Hot News
Russia, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, and Venezuela have agreed to
freeze their oil output levels at January's levels.
Since January production
was very high, this move is seen as stopping the downward
slide of the crude4 oil price.
Iran sneers at the
suggestion of limiting what they can produce and sell and
NEWS BRIEF: "Russia,
Saudis offer to freeze oil output levels",
NOLA, The Times-Picayne, Greater New Orleans, Feb 16, 2016
"DUBAI, United Arab Emirates
-- Russia's energy ministry says it has agreed with Saudi
Arabia, Qatar and Venezuela to freeze oil production levels
if other producers do the same."
Notice the caveat here in
this announcement: "if other producers do the same".
Therefore, if other oil-producing
countries refuse to freeze oil production, then the entire
deal is off.
"The ministry quoted
Energy Minister Alexander Novak announcing the decision
Tuesday following an unexpected, closed-door meeting involving
the four countries in the Qatari capital, Doha. He says
the countries are willing to freeze output levels at January
levels "if other oil producers join the initiative."
"Getting other producers
to go along with that could be tricky. Prices have fallen
sharply slump in prices since summer 2014, leaving producers
scrambling to win market share from competitors."
For the record, Iran quickly
announced that she would not be bound by any freeze agreement.
She has only been shipping crude oil again on the open market
since international sanctions have been lifted. She is most
anxious to begin seeing positive money flow from oil sales,
even if prices are so low.
The international oil price
has fallen just as we stated it would in the DVD shown above,
"Bringing Saudi Arabia Down". And, it will skyrocket
again to pre-drop levels, just as we stated it would. The
war against Saudi Arabia is proceeding exactly in the manner
we stated in this most important video.
And, the end result will be
Bush's new Middle East Map.

For a complete analysis of
this Pentagon-issued map, read NEWS2213,
entitled, "President Bush's "New Middle
East Map" Is Enraging Friends and Foes Alike".
This incredible new map will
occur as a specially convened International Conference is
called after the last entrenched dictator is removed. This
conference will force all nations within the Region to accept
new borders and new realities.
Only after this conference
has redrawn national boundaries can Regional
Government #7 of the global 10-Nation Reorganization
be formed. At that point, the prophecies of Daniel 2:40-45,
7:7-8, and Revelation 17:12-17 will move forward a significant
If Donald Trump has set out to elect Hillary by draining
votes away from the GOP candidate, he could not have chosen
a more effective means by which to accomplish this goal.
Trump announces that he is no longer bound by a pledge to
refuse a Third Party candidacy.
The math is simple:
if Trump launches a Third Party bid, Hillary wins the Oval
Debacle: Donald Trump Declares RNC in ‘Default
of Their Pledge’ About Third Party Candidate - Floats
3rd Party Candidacy Again", Breitbart
News, 15 Feb 2016
"During a Monday afternoon
campaign appearance in South Carolina, Republican frontrunner
Donald Trump declared the Republican National Committee
in 'default of their pledge"... I signed a pledge,
but it’s a double-edged pledge. As far as I’m
concerned, they’re in default of their pledge."
What was the flimsy excuse
that Trump was using to renege on his pledge not to launch
a Third Party candidacy?
"According to Ali Vitali
at NBC News, Trump is referring specifically to the 'terrible
job' the RNC did when it comes to those invited to the primary
debates. The State adds, “Trump said the debate audience
was stacked with lobbyists and big Republican donors.”
"The “pledge”
in question is the one Trump signed last year agreeing not
to run as a third-party candidate. In exchange, however,
the Party agreed to a level playing field."
Yes, Trump was heckled by
the crowd at the South Carolina debate, and yes, that heckling
was uncalled for, but if Trump is the mature candidate upon
which we are to base our hopes for the next four to eight
years, he should not take this opportunity to begin a disastrous
Third Party candidacy, because such an action would instantly
hand the election to Hillary Clinton.
America might never recover
from that blow.
3. The Common Core
curricula is so horrific that we must pay attention to which
politician supports it and which does not.
Trump first announced
his opposition to this standard, accused Jeb Bush of supporting
it, and then turned around to announce, "but we will
keep it"!
Trump Flip-Flops On Common Core, Bashes Jeb Bush For Supporting
it: But then says 'We're going to keep it",
Inquisitr News, 10 Feb 2016
"... Donald Trump may
have done something recently that might have hurt him. During
one of his rallies in Clemson University in Clemson, South
Carolina, it seems he flip-flopped on Common Core. First,
Trump bashes Jeb Bush for supporting Common Core then, minutes
later, says we are going to keep it. So which side is he
"Republicans and conservatives’
heads are spinning after Donald Trump
flip-flopped on Common Core ... Trump bashes Jeb Bush
for supporting Common Core, going as far as to say the brother
of the former President of the United States has no chance
simply because of that. Minutes later, Trump flip-flops,
saying we should keep Common Core."
Donald Trump is living
up to his reputation in New York City as one you cannot
Common Core is simply
what we show it to be in this DVD shown above, "Escaping
Common Core", i.e., a deliberately "dumbed
down" educational standard that will produce the workers
of the New World Order. Common Core is the dramatically
lower education for the "Common Herd", as the
Illuminati loves to call us.
Donald Trump thus
joins Hillary Clinton and Jeb Bush in supporting Common
Core. For this reason alone, we cannot vote for any of these
4. Ann Coulter warns
that, if the Republican Senate betrays their Conservative
constituency by voting on a Supreme Court Justice that Obama
sends over will cause 10 million voters to switch candidates
who will instantly decide to vote for Trump.
Unfortunately, the
GOP has current leaders who are RINO Republicans and have
a history of caving in at the last moment.
COULTER: 10 Million More Votes for Trump If GOP Senate
Caves to Obama", Breitbart News, 15 Feb 2016
"Lawyer, author, and
columnist Ann Coulter spoke ... about the passing of Justice
Antonin Scalia, pointing out that Republicans are in the
hot seat when it comes to allowing Barack Obama to appoint
a liberal replacement that could skew the Court Left for
"... Coulter said, 'If
this had happened a year ago … we’ve seen how
Republicans have behaved. They’re utterly craven.They
would probably pass, or Senate Republicans would confirm
whomever Obama sends up. They’d ring their hands.
Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) would be leading the charge,
talking about how it’s the President’s right
to decide'. "
But House Majority Leader,
Paul Ryan, caved to Obama within weeks of assuming his new
post, as he gave the President virtually everything he wanted
on the Budget impasse. RINO Republicans rant and rave against
Obama until the time comes to vote, and then they absolutely
surrender. They cravenly betray their supporters.
Coulter continues:
"Look, if they let somebody
go through, I mean, I think Trump is going to win anyway
but it’s just going to get him another ten million
Republicans and Democrats
alike are sick and tired of seeing their elected representative
cave in to the Administration at the last moment, and are
angrily shouting for a real change. I am just not convinced
that Donald Trump is that change.
I remember him too well during
the 1980-1990's in New York City, where he was acting like
a Liberal Democrat.
Hillary Clinton is not gaining the support of young women
for a very simple reason:
She and Bill killed
the Feminist Movement!
NEWS BRIEF: "Younger
Women Not Voting for Hillary Because She Killed Feminism",, 16 Feb 2016
"One of the more-interesting
elements of Election 2016 is the genuinely weak rapport
Hillary Clinton has with young, liberal, feminists voters
... The former senator and secretary of state got walloped
in Iowa and New Hampshire among folks south of 50 years
old. In Iowa, for instance, Bernie Sanders won a whopping
84 percent of the vote in the 18 to 29 year-old range. In
New Hampshire, the same thing happened. In fact, she only
grabbed 24 percent of the under-44 vote! When it comes to
women only, Hillary barely won the female vote in Iowa (53
percent) and lost it badly in New Hampshire (44 percent)."
Hillary and her Liberal Feminist
supporters became so alarmed, and so panicked that they
solicited the public support from icons Gloria Steinem and
Madeleine Albright. The former Secretary of State under
Bill Clinton immediately caused a negative uproar when she
threatened any woman who did not vote for Hillary with eternal
damnation in Hell!
Why are current young women
so turned off by Hillary?
"Hillary and Bill killed
the integrity of institutional feminism back in the ’90s
— with the help of Albright and [NOW co-founder Gloria]
Steinem. Instead of just admitting
that he had had an affair with Monica Lewinsky and taking
his lumps, Bill lied and hid behind the skirts of his wife
and female cabinet members, who had to go out before the
cameras and vouch for his veracity, even when it was apparent
he was lying."
"Seeing Albright, the
first female secretary of state, give cover to President
Clinton was a low point in women’s rights. As was
the New York Times op-ed by Steinem, arguing that Lewinsky’s
will was not violated, so no feminist principles were violated.
What about Clinton humiliating his wife and daughter and
female cabinet members? What about a president taking advantage
of a gargantuan power imbalance with a 22-year-old intern?
What about imperiling his party with reckless behavior that
put their feminist agenda at risk?"
I find it especially delicious
to realize that Bill Clinton's bold sexual sins while he
was Governor of Arkansas and as President of the United
States are now badly affecting his wife's chances to become
Remember, Bill Clinton had
forced himself on numerous women before the Monica Lewinsky
affair in the Oval Office. Many feminists today consider
Bill Clinton as a serial rapist, some putting him on par
with Bill Cosby.
What does the Bible say about
"... be sure your sin
will find you out." (Numbers 32:23)
"For they have sown the
wind, and they shall reap the whirlwind..." (Hosea
Truly, Bill and Hillary are
reaping the whirlwind of Bill's sexual crimes against women.
As many a pastor has warned
from the pulpit, "You reap what you have sown, more
than what you have sown, and later than what you have sown".
God is not mocked, and His
judgment will fall, as the Clintons are now discovering.
Churches Are Ignoring"
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Jesus' Calling -- New Book by Warren B. Smith
by the New Age book God Calling, Sarah Young claims to be
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into what is now her best-selling book, Jesus Calling. Author
Warren Smith carefully documents his concerns about her
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Most Unusual DVD
On Freemasonry Ever Created
Mac Dominick and David
Bay, Authors
In The Pulpit: Is 'Ichabod' Written Over Your Church Door?"
If your church allows Masons to fill the pulpit,
or be Deacons, or serve as Sunday School teachers, you have
a very serious spiritual problem with Almighty God. The
Holy Spirit has written 'Ichabod (The Glory Has
Departed)' above your front door!
While Freemasonry has successfully deceived
a great many people, convincing them that Freemasonry is
compatible with Christianity, God knows the Truth and is
not tolerant of Masons In The Pulpit. We prove that a Holy
God cannot tolerate Masons in the pulpit of a church for
which His Son, Jesus, bled on that cruel cross of Calvary.

We begin at a very reasonable starting premise:
If a pastor refuses to resign from the Masonic Lodge he
does so because he feels greater loyalty to the Lodge than
to Jesus Christ.
Starting from this premise, we examine a number
of key Masonic teachings and then ask the Pastor how he
can reconcile these teachings with Biblical Christianity.
We ask, 'Mr. Pastor, when you are teaching key biblical
doctrine, are you really thinking of the radically different
teaching of Freemasonry? Prime Example:
Freemasonry teaches that its religion is far superior to
any other religion on Earth, including Christianity. Mr.
Pastor, are you thinking how superior Masonry is to Christianity
when you are teaching Biblical doctrine. Second
Example: Freemasonry teaches that it is necessary
for Lodge leaders to deliberately lie to their people until
they are 'mature enough' to comprehend and accept the truth;
Mr. Pastor, when you are teaching key Biblical doctrine,
are you secretly thinking that it is necessary for you to
teach these 'lies' about Jesus and the God of the Bible
until your people are spiritually mature to comprehend the
true Masonic doctrine?
We prove that a Holy God cannot tolerate Masons
in the pulpit of a church for which His Son, Jesus, bled
on that cruel cross of Calvary.
hours of teaching