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Price Sale on DVDs From Michael Samuel Smith

Titles regular 19.99 are
now 9.99 - Supplies limited- Titles
are as Follows:
In Egypt
Next Rapture! Shadows and Types In The Old Testament
Will Be Realized ;In The Next Rapture'
Cyrus Effect: President Trump A Type of King Cyrus!
(Almost gone)
Samson Paradox DVD by Michael Smith - Prophecy HIdden
Within The Story!
The Mystery of the Red Heifer - DVD
Important News Headlines
- Analysis Below
1. Foreign leaders
are already concluding that Joe Biden is going to be
a very weak leader.
Wars beckon, from
the Middle East to Southeast Asia, to the Korean Peninsula
-- and probably simultaneously!
In fact, people
will be frightened that they will welcome a superman
to arise to restore "peace and safety"!
2. After hinting
that Biden had better toe the Beijing line, China proposes
a "Reset".
When Hillary Clinton,
as Secretary of State, publicly pushed the big red "Reset"
button with Russia's Putin, she greatly opened her bank
Then, she accused
Donald Trump of being guilty of the very same crimes
of which she had been guilty!
3. Finally, the
Democrats have actually stated their hidden goals:
"They don't
want businesses who cannot pay the $15 Minimum Wage!
4. Supreme Court
Justices Thomas, Alito, and Gorsuch are sounding alarms
over the 2020 Election.
Why didn't the
Court hear the facts of massive voter fraud?
5. As America
prepares to slaughter 862,320 babies this year, God's
Word thunders from on-high:
"... neither
shed innocent blood in this place." (Jeremiah 7:6,
Herein lies God's
principle of Judgment: When the leaders of a nation
consistently refuse to carry out the judgment for the
crimes being committed, then God will carry out that
punishment upon the whole nation!
6. After savaging
President Trump about keeping callously keeping minor
immigrant children in cages, Biden has callously restarted
this program!
Hard-hearted and
callous beyond compare, well did the Apostle Paul say
of you: (Romans 2:5 -- See Below)
7. Leftist Democrats
and Republicans are veering America into Communism /
Socialism, the most disastrous system ever invented.
The time has come
to remember that Chinese Socialism killed 36 million
Chinese because of stupidity inherent within Socialism!
& The 'Final Solution' "
Book by Tom Horn, Only $19.99
It’s been
assumed for centuries that a prerequisite for the coming
of Antichrist would be a revived world order an umbrella
under which national boundaries dissolve and ethnic
groups, ideologies, religions, and economics from around
the world orchestrate a single and dominant sovereignty.
At the head of the utopian administration, a single
personality will surface. He will appear to be a man
of distinguished character, but will ultimately become
a king of fierce countenance (Daniel 8:23) -- ANTICHRIST!
With haughty,
dictatorial decrees, he will facilitate a One-World
Government, universal religion, and global socialism.
Those who refuse his New World Order will inevitably
be imprisoned or destroyed until at last he exalts himself
above all that is called God, or that is worshiped,
so that he, as God, sitteth in the temple of God, showing
himself that he is God (2 Thessalonians 2:4).
Bible prophecy
depicts this coming tyrant as the deadliest in human
history. He will try to carry out a satanic Final Solution
to inflict genocide far beyond that done through Adolf
Hitler's plan by the same name. And this soon-to-come
era is closer than many can imagine; yet, most don't
comprehend the events that lie just ahead.
For the first
time in decades, the truth of dispensational history
is laid out in order that the world can understand what
is unfolding now -- and coming very, very soon. https://www.cuttingedge.org/detail.cfm?ID=2948
Is The Planned Key To Resurrection of the Martyred Antichrist!
of the Beast"
Resurrection Planned in Washington DC!"
From 1776, a Shadow Government
existed which really controlled the levers of power;
under President Obama, this shadow government was transformed
into the
Washington DC was planned
to be a 'High Place' of Luciferian worship, exactly
like the 'High Places" in Old Testament times,
against which God railed. Washington DC is correctly
called the 'most evil place on Earth' with spiritually
controlled buildings and seething with occult energy,
just as we reported in 'Riddles
In Stone'!
Luciferians of Freemasonry,
Rosicrucianism and other occult leaders have always
viewed world and national events as being controlled
by 'National Overlords', demonic beings as revealed
in Daniel 10!
US Capitol was built with
a secret crypt empty of a body, so that, at the right
moment in world history, the body of the assassinated
Masonic Christ can be placed within (fulfillment of
Rev 13:3); the most powerful Scottish Rite Masonic leaders
will then convene to conduct the Aleister Crowley 'Raising
of Osiris' ritual which will raise 'Osiris' (Antichrist)
from the dead, thus fulfilling Revelation 13:3, so that
the power and authority foretold in Revelation 13:4
can be fully established.
Finally, you will
understand the Satanic Black Magick power of Hillary
Clinton, much as we reported in our video
'Hillary Clinton: Sun Goddess Unleashed'!
Mysteries of America's Beginnings"
Combo Pack --
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has almost 12 hours of video in History Channel quality.
You will be mesmerized and your view of American history
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to our 'Riddles
In Stone" DVD of this Combo Offer!
$79.96, Now Only $69.96 for 12 full hours of History
Channel Quality teaching!
World-Class DVD From Chris Pinto
DVD Title from Chris Pinto
The 'True Christian
History of America' is a powerful documentary, showing
the Bible-based Christian origins of the early American
view of freedom, tracing the principles of liberty back
to England and the great Reformation.
For many years,
Americans have been taught in our schools and universities
that the founding of our Republic was the result of
the Enlightenment from France, or from the deists of
that time. But is that truly the case? Did the Enlightenment
first declare no taxation without representation? Or
trial by jury? Were they the champions of freedom of
speech, or of the press? And why did Samuel Adams declare
that the “reign of political Protestantism”
would commence, just before signing the Declaration
of Independence?
Filmed on location
in the United States, as well as in England, Switzerland,
and the Czech Republic, this insightful documentary
contains unique interviews with experts from around
the world, who relate how the champions of the Gospel
pursued the cause of freedom across the centuries, and
how it is their beliefs which are enshrined in the Declaration,
the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.
At a time when
America and the principles of freedom stand in peril,
it has never been more important for the Christian world
to reclaim its historic heritage. This documentary is
perfect for churches, Bible study groups, homeschool
parents, or anyone who desires to learn a detailed history
on the influence of Christianity in the United States.
Video clips online
Presented by Christian
J. Pinto Running Time: 150+ minutes --
Chris Pinto Titles
Analysis of Headline News
Foreign leaders are already concluding that Joe
Biden is going to be a very weak leader.
Iran considers Biden a weak president: A "Pushover
President", World Israel News, Feb
22, 2021
"It is only
one month into his term in office, and President
Joe Biden is already facing criticism from Arabs
over his administration’s soft policy toward
"The Arabs
say they are worried because Iran sees Biden as
a “weak” president, and that is why
the mullahs in Tehran and their proxies in Syria,
Yemen, Iraq and Lebanon have increased their terrorist
attacks in the Middle East."
“In Tehran’s
eyes, Biden is a pushover,” wrote Abdulrahman
Al-Rashed, former editor-in-chief of the Saudi
newspaper Ashraq Al-Awsat."
If Iran considers
President Biden to be a "pushover",
they do so because the leaders who control Iran
considers him to be that way. Russia and China
both consider Joe Biden to be a paper thin president.
My experience for
nearly 3 years in the "Pentagon of the East"
intelligence station on Okinawa taught me some
invaluable lessons, chief of which is that leaders
can and do go to war because of miscalculation,
misunderstanding what the enemy leader will or
will not do.
In this case, China
desperately wants to annex Taiwan to restore her
national honor, which was badly damaged when Nationalist
Chinese forces escaped to the island of Taiwan
to set up a government which ultimately became
a free and Democrat government.
When you throw on
top of this perceived great national dishonor
the reality that a Third
World War was planned, out of which
would stride Antichrist, you can see how important
it is that Biden is allowing the perception to
rule that he might be soft in his reaction to
an cross-channel invasion.
the Biden Administration Stumbling Into War?
"Simple Political Ineptness", American
Greatness, Feb 21, 2021
"Wars begin
when aggressive powers believe that their targets
are weaker, or give the false impression that
they are weaker, or at least stay inert in the
face of provocation ... The truth is that for
the immediate future, the U.S. economy and military
remain the strongest in the world. Provoking America
is an especially unwise act, given the repercussions
that could follow. What reassures our allies is
not talk of new bipartisanship, internationalism,
and tolerance, but quiet coupled with overwhelming
power and a clear message to use it in defense
of our interests."
And, herein lies
the deepest, darkest danger to the current global
China knows the
Illuminati Plan to give her back Taiwan (Bilderberg
Meeting, 1954) and she knows that she has bought
Joe and Hunter Biden's loyalty. Se does not have
to be concerned that American military might should
be sufficient to black a Chinese invasion.
She can, and she
will, order Joe Biden to not allow American forces
to intervene on behalf of Taiwan.
Further, if America's
ally, Israel and South Korea are also currently
fighting for their lives, then who can be surprised
that America might not be able to save the Taiwanese
Please allow us
to conclude this segment by returning to our featured
"Our enemies
may not see Biden just as elderly and frail, his
congressional majorities thin, his animus directed
more at the Trump movement than others abroad,
but as unlikely to respond to their own aggression."
Wars beckon,
from the Middle East to Southeast Asia, to the
Korean Peninsula -- and probably simultaneously!
Arabia becomes ‘target practice’ for
Iran-backed militias as Biden pulls support",
World Israel News, Feb 22, 2021
"The Biden
administration’s efforts to 'recalibrate'
U.S.-Saudi relations may have led to the emboldening
of Iran-linked groups in Yemen and Iraq, which
have launched more frequent and increasingly precise
airborne attacks against Saudi Arabia in recent
weeks, The Wall Street Journal reported Friday."
U.S. decision to revoke the terrorist designation
of the Houthis was misinterpreted by them as a
license to escalate and continue their barbaric
behavior within Yemen and the region with support
from Iran,” a Saudi official said in a written
said there has been a “steady flow”
of attacks across the border ... The recent attacks
on Saudi Arabia aren’t coming from Yemen
only. On Jan. 23, drones
from southern Iraq struck the main royal complex
in the Saudi capital of Riyadh. A Shiite terrorist
group that U.S. officials consider a front for
Iran-backed groups claimed responsibility."
In fact,
people will be so frightened that they will welcome
a superman to arise to restore "peace and
Israel's enemies
are also seeing an opportunity with Biden as president.
Nasrallah warns Israel it ‘will see things
it has not seen’ since its founding",
World Israel News, Feb
17, 2021
leader Hassan Nasrallah said on Tuesday that Israel’s
“home front will see things it has not seen
since the establishment of Israel” should
war break out between the two sides. 'None
can guarantee that ‘combat days’ won’t
descend into widespread war. The Israeli home
front will see things it has not seen since the
establishment of Israel."
Hezbollah has reportedly
250,000 missiles deployed north of Israel. What
is the prophesied condition of Israel at the time
Russia leads her attack in fulfillment of Ezekiel
The first war to
erupt will be an attack by Hamas, Hezbollah and
the Palestinian Authority. Thus, Israel will be
attacked from the North, the South, and from the
I.D.F studies have
shown that Iron Dome and attendant systems can
be expected to shoot down about 60-70% of the
missiles being fired into tiny Israel/
Since the combined
total of missiles is 250,000, this destruction
percentage will allow 75,000 to strike targets
within Israel. The Jewish State will survive but
the death and destruction will bring this prophecy
to fulfillment:
"... And they
that dwell in the cities of Israel shall go forth, and shall
set on fire and burn the weapons ... with fire seven years:
So that they shall take no wood out of the field, neither
cut down any out of the forests..." (Ezekiel
39:9-10, KJV)
We have stated for
a good many years that, while Israel the nation
will survive, her devastation will be so grave
that she will be thrust backward in time about
400 years ago, where her people depended upon
firewood again for cooking and heating.
By the time the
IDF wins this war, the destruction will have been
so great that the hearts and minds of the Jews
will be properly prepared to accept Antichrist
as their long-awaited Jewish Messiah!
Peoples of the world
will "rue the day" that the American
people allowed Joe Biden to claim victory in the
2020 election!
2. After
hinting that Biden had better toe the Beijing
line, China proposes a "Reset".
calls for reset in Sino-U.S. relations
", Metro U.S. News, Feb 22, 2021
"Wang, a Chinese
state councilor and foreign minister, said Beijing
stood ready to reopen constructive dialogue after
ties sank to their lowest in decades under former
president Donald Trump. But he urged Washington
to respect China’s core interests, stop
“smearing” the ruling Communist Party,
stop interfering in Beijing’s internal affairs,
and stop “conniving” with separatist
forces for Taiwan’s independence."
Wow! China is demanding
that Biden cave in to all of China's demands!
Watch news carefully,
for you will realize that Biden will do his part
in establishing the New World Order by refusing
to allow American forces to intervene, thus allowing
the worldwide
destruction so necessary to produce the New Age
Christ (Antichrist)!
When Hillary
Clinton, as Secretary of State, publicly pushed
the big red "Reset" button with Russia's
Putin, she greatly opened her bank account!
Then, she
accused Donald Trump of being guilty of the very
same crimes of which she had been guilty!
3. Finally,
the Democrats have actually stated their hidden
don't want businesses who cannot pay the $15 Minimum
Rep. Khanna: ‘We
Don’t Want’ Small Businesses That
Can’t Afford $15 Minimum Wage", Breitbart
News, 21 Feb 2021
Ro Khanna (D-CA) declared Sunday on CNN’s
“Inside Politics” that we should not
want 'low-wage businesses' when pressed on small
businesses who would struggle under a federal
mandate to pay employees $15 an hour. The nonpartisan
Congressional Budget Office predicted raising
the federal minimum wage to $15 an hour by 2025
would cost 1.4 million Americans their jobs over
the next four years."
Watch now as this
Leftist Democrat boldly states that he does not
care if you will lose your job once the minimum
wage increases to $15 per hour. He does not care.
"Abby, it’s
absolutely the right time to give working Americans
a raise. Let’s look at the facts. Amazon
raised their wage to $15 nationally, not regionally.
They have more jobs today. It didn’t hurt
job creation or business. Target followed. They
also did it nationally, more jobs.”
I find it interesting
that this Leftist politician cited huge conglomerates
as examples of companies which have successfully
instituted $15 minimum wage, when a quiet effort
from these companies is underway to switch as
many jobs to automated checkout so that they can
afford $15 wage for the reduced numbers of people
who remain employed.
Restaurants are
also moving aggressively into eliminating the
waitress which takes your order and satisfies
any customer need after the customer has begun
Furthermore, our
economy will find it more difficult to bounce
back after a downturn, since small businesses
have traditionally been more of a catalyst for
recovery than the big guys!
Finally, this situation
truly does underscore one of the huge differences
between Capitalism and Socialism.
says let the Free Market decide the wage to be
paid. If the company and the worker are agreed
on the wages to be paid for any type of work,
then both sides agree and the person goes to work.
Since each company is allowed to formulate a policy
which companies in different situations and different
locations can live with, both sides are profitable
and the company remains in business.
says the government must intervene to force the
business to pay the $15 per hour, even if many
of the individual companies cannot afford it.
Socialism always strikes a heavy blow which is
"one size fits all". Neither company
nor worker can sustain this situation and the
company goes out of business and the worker becomes
4. Supreme
Court Justices Thomas, Alito, and Gorsuch are
sounding alarms over the 2020 Election.
Why didn't
the Court hear the facts of massive voter fraud?
NEWS BRIEF: "Justices
Thomas, Alito and Gorsuch Blast Supreme Court’s
‘Inexplicable’ Refusal to Hear Pennsylvania
Election Lawsuit", American
Greatness, Feb 22, 2021
"The Supreme
Court on Monday struck down a Republican challenge
over absentee ballots received up to three days
after Election Day in Pennsylvania ... The decision
prompted dissents from three conservative justices;
Justices Samuel Alito, Clarence Thomas, and Neil
Gorsuch. The trio argued that while the legal
questions in the case may not have affected the
outcome of the November election, the Supreme
Court should take the opportunity to clarify election
law because the same legal issues could impact
future elections.
his dissent, Thomas characterized the Court’s
refusal to take cases challenging the election
as 'inexplicable', 'befuddling', and 'baffling'.”
Throughout the election
aftermath, I have been repeatedly struck by the
reality that the Leftists could not have stolen
this election had they not enjoyed the support
of "Trojan Horse" Democrats and Republicans,who
had been placed in position some time ago, to
be able to step forward at the right time to verify
the fake election outcome.
This news story
is simply another instance where a trusted institution
refused to step forward at the right time and
on the right issue, so that the will of the majority
could be set in place.
When the Supreme
Court refused to hear the overwhelming evidence
of voter fraud in Pennsylvania in early November
-- refused to even review the evidence -- I knew
the fix was in and that the New Order was coming
5. As America
prepares to slaughter 862,320 babies this year,
God's Word thunders from on-high:
neither shed innocent blood in this place."
(Jeremiah 7:6, KJV)
NEWS BRIEF: "Planned
Parenthood Abortion Numbers Hit 15-Year-High,
Pro-Life Group", The
Epoch Times, Feb 21, 2021
"Data from
Planned Parenthood’s annual report shows
that the organization’s abortion numbers
hit a 15-year-high ... Between Oct. 1, 2018 and
Sept. 30, 2019, Planned Parenthood performed 354,871
abortions among other services..."
" 'Planned
Parenthood’s business is abortion, not health
care', SBA List President Marjorie
Dannenfelser said in a statement. 'At a time when
U.S. abortions overall have long been on the decline,
Planned Parenthood is ending the lives of more
than 354,000 unborn children a year'.”
I am totally flabbergasted
to think that, while we are traumatized over the
loss of 500,000 people in one year of COVID-19,
but we brag publicly that Planned Parenthood murder
354,000 preborn babies!
In God's eyes, the
body of each abortion victim is stacking like
corkwood toward Heaven, until finally, God's angel
steps forward to say:
"For her sins
have reached unto heaven, and God hath remembered
her iniquities." (Revelation 18:5, KJV)
But, first, God
has to enlarge the holding capacity of Hell, before
He casts his judgment upon this wicked nation.
hell hath enlarged herself, and opened her mouth beyond
measure; and their glory and their multitude and their pomp,
and he that rejoiceth, shall descend into it."
(Isaiah 5:14)
Herein lies
God's principle of Judgment: When the leaders
of a nation consistently refuse to carry out the
judgment for the crimes being committed, then
God will carry out that punishment upon the whole
Articles: "Economic Babylon May Be America",
The only preparation
you can make is to turn to Jesus for repentance
and salvation before God's judgment hits. If you
are Born Again Christian, you have nothing to
fear, but if you are not a Born Again Christian,
you have everything to fear.
Must I Do To Be Saved?
6. After
savaging President Trump about keeping callously
keeping minor immigrant children in cages, Biden
has callously restarted this program!
House Defends Putting Migrant Kids In Shipping
Container Cages Because COVID",
The Federalist, Feb 22, 2021
"White House
press secretary Jen Psaki defended the Biden administration’s
decision to reopen a detention center for unaccompanied
migrant children in Texas by claiming it is necessary
due to COVID-19."
What a huge difference
back in the heyday of President Trump, when he
phased out this program started by President Obama!
Mass Media attempted wholeheartedly to skewer
Trump with a spike of Obama's making!
Listen to some of
the reaction from some concerned and discerning
* " 'Kids in
cages' turns into 'migrant facilities' pretty
quickly when a Democrat is in office." (Congressman
Greg Steube)
* "They’re
not 'kids in cages' anymore. They’re kids
in 'migrant facilities'.” (Rep. Jim Jordan)
When major American
officials and journalists begin to systematically
lie, God takes note, He issues warning after warning
to repent and change their ways, and then He moves
in judgment against both the guilty individuals
and, finally, against the whole nation!
and callous beyond compare, well did the Apostle
Paul say of you: (Romans 2:5)
"Because of
thy hardness and impenitence of heart, thou treasurest up
unto thyself wrath against the Day of Wrath and revelation
of the righteous judgment of God..." (Romans 2:5, KJV)

Leftist Democrats and Republicans are veering
America into Communism / Socialism, the
most disastrous system ever invented.
time has come to remember that Chinese Socialism
killed 36 million Chinese because of stupidity
inherent within Socialism!
Americans Turn Left, We Should Remember
Socialism Killed 36 Million Chinese",
The Federalist, Feb 23, 2021
day, a villager brought Yang the dreadful
message—his father was dying of starvation.
Yang rushed home. He found utter destitution.
The village felt like a ghost town. There
were no animals running around, not even
rats, and no living trees either. “All
had been stripped of their leaves and bark
by starving peasants,” he records.
People ate whatever they could get their
hands on, and when they were not searching
for food, they barely had any energy to
move or make a sound."
What were
the factors which this new Socialist system
had wreaked upon them? Yang’s book
presents indisputable evidence to support
his conclusion that the Great Chinese Famine
was instead a man-made disaster.
* Starting
"in 1949, the CCP had sealed China
off from the outside world. The government
had a domestic monopoly on information and
* "From
nursery school to university, the chief
mission was to inculcate a Communist worldview
in the minds of all students ... “all
views diverging from those of the party
were nipped in the bud.”
* "Many
were starved to death like his father, but
others died as a result of the CCP’s
brutal “anti-hoarding” campaign,
which used violence to “extort every
last kernel of grain or seed from peasants.”
* "...
standard abuse of beating, there were other
forms of torture, including “dousing
the head with cold water, tearing out hair,
cutting off ears, driving bamboo strips
into the palm…and being buried alive.”
* "A
mass steel campaign was one of them. Everywhere
in China, people built small backyard furnaces,
attempting to produce steel ... none of
these efforts increased steel production,
and all of it only yielded useless output."
Do you remember
comments from Biden and Former Secretary
of State, John Kerry as they were responding
to a question about the number of jobs being
lost because of his New Green Deal policies.
"Climate Czar Kerry Wants Ex-Keystone
Workers To Make Solar Panels",
Forbes, Jan 31, 2021
Biden’s new “climate czar”
John Kerry says laid off workers in the
fossil fuels industry should be able to
easily transfer their skill set into solar.
He specifically said they can “make
solar panels” instead of making the
Keystone pipeline that Biden canceled on
day two of his tenure in the White House."
This is a
perfect example of a "perfectly useless
project"! Manufacturing solar panels
does not, and never will, pay as much as
a union oil and/or gas industry. Furthermore,
the most powerful manufacturer in the world
of solar panels is ---- China! (Who is ramping
up supply right now).
Joe Biden is killing jobs in the oil and
gas industry in favor of switching to solar
panels, an industry dominated by China!
- China - China
You Seen All Volumes In This Series?

Plans For A Deadly Plague
control of the world ... to reduce ... the world
to a safe level by a process of benevolent slavery
and genocide ... The only alternative left to
the world's ruling elite was to increase the
death rate." ("Behold
A Pale Horse",
p. 49]
Aurelio Peccei of the Club of Rome ... advocated
that a plague be introduced that would have the
same effect as the Black Death of history."
A Pale Horse", p. 167]
Into Their New World Order
we come into our kingdom (New World Order) our
orators will expound great problems which have
turned humanity upside down in order to bring
the world, at the end under our beneficent rule."
A Pale Horse", p.
NOTE: The global plan
to establish the New World Order as William Cooper
so brilliantly informed us in "Behold
A Pale Horse", is now finally beginning
to occur with great rapidity!
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Must I Do To Be Saved
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