National News, 3/2/2020
"Since President
Harry Truman became the first world leader to recognize
the State of Israel, after David Ben-Gurion declared
its independence on May 14, 1948, all American Presidents
before Donald Trump recognized Israel’s existence
but did not recognize the Jewishness of Israel. They
saw Israel as a refuge for Holocaust survivors and other
Jews fleeing persecution. But they did not accept that
the nation of Israel in 1948 was the Israel from the
Bible; the liberation of the ancient Jewish people and
the eternal nation of Israel."
"But in January 2017,
Trump entered the White House. He said that Israel is
a light to the nations, that the land of Israel is the
promised land, and the historic homeland of the Jewish
people. He said that Jerusalem cannot be liberated because
it has already been liberated ... And among other things,
he conditioned Palestinians statehood on full Palestinian
recognition of the Jewish people’s rights to their
historic homeland in the land of Israel."
"Trump is the most
pro-Israel US President in history."
"The Trump plan is
a test for Israel. Before the conclusion of deliberations
of the joint committee, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu
should orchestrate the application of Israeli law over
the Jordan Valley and the Israeli communities in the
"Trump is providing
Israel with a chance to secure its interests that it
may likely not receive again ... The Trump Peace Plan
bears out the central maxim of Zionism: the map of Israel
is determined by the settlement of Israel. The land
Jews live in is the land over which they control and
take possession."
"The March 2 election
was a referendum on the Trump Peace Plan, which includes
Israeli sovereignty over the communities in the Territories
and parts of Area C that Israel requires for its security.
Trump would back Netanyahu to achieve it."
President Trump "offered
a plan with significant sovereignty and security for
Israel, which sets it apart from all previous American
plans. The March 2 election was a referendum on Israeli
sovereignty. "
President Trump is the
only President since the rebirth of Israel in May, 1948,
who has adopted a plan for peace which is in line with
the Biblical teaching of Israel at the End of the Age.
The rebirth of Israel in 1948 was truly an historically
unprecedented miracle of God, accomplished against all
historic odds.
God foretold in many places
in both the Old and New Testaments that He would tear
Israel out her land if she refused to obey His commandments
but then he repeatedly turned around and promised national
When the Netanyahu government
extends Israeli sovereignty over the Jordan Valley and
over Judea and Samaria, they are simply applying God's
planned sovereignty over the Holy Land, foretold so
long ago in both Old Testament and in New Testament
prophecies ! ("God's
Loving Sovereignty of Israel" DVD)
Netanyahu might
even change the rules of worship granting Jewish people
more access to the Temple Mount. Will war commence?
5. What a ridiculous
picture Iran presents to the world.
Iranian leaders
all over the nation declare that they will kiss the
holy shrine in the city of Qom to prove that Allah has
power over the virus.
NEWS BRIEF: "Muslims
in Iran Lick CoronaVirus Infested Shrine to Prove Faith",
Breaking Israel News, March 1, 2020
"Shia Muslim Iranians
start a trend of licking the holy shrine in the city
of Qom, the city in Iran most infested with coronaVirus.
After China, Iran is the country that has suffered the
worst from the coronavirus outbreak infecting and even
taking the lives of some of Tehran’s officials."
The Iranian government
then shuts down because so many officials have come
down with the virus and some have died!
NEWS BRIEF: "CoronaVirus
Shuts Down Iranian Government Indefinitely",
Breaking Israel News, March 1, 2020
"It appears that
the government of Iran is especially hard-hit by the
coronavirus leading to Iran’s parliament announcing
on Friday that it will stop meeting temporarily. four
of 30 lawmakers in the Majlis, or parliament, tested
positive for the virus. Masoumeh Ebtekar, the vice president
for women and family affairs, and Deputy Health Minister
Iraj Harirshi were also reportedly infected.
"IRNA News reported
that Iran’s former Ambassador to Vatican Sayyed
Hadi Khosroshahi died on Thursday, one day after being
admitted to the hospital with the coronavirus."
So, the false god, Allah,
could not protect the Iranians who so boldly displayed
their faith in him by kissing he holy shrine in the
city of Qom!
6. Pope Francis
I is planning a global meeting in May to promote an
aggressive "New Humanism"!
Francis to Infect the Christian World with a Sickness
of the Soul: "Will usher in a 'new humanism',"
Canada Free Press, Feb 28, 2020
"Pope Francis, may,
according to God’s Will, rally back from whatever
it is that is ailing him. But in the meantime, he is
inflicting upon humanity—on a deadline of May
14— ‘A Sickness of the Soul’."
"All Marxist-inspired
projects are introduced in a fashion that can be best
described as cunning. The ‘Sickness of the Soul’
set to infect the entire Christian world, come May 14,
is benignly being called the ‘Global Education
Pact’ that will usher in a “new humanism”.
He plans to announce
a new "Freedom FROM God"!
Humanism Advocates "Freedom" from God:
Why is Pope Francis colluding with globalists?",
Canada Free Press, Feb 29, 2020
"As has been reported
in the Catholic press, Pope Francis is calling upon
the leaders of world religions and globalist agencies,
as well as leaders in the world of politics, economics,
science and education to be at the Vatican on May 14,
2020, for the signing of a Global Education Pact aimed
at bringing about a 'new humanism' ..."
"Archbishop Vincenzo
Zani, secretary of the Congregation for Catholic Education
who has been tasked with organizing the event explains
the theological vision behind this “new humanism,”
saying that God “withdraws” in order that
man might be free ... in the moment when God creates
man, he gives him intelligence, heart, and the capacity
for activity, and he tells him: ‘Go!’”
"The idea that God
withdraws to allow for the possibility of human freedom
is a Masonic idea. It implies that if God doesn’t
withdraw we are not free. It implies that our freedom
consists in being away from God. It advocates the Masonic
Why should anyone doubt
that Pope Francis I is working against the true God
of the Bible, for that is the true nature of Roman Catholicism!
But, Francis is also working
toward achieving the global position which the Bible
calls the False Prophet. No one can understand what
Pope Francis is doing if they do not understand Daniel,
Chapter 10!
As we detail in the DVD
shown above, "Angelic
/ Demonic Warfare In The Heavenlies",
daily battling between Godly Angels and ungodly demons
in the Heavenlies determines the flow of history, precisely
as Daniel 10 reveals.
Godly angels are constantly
battling ungodly demons over who would have control
of human leaders. the Demonic Overlord assigned to the
Pope from the beginning of the Catholic Church, worked
to bring that church from lukewarm Christian to Black
Magick Satanism, so that Catholicism and its Pope could
'proper receptors to the New Age Christ' (Antichrist).
You will see Catholicism in a completely different light.
Since the
Pope will be the False Prophet of Revelation 13:11-18,
we should not be too surprised that he is deliberately
organizing a global pagan religion!
Another "Sign
of the Times"!
7. Utah GOP Calls
For Romney’s Immediate Resignation
GOP Calls For Romney’s Immediate Resignation",
Freedom Journal, March 1, 2020
"Utah’s Republican
Party is considering several resolutions after Senator
Mitt Romney voted to convict President Donald Trump
after the impeachment trials. One of those resolutions,
according to 2KUTV, is to call for the immediate resignation
of the Republican senator."
When Romney voted
to impeach a President so popular in Utah, did he do
so with the Democrat Party nomination in mind?
I would not be surprised
to see that Mitt Romney offers himself as an alternate
candidate for President to a severely deadlocked Democrat
Convention! Of course, Mitt would have to switch parties
to carry out this dastardly deed, but he has proven
himself an unreliable Republican time and time again
over the years.
Look at the political
pygmies currently running for President. Not one of
them has the political stature to seriously challenge
President Trump in the Fall!
Finally Proven:
Communism Rules The Current Democrat Party
Documentary Filmmaker Quotes Communist Manifesto at
Oscars: ‘Workers
of the World Unite!' (See Analysis
In News Story #1, below)
Agenda" 2--DVD Pack, 175 minutes
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This is a 2-Title Set:
AMERICA DOWN -- A fascinating look at the people
and groups that have successfully targeted America's
morality and freedom in their effort to grind America
down. I know that I feel that the Daily News is systematically
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began to wake up. AGENDA became one of the best selling
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Join Curtis Bowers as he heads out again to expose the
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treasonous attacks on our freedom. 85 minutes.