Newsletter- Wednesday, 2/27/2025

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A few weeks ago I ask you to pray for my 99 year old mother who broke her hip. In many cases people of that age do not recover from that injury. The follow up with her orthopedic doctor was yesterday. After examining the new images of the hip the doctor said she has never seven a bone heal that fast in a 99 year old. Praise God for healing and thank you all for the prayers. We are truly blessed to have so many praying through Cutting Edge.


Article 1 - Title: The Six Step Attitudinal Change Plan - Insidious Technique To Change The Mindset of An Entire Population, Invisibly, Silently by David Bay

PLUS Ron Riffe has written Antisemitism is driving Jews back home" - Thanks to Doug for giving me a wonderful group of news articles for me to work with to keep us all up on world, USA and Israel events and more in our Daily News Updates page.


Podcast from David's earlier radio shows.

I left this podcast up another week because the price of eggs is still in the news and this podcast illustrates how the killings of these animals is working toward the Illuminaty controling the food supply.

Foot-and-Mouth Disease - New World Order Understanding - The price of eggs have gone through the roof. Why? Because so many chickens have been destroyed using fear of bird flu as the driving force. We should not be surprised to look back about 25 years ago when we saw foot and mouth disease used as a reason to kill entire herds of cattle and bankrupt farmers. David Bay goes through this scare in this podcast and we can see the same new world order plan coming through crises management using fear of bird flu as David described what they did over 20 years ago using foot and mouth disease as the crises. Can you say coming food supply crises and famine?

Listen to this podcast -

Podcast from David's earlier radio shows.

If you can't wait to hear all 60 of these podcasts as we post 1 per week, you can have them all on CD in mp3 format now. Cutting Edge Radio Programs by David Bay - 60 Programs - All On Two Discs. Order yours today just $39.98

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Title: The Six Step Attitudinal Change Plan - Insidious Technique To Change The Mindset of An Entire Population, Invisibly, Silently by David Bay

Subtitle: You will be shocked to discover how much of our daily lives is being bombarded by the tactics of this mindset change program!

The Six Step Attitudinal Change Plan gives New World Order Planners the ability to silently, almost invisibly, change the attitudes and values of the entire population of a people. They must achieve this before they stage the appearance of their Christ. You will have trouble believing how much of your daily life is being manipulated, but once you understand how this is being accomplished, you can take steps to reduce its effect or eliminate it. Learn to protect your loved ones.

Nothing seems so insidious to most people than the idea that some force is manipulating and changing their life silently, invisibly. People react so negatively, it seems they feel almost violated, almost raped. Back in the early 1960's, as I recall, the American people learned that a process of 'invisible' advertising had been successfully developed and tested in theaters, called Subliminal Advertising. Such an uproar of protest ensued that the movie industry pledged never to use subliminals for advertising purposes. This pledge came at just the right time, because Congress was about to pass legislation making the use of subliminals illegal. The pledge by the TV Industry defused the crisis and Congress never passed such legislation. Even today, the use of subliminals is not illegal, even though most people still believe it is.

But, the point here is that people do not like being manipulated or bombarded with stimuli, especially if they do not know it is happening to them. The fear of the unknown ranks very high. How would most people react if they only knew how many times daily they were being secretly, invisibly bombarded with stimuli -- with stories, with debates, with many circumstances, many of which were deliberately created or triggered -- that was changing their values and their attitudes? How would people react if they really understood that they are not their "own person", despite their fervent desire to be just that? These people would feel violated -- mentally and emotionally raped -- and they would be very, very angry!

This is why so much effort is expended to get people to believe that subliminals do not exist, and would not work if they did exist. This is why the media tries so hard to sell its "integrity" and "honesty" with their listeners, so their listeners would not believe that their favorite TV channel could possibly be adversely effecting them in any way, shape, or form.

But, the media is ruining your life. In so many ways over the past 16 years, we have shown, in detail, the many ways in which you and your loved ones are being brutally molested by TV, movies, and the print media. This molestation is not sexual; it is mental, emotional, and above all, spiritual. In this article, we will be dealing with the most sophisticated device of all for changing the lives, attitudes, and value systems of entire populations of people, without the people being the least bit aware of what is happening to them. This process is called the Six Step Attitudinal Change Plan.

This Plan is all the more sinister because it is invisible to those who have already become captive to its lie. How did we get to this point? Over the next few weeks we will demonstrate a Six-Step Process by which people's attitudes are being changed permanently on a population-wide basis. This process was developed to change those most-deeply held attitudes, which naturally are traditional Christian values. Once you hear this process, and understand the examples of its use, you will realize it is being simultaneously utilized in many areas by the Mass Media.

But, first, let us list the 6 steps of this Attitudinal Change Plan:


Step 1. Some practice so offensive that it can scarcely be discussed in public is advocated by a RESPECTED expert in a RESPECTED forum.

Step 2. At first, the public is shocked, then outraged.

Step 3. But, the VERY FACT that such a thing could be publicly debated becomes the SUBJECT

of the debate.

Step 4. In the process, sheer repetition of the shocking subject under discussion gradually dulling its effect.

Step 5. People then are no longer shocked by the subject.

Step 6. No longer outraged, people begin to argue for positions to moderate the extreme; or, they accept the premise, challenging, instead, the means to ACHIEVE it.

This insidious method of changing the deeply-held attitudes of people is being successfully directed toward the American population as a whole. Millions of people are experiencing attitudinal changes on a wide variety of subjects today. This attitudinal change is essential to achieving the New World Order.

With the way this Plan works in the hearts and minds of all citizens firmly entrenched in your minds, let us review some of the many ways in which it is being used today to move American Values from Christian to Pagan.


Transgenderism - Men playing in womens sports. This would have been not been tolerated back when David first wrote this article but many people still are ok with this idea today in the USA and many other contries. The six step attitudinal change plan was used to get the public where they accepted and some even celebrate this perversion. Read the rest of the article and look at the examples David gave in 2012 and you will see the 6 steps playing out in so many other things today. Same sex marriages, drag shows for kids, Americans supporting Hamas and so much more have been a result of changed attitudes and values.

Read the full article with examples that were going on back in 2012 by David Bay HERE

WIN—World Israel News
January 2, 2025

New Hope party leader Gideon Sa’ar calls for national plan to prepare for mass aliyah.

The top diplomat noted a rise in immigration from France and Britain was already evident.


Israeli Foreign Minister Gideon Sa’ar called for an emergency meeting to prepare for an expected spike in immigration as antisemitism rises globally in the wake of the Oct. 7, 2023, Hamas massacre.

In a letter to Prime Minister Netanyahu on Wednesday evening, Sa’ar said that a wave of worldwide antisemitism has eroded Jews’ sense of security in the Diaspora and has already generated a greater demand for immigration to Israel.

“A broad national plan is required that will also include optimal absorption of the expected immigration,” he wrote.

The top diplomat noted a rise in immigration from France and Britain was already evident. That phenomenon is expected to extend to other countries as well, Sa’ar said.

You can read the full article here

In the United Kingdom, 1,978 instances of Jew-hatred were recorded in the first six months of 2024.

That is the highest January-to-June total ever reported by the Community Security Trust (CST), a Jewish group collecting data on antisemitism. The previous record of 1,371 incidents was in 2021.

On Nov. 24, about 60,000 demonstrators marched through the British capital to protest rising Jew-hatred. It was the largest demonstration against antisemitism in London since the 1936 anti-fascist “Battle of Cable Street.”

Facing criticism over anti-Israel policies, Australia's PM denounces synagogue arson as 'terrorism'
On Nov. 19, French officials urged a collective European Union response to what they described as “one of the worst explosions of antisemitism” in recent history.

French European Affairs Minister Benjamin Haddad convened an emergency meeting in Brussels with his E.U. counterparts to discuss the issue.

A report published in November by Israel’s Ministry of Diaspora Affairs’ National Task Force for Countering De-legitimization found that since the Oct. 7, 2023, massacre, more than 96% of Jews in Europe have encountered antisemitism in their daily lives.
[End of WIN article, and emphasis mine]

The article above is prophetically significant! While I do not believe it is the definitive act of aliyah (the Hebrew term for Jews returning to their ancestral homeland of Israel), in light of growing antisemitism around the world, the call by Gideon Sa’ar to prepare for “a mass aliyah” definitely seems to be something of which we as Christians should be aware.

The information that follows is from the Internet source of Wikipedia—said by Tucker Carlson and others to be a CIA operation to mislead the public—but if only a part of the bible references are correct, it is well worth noting. World events are almost screaming that the “Time of Jacob’s Trouble,” (otherwise known as The Tribulation Period) is very near. And if the Rapture of the Church—an instantaneous removal of the Church of Jesus Christ from this world—is Scripturally correct, and I definitely believe that it is; the things happening to Israel are precursors pointing to the nearness of the Rapture. Are you ready for “lift-off?” If not, please read this: "What Must I Do To Be Saved"? Then if you have questions, please feel free to contact me by Email and I will try to answer them for you.

Pastor Ron Riffe

Gathering of Israel - Wikipedia

WikipediaThe Free Encyclopedia

The Gathering of Israel (Hebrew: ??????? ??????????, Modern: Kibbutz Galuyot, Tiberian: Qibbu? Galuyoth, lit. 'Ingathering of the Exiles'), or the Ingathering of the Jewish diaspora, is the biblical promise of Deuteronomy 30:1–5, made by Moses to the Israelites prior to their entry into the Land of Israel.

During the days of the Babylonian captivity, writings by the Israelite prophets Isaiah and Ezekiel encouraged their people with the promise of a future gathering of the exiles to the Land of Israel. Since the destruction of the Second Temple in 70 AD, the continual hope for exiled Jews' return to the Land of Israel has served as a core theme of Judaism. Maimonides, a prominent medieval Jewish scholar, connected the materialization of this return with the coming of the Davidic Messiah.

Read the full article here

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