News Headlines
Precious Truth of the Day
there is no vision, the people perish ... "
(Proverbs 29:18,
Trump Delivers State of the Union Address
-- Full Video
Transcript of President Trump’s Prepared
SOTU 2018
1. President
Trump laid out his vision for America during
2018 and beyond, and both the news and the outlook
was spectacular.
2. But,
Democrats sat like zombies, most of them refusing
to be happy even when the news was happy for
their constituents.
Mass Media -- ABC -- spun this magnificent speech
as "divisive", and "gloomy"
and "stoking racial tensions"!
Were they
watching the same speech as the rest of America?
They prove,
once again, that no American should pay attention
to Main Stream Media any longer on any subject!
3. Without
mincing words, it is time to say:
Are In Favor Of Dismembering Viable Infants
They want
bloody sacrifice within the womb and a former
Satanist tells us why and what part such bloody
sacrifices play in the staging of Antichrist.
4. Even
before the President slammed the NFL anthem
protests, he turned down NBC's request for a
pre-kickoff Superbowl interview.
5. Pro-Sovereignty
movements are really threatening the Plan of
the Elite to reorganize the world into 10 Supernations!
Can the
fright of a North Korea nuclear confrontation
scare people enough to re ignite the move to
forming the prophesied 10 Supernations?
the full analysis of these articles below our
book store update, below
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God's dazzling and resplendent new creation called
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Adam and Eve, Satan suddenly launched a vicious war
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And, Satan knew exactly where to strike. Taking the
form of a Serpent, Satan spoke gracious words to an
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REALLY did not mean what He said when he told Adam
that they could not eat of the fruit of the Tree of
Knowledge and Evil, and then Satan painted such a
wonderful word picture of the fruit that Eve simply
had to try it.
Satan must have been
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nature of Adam and Eve to where they would now be
susceptible to physical death and they would have
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All mankind faced a
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News Analysis
Precious Truth of the Day
there is no vision, the people perish ... " (Proverbs
Trump Delivers State of the Union Address
-- Full Video
Transcript of President Trump’s Prepared SOTU

1. President
Trump laid out his vision for America during 2018
and beyond, and both the news and the outlook was
This is our new American moment", Canada
Free Press, January 31, 2018
"The looks on Democrats’
faces were priceless
The lengthy discussion of positive effects from the
tax cut probably sounded political to Democrats, but
when you’re giving a speech about how the country
is doing, it’s entirely appropriate to talk
about how a policy you implemented is playing out
in real life."
a lot of focus this morning on Trump’s immigration
emphasis, with people saying he took a “hard
line” and that few minds will be changed as
a result. But what he actually did was offer a solution
to the never-ending controversy, which is more than
generous to illegal childhood arrivals while taking
solid steps to make sure we’re not looking at
another generation with the same problem decades from
"The looks on Democrats’
faces were priceless, especially in the moments when
Trump called on both parties to put aside differences
and engage in bipartisan cooperation. Chuck Schumer
looked constipated as he tried to figure out whether
he should applaud or give Trump a death glare. Nancy
Pelosi looked like she’d been replaced by a
mannequin. Trump was being perfectly conciliatory,
yet they couldn’t acknowledge it because seething
hatred of Donald Trump has basically become the brand
of the Democratic Party."
"... the results
are starting to look pretty good. The economy is gaining
strength, wages are rising, energy production is booming
and the benefits of the tax cut are being felt across
the board ... What the public hears about Trump is
that he’s a monster whose unfit for office.
What they saw of him last night makes that claim look
pretty ridiculous. So does his actual governing record.
At some point, if this keeps up, the public is going
to conclude that it’s Trump’s overheated
critics who are actually deranged."
Polls showed that the
President's State of the Union (SOTU) was exceedingly
well received:
"Our instant @cbsnews
@yougov poll finds strong approval among viewers of
SOTU -- 75% approved, 25% disapproved!
"CBS News Polls,
97% Republicans approved, 43% Democrats approved,
72% Independents"
"The liberal media
have egg on their faces - new @CNN snap poll showed
70% had either a "very positive" or "somewhat
positive" reaction to Trump's #SOTU speech tonight"
President Trump addressed
all his key constituents and reached out to those
citizens who may have believed the Lie of the Left
for this past year that Trump is a moron and is actually
dangerous to America.
I, for one, loved it
when he stated that America is about Faith and God
and not Government and Bureaucrats!
Trump also stated "It
is time for merit-based legal immigration"! As
we have demonstrated time and time again, even immigrant
and black citizens approve of Trump's immigration
restricted because they realize that huge numbers
of illegal immigrants flooding America drive down
wages and make it much more difficult to improve their
status and that of their family's.
Thus, Liberal Democrats
are taking a stand on an issue in which the numbers
are greatly against them! The more Democrats "fight
for" DACA and the Dreamers and all other type
of illegal immigrants, the more they are alienating
hundreds of thousands of former Democrats.
As the President spoke,
he was greeted by hundreds of enthusiastic Republicans
rising to their feet.
2. But, Democrats
sat like zombies, most of them refusing to be happy
even when the news was happy for their constituents.
extends ‘open hand’ to Dems, but is met
with glum stares, scant applause",
Fox News, January 30, 2018
"President Trump
appealed for unity in his first State of the Union
speech, declaring a "new American moment"
even as many glum Democrats in the audience sat on
their hands and refused to acknowledge economic gains
or calls to honor veterans."
"While Trump held
firm on his demands for border security and used the
grand setting to tout his first-year accomplishments,
his call for bipartisanship on the thorny immigration
debate met with stonefaced stares from top Democrats
such as House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi and Senate
Minority Leader Chuck Schumer."
I was so surprised to
see that Democrats sat so glumly, you would have thought
they were attending a funeral. Their stony faces were
handing a Public Relations victory; they were labeling
themselves as chronic resisters rather than the purveyors
of a better, different path than the one Trump was
" 'Tonight, I am
extending an open hand to work with members of both
parties -- Democrats and Republicans -- to protect
our citizens of every background, color, religion
and creed', he said. "
Yet, Liberal
Mass Media -- ABC -- spun this magnificent speech
as "divisive", and "gloomy" and
"stoking racial tensions"!
Melts Down Over ‘Divisive,’ ‘Gloomy,’
‘Sad’ SOTU Speech ‘Stoking...Racial
Tensions’, " MRC
Newsbusters, Jan 31, 2018
"To match their
vicious pre-State of the Union address coverage, ABC
lost its mind following President Trump’s first
such address, slinging mud at the President for delivering
a 'divisive', 'gloomy', and 'sad speech' that did
nothing to 'unify' the country and instead 'stok[ed]...racial
"By talking about
things like the Star Spangled Banner, guns, and God,
McCain argued that 'those are things that will certainly
make his base happy' but were topics that were 'a
lot more divisive'.”
Were they watching
the same speech as the rest of America?
They prove,
once again, that no American should pay attention
to Main Stream Media any longer on any subject!
3. Without mincing
words, it is time to say:
Democrats Are
In Favor Of Dismembering Viable Infants
WALSH: The Democrat Party Is In Favor Of Dismembering
Viable Infants. Let's Drop The Euphemisms", The
Daily Wire, January 30, 2018
"Yesterday, all
but three Democrats, plus two particularly despicable
Republicans, voted against a bill that would ban abortion
after 20 weeks, demonstrating once again why the Democrat
Party is the Party of Satan."
"Democrats sabotaged
the effort, ensuring that thousands upon thousands
of human beings will be butchered in the coming year.
It's a cliche but no less true to say that the Democrats
have blood on their hands. Lots of blood. And I think
it's necessary to talk about just how that blood is
Why are Liberals generally
and Democrats specifically so determined to murder
as many pre-born babies as possible, ripping apart
the sanctity of the mother's womb, to rip these babies
as they possibly can.
American society is
entering the final stage where its hatred for God
is creating a love for
death . Since the German Holocaust,
many authors have stated that the worth of any society
may be gauged by how it protects the lives of its
most innocent and helpless citizens. These authors
felt this was one of the most important lessons which
the Nazi Holocaust taught Western society. Obviously,
these lessons have been swept away by this resurgence
of Nazi/Hitlerian values. When we describe this medical
research on the bodies of pre-born babies, can you
not see Hitler's ghastly research on the bodies of
their doomed Jewish captors? The parallel between
this medical abomination of World War II and today's
medical research abomination is strong and unmistakable.
Yet, no one is crying out for Justice, for a Nuremburg-style
War Crimes Tribunal.
That Tribunal for America
will convene in Heaven, really soon.
Former Satanist -- now
a Christian -- Doc Marquis, answered this question
spectacularly, by drawing the symbol shown below.

When I was working
closely with a former Black Magick Satanist in early
1992, I thought of abortion and wanted to know how
a Satanist views it. I asked, "Doc, I know that
a Satanist has to sacrifice humans on certain holy
days and for certain rituals. And, I know that
the younger the victim, the more precious the sacrifice
is to Lord Satan." Doc nodded agreement.
"Then, Doc, how does a Satanist view abortion?"
Doc replied, "An aborted
baby is THE HIGHEST POSSIBLE sacrifice to Lord Satan.
The baby is totally innocent, and is therefore most
highly regarded sacrificially."
I submit to you that
this fact is the most important reason that the Illuminist
governments from Lyndon Johnson to Bill Clinton to
Barack Obama and to Hillary Clinton, have firmly and
forcefully supported ever-increasing abortion.
I submit to you this is the reason radical feminists
so radically support abortion at any stage in the
Satanists have long
believed that the Kingdom of their Antichrist could
never be established without enormous amounts of human
sacrifice, to the levels of hundreds of millions.
Fatalities in planned wars count as human sacrifice,
as does murder, genocide, euthanasia, and yes, abortion.
But, Lord Satan loves the aborted human sacrifice
the most, as it is the most innocent and pure.
As the world moves into the Kingdom of Antichrist,
we should expect abortions to reach ever-higher levels.
Now you know why Liberal
Democrats vociferously defend the wanton murder of
innocent babies within the mother's womb.
They want bloody
sacrifice within the womb and we thank former Satanist,
Doc Marquis, tells us why and what part such bloody
sacrifices play in the staging of Antichrist.
4. Even before
the President slammed the NFL anthem protests, he
turned down NBC's request for a pre-kickoff Superbowl
Trump Turns Down NBC’s Pre-Super Bowl Interview
Deadline Hollywood, by Lisa
de Moraes, January 19, 2018
"Former NBC reality-TV
star Donald Trump will not sit down with his former
network for the traditional pre-Super Bowl Presidential
Interview. It’s unclear why Trump has turned
down the invitation for what has become a pre-Big
Game tradition. Obama did the interview every year
of his presidency. It might be that he doesn’t
want a repeat of last year’s interview –
the first of Trump’s administration, in which
he was interviewed on Fox by his friend and Fox News
Channel star Bill O’Reilly ..."
5. Pro-Sovereignty
movements are really threatening the Plan of the Elite
to reorganize the world into 10 Supernations!
NEWS BRIEF: "Pro-Sovereignty
Populists on Course to Dominate European 2018 Elections",
Breitbart News, 30
Jan 2018
"After the victory
of pro-sovereignty and anti-mass migration Czech President
Miloš Zeman at the weekend, many are looking
to the three big national elections coming in Europe
this year in which populists and pro-sovereignty parties
look to dominate in Italy and Hungary and place strongly
in Sweden."
"While 2017 saw
major elections in France and Germany, which saw strong
showings from the populist French Front National and
the Alternative for Germany (AfD) ... Italy’s
general election is coming March 4th, and there has
already been a significant rise in support for populist
parties like Lega and the Eurosceptic Five Star Movement
... The Hungarian national election, scheduled for
April 8th, is looking to be a largely one-sided affair
as the pro-sovereignty, anti-mass migration Fidesz
party of Prime Minister Viktor Orbán dominates
every poll ... "
If individual European
countries vote locally in favor of leaders who strongly
support national sovereignty, the entire European
Union may falter and eventually disintegrate!
Can the fright
of a North Korea nuclear confrontation scare people
enough to re ignite the move to forming the prophesied
10 Supernations?

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