The strategy being
followed by the United States and the European
Union is to "shrink the gap".
"The 'Pentagon's
New Map' is a cutting-edge approach to globalization
that combines security, economic, political
and cultural factors to do no less than predict
and explain the nature of war and peace in the
twenty-first century ... Barnett's book crystallizes
recent American military history and strategy,
sets the parameters for where our forces will
likely be headed in the future, outlines the
unique role that America can and will play in
establishing international stability ... For
anyone seeking to understand the Iraqs, Afghanistans,
and Liberias (Venezuelas) of the present and
future, the intimate new links between foreign
policy and national security; the operational
realities of the world as it exists today, 'The
Pentagon's New Map' is a template, a Rosetta
Stone." (Flyleaf to "The Pentagon's
New Map")
Consider how America
has led the charge to "Shrink the Gap",
beginning in 1990:
* In 1990, President
George H.W. Bush ordered American troops to
lead an military operation to force Iraq's entrenched
dictator, Saddam Hussein, from Kuwait.
* From 1992-2000,
President William J. Clinton enforced a "no-fly
zone" over Iraq, invaded Kosovo, Serbia,
Iraq with missiles in September, 1998, bombed
aspirin factory in Khartoum, Sudan in August,
* In October,
2001, President George W. Bush ordered American
troops to invade Afghanistan, on the flimsy
premise that we knew Osama bin Laden was hiding
NOTE: In our Newsletter
of October 8, 2008, we reported that the
Pakistani Observer news outlet quoted Pakistani
President Musharref as saying that Osama bin
Laden had died at the end of 2001! Listen:
"In 2002
CNN reported on the fact that Pakistan’s
president Pervez Musharraf believed Bin Laden
to be dead: [A Bush administration official]
said U.S. intelligence is that bin Laden needs
dialysis every three days and 'it is fairly
obvious that that could be an issue when you
are running from place to place, and facing
the idea of needing to generate electricity
in a mountain hideout'."
* In March, 2003,
President Bush ordered American troops to lead
the invasion of Iraq, on the flimsy premise
that Iraq threatened the world with Weapons
of Mass Destruction. The entrenched dictator,
Saddam Hussein, was forced from power.
* Beginning in
Springtime, 2011, President Obama orchestrated
a mass removal of dictators within the planned
#7, "Northern Africa and the Middle East".
Dictators from Tunisia, Egypt and now Libya
and Yemen were overthrown, while the dictator
in Syria is so weakened that he can no longer
resist the demand to surrender Syrian national
sovereignty to Supernation
* And, now, the
time has arrived for the removal of the dictator
of Venezuela, one of the "Non-Integrating
Gap" countries, and
Donald J. Trump is the President who must continue
the precepts of the "Pentagon's New Map"!
Consider the actions
taken so far against Venezuela:
NEWS BRIEF: "Bolton:
We're Taking Venezuela's Oil
", Ron Paul Institute,
January 29, 2019
Trump's National Security Advisor John Bolton
made US policy toward Venezuela very clear in
an interview on FoxNews yesterday: We're going
to overthrow the government and take the country's
The key here is
the Trump plan to "overthrow the government".
The Global Illuminati
does not covet oil the oil of any single country,
as they plan on soon establishing a global dictatorship
which shall control all of the oil supplies
of every country on earth.
Now, note the
diplomatic pressure being exerted on Maduro:
Special Envoy To Venezuela Suggests Self-Exile
For Embattled President Maduro",
One America News, February 8,
"While humanitarian
aid tries to comes in, the U.S. special envoy
to Venezuela — Elliot Abrams — is
saying Nicolas Maduro should get out. Abrams
suggested self-exile for the embattled leader
on Thursday. 'I think it is better for the transition
to democracy in Venezuela that he'd be
outside the country, and there are a number
of countries that I think would be willing to
accept him', he stated ... the longer Maduro
stays, the more he will fall and the more misery
there will be in Venezuela."
Then, the United
States military steps in, gently:
in direct contact with Venezuelan military,
urging defections", Reuter's
News, February 8, 2019
"The United
States is holding direct communications with
members of Venezuela's military urging
them to abandon President Nicolas Maduro and
is also preparing new sanctions aimed at increasing
pressure on him, a senior White House official
said ... The Trump administration expects further
military defections from Maduro's side."
The United States
even has a replacement President.
"... opposition
leader Juan Guaido declared himself interim
president last month, earning the recognition
of the United States and dozens of other countries."
But, what if Venezuelan
President Maduro does not step down and flee
into exile? Some sort of military operation
would be likely. But, the U.S. is not threatened
directly, so is there a country in the region
which might be threatened by Venezuela and which
might call upon the United States and/or the
Organization of American States for military
Enter Guyana!
Strategic Guyana: Neighboring Venezuela",
Judicial Watch
News, February 6, 2019
"The government
has fallen. The Russians are coming. The Chinese
are coming. There's chaos at the border
and corruption in the capital. And a vast treasure
tempts all takers. That's the situation
in small, suddenly strategic Guyana."
Where, you may
ask, is Guyana?
"Guyana ...
is a country on the northern mainland of South
America ... Guyana is bordered by the Atlantic
Ocean to the north, Brazil to the south and
southwest, Venezuela to the west, and Suriname
to the east. With 215,000 square kilometres
(83,000 sq mi), Guyana is the third-smallest
sovereign state on mainland South America after
Uruguay and Suriname ... Guyana is the only
South American nation in which English is the
official language..." (Wikipedia, Guyana)
Wow! Talk about
a ready-made excuse to attack Venezuela in order
to defend Guyana. But, wait one minute! Does
embattled Venezuela have either the time or
the resources to threaten Guyana?
Venezuela was quick to declare its interest
in the Guyana political developments. A day
after the no-confidence vote, the Venezuelan
Navy intercepted an ExxonMobil research ship
in Guyana waters. Consider it a warning. Venezuela
and Guyana have been disputing territory for
decades, but this is different. Venezuela is
falling apart, Guyana is oil rich, and the Maduro
regime in Caracas may be looking to divert attention
from its domestic troubles. 'Is Venezuela willing
to start a Caribbean war?' asked geopolitical
risk analyst Scott MacDonald."
This situation
seems that it might be a repeat of Iraq's Saddam
Hussein invading Kuwait, an action which prompted
American interrvention.

We must watch
this situation carefully, for it seems that,
now, the time has arrived for the Illuminati
to begin a campaign to "shrink the gap"
in Supernation #6, after spending 18 long, bloody
years trying to "shrink the gap" in
Supernation #7.
The time has arrived,
finally, to create Supernation #7.
This regional
government is the real reason behind the International
Conference called in Warsaw, Poland, this week.
So, now the effort
to "shrink the gap" focuses on Supernation
#6, and Venezuela looks to be the first target.
Remember, this
plan of the Global Elite to reorganize all nations
of the world into TEN SUPERNATIONS will fulfill
Daniel 2:40-45, 7:7-8, and Revelation 17:12-17.
Only then can
Antichrist arise.
Note: The very fact that President Trump is
the FIFTH President to carry out a "Regime
Change" plan dictated by the "Pentagon's
New Map" strategy seems to scream a warning
that Trump may not be the anti-Globalist, anti-New
World Order leader we think he is. We can love
his policies, but must remain vigilant as to
his spiritual /political direction.
We have
issued this warning repeatedly since the Republican
convention in August, 2016.
3. The
first International Middle East Conference gets
underway in Warsaw, Poland this week.
Says Mideast Conference In Warsaw Not Aimed
At Demonizing Iran', Eurasia Review,
January 23, 2019
"An international
conference on the Middle East in Warsaw next
month is aimed at promoting stability in the
region, not at demonizing Iran, the United States
has said. Meanwhile, Russia slammed the planned
meeting co-hosted by Poland and the United States
as "counterproductive" because of
what Moscow called its focus on countering Iran,
and said it would not attend ... U.S. Ambassador
Jonathan Cohen called the ministerial meeting
a "global brainstorming session"
to "develop the outline of a stronger
security architecture" in the Middle East."
"The February
13-14 event will include sessions on the humanitarian
crises in Syria and Yemen, missile development,
extremism, and cybersecurity, Cohen said."
From the moment
I read of the New Middle East Map in 2007 (shown
below), I knew that, at some point, an international
conference must be held so the superpowers of
the world could reconfigure the boundaries.
Further, I knew that more than one such conference
would be required.
Since Russia is
not going to attend this conference, we must
conclude that this meeting will end inconclusively,
setting the stage for another meeting. But,
this forum is a start, one which should alert
Christians that the End of the Age is upon us.
Trump is making sure that the needs of the Kurds
will be met, finally.
NEWS BRIEF: "Pompeo:
US mediating between Turkey and Syrian Kurds",
Kurdistan24 News, January 14, 2019
" 'We're
fully engaged', US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo
explained on Saturday. 'Ambassador [James] Jeffrey
is fully engaged in conversations with the Turks,
as well as with the SDF (Syrian Democratic Forces)
in Syria'."
Finally, the Kurds
are going to get their own nation, as the map,
left, proves. The Kurds of today are the Medes
of Old Testament times. They shared a kingdom
called Medo-Persia at the time of Daniel, which
was Kingdom #2 in Daniel's vision that would
dominate the world after the Babylonian Kingdom
(Kingdom #1).
The Kurds currently
live in an area covering Iran, Iraq, Syria,
and Turkey and are hated by all those peoples.
In fact, Saddam Hussein murdered 5,000 Kurds
in Halabja (Iraq), on March 16, 1988!
The cries of the
Kurdish people for their own nation has been
heard loudly and persistently during the entire
20th Century. Now, with the United States actively
negotiating with Turkey on behalf of their cause,
will produce the map shown above.
Now that the Pentagon's
New Map strategy has either removed or neutralized
all entrenched dictators in Supernation
#7, the time has arrived to redraw the map
boundaries of the Middle East, at which time
regional government can be established!
R.I.N.O. Republicans are teaming up with Democrats
to strip the President of the authority to set,
and to regulate, tariffs.
NEWS BRIEF: "Globalist
Alliance: Business
Lobby, GOP Unite to Strip Trump of Tariff Authority
", Breitbart News, 10
Feb 2019
"An alliance
between globalist donors and pundits, the big
business lobby, and a handful of Republican
lawmakers are uniting to attempt to strip President
Donald Trump of his powers to implement tariffs
to protect American jobs and U.S. industry from
unfair, foreign competition."
"Rep. Mike
Gallagher (R-WI) has introduced the Bicameral
Congressional Trade Authority Act in the House
while GOP Senators like Pat Toomey (R-PA) and
Ben Sasse (R-NE) have introduced similar legislation
in the Senate that would force Trump's
national security tariffs to be approved through
Congress — where Republicans and Democrats
defend the free trade apparatus that is overwhelmingly
supported by the majority of the donor class."
that Trump's tariff policy has resurrected the
U.S. Steel Industry, the coal industry, and
has created 15,000 new jobs.
"For example,
Trump's wildly successful tariffs on steel
and aluminum imports — which have created
or are expected to create close to 15,000 U.S.
jobs — were implemented under Section
232 of the Trade Expansion Act of 1962."
Big Business
has suffered loss of worldwide profits, so they
are attempting to roll back one of Trump's most
successful initiatives.
" 'The legislation
is a thinly veiled attempt by globalists and
the multinational import lobby to prevent the
president from protecting our national security
and economic security interests'," Stumo
said ... Congress and multinational corporations
are having "delegator's remorse"
after giving the executive branch authority
to implement tariffs years ago to protect the
American economy."
I go back to our
original premise, that Globalist Republicans
are just as dangerous to our freedoms as any
Leftist Democrat!"
5. Public
interest in active Witchcraft may spike after
Super Bowl MVP, Tom Brady, attributes his success
to the rituals of his "good witch"
wife, Gesele Bündchen.
BRIEF: "Patriot’s
SuperBowl Victory: Was it Saintly or Sorcery?",
Breaking Israel News, February 12, 2019
" At a shave-for-charity
event four days after the game, Brady was interviewed
while getting a staged shave from a barber at
the Gillette’s World Shaving Headquarters
in South Boston. Brady was asked if he had any
rituals or superstitions that he used to help
him win. He said that he relied on the rituals
performed by his Brazilian supermodel wife,
Gisele Bündchen."
Read Tom's response
carefully, for the elements he mentions that
Gisele relies upon constitute true Witchcraft.
* "She always
makes a little altar for me at the game because
she just wills it so much.”
As Doc Marquis
proves in the DVD shown above,
"Catholicism: Which Queen of Heaven",
the altar a Catholic priest creates prior to
a Mass (and there are many types) is identical
to the altar created by a Medium Satanist!
The medium witch
ensures that he/she has just the right number
of lighted candles, the right implements and
symbols, located in just the right places. An
altar is most important in a Witch's desire
to bring supernatural occult power to bear on
whatever she is blessing.
* "I have
these little special stones, healing stones,
protection stones..."
These stones are
previously "blessed/cursed" in a separate
Witchcraft ceremony and are designed to keep
Tom "safe" as he plays this violent
game of NFL Football!
* "... she
has me wear a necklace"
This "necklass"
is an amulet, depended upon by Satanists for
the past 5,000 years to protect themselves,
their family members, their household property
and their possessions!
God condemned
the use of amulets: "In that day the Lord
will take away the ... The bonnets, and the
ornaments ... (amulets), and the headbands,
and the tablets, and the earrings, The rings,
and nose jewels .. And it shall come to pass,
that instead of sweet smell there shall be stink
(of rottenness) ... Thy men shall fall by the
sword, and thy mighty in the war." (Isaiah
3: 17-22, KJV)
* "... take
these drops she makes ..."
Also previously
blessed by Witches.
* " say all
these mantras..."
Mantras have always
been a key part of Witchcraft. Jesus alluded
to this practice when He said: " But when
ye pray, use not vain repetitions,
as the heathen do: for they think that they
shall be heard for their much speaking."
(Matthew 6:7, KJV)
Mantras are forbidden
by Jesus, but are a key part of the practice
of Witchcraft.
"Brady finished
the story recounting one last thing his wife
said to him. “She said, ‘You’re
lucky you married a witch, I’m just a
good witch!' ”
Gesele is bragging
to Tom that, while she is a Witch, she is a
"Good Witch"! In other words, she
uses the power of Witchcraft only for the "good"
of mankind! Of course, there is no distinction
in the supernatural realm, since both "Good"
and "Evil" witches draw their power
from the same Satanic source hidden deep within
the Abyss.
What kind of spiritual
power can flow once a Witch properly performs
the ceremony?
"When the
Mason learns that the key to the warrior on
the block is the proper application of the dynamo
of living power, he has learned the mystery
of his Craft. The seething energies
of Lucifer are in his hands, and
before he may step onward and upward, he must
prove his ability to properly apply energy...
" [Manly P. Hall, 33rd Degree, K.T., The
Lost Keys of Freemasonry; Emphasis added)
Therefore, when
Tom runs on to the football field, his "Good
Witch" wife Gesele, has properly performed
a ritual on an altar built just for that game,
so that Tom can play football with the "seething
energies of Lucifer ... in his hands"!