No Scare Tactics--
Just Prophetic TRUTH
1. Hamas virtually
declares war on Israel
PM Netanyahu issues
strong warning that Israel will not be so restrained
as she was in the last war!
2. Ted Cruz scores
shocking win over Donald Trump in Iowa.
Hillary is so
unpopular she barely squeaks out a win over Bernie Sanders,
not boding well for the next election, which takes place
in Bernie's backyard.
3. Hillary's emails
prove she is no friend of Israel.
4. Hillary women
are said to be blocking an indictment against her for
the illegal way in which she handled her Top Secret
and Above emails when she was Secretary of State.
NEW DVDS from Eric Barger
Reasons Why Jesus Is Returning Soon! DVD by Eric Barger
Eric Barger refers to this as one of the most important
messages in his 31+ years of ministry.
Fulfilled Bible prophecy is the focus
here, in particular the extraordinary volume of direct
prophetic fulfillments in modern times.
Consider that 2500 YEARS AGO the men of
the tribe of Issachar knew the signs around them and
how to respond (I Chronicles 12:32). Stressing the importance
of understanding the times, Jesus Himself chastised
the Jewish leaders for an ignorance of the signs in
their day (Matthew 16:1-3).
Now, the voluminous nature of the signs
indicate that the return of Jesus, our Blessed Hope,
is surely just ahead! Believers cannot afford ignorance
during these exciting days.
Do you know the signs? Watch
the trailer
Price: $19.99 Sale Price: $15.99
Most Dangerous Cult - DVD by Eric Barger This item is
on sale.
The MOST Dangerous Cult
- Is it Mormonism? -
Jehovahs Witnesses?
Perhaps the New Age Movement?
- Maybe the Mind Sciences?
In this recent update Eric Barger carefully
documents the rise of the Cult of Liberalism within
the walls of the Christian Church. This resource is
designed to inform the Saints and also challenge misguided
spiritual liberals to examine the tragic path they have
taken and asks the question:
Are YOU a part of The MOST Dangerous Cult? INCLUDES:
Dozens of updated slides and clips documenting the spread
of spiritual Liberalism within Mainline and Evangelical
This new resource, an hour and 32 minutes
(1:32) in length, also includes the account of how Eric
and Melanie were called into Christian ministry. In
those early days they came face to face with the fact
that not everything or everyone who claims the title
Christian actually is.
Liberalism presented as Christianity:
The MOST Dangerous Cult then and now! Order
yours today - Price: $19.99 Sale Price: $15.99
Most recent Newsletter online
Must I Do To Be Saved?
Hot News
Hamas virtually declares war on Israel
PM Netanyahu issues
strong warning that Israel will not be so restrained as
she was in the last war!
Islamists call on PA Troops to Turn Weapons on Israelis",
Breitbart News, 1 February 2016
"JAFFA, Israel –
Gaza Islamists held a press conference on Saturday urging
members of the Palestinian Authority security forces to
follow in the footsteps of a Palestinian policeman who carried
out a shooting attack against Israeli soldiers in the West
Bank earlier that day. They called on West Bank troops to
'join the intifada' and 'turn their weapons against the
soldiers of the enemy'.”
Notice that this call came
from Islamic militants and was directed at Palestinian Security
Forces, not to other paramilitary members. This call to
arms is very, very close to a general "call to arms".
In fact, Israeli leaders can choose to view this call to
arms as a "general order", thus setting the stage
for warfare.
This Hamas declaration places
a great deal of pressure on the Palestinian Authority --
who controls the Palestinian population in the West Bank.
If Hamas has its way, all Palestinians would rise up as
one to attack Israel. That action would certainly provoke
a war from Israel, and that war just might be the one foretold
in Obadiah 15-18, as we detail in the DVD shown above, "Israel's
Prophesied Triumph Over The Palestinians".
Hamas, for its part, called
for a new "Intifada", which is just another name
for all-out warfare against Israel! Hamas definitely wants
war and is itching to force the Palestinian Authority into
joining its cause.
Now, let us visit the Hamas
call to arms.
Says Its ‘Heroes’ Are Planning for New Fighting
to ‘Liberate’ Jerusalem ', The
Blaze News, Feb 1, 2016
"Senior Hamas leader
Ismail Haniyeh said Friday that fighters are working apace
in Gaza to dig tunnels into Israel and test rockets with
the aim of “liberation” of the land that comprises
the state of Israel, including Jerusalem ... 'In eastern
Gaza, heroes are digging tunnels underground, and in western
Gaza, heroes above ground are conducting test launches of
rockets', Haniyeh said ... The Hamas leader said that militant
groups were preparing for the next round of fighting with
Israel “both above ground and underneath.”
The immediate aim of Hamas
is 'to liberate the al-Aqsa mosque and the holy places',
he said, referring to Jerusalem."
The drums of war continue
to increase. Warlike public rhetoric has historically been
a precursor to actual war. The 2,700-year prophecy of Obadiah
15-18 is slowly stirring to life!
Ted Cruz scores shocking win over Donald Trump in
Cruz Wins Iowa! Draws first blood", Breitbart
News, 1 Feb 2016
"On Monday, Senator
Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) performed the singular feat of
simultaneously proving that a Republican can win Iowa
without backing the ethanol boondoggle, and toppled
'The God Who Does Not Bleed', Donald Trump."
Ted Cruz polled 4% higher
than anyone believed possible, while Donald Trump
polled 4% less than the pundits were predicting. That
gap is a massive 8% ravine! Rubio also polled much
higher than expected, and low and behold, Establishment
GOP leaders proclaimed him the victor!
Rush Limbaugh even began
to push Marco Rubio!
"Rush Limbaugh: Rubio Isn't a 'Moderate Centrist,'
He's a 'Legitimate, Full-Throated Conservative',"
Town Hall News, 3 Feb 2016
"... as we touched
upon yesterday, Rush seems to be inching away from
the Trump boosterism I lamented a few months ago.
For what it's worth, fellow radio giant Mark Levin
tossed Trump (back) overboard after he started attacking
Ted Cruz from the left weeks ago, and now Limbaugh
is hitting Trump in a similar fashion -- arguing that
Trump lost Iowa because he sounded 'like a liberal
Democrat' in attacking Cruz. He's right."
Now, Rush attempts to
paint Marco Rubio as the only legitimate Conservative
in the race.
"... this pro-Rubio
testimonial from the most recognizable conservative
media voice in America could very well prove more
useful to Rubio than any of the formal endorsements
the various campaigns have rolled out in recent days.
When Rush Limbaugh begins
to redefine the public image of someone, he truly
knows how to do it! The Establishment GOP seems to
be swinging behind an Establishment candidate, Rubio,
as their "main man".
If this is the case,
then we should expect that Rubio will receive a substantial
increase in funding and in positive Media coverage.
Should Donald Trump fail to secure the nomination
outright, I do expect him to launch a Third Party
Candidacy, a move which will split the Republican
vote, giving Hillary the White House, just as Ross
Perot gave Bill Clinton the White House in 1992 and
in 1996.
Hillary is so
unpopular she barely squeaks out a win over Bernie
Sanders, not boding well for the next election, which
takes place in Bernie's backyard.
Sanders celebrates Iowa caucus victory with David
Bowie’s “Starman” ,
COS News, 3 Feb 2016
"Last night’s
Iowa caucus will go down as a victory for the Bernie
Sanders campaign, with the plucky senator from Vermont
finishing in a virtual tie with fellow Democratic
candidate Hillary Clinton ... He then left the stage
to the sounds of David Bowie’s “Starman”,
a song that PBS reports has become a staple of his
stump speeches in recent days."
You know that the current
moral state of affairs has slipped into the Abyss
when a man caught up in the Hippie generation of sex/drugs/rock-n-roll
culture is now running for President and using the
music of David Bowie, one of the original Satanic
Rock-n-Roll LGBT enthusiast.
And, this kind of man
is being enthusiastically embraced by Democrat voters!
Hillary's emails prove she is no friend of Israel.
Holds Barred: Torrent of anti-Israel advice found
in Hillary’s emails ", The Jerusalem
Post, 2/1/2016
"It is known that
one of Hillary Clinton’s most trusted advisers,
Sid Blumenthal, sent her anti-Israel articles, ideas
and advice during her time as secretary of state.
But the stream of anti-Israel advice received by Clinton
was much more comprehensive ... The negative, poisonous
approach to Israel throughout this email expose shows
the atmosphere that she had established around herself.
These emails seem to demonstrate that a huge segment
of her close advisers and confidantes were attacking"
Notice that this anti-Israel
bent on Hillary's part is NOT just her opinion or
the viewpoint of one adviser; rather, Hillary set
up an entire cadre of advisers, all of whom radiate
hatred toward Israel.
Jewish voters need to
sit up and take notice, because their vote has traditionally
gone Democrat overwhelmingly and that has propelled
a number of states to vote Democrat in the Electoral
American Jews simply
must understand that Hillary is much more anti-Semitic
than even President Barack Obama!
Hillary women are said to be blocking an indictment
against her for the illegal manner in which she handled
her Top Secret and Above emails when she was Secretary
of State.
Inspector General: Powerful Democrat Women Standing in Way
of Hillary Indictment", Breitbart News,
2 Feb 2016
"Former Inspector General
Howard J. Krongard ... says Hillary Clinton will never be
indicted for her use of a private email server because there
are four loyal Democrats standing in the way."
"... the current FBI
investigation should be focused on how material made it
from the classified email system, known as SIPRNet, to Clinton’s
unclassified private server. 'It can’t just jump from
one system to the other. Someone had to move it, copy it.
The question is who did that?' ”
"Krongard says Hillary’s
top three aides–Cheryl Mills, Huma Abedin, and Jake
Sullivan–are facing 'significant scrutiny' because
they sent most of the material that wound up on Clinton’s
server. "
"She’s trying to
distance herself from the conversion from SIPRNet to [the
nonsecure] NIPRNet and to her server, but she’s throwing
her staffers under the bus' ... "
How is Hillary throwing her
staffers ”under the bus"?
"... when Clinton was
pressed about whether something needed to be marked classified
in order to be considered classified on a Sunday news show,
she replied that identifying such material was the responsibility
of \'someone down the chain'.”
Nw. who are these four loyal
Democrat women who stand in position to derail any FBI attempt
to stop an indictment cold?
"Even if the FBI decides
Clinton holds the ultimate responsibility for creating the
private server, “It will never get to an indictment
... The decision to act on the FBI’s recommendation
would have to pass through, “four loyal Democrat women.”
Krongard is referring to Loretta Lynch and her deputies
Leslie Caldwell and Sally Yates. In addition, Valerie Jarrett,
one of President Obama’s top advisers, could weigh
Additionally, President Obama
has just praised Hillary warmly, giving rise to speculation
that his endorsement alone would strongly imply that his
Department of Justice would never indict Hillary Clinton.
This situation is the classic
definition of a 'conspiracy". A conspiracy occurs when
two or more people decide to carry out an action secretly
that is against the law. This conspiracy was originally
conceived and carried out secretly, and a firewall was erected
around Hillary so she could plead "Public Deniability"!
However, the major issue remains:
Is Hillary competent enough to be President of the United
States? Her tenure as Secretary of State was very spotty,
requiring "Mr. Fix-It" to constantly come behind
her to clean up her mess.
THIS is the election issue
upon which voters decide whether they want to cast their
vote for Hillary.
Hot New DVD!
Final Phase of Mankind Is Here"
DVD by Defender
This film is not fiction or a mockudrama
but a new investigative documentary from the internationally
acclaimed team at SkyWatch TV. INHUMAN travels the globe
to unveil for the first time how breakthrough advances
in science, technology, and philosophy - including cybernetics,
bioengineering, nanotechnology,machine intelligence, and
synthetic biology - are
poised to create mind- boggling game-changes
to everything we have known until now about Homosapiens.
As astonishing technological developments push the frontiers
of humanity towards far-reaching morphological transformation
(which promises in the very near future to redefine what
it means to be human), an intellectual and fast-growing
cultural movement known as transhumanism intends the use
of these powerful new fields of science and technology
as tools that will radically redesign our minds, our memories,
our physiology, our offspring, and even perhaps-as Professor
Joel Garreau, Lincoln Professor of Law, claims- our immortal
Certainly, the Global Elite wants desperately
to end biological death and to defeat God's plans for
our souls.
As viewers will learn, this includes rewriting
human genetics, combining human and animal DNA, and interfacing
our brains with strong artificial intelligence systems.
As a result, new modes of perception between things visible
and invisible are expected to challenge bioethics in ways
that are historically, sociologically and theologically
The destiny of each individual - as well
as the future of their families - depends on their knowledge
of this new paradigm, an extraordinary time in the earth's
history already being called the "Hybrid Age".
3 Hours long, 2-Disc Set - Only
As the Apostle John wrote 'Amen! Come quickly,
Lord Jesus'
As Jesus promised, 'When ye see these things
come to pass, look up, for your Redemption draweth nigh'!
Prophetic Meaning of the Turin Shroud: Secrets of the
Man Clothed In Linen" DVD
PLUS Bonus Video, by Russ Breault
- Introductory Pricing - Regularly $24.99, Now Only $19.99
A fascinating examination of Ezekiel 9 and
Daniel 12. These two powerful Scriptures teach of Gods
Mercy and Grace to His believers just before He wreaks
physical destruction in Judgment.
Who is the 'Man Clothed in Linen?' He only
appears twice in scripture. Could it be Jesus? How does
he relate to the Shroud? Does the story of the Shroud
of Turin contain a prophetic message for our time? The
answer will amaze you.
Bonus video: "Seven
Secrets of the Sacred Shroud": Beyond
science and history lies the theology of the Shroud. This
presentation focuses on seven proofs from theology and
apologetics that support the Shroud's probable authenticity.
These concepts are powerful and will raise your faith
to new heights!
Has Plan of Salvation at the end, making
this DVD a soul-winning tool - NOTE: Even though
the Roman Catholic Church has had possession of the Shroud
of Turin for hundreds of years and even though some may
worship this burial cloth, Cutting Edge is examining the
scientific evidence which proves beyond doubt that this
burial cloth was, indeed, the cloth in which Jesus' dead
body arose.
We worship the Omnipotent God Savior
Who rose bodily from the tomb, securing victory for all
who believe.
God has secured an artifact which
can only now be examined by cutting edge science, proving
Jesus' Resurrection from the dead! At this last generation
of history, the greatest scoffer generation ever, God
has revealed His truth of the Resurrection! What a mighty
God we serve.
Run time over 90 minutes - Watch
the Trailer -
Churches Are Ignoring"
DVD Combo by David
Regularly $84.94,Now
only $29.99
You save nearly $55
Why are so many pastors so reluctant to teach
prophecy? Why are so many pastors even more reluctant to
teach how current events are uniquely fulfilling End of
the Age prophecy?
Cutting Edge Director, David Bay, teaches
six hard- hitting lessons on six unique End Times instances
where events are fulfilling prophecy, but no one is talking
about it. Five hot topics on three discs.
1) Israel's Prophesied Triumph over
the Palestinians
2) Russian Bear Poised To Strike Israel
3) 'Masons In The Pulpit'
4) World War III: History's Greatest
Lynchpin Event
5) Secret Societies Killed Jesus Christ
Each message is followed by a complete Salvation
Plan, so each DVD becomes a Soul-Winning tool.
Almost 6 Hours of Teaching --
Prophecies a Collection by David Bay- DVD Combo - Volume
1 which contains 3 DVDs with our first six programs.
Here are the six hot topics:
• The Prophetic Beast Arises: Ten Toes of Daniel
Are Forming
• Rapture Precedes Israels Final 'WEEK' of History
• Eternal Security: God's Anchor In A Brutal Storm
• End Times' Judgment On Iraq (Babylon) Worse Than
Believed Possible - Isaiah 13
• Israel's Prophesied Annihilation of the Palestinians
• America Identified In Prophecy: Economic Babylon
of Revelation 18
Regular Price: $89.94
Sale Price: $29.99
6:1-8 - DVD's by
Dr. Missler
Buy them individually or the
combo The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse: 4-DVD Set
- by Dr. Chuck
Jesus' Calling -- New Book by Warren B. Smith
by the New Age book God Calling, Sarah Young claims to be
receiving messages from Jesus Christ which she compiled
into what is now her best-selling book, Jesus Calling. Author
Warren Smith carefully documents his concerns about her
book, her 'Jesus', and the New Age implications contained
in many of Young's devotional messages. He also warns about
the danger of contemplative prayer and in elevating spiritual
experiences over the Word of God.
'Another Jesus' Calling is his call for much
needed discernment in these very deceptive times.
173 pages
Most Unusual DVD
On Freemasonry Ever Created
Mac Dominick and David
Bay, Authors
In The Pulpit: Is 'Ichabod' Written Over Your Church Door?"
If your church allows Masons to fill the pulpit,
or be Deacons, or serve as Sunday School teachers, you have
a very serious spiritual problem with Almighty God. The
Holy Spirit has written 'Ichabod (The Glory Has
Departed)' above your front door!
While Freemasonry has successfully deceived
a great many people, convincing them that Freemasonry is
compatible with Christianity, God knows the Truth and is
not tolerant of Masons In The Pulpit. We prove that a Holy
God cannot tolerate Masons in the pulpit of a church for
which His Son, Jesus, bled on that cruel cross of Calvary.

We begin at a very reasonable starting premise:
If a pastor refuses to resign from the Masonic Lodge he
does so because he feels greater loyalty to the Lodge than
to Jesus Christ.
Starting from this premise, we examine a number
of key Masonic teachings and then ask the Pastor how he
can reconcile these teachings with Biblical Christianity.
We ask, 'Mr. Pastor, when you are teaching key biblical
doctrine, are you really thinking of the radically different
teaching of Freemasonry? Prime Example:
Freemasonry teaches that its religion is far superior to
any other religion on Earth, including Christianity. Mr.
Pastor, are you thinking how superior Masonry is to Christianity
when you are teaching Biblical doctrine. Second
Example: Freemasonry teaches that it is necessary
for Lodge leaders to deliberately lie to their people until
they are 'mature enough' to comprehend and accept the truth;
Mr. Pastor, when you are teaching key Biblical doctrine,
are you secretly thinking that it is necessary for you to
teach these 'lies' about Jesus and the God of the Bible
until your people are spiritually mature to comprehend the
true Masonic doctrine?
We prove that a Holy God cannot tolerate Masons
in the pulpit of a church for which His Son, Jesus, bled
on that cruel cross of Calvary.
hours of teaching
All Our $9.99 Books / DVD's
72 Titles From Which To Choose!

All Our $4.99 Books DVD's
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Jesus Richly Bless You,
Bay, Director
Edge Ministries
803-356-2850 -- Customer Service or
Orders Toll Free within the USA 855-368-7639
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