Hot News
New Hampshire voters have spoken and the real losers are:
Establishment politicians
on both sides of the political aisle. Voters are sick and
tired of "politics as usual".
NEWS BRIEF: Twilight
of the Gods: New Hampshire Voters
Reject Clinton , Bush Dynasties in Epic Defeats",
Breitbart News, 9 Feb 2016
"On Tuesday night, the
establishment of both parties got hammered. On the Democratic
side of the aisle, the most establishment candidate in American
history, Hillary Rodham Clinton, got demolished by a 74-year-old
loonbag socialist – she’s currently losing by
more than 20 points in the state that saved her campaign
in 2008, and a state she led by 56 points one year ago."
Political pundits have been
warning for some time now that Hillary's 2016 campaign was
dropping faster in voter support than did her 2008 campaign,
which lost badly to that upstart Senator, Barack Obama.
But, while the narrow Iowa
victory over an old, tired hippy Socialist -- Bernie Sanders
-- this loss by 22 percentage points to him in New Hampshire
is clearly a disaster. Even if Hillary can find a way to
win later primary elections, the damage Iowa and New Hampshire
have already done can sink her vulnerable campaign.
Yet, even though Hillary lost
by 22 percentage points to Bernie, she received far more
delegates than did he!! Listen and weep.
Crushing Defeat, DNC Quirk Still Gives Hillary More New
Hampshire Delegates Than Sanders", Daily
Caller, 2/10/2016
"Though Bernie Sanders
won the New Hampshire primary in a landslide over Hillary
Clinton, he will likely receive fewer delegates than she
will. Sanders won 60 percent of the vote, but thanks to
the Democratic Party’s nominating system, he leaves
the Granite State with at least 13 delegates while she leaves
with at least 15 delegates."
With this kind of delegate
harvesting, Hillary could lose every election and still
be crowned as the Democrat Presidential candidate. What
are the total delegate vote totals so far?
"In the overall delegate
count, Clinton holds a commanding lead after a razor-thin
victory in Iowa and a shellacking in New Hampshire. Clinton
has 394 delegates, both super and electorally assigned,
to only 42 for Sanders."
Now you know how the election
primary system is fixed. Not every state assigns their delegates
like New Hampshire, but enough do that Hillary could win
the nomination without performing well in the primaries.
The two political parties are infamous for their "smoke-filled
backroom deals".
People already knew that Bernie
Sanders' campaign was supposed to be fixed. He was supposed
to be the "scarecrow" in the corn field, trying
to persuade Democrats that there was really a race going
on and a choice that needed to be made. In reality, Clinton
was supposed to win primary after primary very easily and
substantially, so that, by Convention time, Hillary's campaign
was supposed to be declared "invincible".
Listen to TV host, Bill Maher,
enunciate this understanding.
Hillary Can’t Beat ‘a 74-Year-Old Jewish Socialist,’
‘Hillary, We’re Making This As Easy As We Can
For You’ ", Breitbart News, 5 Feb 2016
"HBO’s 'Real Time'
host Bill Maher mocked Democratic presidential candidate
former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton by stating 'she’s
not good at this' and 'she’s losing to a 74-year-old
Jewish Socialist',
“ 'Hillary, we’re
making this as easy as we can for you' ... ."
The "Fix" was supposed
to be in place, with Hillary's coronation at the Democrat
Convention. Instead, voters are really voting for "anybody
but Hillary".
Meanwhile, on the Republican
side, Donald Trump easily won, garnering 35%, with Senator
Ted Cruz receiving 12% and Rubio falling drastically.
Therefore, as the campaign
now shifts to Southern states, Establishment candidates
Hillary Clinton and Jeb Bush are performing horribly, while
anti-establishment candidates Bernie Sanders, Donald Trump,
and Ted Cruz continued to mount momentum.
As you follow this process
of primary elections to determine the Presidential candidate
for each party, please remember that, since the Council
on Foreign Relations was established in 1921, there has
been no actual difference between Republican and Democrat.
Leaders of each party are equally committed to the New World
Order, a.k.a., the Kingdom of the New Age Christ.
For this reason, Republican
voters were aghast that President Bush did not change any
of President Clinton's hundreds of Executive Orders which
he issued just before he left the White House. Similarly,
Democrat voters were distressed when President Obama continued
most of President Bush's programs, including the disastrous
wars in Afghanistan and Iraq.
And, finally, who can forget
the angst of Phyllis Schafly of Concerned Women of America,
when she declared, two years after Bush began his first
term, that Bush's homosexual 'hate crimes' agenda is 'identical'
to that of former president Bill Clinton!
Please take a difference to
read this most insightful article, NEWS1652,
There truly is no difference
between Republican and Democrat leaders. We capture this
fact in archived article, NEWS2479,
entitled, "Recognizing The Stifling Global
Power Dominating / Controlling Both Democrat And Republican
You will understand
that America's so-called "Two-Party System" is
really a Benevolent One Party Dictatorship!
NASA -- National Aeronautics and Space Administration --
continues the official denial of our Christian heritage.
They have banned the
name, "Jesus"!
bans the name 'Jesus' ", Fox News, Feb
8, 2016
"The name of Jesus is
not welcome in the Johnson Space Center newsletter, according
to a complaint filed on behalf of a group of Christians
who work for NASA. The JSC Praise & Worship Club was
directed by NASA attorneys to refrain from using the name
‘Jesus’ in club announcements that appeared
in a Space Center newsletter."
" 'It was shocking to
all of us and very frustrating', NASA engineer Sophia Smith
told me. 'NASA has a long history of respecting religious
speech. Why wouldn’t they allow us to put the name
Jesus in the announcement about our club?' ”
Christians throughout America
are going to face similar obstacles as this once-great nation
built on a cultural heritage of Christianity, continues
to reject the Bible and the Son of God. In the name of not
wanting to appear to support and particular religion, our
government is sowing the seeds of God's destruction.
Furthermore, our popular culture
continues to embrace concepts of the New Age Movement, of
both White and Black Magick and of Freemasonry. This nation
has truly come to "hate God". Listen, then, to
God's warning.
"... he who fails
to find me or sins against me injures himself; All those
who hate me love and court death.” (Proverbs
8:36; Parallel Bible, KJV/Amplified Bible Commentary)
What kind of death does God
have planned for America?
"And I heard
another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, my people,
that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive
not of her plagues. For her sins have reached unto heaven,
and God hath remembered her iniquities." (Revelation
18:4-5, KJV)
National Abortion Federation suggests selling body parts
from abortions in bulk!
They have obviously
not learned any lessons from the shocking videos where Planned
Parenthood directors are seen and heard discussing the illegal
sale of murdered pre-born babies.
This immoral and illegal
activity shows how far down into the Abyss America has fallen.
NEWS BRIEF: "National
Abortion Federation Suggests ‘Group Purchasing Program’
Would Be ‘Win-Win’ in Sale of Baby Body Parts",
Breitbart News, 8 Feb 2016
"A new Center for Medical
Progress (CMP) video featuring previously unreleased footage
of representatives from the National Abortion Federation
(NAF) – the major trade group of abortion providers
– shows the Planned Parenthood ally suggesting a “group
purchasing program” to supply fetal tissue from aborted
babies to buyers and encouraging them to exhibit at its
annual meeting."
"Both NAF representatives
also suggest that the 'procurement company' plan to exhibit
at NAF’s annual meeting and join NAF’s group
purchasing program as an approved vendor for its member
abortion clinics. 'We have an exhibit hall and then we also
have the general conference,” one NAF representative
says. 'But I mean, this is a very great way to talk to our
members. We have a group purchasing program through our
membership. So it seems like this would be a really great
option to be able to offer our members as well'.”
In April, 2000, we posted
an article in which we demonstrated that the clearly stated
objective of the Abortion On Demand Industry was to create
a climate for selling cannibilized body parts worth many
billions of dollars (Read full details in NEWS1364,
Quoting from NEWS1364:
* "American businesses
make hundreds of millions of dollars selling products crafted
from donated human bodies, even though it is illegal to
profit from cadaver parts ... Cadaver skin puffs up the
lips of fashion models at $1,050 a shot. Dentists use ground
bone about 200,000 times a year to treat their patients.
Glossy catalogs advertise 650 products made from body parts."
* ""A single dead
body yields raw materials worth tens of thousands of dollars
to businesses whose stock is traded on Wall Street and to
nonprofit agencies that obtain the parts for them ... Nowhere
in the country are grieving families told that their gifts
fuel a fast-growing industry predicted to hit $1 billion
within three years. Neither are millions of people who indicate
on their driver's licenses their willingness to donate body
* "'People who donate
have no idea that tissue is being processed into products
that, per gram or per ounce, are in the price range of diamonds'
* "Organs can only be
harvested from donors who are brain dead but whose heart
and other organs are still functioning ... The tissue trade
now generates about $500 million dollar annually. 'There
is a profit', said Michael Jeffries, chief financial officer
for Osteotech, Inc., a leader in the bone business. 'It's
not an evil thing because the profit is put to good use."
[p. A-1, 22; Emphasis added]
Did I just hear Karl
Marx speaking? Marx said "The end justifies the means"?
As I read this "defense" of the
satanic practice of "harvesting" body parts for
organ donation by this Michael Jeffries, I remembered a
verse from the Old Testament that fits perfectly. "Such
is the way of an adulterous woman; she eateth, and wipeth
her mouth, and saith, 'I have done no wickedness'."
[Proverbs 30:20]
This macabre scenario where
human body parts -- which have been obtained by tearing
apart the bodies of pre-born babies within the womb -- are
so routinely discussed as part of an "Industry"
also demonstrates how far down the Abyss into Hell that
America has fallen.
Truly, America is controlled
by the powers of the demonic host. This DVD shown above,
"Doctrines of Demons", demonstrates that American
pastors and teachers began preparing our citizens for being
controlled by the power of the forces of Hell.
4. A former President
of Mexico speaks out against Donald Trump's proposal to
build a wall against immigration and force Mexico to pay
for it.
This official was
quite blunt: "Mexico won't pay a single cent for a
'stupid wall'."
Mexican President: Won’t ‘Pay
any Single Cent’ for ‘Stupid Wall’ ",
CNBC News, 8 Feb 2016
"Donald Trump may want
to build a wall across the U.S. southern border to keep
Mexican migrants out but don't expect Mexico to pay for
it, former President Felipe Calderon told CNBC, calling
the billionaire a 'not very well-informed man'."
" 'Mexican people, we
are not going to pay any single cent for such a stupid wall!
And it's going to be completely useless', Calderon said."
Donald Trump knew, when he
uttered this statement that he was going to use the power
of the White House to force Mexico to pay for a separation
wall, that the entire proposal would never "see the
light of day".
But, once again, Trump made
a statement which he knew was for "public consumption"
only. Trump fully intended that a number of American citizens
would vote for him simply because he expects to get their
vote in November!
Churches Are Ignoring"
DVD Combo by David
Regularly $84.94,Now
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Why are so many pastors so reluctant to teach
prophecy? Why are so many pastors even more reluctant to
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the Age prophecy?
Cutting Edge Director, David Bay, teaches
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where events are fulfilling prophecy, but no one is talking
about it. Five hot topics on three discs.
1) Israel's Prophesied Triumph over
the Palestinians
2) Russian Bear Poised To Strike Israel
3) 'Masons In The Pulpit'
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5) Secret Societies Killed Jesus Christ
Each message is followed by a complete Salvation
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Buy them individually or the
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Jesus' Calling -- New Book by Warren B. Smith
by the New Age book God Calling, Sarah Young claims to be
receiving messages from Jesus Christ which she compiled
into what is now her best-selling book, Jesus Calling. Author
Warren Smith carefully documents his concerns about her
book, her 'Jesus', and the New Age implications contained
in many of Young's devotional messages. He also warns about
the danger of contemplative prayer and in elevating spiritual
experiences over the Word of God.
'Another Jesus' Calling is his call for much
needed discernment in these very deceptive times.
173 pages
Most Unusual DVD
On Freemasonry Ever Created
Mac Dominick and David
Bay, Authors
In The Pulpit: Is 'Ichabod' Written Over Your Church Door?"
If your church allows Masons to fill the pulpit,
or be Deacons, or serve as Sunday School teachers, you have
a very serious spiritual problem with Almighty God. The
Holy Spirit has written 'Ichabod (The Glory Has
Departed)' above your front door!
While Freemasonry has successfully deceived
a great many people, convincing them that Freemasonry is
compatible with Christianity, God knows the Truth and is
not tolerant of Masons In The Pulpit. We prove that a Holy
God cannot tolerate Masons in the pulpit of a church for
which His Son, Jesus, bled on that cruel cross of Calvary.

We begin at a very reasonable starting premise:
If a pastor refuses to resign from the Masonic Lodge he
does so because he feels greater loyalty to the Lodge than
to Jesus Christ.
Starting from this premise, we examine a number
of key Masonic teachings and then ask the Pastor how he
can reconcile these teachings with Biblical Christianity.
We ask, 'Mr. Pastor, when you are teaching key biblical
doctrine, are you really thinking of the radically different
teaching of Freemasonry? Prime Example:
Freemasonry teaches that its religion is far superior to
any other religion on Earth, including Christianity. Mr.
Pastor, are you thinking how superior Masonry is to Christianity
when you are teaching Biblical doctrine. Second
Example: Freemasonry teaches that it is necessary
for Lodge leaders to deliberately lie to their people until
they are 'mature enough' to comprehend and accept the truth;
Mr. Pastor, when you are teaching key Biblical doctrine,
are you secretly thinking that it is necessary for you to
teach these 'lies' about Jesus and the God of the Bible
until your people are spiritually mature to comprehend the
true Masonic doctrine?
We prove that a Holy God cannot tolerate Masons
in the pulpit of a church for which His Son, Jesus, bled
on that cruel cross of Calvary.
hours of teaching