News Headlines
Precious Truth of the Day
thou not; for I am with thee: be not dismayed;
for I am thy God: I will strengthen thee; yea,
I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with
the right hand of my righteousness." (Isaiah
1. In
a dramatic "War Sign", China is said
to be moving 300,000 soldiers to their border
with North Korea!
Even more
startling, these troops are being given state-of-the-art
Chinese surface-to-air missiles that were specifically
designed to counter American aircraft and missiles!
This report
strongly suggests that Cutting Edge has been
right for 21 years as we stated that the only
way in which citizens of the entire world could
feel threatened by North Korean nuclear missiles
is if China and/or Russia sides with the Hermit
2. The
Palestinian terror force/paramilitary army stated
that they expected to be at war with Israel
in just "a few days"!
3. Poland
takes the initiative in the global surge of
anti-Semitism and Holocaust denial.
president signed a bill that outlaws blaming
Poland as a nation for crimes committed by Nazi
Germany during the Holocaust.
4. Planned
Parenthood paid the Fusion GPS to discredit
undercover videos which showed illegal selling
of baby parts?
and her Democrat election committee were paying
Fusion GPS dossier which then became the basis
for the FISA wiretapping approval?
Clinton / Cecile Richardson: Strange Bedfellows,
don';t you think?
5. The
Olympic Games of this modern era are designed
to further the global movement to unify the
world into the New World Order.
Let us
look back at earlier Olympics told this global
unification message through Satanic symbols.
the full analysis of these articles below our
book store update, below
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Must I Do To Be Saved?
God's dazzling and resplendent new creation called
the 'Heavens and the Earth', created specifically
for the happiness and joy of His really special creation,
Adam and Eve, Satan suddenly launched a vicious war
against man.
And, Satan knew exactly where to strike. Taking the
form of a Serpent, Satan spoke gracious words to an
innocent, gullible Eve. He convinced her that God
REALLY did not mean what He said when he told Adam
that they could not eat of the fruit of the Tree of
Knowledge and Evil, and then Satan painted such a
wonderful word picture of the fruit that Eve simply
had to try it.
Satan must have been
howling with glee as he witnessed God changing the
nature of Adam and Eve to where they would now be
susceptible to physical death and they would have
to earn their sustenance through hard work fighting
weeds and brambles, wild animals, dinosaurs, demons
who have taken the form of men (Nephilim, Genesis
6), paranormal activity, parallel dimensions, and
a new nature of sin and of murder.
All mankind faced a
world as frightening and dangerous as anyone could
have possibly imagined. Little did they know Satans
true plan, i.e., to so corrupt every human being that
Jesus, the Redeemer of Mankind, would be thwarted
in His plan to die on Calvary. Therefore, Genesis
6 reveals that Satan flooded the world with Nephilim
who mated with human wives, producing a new creation
that was no longer purely human, but mixed with demonic
Satan's strategy was
to corrupt the human race and thus make mans redemption
impossible. But, God retaliated with a worldwide flood
that saved only one genetically pure family that will
make the gift of redemption to mankind a reality.
It is an exciting journey
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Please join us as we will take one more step in our
quest to reveal how
God will ultimately
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The Foundation of Our Faith - Volume 1, The War Against
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If you liked Mac Dominick's
Revelation Series you will love his Genesis Teaching,
because Mac also teaches a combination of Traditional
Bible exegesis plus unique Cutting Edge understandings.
'The War Against God'
2 hours run time, Mac plans
3 DVD's in this series Watch
the trailer
News Analysis
Precious Truth of the Day
thou not; for I am with thee: be not dismayed; for
I am thy God: I will strengthen thee; yea, I will
help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the right
hand of my righteousness." (Isaiah 41:10,
In a dramatic "War Sign", China is said
to be moving 300,000 soldiers to their border with
North Korea!
Moves 300,000 Troops Closer to North Korean Border",
Breitbart News, 5 Feb 2018
"China is reportedly
moving missile defense batteries and troops closer
to its border with North Korea ... In December, Chosun
Ilbo reported that China is not only using its military
assets to prepare for a potential catastrophe in North
Korea; the newspaper cited Japanese media that had
revealed evidence of China’s building massive
refugee camps near the North Korean border, some that
could welcome up to half-a-million refugees. Officials
reportedly ordered the construction of such camps
in Jilin, the same city where state media published
a citizens’ guide to surviving a nuclear war
triggered by North Korea."
Even more startling,
these troops are being given state-of-the-art Chinese
surface-to-air missiles that were specifically designed
to counter American aircraft and missiles!
NEWS BRIEF: "Equipped
with "Newest
surface-to-air missiles against South Korean and U.S.
aircraft and missiles", Chosun News,
English, Feb 5, 2018
"China is preparing
for a potential war on the Korean Peninsula by reinforcing
missile defenses near the border with North Korea
... the Chinese military
late last year deployed another missile defense battery
at an armored division in Helong ... Military units
in Yanbian were relocated from Heilongjiang Province,
thus adding 300,000 troops along the border
"On Jan. 24, Taiwan's
Central News Agency reported that the 78th Group Army,
the first Chinese military unit that would cross the
border into the North in the event of a war on the
Korean Peninsula, has been armed with newest
surface-to-air missiles against South Korean and U.S.
aircraft and missiles." (Emphasis Added)
This report
strongly suggests that Cutting Edge has been right
for 21 years as we stated that the only way in which
citizens of the entire world could feel threatened
by North Korean nuclear missiles is if China and/or
Russia sides with the Hermit Kingdom.
The Palestinian terror force/paramilitary army stated
that they expected to be at war with Israel in just
"a few days"!
says war with Israel is only days away",
World Israel News, Feb 4, 2018
"Al Hayat, an Arabic-language
London-based newspaper, reported Sunday that the leaders
of Hamas in the Gaza Strip are calculating that the
chances of war with Israel are “at 95 percent”
and assume it could erupt within days."
"The paper further
said that the military wing of Hamas has declared
a state of the highest alert, evacuating its headquarters
and various sites in the Strip, such as the border
areas, and spreading its armed forces in civilian
areas for fear of an Israeli attack. Other Gaza terror
groups, including Islamic Jihad, were reportedly preparing
in a similar manner."
Poland takes the initiative in the global surge of
anti-Semitism and Holocaust denial.
president signed a bill that outlaws blaming Poland
as a nation for crimes committed by Nazi Germany during
the Holocaust.
defies US, Israel by signing law ‘whitewashing’
Holocaust", World Israel News, Feb
6, 2018
president signed a bill that outlaws blaming Poland
as a nation for crimes committed by Nazi Germany during
the Holocaust, ignoring protest from countries such
as Ukraine, Israel, and the US. ... As written, the
legislation approved by Polish lawmakers carries fines
and prison sentences of up to three years for public
statements that falsely attribute the crimes of Nazi
Germany to Poland."
"Malcolm Hoenlein,
the executive vice chairman of the Conference of Presidents
of Major American Jewish Organizations .... says that
while Poles who helped save Jews during the Holocaust
should be recognized, Poland should also acknowledge
that many Poles were complicit in aiding the Nazis."
Jerusalem Post, Feb 7, 2018
"In 2015, Ukraine’s
president signed a law whose critics say stifles debate
on the historical record of World War II and whitewashes
local perpetrators of the Holocaust ... The Baltic
nations of Lithuania and Latvia were pioneers in nationalist
legislation that limits discourse about the Holocaust
in their territories. Critics say these laws also
shift the blame for the murder of Jews, which was
done with local helpers, to Nazi Germany alone."
"... Ukraine —
which, unlike Poland, shares a border with Russia
— is getting a free pass from the West because
it is subjected to hostility from Russia under President
Vladimir Putin ... Largely ignored by the international
media, Latvian President Raimonds Vejonis last week
gave the final approval for a law that offers financial
benefits to all World War II veterans – including
SS volunteers who murdered Jews ..."
"The Germans built
extermination camps only in Poland, according to Holocaust
historian Efraim Zuroff."
Planned Parenthood paid the Fusion GPS to discredit
undercover videos which showed illegal selling of
baby parts?
"Planned Parenthood Hired Fusion GPS to Take
Down Pro-Life Center for Medical Progress",
CBN News, 11/2/2017
"Fusion GPS, the
research firm hired by the Clinton foundation to create
the controversial 'Trump Dossier', was also hired
by Planned Parenthood to discredit the Center for
Medical Progress (CMP) according to Liberty Counsel
which represents CMP. The pro-life group sparked a
media firestorm in 2015 after David Daleiden and Sandra
Merritt released undercover footage of Planned Parenthood
officials allegedly discussing the illegal sale of
aborted baby body parts."

Hillary and
her Democrat election committee were paying Fusion
GPS dossier which then became the basis for the FISA
wiretapping approval?
GPS's ties to Clinton campaign, Russia investigation",
Fox News, Feb 7, 2018
"From its connection
to Hillary Clinton’s campaign to the publication
of a graphic dossier about President Trump, Fusion
GPS has become something of a major player in the
Russia investigation. The political
firm was behind the controversial dossier that contained
numerous colorful but unverifiable allegations about
Trump’s connections to Russia. And that dossier
got somebody 'killed', according to an attorney for
Fusion GPS.
" 'Somebody’s already
been killed as a result of the publication of this
dossier and no harm should come to anybody related
to this honest work', said attorney Joshua Levy in
an Aug. 22 deposition made public."
"Honest work"? The material
created by Fusion GPS has been so completely discredited
because it is a seamless fabric of lies, greater lies,
and the 'Mother of all Lies'!
Hillary Clinton
/ Cecile Richardson: Strange Bedfellows, don't you
Now, can you
see why Planned Parenthood presented Hillary with
a "Lifetime Achievement Award"?
5. The Olympic
Games of this modern era are designed to further the
global movement to unify the world into the New World
Let us look
back at earlier Olympics told this global unification
message through Satanic symbols.
Article Archives:
Olympics Designed With Deep Occult Roots So They Can
Aid the Drive Into the Global New World Order"