Tuesday, 2/26/2019
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We truly need your support
at this late time in February.
"Hey, buddy, can
you spare the cost of a Starbucks' cup of coffee?
we enter into 2019, we need your faithful support
for every single month. We have never been a "Deep
Pocket" ministry, nor are we supported by
a church.
We are a "Daily Bread"
ministry, depending upon "bare bones"
We're a small non-profit
with costs of a top website: servers, staff, studio
expenses and programs. We believe everyone should
have access to free knowledge, without restriction
or limitation. If Cutting Edge is useful to you,
please take one minute to keep us online and to
keep us reaching out to almost 40,000
people a year with the Plan
of Salvation.
We are also introducing
new DVD's and Books, whose purpose is to educate
you and inform you of current news in light of
End Times prophecy. We need your
support in the
If the Lord has blessed
you this year, and if you value the special prophetic
viewpoint which Cutting Edge provides, please
favor us now with a special gift. Just click on
the green button and follow the prompts.
We have tried to make supporting
Cutting Edge Ministry easy and convenient, with
our green "Donation Button". 
May Jesus Richly Bless You. David Bay,
Director |
Critical News
1. Dr. Alveda
King, niece of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., goes to the
White House to publicly support our President!
& Silk" chimed in, claiming that Trump has
accomplished more for Blacks than any other President.
2. How many ways
can Democrat politicians devise to snatch money right
out of your wallets?
A couple more
ruinous ideas popped up this week.
3. The "American
Action Forum" (AAF) publicized a study on the cost
of the "Green New Deal": $93 TRILLION!
Kamala Harris
(D-CA), defended this staggering amount of money, saying
"Of course, we can support the cost of this "Green
New Deal"!
4. The black actor,
Jussie Smollett, has now had his TV series contract
cancelled, as people are realizing that he lied.
Media racist hoaxes
are responsible for the precipitous decline in racial
harmony since the day Barack Obama became President.
5. The American-led
campaign to oust President Maduro of Venezuela continues
to build steam.
6. Catholic Cardinal
Pell has been convicted in Australia for the rape of
two young boys.
Finally, the dam
holding back the extent of Catholic priestly sex abuse
is totally collapsing.
of the Beast: Antichrist's Resurrection and Return Planned
in Washington DC!"
This video builds
upon the foundation of our 'Secret
Mysteries of America's Beginnings' series and adds
to and builds up and updates what we presented!
From 1776, a Shadow
Government existed which really controlled the levers
of power; under President Obama, this shadow government
was transformed into the 'DEEP STATE'!
Washington DC
was planned to be a 'High Place' of Luciferian worship,
exactly like the 'High Places" in Old Testament
times, against which God railed. Washington DC is correctly
called the 'most evil place on Earth' with spiritually
controlled buildings and seething with occult energy,
just as we reported in
'Riddles In Stone'!
The Luciferians
of Freemasonry, Rosicrucianism and other occult leaders
have always viewed world and national events as being
controlled by 'National Overlords', demonic beings as
revealed in Daniel
US Capitol was
built with a secret crypt empty of a body, so that,
at the right moment in world history, the body of the
assassinated Masonic Christ can be placed within; the
most powerful Scottish Rite Masonic leaders will then
convene to conduct the Aleister Crowley 'Raising of
Osiris' ritual which will raise 'Osiris' (Antichrist)
from the dead, thus fulfilling Revelation 13:3, so that
the power and authority foretold in Revelation 13:4
can be fully established.
Finally, you will
understand the Satanic Black Magick power of Hillary
Clinton, much as we reported in our video
'Hillary Clinton: Sun Goddess Unleashed'!
2 hours long,
a 'MUST SEE' video for our day and age! Only $24.95
By Dr. Tom Horn,
Russ Dizdar, LTC Robert Maginnis, and Other Experts
Videos (DVD's)
New Atlantis: Secret Mysteries of America's Beginnings"
Volume One - Watch
The greatest "Whodunit"
of the past 500 years! Secret Mysteries takes the mystery
out of America's history. This video unfolds the fascinating
history behind the founding of America, and exposes
the esoteric underbelly of its design.
*Why is Washington
D.C. build on the 77th Meridian?
info- Three hours - Reg $29.99, Now Only $17.39
in Stone DVD - Secret Architecture of Washington"
Mysteries of America's Beginnings",
Vol Two - Trailer
Volume II zeroes in on the
Masonic & Rosicrucian influence so prevalent amongst
our Founding Fathers as they planned, and began to implement,
the layout of America's Capitol.
Is there really
an inverted Pentagram formed by the street layout just
north of the White House? We have discovered the Black
Magick reason why this Pentagram is missing one segment.
More info - Three
(3) Hours of Intensity
- Reg $29.99, Now Only $17.39
Eye of the Phoenix: Secrets of the One Dollar Bill"
Volume 3 -
Secret Mysteries of America's Beginnings Series
All esoteric plans
revealed in 'Riddles In Stone' are revealed on the One
Dollar Bill, using different occult symbols.
This high quality
documentary proves the following points about the two
Seals on the back of the One Dollar Bill with clarity
and precision: 1) The two Seals are Egyptian and Luciferian
2) The two Seals were introduced by Freemasons, in 1782
3) Masonic President Franklin Roosevelt, aided by his
Secretary of Agriculture/Vice President Wallace, ordered
these Seals to be placed on the back of the Dollar Bill
in 1935, having been urged on and advised by the Russian
channeler/mystic, Nicolas Roerach.
Three (3) Hours Long - Watch
Trailer -- Reg $29.99, Now Only $17.39
Hidden Faith of Our Founding Fathers" DVD
Vol 4 In Secret
Mysteries of America's Beginnings Series
This DVD is perhaps
the first and only documentary to go where no film has
ever gone before: into the hidden faith of America's
founding fathers. Many founders were involved in secret
societies, and yet it is often claimed these men were
Christians who were trying to build a Christian nation.
But was their faith the true faith of the Bible? And
is it possible, as some claim, that the exact opposite
is true?
* What did the
founders believe about the Person of Jesus Christ?
* Were they fighting
for Christianity, or against it?
Three (3) Hours Long - Watch
Trailer --
Reg $29.99, Now
only $19.99
All Four "Secret
Mysteries of America's Beginnings" Available In
A DVD Combo Offer
Mysteries of America's Beginnings - Buy Videos 1, 2
and 3, and 4 - Save $60
Nearly 9 Hours
of Video - View
All Four Trailers
Video 1 - New
Atlantis - demonstrates that the Secret Society plan
to create a New Atlantis nation on the North American
Continent began in the 1580's between Queen Elizabeth
I and Sir Francis Bacon. We also show that America's
Founding Fathers carefully carried out the Baconian
Plan in establishing the government of America.
Video 2 - Riddles
In Stone: The Secret Architecture of Washington, D.C.,
closely examines the pagan monuments, paintings, sculptures,
and street layout in Government Center and show how
the original Bacon Plan can be seen in these pagan depictions
demonstrate that America was founded according to the
Baconian Plan.
Video 3 - Eye
of the Phoenix examines the two Seals on the back of
the One Dollar Bill and demonstrates that they are Global
Illuminati Seals, not Seals of the U.S. Government.
Also demonstrates that the occult design of these Seals
represents the most powerful 'Magick" of any other
document in history. These two Seals hide three (3)
hexagrams, forming a '666', another example of the hidden
plan to produce Masonic Christ (Antichrist).
Video 4 - 'Hidden
Faith of the Founding Fathers' may be the most important
video in this series. Today, a great deal of effort
and money have been poured into convincing Americans
that their Founding Fathers were Christian men intent
upon founding a Christian nation. We debunk this idea
and prove that the REAL intention of our Masonic Founding
Fathers was to produce a Global Dictatorship ruled by
the Masonic Christ (Anti-christ)!
News Analysis
1. Dr.
Alveda King, niece of Dr. Martin Luther King
Jr., goes to the White House to publicly support
our President!
King: ‘Delighted'
Trump Restricted Funding to Planned Parenthood",
Breitbart News, 23 Feb 2019
"Dr. Alveda
King, niece of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., recalled
Margaret Sanger's — founder of Planned
Parenthood — racist and eugenicist politics
in a Friday interview ... Manning and Mansour
asked King to address the Trump administration's
Friday issuance of a rule regarding federal
taxpayer funding of family planning. The new
rule, issued by the Department of Health and
Human Services (HHS), could block about $60
million of federal government funding for Planned
Parenthood and other abortion providers."
Her answer came
in two parts:
First, Dr. King
spoke to the reality that Government funds should
never be spent upon abortion. As King noted,
human life begins at conception and is instantly
human, with an eternal soul!
Dr. King emphasized the reality that Planned
Parenthood and its founder, Margaret Sanger,
is thoroughly racist at its very foundation.
Not only was Margaret Sanger an enthusiastic
supporter of the genocidal program of Adolf
Hitler, she believed a similar genocide effort
must be launched against the black race.
"King said,
'[Margaret Sanger] thought about the unfit,
that included Negroes, as we were called at
the time. The unfit, those who maybe had physical
disability or some mental disability, or things
like that. She wanted to erase all of that out
of the human population, and her plan was —
first, before abortion became legal —
to have birth control measures, and the negro
project, tying women's tubes and giving
men vasectomies; free tubal ligations and free
vasectomies in the negro community'."
But, Margaret
Sanger supported the genocide effort of the
KKK (Ku Klux Klan)!
"King added,
' People just don't know [Margaret Sanger]
was doing all that. She was also an adviser
to the Ku Klux Klan. A lot of people don't
know that'."
& Silk" chimed in, claiming that Trump
has accomplished more for Blacks than any other
NEWS BRIEF: "Diamond
and Silk: Trump Did More for Blacks than
‘Any Other President', " Breitbart
News, 24 February 2019
"The popular
YouTube video duo Diamond and Silk tweeted Saturday
that President Donald Trump did 'more for black
people than any other president' and posted
a photo of them posing with the president (in
the Oval Office)."
and Silk— who currently have more than
1 million Twitter followers and 1.7 million
Facebook page followers— became famous
on social media by being some of President Trump's
earliest supporters ... Both women are former
Democrats who backed Trump and urged black Americans
voting for Democrats to leave the Democratic
I find it highly
interesting that President Trump is attempting
to win over black votes by striking a blow against
the genocidal efforts of Planned Parenthood
and by providing black workers well-paying jobs.
What new programs
are the Democrats offering blacks to counter
the Presidents' efforts? They are offering brand
new massive dollar giveaways!!
* Massive dollar
outlays to support the Communist/Socialist program
known as the Green New Deal, including a provision
to grant a livable wage to people who simply
do not want to work.
* Massive reparations
to blacks to pay for Slavery!
2. How
many ways can Democrat politicians devise to
snatch money right out of your wallets?
A couple
more ruinous ideas popped up this week.
NEWS BRIEF: "Elizabeth
Ocasio-Warren: Let's
Take a Few Trillion From Rich",
Real Clear Politics, January 25, 2019
"Warren was
pushing soft socialism back when Ocasio-Cortez
was still in diapers. Why should the latter
rather than the former be credited for an idea
like this?"
"Warren went
as far as to push a plan to remake corporate
governance in America, requiring companies by
law to consider not just the interests of their
owners — shareholders — in conducting
business but also those of labor and the surrounding
communities. If anything, AOC should probably
be referred to as Alexandria Warren-Cortez."
though, no Democrat be credited with some sort
of policy innovation for a "soak the rich"
proposal. This is rudimentary leftism, perfectly
salable to a Democratic primary audience and
maybe beyond in 2019. The bad news: The long
march from taxing the ultra-rich to the very
rich to the rich to the middle class has begun."
When Senator Warren
shouts that we need to "tax the rich",
what she is really saying is that we need to
take money from people who have lawfully earned
it so that we can give that cash to people who
have not studied to gain an education, who have
never worked 70 hours per week and who have
never risked their money in order to give it
to people on the street who have not invested
in education, hard work, or monetary risk.
This is the essence
Socialism and is the major reason it has failed
every single time it is attempted. I am flabbergasted
that the Democrat Party is so desperate for
votes that they resort to these "Populist"
promises that they hope will cause many greedy
and lazy people to vote for them.
Julián Castro: I Will Establish Reparations
Task Force", Breitbart
News, 25 Feb 2019
"Monday on
MSNBC's "Hardball," former
Obama HUD Secretary and 2020 Democratic presidential
primary candidate Julián Castro said
if he wins, he will establish a reparations
task force."
"Castro said,
'I have long believed that this country should
resolve its original sin of slavery and that
one of the ways we should consider doing that
is through reparations for people who are the
descendants of slaves. It is interesting to
me that under our Constitution and otherwise
that we compensate people if we take their property.
Shouldn't we compensate people if they
were property sanctioned by the state?' "
This proposal
is nothing short of grandstanding for black
As we have stated
before, the cost of the North fighting for black
slave freedom was enormous.
Of The American Civil War",
Civil War Home, Page last updated on 2/16/2002
" In dollars
and cents, the U.S. government estimated Jan.
1863 that the war was costing $2.5 million daily.
A final official estimate in 1879 totaled $6,190,000,000.
The Confederacy spent perhaps $2,099,808,707.
By 1906 another $3.3 billion already had been
spent by the U.S. government on Northerners'
pensions and other veterans' benefits for former
Federal soldiers. Southern states and private
philanthropy provided benefits to the Confederate
veterans. The amount spent on benefits eventually
well-exceeded the war's original cost."
If the war cost
the Union $6,190,000,000 in 1879 Dollars, then
it will equal a staggering $142,994,689,831.08
in 2016 Dollars!
Furthermore, the
cost in Union lives is even more staggering.
Most estimates of Union dead and wounded are
in the 750,000 range! Most Union soldiers did
not fight and die for the express purpose of
ending slavery; in fact, President Lincoln had
to disguise this genuine goal for the first
two years of the Civil War.
And, then, President
Lyndon B. Johnson arrived at the White House
with another idea as to how he could attract
votes from the modern blacks. His Great Society
The Federal Government
has spent "an astronomical $20 trillion"
as it supported President Lyndon Johnson's Great
Society welfare programs, the total cost to
the Union for attempting to right the wrongs
of Confederate Slavery is 20,142,000,000,000,
and the loss of life for 750,000 men!
I consider that
reparations figure sufficient to right this
wrong, don't you?
Furthermore, President
Johnson's reasons for granting blacks the monies
of his Great Society Welfare Program were entirely
self-serving. Listen:
have those n*****s voting Democratic for the
next 200 years'." (Lyndon Baines Johnson,
remarking about the Great Society plan.
– Democrat Lyndon B. Johnson
Dr. Carol Swain,
a black Professor of political science at Vanderbilt
University speaks the truth, including this
demeaning LBJ quote, in a short video entitled,
"The Inconvenient Truth About the Democratic
3. The
"American Action Forum" (AAF) publicized
a study on the cost of the "Green New Deal":
Green New Deal Would Cost $93 Trillion, over
Four Times the National Debt",
Breitbart News, 25 Feb 2019
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez's (D-NY) radical
Green New Deal would cost over four times the
national debt ... American Action Forum (AAF),
a conservative non-profit run by former Congressional
Budget Office (CBO) director Douglas Holtz-Eakin,
released a study on Monday which found that
Ocasio-Cortez's Green New Deal could cost
somewhere between $51 and $93 trillion over
the next ten years."
Harris (D-CA), defended this staggering amount
of money, saying "Of course, we can support
the cost of this "Green New Deal"!
Harris: ‘Of
Course We Can Afford' Trillion Dollars
of Spending in Green New Deal", Breitbart
News, 24 Feb 2019
"Sunday on
CNN's 'Inside Politics', Democratic presidential
candidate Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA) argued the
United States could afford the trillions of
dollars the Green New Deal could cost taxpayers
... "It's not about a cost. It's
about an investment. And the question should
be, is it worth the cost in terms of the investment
potential? Are we going to get back more than
we put in?"
This Know-Nothing
Democrat believes that America will reap more
monetary return if we divert $93 Trillion in
money flow within the economy. We can't, but
Harris will never admit to the real reason.
Harris believes
that, after taking money out of the hands of
the people who have earned and who know how
a economy operates, jobs and creativity and
investment climate will remain as high as it
is today.
But, of course,
this utopian view will not work, as jobs will
be eliminated investment will dry up and more
and more of the workforce will not want to work
hard and long.
This level of
forced redistribution of wealth will also cost
Americans their freedoms. Socialism / Communism
always results in the overthrow of Constitutional
freedoms and rights, being replaced by an Absolute
You see, when
Government is granted Absolute Power over the
economic side of people's lives, it soon grabs
Absolute Power over the political side as well.
You have been
Spread the warning!
The black actor, Jussie Smollett, has now had
his TV series contract cancelled, as people
are realizing that he lied.
Harvey Milk and Matthew Shepard to Jussie Smollett
— How True Crimes with Fake Motives Inspired
Fake Hate Crimes", Breitbart News,
24 Feb 2019
"Cancel the
BOLO alert for red-capped racists braving the
polar vortex on streets of Chicago in search
of blacks and gays and black gays to victimize.
It turns out that the same perpetrators who
smeared feces on Tawana Brawley, drew that backwards
swastika on Morton Downey, Jr., and gang raped
Crystal Mangum also put that noose around the
neck of Jussie Smollett."
In other words,
all these supposed victims of hate crimes were
not real; their experiences were created and
carried out to deliberately subject this country
continuously to the kind of negative emotions
when a person is really subjected to a hate
"A sensationalistic
hate crime touted by the press only to eventually
unravel feels familiar enough to condition Americans
to receive such reports skeptically ... Part
of falling for fake hate crimes, albeit temporarily,
stems from falling for other fake hate crimes
permanently ... in the aftermath, ideologues
used the tragedies for political purposes. This
success in alchemizing propaganda into history
... at some point the victim surpassed the hero,
that sainthood status goes to the guy who gets
something done to him rather than the guy who
does something, that we began to desire to broadcast
to the world not our goodness but the badness
of the people we dislike."
This is the America
which is forming directly in front of eyes!
The lie has become
the accepted reality and the fake news has become
the accepted truth.
And, the murder
of an innocent baby within the womb becomes
a "fetus" whose live may be brutally
taken because of a "woman's right to her
own body"!
George Orwell
was right in his book, "1984"!
racist hoaxes are responsible for the precipitous
decline in racial harmony since the day Barack
Obama became President.
Trayvon to Jussie — Poll Shows Media
Hoaxes Killed Race Relations",
Breitbart News, 22 Feb 2019
"Gallup began
polling opinions of race relations back in 2001.
At that point, 70 percent of black Americans
graded race relations as 'very good' or 'somewhat
good', while 62 percent of white people agreed.
Think about that… Eighteen years ago,
black people were more satisfied with race relations
than white people."
This statistic
is as unnerving as it is shocking! What caused
the difference in less than two decades? One
major cause was FAKE NEWS!
"In 2013,
all was still good. More than two-thirds of
blacks and whites were optimistic about race
relations, and then it all collapsed. We went
into a five-year dive we have still not recovered
from. In the latest polling, only 55 percent
of whites and 49 percent of blacks view race
relations in a positive light."
Is there one single
event which caused Americans to suddenly slide
perilously close to race war? Yes, there was:
"The answer,
sadly, is an organized media hoax: the death
of Trayvon Martin. In February 2012, George
Zimmerman, a Hispanic man, shot and killed Trayvon
Martin in self-defense ... in February 2012,
President Barack Obama's re-election campaign
was just starting to gear up, and after three
years of failure, he needed a cause to turn
out his base. And so the media came running
to his aid and turned the Hispanic Zimmerman
into a white man, turned an act of self-defense
into a white man hunting down a black teenager,
and went so far as to try and frame Zimmerman
by fabricating evidence against him."
exonerated in a court of law, Zimmerman was
tried and convicted by the media using lies,
fabricated evidence, and outright racism; and
to their forever disgrace, President Obama and
the Democrats milked this hoax for all it was
worth ... went all-in on identity politics,
and in the five years since, they have never
looked back. The result has been an endless
series of hate crime hoaxes that the media are
either complicit in manufacturing or eagerly
advancing. And nothing can stop them, not the
damage to their own credibility, not even tragedy
and death."
We encourage you
to read this entire article, for it is filled
with examples of Fake News from Fake News outlets
and politicians who pander to this kind of hateful
"Tell me
again how the media are not the enemy of the
American people."
5. The
American-led campaign to oust President Maduro
of Venezuela continues to build steam.
NEWS BRIEF: "Sec/State
Pompeo confident Maduro's ‘days
are numbered' in Venezuela
", The New York
Post, February 24, 2019
of State Mike Pompeo decried the violence that
erupted as Nicolas Maduro tried to keep humanitarian
aid from entering Venezuela and said the embattled
leader's 'days are numbered'."
These words are
shocking because they come from a top official
in the Trump Administration. President Trump
has repeatedly stated that he was not going
to engage in "Regime Change" wars
as had his previous four Presidents.
"Now is the
time to act in support of democracy, and respond
to the needs of the desperate Venezuelan people,"
Pompeo said in a statement issued late Saturday.
'The United States will take action against
and hold accountable those who oppose the peaceful
restoration of democracy in Venezuela', it continued."
The Bush Administration
continually invoked the image of "humanitarian
crisis" and of Iraqi armed forces committing
atrocities against their own people.
Then, on March
20, 2003, American forces led the charge across
the Iraqi border, because the false humanitarian
cries had done the job in persuading Americans
to support this war, only the second invasion
of the "Pentagon's New Map Strategy"!
We showed the
front cover of our DVD "Bringing
Saudi Arabia Down",
because we explain thoroughly how this "Pentagon's
New Map Strategy" was conceived and how
it is being implemented.
This war strategy
-- followed since the 2001 Afghanistan invasion
-- is overthrowing every single dictatorship
in the Middle East and Africa. Already, Saddam
Hussein of Iraq, Ghaddafi of Libya, Mubarak
of Egypt, and Saleh of Yemen have been overthrown,
while Syria's Assad is holding on to power by
a thread.
Once every entrenched
dictator is overthrown, the Elite will be able
to establish Supernation #7 of the Club of Rome
Plan, a required step in the establishment of
the Ten Super-Nations of Daniel 7:7-8!
6. Catholic
Cardinal Pell has been convicted in Australia
for the rape of two young boys.
NEWS BRIEF: "Australian
Cardinal George Pell is convicted of molesting
2 choirboys", The
Chicago Tribune, Feb 25, 2019
"The most
senior Catholic cleric ever charged with child
sex abuse has been convicted of molesting two
choirboys moments after celebrating Mass, dealing
a new blow to the Catholic hierarchy's credibility
after a year of global revelations of abuse
and cover-up."
George Pell, Pope Francis' top financial adviser
and the Vatican's economy minister, bowed his
head but then regained his composure as the
12-member jury delivered unanimous verdicts
in the Victoria state County Court on Dec. 11
after more than two days of deliberation."
Why have so many
tens of thousands of Catholic Clergy, over the
past 1,500 years, forced boys, men, young girls,
and married women, into having sex with them!
The answer is in the DVD pictured below.

Jesus warned that a particular
type of church was especially deadly. 'Woe unto
you ... hypocrites! for ye are like unto whited
sepulchres, which indeed appear beautiful outward,
but are within full of dead men's bones and
of all uncleanness.' (Mt 23:27)
We prove that
the only way to understand why Rome brought
in truckloads of pagan doctrine, practices and
dress is to realize that the Vatican is practicing
Witchcraft! We also examine the many symbols
of Catholicism, demonstrating that they are
symbols used in the Witchcraft Mystery Religions
of Babylon, Egypt and Chaldea
This DVD will
open the hearts and minds of loved ones caught
up in Roman Catholicism like no other you have
ever seen.
the dam holding back the extent of Catholic
priestly sex abuse is totally collapsing.
Next Prophecies': Volume
2 of 2
by Bill Salus, Only $19.99
PROPHECIES is A DVD that attempts to chronologically
set in order the prophetic events of the
end times. These PROPHECIES will happen
soon after The NOW PROPHECIES and the
stage is presently being set for their
1) The Ezekiel 38, 'Gog of Magog' invasion
2) The Pre-Tribulation Time-Gap Mystery
3) Satanic Supernatural Deception, (Super-Signs
and Lying-Wonders) 4) The Rise of the
Antichrist, (The Lawless One)
5) The Revealing of Mystery Babylon, (The
Harlot World Religion)
6) The Opening of the Seal Judgments (The
4- Horsemen of the Apocalypse)
7) World Wars, Famines and Pestilences
8) The Decline of Islam, (Allah loses
his Akbar)
9) The False Covenant that triggers the
Tribulation Period
10) Christian Martyrdom, (The Fifth Seal
11) The Two Mysterious Witnesses of Revelation
critically important video prepares the
reader for powerful future world events!
Don't get LEFT BEHIND to face these NEXT
This title
is also available as a Book:
Now Prophecies"
by Bill Salus, Volume 1 of 2 - Only $19.99
God's word
to Noah was to prepare NOW for a worldwide
flood. God's word to Joseph was to prepare
Pharaoh and Egypt NOW for seven years
of famine. God's word to Jeremiah was
to prepare the Jews NOW for seventy years
of exile into Babylon.
The key
word in these historical examples was
NOW! What does God's Word say for us to
prepare for NOW? What are the tough decisions
we need to make?
Prophecies identifies the biblical prophecies
that were
centuries ago for THIS GENERATION! These
ancient inscriptions predict powerful
events that will profoundly affect everyone.
This video makes it easy to understand
how to get ready NOW for what to expect
in the near future!
The titles
of these critical NOW prophecies are:
* Disaster
In Iran!
* Destruction of Damascus! Decline In
* The Final Arab- Israeli War!
it is time to 'look up, for our Redemption
draweth nigh'!
Past, Present and Future" - DVD
2 of 2
$24.99, Only $19.99
Today's Christians
have a very sketchy, superficial, and foggy
knowledge of the progress of the Jewish state
that has led to the conflict and confusion broadcasted
by the current news media.
In Part I of our
study, we discussed the origins of Israel from
the Abrahamic Covenant up until 1948. Part II
of our study of the nation of Israel begins
with a look at the modern birth of the nation
in 1948 and will discuss events that lead right
up to todays headlines.
We will cover
the military struggles from the attack on the
new Jewish state in 1948 by the surrounding
Arab countries, the Suez Crisis, the 6 Day War,
the Yom Kippur War, and the later attacks from
terrorist organizations such as Hamas and Hezbollah.
Most importantly,
Part II will center around the biblical perspective
of the modern Jewish state. We will give all
sides of the arguments regarding Zionism, Christian
Zionism, Christian Palestinianism, and even
look into the effects of the Hebraic Roots movement
on modern Evangelicalism.
The goal of this
study is to equip the individual Christian with
a totally biblical perception of the modern
nation of Israel, God's biblical plan for the
Jewish people, and what we as Christians should
do to align our thoughts and actions to the
Word of God.
Almost 2 Hours
long -
Plan given at the end, so this DVD is a soul-winning
also "Israel's
Past, Present and Future" - DVD,
Volume 1
Vol 1 of 2
By Mac
Dominic, Cutting Edge Films
$24.99, Now Only $19.99
Time 1 Hour 30 Minutes
series 'The Foundation of Our Faith' - Three
-- Resurrection Day
Societies Killed Jesus Christ" DVD
by David
Bay - Watch
You will
never read the Gospels the same way again after
you understand the REAL reason that the Pharisees
and the Sadducees plotted to persuade the Romans
to kill an innocent man.
What were
they thinking, since they did recognize that
Jesus was the prophesied Messiah?
How does
their thinking and plotting then impact us now,
2000 years later? And, what bearing does their
belief against Jesus have today, as the Biblical
Antichrist is soon to arise?
Secret Societies are once again driving the
plans to produce the Jewish Messiah.
You will
never look at Easter (Resurrection
Day) the same way again!

Occult Holidays"
by Former
Satanist Doc Marquis
$39.99, now only $19.99
Did you know that
all our annual holidays are rooted deeply into
Black Magick Satanism? Doc Marquis, delivers
a knockout punch against the practice of all
our major holidays, providing details only a
former Witch would know.
Doc begins by
demonstrating how the Illuminati effected the
change in our calendar and how that change has
affected a dramatic change in our everyday lives.
The Illuminati copied heathen holidays from
Satanism and then just gave them Christian names.
You will be shocked to realize how very pagan
our annual celebrations are! You will be shocked
to realize how most of the symbols used in our
holidays originated within Satanism.
Doc covers the
following pagan holidays most of which America
fervently celebrates. 1) America's Occult Calendar
-- Marquis reveals how our entire calendar is
patterned after Illuminism, from January 1 through
December 31! 2) Valentine's Day/Groundhog Day
3) St. Patrick's Day 4) Easter 5) Beltaine -
May 1 - May Day 6) Halloween (Samhain) 7) Christmas
Your Children From These Deeply Satanic Holidays
News Articles: "Resurrection
Eggs" -- Another Sign of Apostasy Within
the Christian Church "
Baptist Apostasy Reaches New Proportions --
Celebrating Easter Eggs -- Easter is BAAL Worship!
Another Sign The End of the Age Is Near.
News Article
war erupts over Jesus 'physically' rising from
dead", World Net Daily, January
13, 2019
"When Jesus
rose from the dead, was it a physical resurrection
of His body, or was He transformed into a spiritual
body? That question has sparked a serious dispute
in the Church of England, and the archbishop
of Canterbury is now being pressured to force
his new representative to Rome to resign."
" 'We need
to challenge the belief that the resurrection
of Jesus from the dead was a physical resurrection',
Shepherd says on video."
The Church of
England has finally slid so far into the muck
and mire of Apostasy that they have landed into
the Abyss of Antichrist. When they "challenge
the belief that the resurrection of Jesus from
the dead was a physical resurrection",
they are fulfilling 1 John 4:2-3, quoted below.
"Hereby know
ye the Spirit of God: Every spirit that confesseth
that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is of
God: And every spirit that confesseth not that
Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is not of
God: and this is that spirit of antichrist."
The verse of Romans
10:9 also condemns this type of teaching:
"That if
thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus,
and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath
raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved."
(Romans 10:9, KJV)
Personally, I
believe that when a person does not believe
Jesus rose physically from the grave, that person
is not saved!
In fact, this
belief comes dangerously close to the teaching
of Illuminized Freemasonry! "But, Pike
then 'reveals' that Jesus did not actually live
a normal human life, but 'took upon Himself
only the appearance of a body ...' (Albert Pike,
"Morals and Dogma of the Ancient and Accepted
Scottish Rite of Freemasonry", p. 564)
Then, a few pages
later, Pike returns to this heresy. 'The Light
[Jesus] could not unite with the darkness. It
put on the appearance of a human body, and took
the name of Christ in the Messiah, only to accommodate
itself to the language of the Jews ... But the
Chief of the Empire of Darkness [Satan, which
is Ialdabaoth] caused Him to be crucified by
the Jews. Still, He suffered in appearance only
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Jesus Richly Bless You,
Bay, Director
Edge Ministries
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Must I Do To Be Saved? |