News Analysis
President Trump declared a "National Emergency"
on Friday because of the "invasion"
by illegal immigrants on the Mexico border.
declares national emergency on border, taking
extra money for wall", The
Washington Times, February 15, 2019
Trump declared a national emergency on the southern
border Friday, saying he'll defy Congress
to divert about $6.5 billion in unspent federal
funds to build more border walls that lawmakers
have refused to authorize."
" 'We're
going to confront the national security crisis
at our southern border', the president said.
'We're talking about an invasion of our
By declaring that
America is facing an "invasion" by
foreign forces, the President is guiding the
debate along the lines that fall under the responsibility
of the President of the United States, i.e.,
defending this country from all enemies, foreign
and domestic.
The Constitution
provides the authority to defend this country
to the President. However ----
A "National
Emergency" is fraught with potential risks
to our Liberties and our Constitutional Rights.
Executive Orders
are now set in place, allowing President Trump
to seize dictatorial control of our entire nation
and its infrastructure.
* Executive Order
10995 provides for the takeover of the communications
* Executive Order 10997 provides for the takeover
of all electric, power, petroleum, gas, fuels,
and minerals.
* Executive Order 10988 provides for the takeover
of food resources and farms
* Executive Order 10999 provides for the takeover
of all modes of transportation, control of highways,
seaports, etc.
* Executive Order 11000 provides for mobilization
of all civilians into work brigades under the
Government supervision.
* Executive Order 11001 provides for Government
takeover of all health, education and welfare
* Executive Order 11002 designates the Postmaster
General to operate a national registration of
all persons.
* Executive Order 11003 provides for the Government
to take over airports and aircraft
* Executive Order
11004 provides for the Housing and Finance Authority
to relocate communities, designate areas to
be abandoned, and establish new locations for
* Executive Order
11005 provides for the Government to take over
railroads, inland waterways, and public storage
All these above
Executive Orders were combined into one huge
Executive Order which allows all these power
seizures to take place if the President declares
a national emergency. President Clinton set
the stage with Executive Order #12938, on November
14, 1994, for the Federal Government to totally
take over the functions of both government and
the running of the country. All he needed was
the declaration of a national emergency.
Those of us who
carefully follow this plan to move America into
the Absolute Dictatorship of the New World Order
have long looked at a declaration of national
emergency to be an instrument by which a President
of the United States could easily overthrow
our Constitution and seize tyrannical control.
goodness past presidents have used it so often
that its potential danger seems to be muted.
Declared National Emergencies 13 Times Including
Swine Flu, Iran And Flint Water Crisis",
Tea Party News, February 16, 2019
Trump is expected to declare a State of Emergency
at the US southern border on Friday. Declaring
the immigration crisis a national emergency
is overdue. Presidents have declared national
emergencies for nearly 50 years."
"Barack Obama
declared 13 national emergencies, 11 of which
continue to this day. The Obama emergencies
included the Swine Flu, Flint water crisis and
"... there
are currently 31 ongoing national emergencies
over which the president wields certain authorities,
the first of which has been in existence since
1979 and is one of only two emergencies declared
by Carter."
The following
Presidents issued National Emergency decrees
as follows:
* President Ronald
Reagan - 6 declarations
* President George
H.W. Bush -- 4 declarations
* President Bill
Clinton declared 17 national emergencies
* President George
W. Bush declared 12 national emergencies
* President Trump
has declared three active and ongoing national
However, we who
love our Liberties and our protective Constitution
must remain vigilant against any attempt by
any president to seize dictatorial control,
because these national emergency executive orders
surely do give the president the authority to
become a tyrant!
Our Founding Fathers
truly knew what they were doing when they granted
average American citizens the right to own guns!
We may be called upon one day to defend our
Within a few days of the President's declaration
that he is going to use other funds to build
the wall, California and several other states
immediately filed a lawsuit against him.
Actions to Stop National Emergency Declaration
Begin", The Epoch Times,
February 16, 2019
"Four left-leaning
environmentalist groups have filed federal lawsuits
against the Trump administration, in hopes of
blocking the president's national emergency
declaration that seeks to redirect $6.7 billion
in already allocated funds to build a wall on
the nation's largely undefended border
with Mexico."
"The legal
actions came as a violent protest broke out
against the declaration not far from the border
in Texas, as a group of states are contemplating
filing their own lawsuits, and as opponents
on Capitol Hill prepare lawsuits and ready a
legislative effort to have Congress reverse
the declaration."
And, of course,
these "open border" advocates chose
a like-minded judge with whom to file their
challenge. This type of judge will not issue
an impartial verdict based upon the Constitution,
but will issue his decree based upon the political
agenda of the New World Order.
"All three
lawsuits were filed in the U.S. District Court
for the District of Columbia."
seems to be following a more protracted campaign
than the short-sighted Leftist approach of denying
him right now.
expert Jonathan Turley on Trump's emergency
declaration: ‘Democrats
will lose' on merits of case",
The National Sentinel, February 17, 2019
"George Washington
University Law School professor Jonathan Turley,
a noted constitutional expert, explained ...
'What Trump is going to do is he's going
to use money that was appropriated by Congress.
It just doesn't have these tight conditions
on them. That's Congress' decision
to make. They can appropriate money and not
put many conditions on."
"But Turley
says Leftist groups and congressional Democrats
opposed to the president's declaration
are going to lose on the merits of the case
because Congress has already bestowed such powers
on the Executive Branch."
But, the President
is likely to lose in the lower courts, where
Liberal judges will rule against him; and then,
he will hope that five Justices on the Supreme
Court will rule according to the law and overturn
the lower court rulings.
in 2020 is on Trump's mind and he is going to
ride this horse slowly, methodically, until
every voter is going to be aware of the position
on illegal immigration of every Democrat candidate!
wins even if he loses Supreme Court battle",
Canada Free Press,
February 18, 2019
Trump's Proclamation of a National Emergency
on the Southern Border has ensured that the
consequences of the illegal entry of drugs,
criminals and foreigners through that porous
border will now be owned by the Congress and
not the President—guaranteeing him certain
victory in the 2020 Presidential elections."
We must remember
two very important facts in this debate:
1) During the
2016 presidential campaign, internal Republican
polls clearly demonstrated that the most important
issue in the minds of the voters was Illegal
Immigration. As long as Trump kept hitting this
issue, he simply could not lose!
2) Do you remember
candidate Bill Clinton in the election of 1992?
If he was speaking to a group of Conservatives,
he would support the issues as he knew his audience
wanted to hear. But, if he was speaking to a
group of Liberals, he would tell them what they
wanted to hear.
What infuriated
Republican leaders is that the public seemed
to never catch on to what 'ole Bill was up to?
So, how does President
Trump ensure that the voting public clearly
knows which side of this illegal immigration
debate they support? If the voters clearly know
what the Democrats support that Democrat will
lose the election?
But, how does
Trump make the Democrat's stance on the issue
known? By forcing them to defend their indefensible
position time after time, day after day and
month after month. The issue is the 2020 election,
and Trump intends to fight this battle mound
after mound after mound!
This plan will
act as a grindstone, grinding slowly, but finely.
When the 2020
elections do arrive, the Democrats are likely
to find themselves in the same situation as
the Grant/Sherman
March to the Sea, a "scorched
earth" tactic!
Former Deputy Director of the FBI, Andrew McCabe,
set off a public rhetorical firestorm when he
stated on '60 Minutes' that he had sat in on
meetings where methods of removing Trump from
the Presidency were discussed.
NEWS BRIEF: "Autopsy
of a Dead Coup", American
Greatness, February 17, 2019
"The illegal
effort to destroy the 2016 Trump campaign by
Hillary Clinton ... likely will become recognized
as the greatest scandal in American political
history, marking the first occasion in which
U.S. government bureaucrats sought to overturn
an election and to remove a sitting U.S. president."
"No palace
coup can take place without the perception of
popular anger at a president ... The deep state
is by nature cowardly. It does not move unless
it feels it can disguise its subterranean efforts
or that, if revealed, those efforts will be
seen as popular and necessary—as expressed
in tell-all book titles ... this preparation
of the battlefield translated into a coordinated
effort among the media, political progressives
and celebrities to so demonize Trump that his
imminent removal likely would appear a relief
to the people. Anything was justified that led
to that end."
"bombshell," "watershed,"
"turning-point," and "walls
closing in" fake news aired in 24-hour
news bulletin cycles."
The American citizen
was clearly being "dumped on" every
single day by organizations masquerading as
"News Outlets", pouring the kind of
raw sewage that flows underground from our toilets
every day.
"The Crown
Jewel in the coup was the appointment of special
counsel Robert Muller to discover supposed 2016
Trump-Russian election collusion. Never has
any special investigation been so ill-starred
from its conception."
And none has been
such a spectacular failure.
Did you realize
that not one Mass Media outlet covered the statement
last week by the Senate Intelligence Committee
that not one piece of evidence has been uncovered
which proves that Trump collaborated with Russia?
Further, not one
Mass Media has reported the truth about the
genuine collaboration with the Russians -- from
Hillary Clinton, a scandal, which, if ever pursued,
might reach all the way to the top of the White
House, to President Obama himself.
After all, Secretary
of State Hillary Clinton could not have carried
out the sale of 20% of America's uranium to
the Russians without the support of President
Barack Obama!
Now, let us return
to this active coup, to which Andrew McCabe
This type
of meeting is Coup plotting and is treason!
"In May 2017,
acting FBI director Andrew McCabe took over
from the fired Comey ... His candidate wife
recently had been a recipient of huge Clinton-related
campaign PAC donations ... The newly promoted
McCabe apparently felt that it was his moment
to become famous for taking out a now President
Trump. Thus, he assembled a FBI and DOJ cadre
to open a counterintelligence investigation
of the sitting president on no other grounds
but the fumes of an evaporating Clinton opposition
dossier and perceived anger among the FBI that
their director had just been fired."
McCabe "informally
head counted how many of Trump's own cabinet
members could be convinced by McCabe's
own apparent medical expertise to help remove
the president on grounds of physical and mental
incapacity under the 25th Amendment. This was
an attempted, albeit pathetic, coup against
an elected president and the first really in
the history of the United States."
"... sanctimonious
arrogant bureaucrats in suits and ties used
their government agencies to seek to overturn
the 2016 election, abort a presidency, and subvert
the U.S. Constitution. And they did all that
and more on the premise that they were our moral
superiors and had uniquely divine rights to
destroy a presidency that they loathed."
Shame on all these
failed conspirators and their abettors, and
may these immoral people finally earn a long
deserved legal and moral reckoning."
The moral decrepitude
which spawned this incredible nest of vipers
is not only overwhelming but is a perfect picture
of the utterly bankrupt morality of the Democrat
Administration of President Obama and Secretary
of State Hillary Clinton, and everyone else
in that government.
Had Hillary won
the 2016 election, America might well already
be an overturned and overthrown society! We
were inches away from a Dictator ruling the
White House!
4. Judicial
Watch has uncovered the existence of an FBI
"checklist" of Hillary Clinton's potential
legal violations!
NEWS BRIEF: "Documents
Reveal Internal FBI Cover Up Of "Chart"
Of Potential Violations By Hillary Clinton",
Tea Party News, February 16, 2019
watchdog group Judicial Watch announced Friday
it received another tranche of documents from
a January 2018 FOIA lawsuit that revealed the
FBI actively covered up a ‘chart'
of potential violations by Hillary Clinton."
The FBI really
did cover up all of Hillary's crimes, even to
the point where they had created a secret "chart
of potential violations"!
The FBI was truly
corrupted by President Obama, to the point of
actively creating and covering up crimes that
could have resulted in the destruction of this
country. Hillary and Barack had to possess a
unique kind of greed which propelled them to
sell 20% of our uranium stocks to our most deadly
enemy, the Russians!
The very
fact this document exists proves that FBI officials
were complicit in protecting Hillary!
President Trump
would be doing us all a favor if he would suspend
the FBI and replace it with another agency with
a new slate of officials.

5. On
Friday, 2/15/2019, a recently fired employee
at a warehouse starting firing at other employees,
killing 5 and injuring 11.
workplace shooting leaves 5 dead, shooter killed:
Officials", Fox News,
February 15, 2019
"Five people
were killed in a workplace shooting in Aurora,
Illinois, on Friday, officials said. The shooter,
45-year-old Gary Martin, was also killed, authorities
said ... authorities believe that he had been
an employee of the company where the shooting
occurred ... Henry Pratt Company..."
"Law enforcement
teams entered the building to find the suspect
and when they did, 'engaged in gunfire with
him, ultimately killing him," Ziman said'."
Once again,
this warehouse is located in a "Gun Free
NEWS BRIEF: "Illinois
Shooting Occurred in Gun-Free Zone",
Breitbart News, 16 Feb 2019
"The February
15, 2019, shooting at Henry Pratt Company (HPC)
occurred even though HPC is a gun-free zone.
Crime Prevention Research Center reported, "This
attempted mass public shooting occurred in yet
another gun-free zone. 98% of mass public shootings
since 1950 have taken place in areas where people
can't defend themselves."
The list of recent
shootings in which the shooter knew he would
not face return fire is staggering.
"The shootings
at Lone Star Bar & Grill (November 7, 2018),
the Parkland high school (February 14, 2018),
Orlando Pulse nightclub (June 12, 2016), San
Bernardino (December 2, 2015), Umpqua Community
College (October 1, 2015), Lafayette movie theater
(July 23, 2015), Sandy Hook Elementary School
(December 14, 2012), Fort Hood (April 2, 2014),
D.C. Navy Yard (September 16, 2013), Aurora
movie theater (July 20, 2012), the Fort Hood
(November 5, 2009), and Virginia Tech (April
16, 2007) all occurred in gun-free zones as
Once again,
this shooter passed a background check.
of Mueller Water Products Gunman passed background
check when hired",
AP News, Feb 16, 2019
"The chief
executive of the company that owns the warehouse
where an employee gunned down five co-workers
says a background check on him when he joined
Henry Pratt Co.15 years ago did not turn up
a 1995 felony conviction for aggravated assault
in Mississippi."
Once again,
"good guys with guns" stopped this
bad guy with a gun!
And, finally,
once again, Leftists will use this shooting
as a reason to take guns from 100 million law-abiding
A recent news
story proves the Democrat hypocrisy when it
dealing with the issue of gun control!
House Democrats: No ICE Alert Even if Illegal
Fails Gun Background Check",
Breitbart News, 13 Feb 2019
"During the
hearings for universal background checks, House
Democrats rejected a Republican proposal to
alert U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement
(ICE) if an illegal alien is discovered via
a background check for a firearm."
What hypocrisy
is this? If ICE were informed that an illegal
alien is trying to obtain a firearm, they could
immediately investigate, thus preventing a new
tragedy, a new Angel Mom and a new Angel Family!
This despicable
action by House Democrats proves beyond a reasonable
doubt that Democrats do not care one whit about
this country or its citizens.
Once the average
American comes to this realization, the Democrat
Party will dissolve into Primordial Slime.