A Pale Horse"
by Former Naval
Intelligence, William Cooper
Book 510 Pages,
Only $25.95
One of THE Books Exposing
Illuminati Plan, the most quoted bookstore resource!
Cooper writes about the coming New World Order, and
the Plan, which the "Power Elite" of this
country and this world are implementing, that will bring
about the Global Government, Economy, and Religion.
New Age author Cooper is dead set against this coming
global government, and urgently shows how the Plan is
proceeding NOW.
Some Pertinent Revelations
we come into our kingdom...who will ever suspect that
all these peoples were stage-managed by us according
to a political plan which no one has so much as guessed
at in the course of many centuries?"
(From "Behold
A Pale Horse", by Milton William Cooper,
Light Technology Publishing, 1991, Sedona, AZ, p. 303)
script is now written, subject only to last minute
editing and stage-directions. The stage itself, albeit
as yet in darkness, is almost ready... The last-minute,
walk-on parts are even now being filled. Most of the
main actors...have already taken up their roles. Soon
it will be time for them to come on stage, ready for
the curtain to rise.
"The time
for action will have come."
(From "The Armageddon Script", by Peter LeMesurier,
St. Martin's Press, 1982, New York, N.Y., p. 252.)
Critical News
Analysis -- End of the Age
1. A Kabbalist
Jewish priest proclaims: "I am in now in discussions
with Messiah himself"!
NEWS BRIEF: "Israel’s
Top Rabbi: “I’m Currently in Discussions
With Messiah Himself”, Breaking Israel
News, 2/18/2020
"On Saturday night,
Yonatan Dadon of Radio 2000, an Orthodox Hebrew language
broadcaster, interviewed Rabbi Yaakov Zissholtz on his
weekly Melaveh Malkah program. "
Remember, this Rabbi is
a staunch Kabbalist, who does not believe in the Divine-centered
Bible as we do, but believes that "selected righteous
men" will produce the Messiah. As New Age author,
Peter Lemesurier, stated so eloquently:
""If the Messiah
is to appear, then he must be produced. And producing
the Messiah is, as it was before, inevitably just as
much a function of humanity as of Divinity." ("The
Armageddon Script: Prophecy In Action", St. Martin's
Press, New York, 1981, page 231)
This Rabbi believes in
a man-centered Judaism, just like Peter Lemesurier.
As we show so well in the DVD pictured above, "Secret
Societies Killed Jesus Christ", they conspired
to eliminate Him because He was fulfilling the prophecies
of the 'Suffering Servant', not of the Kingly Messiah
they so desperately wanted.
The Kabbalistic Pharisees
and Sadducees were determined to bring their own Kingly
Messiah, and finally, after 2,000 years, God is going
to let them.
Therefore, it is entirely
possible that this Kabbalistic Rabbi has been in discussions
with the man whom the Illumined Kabbalists have chosen
to be their Messiah!
"But there are things
the public does have to know right now because the process
of geula (redemption) is about to start happening very
quickly and at a fast pace. It is important that people
remain calm and steady to act properly in the right
"Rabbi Zissholtz
explained that he had been charged by these hidden righteous
men to break his silence and to begin informing the
public of the imminent arrival of the Messiah ... Getting
the word out now that the Messiah is closer than ever
is a matter of life and death,” Rabbi Zissholtz
said. “Haven’t you heard of Gog and Magog?
That is what is going to happen very soon. Right now,
the situation is explosive more than you can possibly
imagine ..."
" 'I no longer
travel outside of Israel. The Messiah is so close that
I am afraid that I might miss his arrival."
Messiah fervor
continues to leap upwards in Israel!
And, he will be
a kingly messiah, just as the mystical Jewish priests
have wanted since the day they rejected Jesus.
2. A Palestinian
official explains the 2,500-year-old ancient hatred
which is triggering the Obadiah annihilation prophecy.
"We kill
because it is a Palestinian value"!
Kill Because it’s a Palestinian ‘Value,’
Says Senior Fatah Official", United
With Israel, 12/19/2019
"Fatah Central Committee
member Abbas Zaki, in a speech in October at a “Loyalty
to Martyrs (i.e. terrorists)” conference, praised
the murder of Israeli civilians, saying that the 'children
of Palestine felt that the [Palestinian Authority] leadership
didn’t know what to do' ... While justifying terror,
Zaki claimed that murdering a man in front of his wife
and two-year-old son, and not killing the wife and son,
shows Palestinian 'values',”
Now you understand why
the Palestinians have refused to accept any offer for
Statehood that allows Israel to exist and which leaves
Jews alive. Their ancient hatred moves them steadfastly
to attempt to completely eradicate Jews from the land.
Those are their "Palestinian Values"!
The stage is now
set for their extermination. (Obadiah 1-20)
God condemns the Palestinians
(House of Esau) because this has always been their hatred
of the Jew.
"Shall I not in that
day, saith the Lord, even destroy the wise men out of
Edom, and understanding out of the mount of Esau ...
every one of the mount of Esau may be cut off by slaughter.
For thy violence against thy brother Jacob shame shall
cover thee, and thou shalt be cut off for ever."
(Obadiah 8-10)
"And the house of
Jacob shall be a fire, and the house of Joseph a flame,
and the house of Esau for stubble, and they shall kindle
in them, and devour them; and there shall not
be any remaining of the house of Esau; for
the Lord hath spoken it." (Obadiah 18; Emphasis
These "Palestinian
Values" to murder without pity is exactly the reason
God has decreed that He shall carry out the very annihilation
which the Palestinians have been trying to achieve the
past 2,600 years.
3. A far-leftist
leader finally admits the end goal of Climate Change
advocates: the extinction of the human race.
Left’s Solution to Climate Change:
Human Extinction", Fellow American
Daily, February, 2020
"In this day and
age, you can’t really go anywhere or do anything
without hearing about the harmful effects mankind has
had on our world ... sometimes we can take things a
little too far, like claiming the world is going to
end in 12 or so years if we don’t stop driving
"... at least one
professor from the United Kingdom insists, the goal
is to wipe out humanity. For Patricia MacCormack of
Anglia Ruskin University, the only solution to fixing
our world’s environmental problems is to make
humanity completely extinct."
Jesus foretold
that, in the 7-year Tribulation Period, no human being
would be left alive, unless He intervened.
Before you are too shocked,
remember that Jesus foretold of such a threat to humanity
at the very End of the Age. Jesus said:
"... except those
days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved..."
(Matthew 24:22)
The fact is that these
people are under the influence of Satan and their concepts
are his. Since Satan hates all human beings simply because
God created them in His own image, then human leaders
who are espousing occult ideas will come to the point
where they also hate humanity.
The very fact that we
see such a concept openly promoted is another "sign
of the End"!
4. "Red Flag
Law" Alert: a law abiding citizen in Florida who
had the same name as a criminal, was arrested, his guns
seized, and his Constitutional rights trampled!
NEWS BRIEF: "Government
seizes veteran’s guns in Florida red flag law
mix-up", BPR News, 2/17/2020
"A terrible mix-up
that happened recently in Florida has provided some
justification for why conservative Republicans fear
that red-flag gun laws could be used and/or abused to
accidentally or purposefully infringe on the rights
of law-abiding Americans.
"Meet Jon Carpenter,
a military veteran, sports fishermen and law-abiding
gun owner from St. Cloud whose firearms license was
suspended after the state mixed him up with another,
less-congenial Jon Carpenter who’d reportedly
threatened an elderly couple."
When you compare the two
Jon Carpenter, you will quickly realize that the Florida
official who made this mistake never actually saw the
two men.
"He’s 110 pounds.
I’m 200. He has brown eyes. I have hazel. He has
black hair. I have no hair,” Carpenter said to
local station WTVT ... Yet the state of Florida was
apparently unable to distinguish the two from each other."
The results were horrific
from the standpoint of the law-abiding Jon Carpenter.
"[T]he veteran, fisherman,
200-pound Jon Carpenter was sent a certified letter
from the state, suspending his firearms license. …
He also received a notice that he had been reported
to DCF for elder abuse and a state order to surrender
any firearms,” WTVT reported on Feb. 4."
This man had to
fight Florida's Republican government to finally gain
possession of his firearms again.
After much haggling with
Florida officials, Jon finally won.
"To resolve the matter,
he wound up having to connect with someone at the sheriff’s
office “who helped him get the injunction dismissed
and called the state to get his firearms license reinstated,”
according to WTVT. But even that took ages."
"So you can suspend
it in one day, instantly, but for somebody else’s
mistake, I’ve got to wait 6-8 weeks?’”
Pro-Second Amendment advocates
have been warning for a long time that "Red Flag"
laws are inherently dangerous to our Constitutional
right to keep and to bear arms, because it is so open
to misidentification and misuse.
The Government
can seize private property in an instant, without "Due
Process" but the wronged citizen has to fight for
a long time to win back that which he should never have
lost -- The very definition of Dictatorship
Several survivors
of a gun shooting spree are taking action to prevent
gun seizure laws under any pretense.
Church Shooting Survivors Run as Gun-Rights Candidates",
NewsMax, February 18, 2020
"Three survivors
of church shootings are running as gun-rights advocates
in March Republican primaries in Texas ... Pastor Frank
Pomeroy, Stephen Willeford, and Jack Wilson are each
running for office as Second Amendment advocates."
Getting involved in local
politics like this three guys, is the most effective
way in which to resist the tide toward dictatorship!
5. Not only has
the Democrat Party been seized by Communism, but its
leaders are fighting against the Ten Commandments!
Democratic Party has turned against the 10 Commandments",
by David Kupelian, 2-16-2020
"As we confront the
many life-and-death political and cultural battles increasingly
wracking America – including a presidential election
just around the corner, featuring hands-down the most
spectacularly deranged and demented candidates in our
history – it might help to pause for a moment
and remember that, at core, what we’re really
in the grip of is a spiritual war ... America's traditional
Judeo-Christian culture – the one I grew up loving
– is rooted in the Ten Commandments. However,
what we cryptically call "the left," which
has almost entirely swallowed up the Democratic Party,
is rooted in VIOLATING the Ten Commandments. "
At this point, ?David
Kupelian gives a couple of examples:
1) "America's traditional
Judeo-Christian culture – the one I grew up loving
– is rooted in the Ten Commandments. However,
what we cryptically call "the left," which
has almost entirely swallowed up the Democratic Party,
is rooted in VIOLATING the Ten Commandments. Not accidentally
or ignorantly. Purposely. The left's CORE OPERATING
PRINCIPLES are the negation and intentional violation
of the Ten Commandments."
2) "The Seventh Commandment
says 'Thou shalt not commit adultery'. Were this one
commandment observed, the ever-metastasizing and totally
insane 'sexual revolution' of the 1960s, brought to
us entirely by the left, would disappear – and
along with it the Pandora's Box of tragedies and disasters
it continues to unleash: A million abortions per year;
astronomical levels of out-of-wedlock births and a corresponding
epidemic of family breakdown, divorce and fatherlessness;
a staggering 110 million Americans with sexually transmitted
diseases; and today's ever-more-bizarre LGBT movement,
including the mass-hysteria phenomenon of lost souls
believing they are the opposite sex, as well as the
nonstop indoctrination, confusion and corruption of
America's children from toddlerhood through college.
All from the willful violation
of one commandment."
3) What about 'Thou shalt not steal', the Eighth Commandment?
What is socialism and 'wealth redistribution' but power-mad
left wing demagogues' obsession with stealing from one
group and giving a portion of the spoils to others in
return for their loyalty and their vote, while amassing
an ungodly amount of wealth and power for themselves?
The left cannot live without stealing; it's what it
4) "The left and
its political fortress, the Democratic Party, never
ceases to violate the Ninth Commandment, 'Thou shalt
not bear false witness against thy neighbor'."
"Indeed, the left's
No. 1 battlefield tactic for occupying new ground is
its nonstop defaming, demonizing, suing and lying about
conservatives, Christians and others who oppose its
blindly destructive advances. Expose Planned Parenthood's
evil practices of aborting babies while maximizing profitability
from resale of their body parts and YOU get prosecuted,
not Planned Parenthood. Decline to actively participate
in a homosexual marriage, and you get bombarded with
death threats, prosecuted, fined, "re-educated"
and maybe jailed. Recently, the left's vilification
of America and its citizens has gone off the charts:
ALL white people are now racists – especially
old, white men; America is a predatory, fascist nation
rooted in slavery and genocide; police are racists and
maybe Nazis; the president locks up little kids in cages
and forces women and children to drink from toilets.
All outrageous and INTENTIONAL lies – “bearing
false witness” against their neighbors."
And, of course, the Left
has relentlessly lied about President Trump, ever since
he took office in 2016, in their pathetic attempt to
overturn Trump's win.
5) "What about the
Tenth Commandment, "Thou shalt not covet"?
Winston Churchill described socialism as "the gospel
of envy," a concise phrase that encapsulates two
profound truths: One, socialism is a religion to its
adherents, and two, it appeals to and celebrates one
of the darkest parts of human nature – envy."
" The left, which righteously poses as protectors
of women, blacks, gays, transgenders, students, immigrants,
the poor and other societal 'victims' (while demonizing
the rest of us as selfish, racist, anti-science, anti-woman,
anti-immigrant and homophobic) is actually the primary
CAUSE of most of the misery, suffering and injustice
it claims to oppose."
American voters can slam
the breaks on the lies about Trump this November! Voters
need to bury the Democrat Party so completely that they
will never rise again.
6. Only 35% of
the American people will support a Socialist candidate!
Just 35 Percent Would Vote for Democratic Socialist",
NewsMax, 17 Feb 2020
"Potentially ominous
news for the Democrats, whose field of presidential
candidates is currently led by Sen. Bernie Sanders,
I-Vt. Sanders is a self-proclaimed Democratic socialist,
but he has a problem with more than half of registered
U.S. primary voters, who say they would not vote for
someone of that political stripe ... Just 35% say they
would consider voting for a Democratic-socialist presidential
primary candidate, while 46% say they would not."
7. New York City
Liberals arrested -- and released -- a crook 138 times
so that, when he was arrested again, he shouted, "I
can't be stopped"!
Career Thief Thanks Dems, Bail Reform for Release After
139th Arrest: 'I Can't Be
Stopped'," The Western Journal,
February 17, 2020
"There are plenty
of proponents of New York state’s new bail reform
law — which eliminated cash bail for most charges
that aren’t violent felonies — but perhaps
none quite as effusive as Charles Barry (a career criminal)
... "
"You may wonder who
Charles Barry is ... A New York City man who’s
been arrested 139 times for various offenses, including
six times since Democrat-enacted statewide
bail reform kicked in on Jan. 1 ..." (Emphasis
"Barry has six felonies,
87 misdemeanors and 21 missed court appearances on his
chest ... I’m famous! I take $200, $300 a day
of your money, cracker! You can’t stop me!”
Barry said to a reporter as he was led out of NYPD Transit
District 1 in the Columbus Circle area of Manhattan
on Thursday."
"The arrest happened
hours after he appeared on the front page of the Daily
News with the headline, “Menace 2 Society: Career
criminal can’t be derailed despite 138 busts;
Freed after five new raps thanks to bail reform.”
The time is arriving that
American cities are going to spiral out of control because
Liberals have changed everything about the criminal
justice system and about handling people who peddle
drugs and who take drugs. From New York City to San
Francisco, orderly society is going to fall apart.
What does the Illuminati
Plan say about city control?
"... The [people]
are a flock of sheep, and we are their wolves. And you
know what happens when the wolves get hold of the flock?
..... There is another reason also why they will close
their eyes: for we shall keep promising them to give
back all the liberties we have taken away as soon as
we have quelled the enemies of peace and tamed all parties
..... It is not worthwhile to say anything about how
long a time they will be kept waiting for this return
of their liberties ....." [Protocol #11 -- The
Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion, "The
Totalitarian State"]
Make no mistake about
where this "War on Terrorism" is leading us
-- straight into Totalitarianism!
"... while the peoples
of the world are still stunned by the accomplished fact
of the revolution, still in a condition of terror and
uncertainty, they should recognise once for all that
we are so strong, so inexpugnable, so super-abundantly
filled with power, that in no case shall we take any
account of them, and so, far from paying any attention
to their opinions or wishes, we are ready and able to
crush with irresistible power all expression or manifestation
thereof at every moment and in every place, that we
have seized at once everything we wanted... Then in
fear and trembling they will close their eyes to everything,
and be content to await what will be the end of it all."
[Ibid.; Emphasis added above]
"... in fear and
trembling they will close their eyes to everything,
and be content to await what will be the end of it all."
There is more than one
way to collapse a society and the Leftists are vigorously
pursuing their vision!
8. More Dumb Things
Democrats Are Doing To Lose The 2020 Election
NEWS BRIEF: "Bloomberg,
2011: Young Black, Latino
Men ‘Don’t Know How to Behave in the Workplace’
Pence Responds to Mike Bloomberg: ‘So God
Made a Farmer’
care to die for: Bloomberg promotes 'Death Panels'
snaps after interviewer pulls out photo of child Obama
admin put in cage
Dobson: Colorado votes death
for 'precious boys and girls' who survive abortion
NEWS BRIEF: "Proposed
bill would require ALL men in Alabama to get vasectomy
)NOTE: Author os this bill is
a Democrat
NEWS BRIEF: "President
Bernie: Let’s Tax Wealth At 100%