1. President
Trump has begun his 2020 re-election campaign
with three massive bases-loaded successes which
should propel him to victory.
'Massive movement towards' Trump in new 2020 poll",
Fox News, 12/20/19
Trump has made substantial gains in 2020 matchups
with Democratic candidates, according to new polling
from one of his least favorite outlets."
" 'This is
massive movement towards the president of the
United States, at least in our poll at this particular
point', CNN political analyst Harry Enten said
on Friday."
These great
successes are:

-- North American Union
to sign USMCA trade deal on Wednesday at the White
House", CNBC News, Jan
24, 2020
"U.S. President
Donald Trump will sign a trade pact between the
United States, Canada, and Mexico on Wednesday
at a ceremony at the White House ... the ceremony
will take place while an impeachment trial against
Trump proceeds on Capitol Hill."
B. Phase
One of trade negotiations with China
US-China phase one deal will equate to $2T in
trade", Fox News, Jan
16, 2020
"The U.S.-Mexico-Canada
Agreement (USMCA) along with the recently signed
phase one portion of the U.S.-China trade deal
will equate to $2 trillion in trade, Commerce
Secretary Wilbur Ross said Thursday ... China's
commitment to purchase an additional $200 billion
of U.S. products over the next two years will
add about a half a percentage point of GDP growth."
" '"Very
hard to imagine a recession occurring in the face
of these two trade deals', he said."
Trump and China Vice Premier Liu He made the landmark
China trade agreement official on Wednesday when
they signed the phase one deal during a ceremony
in Washington."
C. The Israeli/Palestinian
"Deal of the Century"
'Deal of the Century':
What are its key points?",
The Jerusalem Post, January 29, 2020
"Three years
in the making, the 'Deal of the Century', US President
Donald Trump's peace plan, has finally been
* Borders:
Trump's plan features a map of what Israel's
new borders will be, should it enact the plan
fully. "
* Jerusalem:
The Palestinians will have a capital in east Jerusalem
... Otherwise, Trump said Jerusalem will remain
undivided as Israel's capital."
* Settlements:
Israel will retain the Jordan Valley and all Israeli
settlements in the West Bank in the broadest definition
possible, meaning not the municipal borders of
each settlement but their security perimeters.
* Security:
Israel will be in control of security from the
Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea. The IDF
will not have to leave the West Bank. No change
to Israel's approach to Judea and Samaria
would be needed.
* Palestinian
State: The plan does not include immediate
recognition of a Palestinian state; rather, it
expects a willingness on Israel's part to
create a pathway toward Palestinian statehood
based on specific territory ... "
"The state
will only come into existence in four years if
the Palestinians accept the plan (which is):
** "if the
Palestinian Authority stops paying terrorists
and inciting terror"
** "if Hamas
and Islamic Jihad put down their weapons"
- I cannot imagine Hamas giving up her 20,000
missiles, nor Hezbollah surrendering their 200,000
** "plan calls
on the Palestinians to give up corruption, respect
human rights, freedom of religion and a free press
"If those conditions
are met, the US will recognize a Palestinian state
and implement a massive economic plan to assist
** Refugees:
A limited number of Palestinian refugees and their
descendants will be allowed into the Palestinian
state. None will enter Israel."
** Triangle:
The plan leaves open the possibility that Israel
will swap the area known as the "Triangle"
– consisting of Kafr Kara, Arara, Baka al-Gharbiya,
Umm el-Fahm and more – into the future Palestinian
This plan does not
allow for Palestinian strategic security over
any of Israeli territory. In the areas designated
as Palestinian, while the Palestinian Authority
will control the towns and cities under its mandate,
Israel will supply strategic security, protecting
against any outside attack.
Thus, the Palestinians
cannot hold the threat over negotiations that
they will storm out if they do not get their ultimate
goal, which is to totally annihilate the Jews
from Israel. The reason Yassir Arafat walked out
of negotiations in which he gained 90% of what
he was demanding was that, after Israel had carried
out his demands, the Jewish State would remain
in Israel.
Arafat wanted to
complete the genocide of the Jewish State that
Hitler attempted, but failed.
These Palestinian
leaders, headed by President Abbas, are of the
same spirit as Arafat. They have rejected Trump's
"Deal of the Century" before they even
read it, because they are fueled by a spiritual
hatred, not economic prosperity!
2. The "Deal
of the Century" shatters previous thinking
and offers new hope for both Israelites and Palestinians,
offering each what they say they want.
Deal of the Century: Both Sides Will Reject",
Israel National News, 1/28/2020
"The basic
contours being leaked about the forthcoming Trump
Mideast plan, which he predictably, in his own
typically understated modest way, calls "The
Deal of the Century," suggest that:
1. Israel would
get to annex all Jewish communities presently
established in Judea and Samaria.
2. Approximately
30-40 percent of Judea and Samaria formally would
be integrated into Israel, reunifying those lands.
3. The Arabs in
Judea and Samaria ("Palestinians")
would get their own independent country in what
is left of Judea and Samaria after Israel annexes
its 30-40 percent.
4. Hamas would have
to be demilitarized.
5. "Palestine"
would have to be demilitarized.
6. Jerusalem would
be united. Arabs in Jerusalem could deem themselves
7. No new Jewish
neighborhoods would be allowed to be added to
Greater Jerusalem.
8. No new Jewish
communities could be created in Judea and Samaria.
9. Jewish communities
in Judea and Samaria that presently exist and
are being annexed would not be permitted to expand
10. "Palestine"
would be barred from having a military and would
be protected instead by Israel, with "Palestine"
paying for the protection.
11. Egypt will allow
a Gaza airport to be built on its turf.
Of course,
the Palestinians rejected it, long before the
President unveiled it, continuing their tradition
of holding out until Israel is annihilated.
"No 'Palestinian'
will accept any compromise on one inch of Jewish
land that the Arab Muslims claim for themselves
in Judea and Samaria ... Even if the 'Palestinians'
do go through the charade of "accepting"
the plan and "promising" to demilitarize,
they never will honor their word. We know that
from so many prior experiences with them that
the reality speaks for itself."
"So 'The Deal
of the Century' ... is a non-starter. That is
the simple take-away."
this plan may have been assembled with the belief
that the Palestinians will reject it!
"It may even
be that the 'Deal of the Century' has been concocted
to break the impasse by inducing the 'Palestinian'
leadership to prove what they are, thereby justifying
Israel moving ahead with Reunification ('annexation').
Once the 'Palestinians' reject the Trump Plan
outright, there remains no further excuse for
Israel to refrain from reunifying the Jewish communities
of Judea and Samaria, for once and for all. The
justification for reunification becomes that the
"Palestinians" once again "never
miss an opportunity to miss an opportunity."
The door then is opened to move forward.
"And that massive
reunification of Judea and Samaria will be a very
big deal indeed. The deal of the century."
Both Presidential
advisor, Jared Kushner, and former United Nations
delegate, Nikki Haley, seemed to be obliquely
warning the Palestinian leadership to not reject
this plan. Listen:
3. Both
Kushner and Nikki Haley lambasted the Palestinian
rejection, warning their leaders that "this
might be their last chance"!
NEWS BRIEF: "Kushner
blasts Palestinians for ‘blowing every opportunity
for a Palestinian State",
World Israel News, Jan 29, 2020
"In response
to the Palestinian Authority's outright
rejection of President Donald Trump's peace
plan for Israelis and Palestinians, Jared Kushner,
a top adviser to the president, his son-in-law,
and considered a leading force in formulating
the plan, is firing back.
" 'They have
a perfect track record of blowing every opportunity
they've had in their past', Kushner said
Tuesday on CNN of the Palestinian leadership ...
'the Palestinian Authority would rather go and
complain as opposed to come to the table and negotiate
which quite frankly shows that they are not ready
to have a state'."
Haley: This is the
Palestinians' last chance", Israel
National News, 1/28/2020
"Former US
ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley spoke
on Monday ... In her remarks, Haley addressed
US President Donald Trump's peace plan, the 'Deal
of the Century'..."
" 'The number
one priority' of the deal is 'the national security
of Israel', she said. 'We knew we would not do
anything to compromise security, and there would
be no deal if either party disagreed," Haley
added ... The goal is to get to a place where
we can help the Palestinians be in better condition
- without harming Israel..."
... that may signal
to the Palestinians that this is perhaps their
last chance."
The Palestinian
leadership had best take heed of this warning.
Israel may now boldly begin to assert her status
as the nation -- the people -- who hold the original
deed to this tiny parcel of land called "Israel".
I have long believed
that, at some point, the Palestinians, Hamas,
and Hezbollah are going to launch their planned
war as a response to a "peace proposal".
Trump's 'Deal of the Century' is the most comprehensive
and logical plan ever created to solve this terrible
hatred between the "Children of Esau"
and the "Children of Jacob"!
World War III might
Remember, the Illuminati
Plan is to use a global conflagration to produce
And, that global
war will begin between Israel and her Arab neighbors!
4. Just
as PM Netanyahu is basking in the glowing warmth
of the greatest political present possible --
the President announcing the 'Deal of the Century"
-- his political opponents are announcing his
NEWS BRIEF: "Bribery
indictment against Netanyahu filed with court",
The Jerusalem Post, January
28, 2020
"On Tuesday,
Benjamin Netanyahu became the first sitting prime
minister in Israel's history to be indicted,
when Attorney-General Avichai Mandelblit filed
an indictment with the Jerusalem District Court
against him for bribery, fraud and breach of trust
... The indictment's filing could impact
the March 2 election and alter the course of negotiations
over forming a new government and who will be
the new prime minister."
" 'If anyone
still had doubt that the prime minister is being
pursued obsessively, this is more clear, sharp
proof," a source close to Netanyahu said.
'Their eagerness to file the ridiculous indictment
against the prime minister is so great that they
cannot even wait a single day for the historic
summit in Washington that is one of the most important
in the history of the state'."
Jewish anti-Netanyahu
politicians are following the Democrat script
of their Trump impeachment.
The words used to
explain the Trump impeachment trial are identical
" being pursued
"no actual
quid pro quo could be proven"
Since Israeli opposition
ministers have not been able to successfully defeat
him at the ballot box, they are turning to legislative
removal, Israel's equivalent to our impeachment.
5. Since
all supposed Leftist reasons for impeaching Trump
have fizzled at the light of truth, the Democrats
have now latched on to a new lie, i.e., John Bolton's
memoir book which supposedly reveals that Trump
told Bolton that he wanted to withhold financial
aid until the Ukrainian government investigates
the Biden family.
York Times: Draft Bolton Book Says Trump Wanted
to Withhold Ukraine Aid for Investigations",
Breitbart News, 26 Jan 2020
"A draft of
a book by former National Security Advisor John
Bolton reportedly claims that President Donald
Trump wanted to withhold aid to Ukraine until
it completed investigations of former Vice President
Joe Biden and others, according to the New York
Times on Sunday evening."
"Mr. Bolton's
explosive account of the matter at the center
of Mr. Trump's impeachment trial ... It
is unclear whether the Times has actually reviewed
the manuscript. The report cites "[m]ultiple
people" who 'described Mr. Bolton's
account of the Ukraine affair'."
During the witch
hunt against President Trump, Leftist news organizations,
led by the New York Times, have infamously written
false stories based upon anonymous sources, in
this case, anonymous "multiple people".
This next quote
sums up this entire "Yellow Journalism"
from the New York Times,
This news story
not quote the manuscript itself, but rather people
who claimed to have seen it".
But, as
Alan Dershowitz said, even if that were true,
it would not constitute an impeacable offense.
NEWS BRIEF: "Dershowitz:
Even if Bolton Article True, ‘Quid Pro Quo'
Is Not Impeachable", Breitbart
News, 27 Jan 2020
"Harvard Law
School professor emeritus Alan Dershowitz told
the Senate impeachment trial Monday evening that
even if allegations attributed to former National
Security Advisor John Bolton were true, they would
not be impeachable conduct."
" 'If a president
— any president — were to have done
what the Times reported about the content of the
Bolton manuscript, that would not constitute an
impeachable offense. Let me repeat: nothing in
the Bolton revelations, if true, would rise to
the level of an abuse of power or an impeachable
offense. … You cannot turn conduct that
is not impeachable into impeachable conduct simply
by using words like 'quid pro quo' and 'personal
Is a "Tyranny
of the Majority" taking shape?
6. TV coverage
of the impeachment show how the networks are acting
like totalitarian regimes. only showing parts
sympathetic to their viewpoint.
NEWS BRIEF: "Television
network Blackout Shows Democrats And Media Allies
Going Totalitarian",
Canada Free Press, 28 Jan 2020
" President
Donald Trump removal-obsessed Democrats have reached
new totalitarian heights. Deliberately, all Big
3 networks ABC, CBS and NBC—the same Big
3 who gave LIVE saturation coverage to the Democrats
shut-door ‘Impeachment Trial'—blacked
out Trump defense lawyer Pam Bondi's presentation
yesterday afternoon of Ukraine corruption related
to Joe Biden, son Hunter and Burisma."
this what totalitarian governments do?"
"The media
of the day, complicit with the deranged Democrats,
is merely dutifully dragging out diversions ...
Now that news outlets like Breitbart and Gateway
Pundit are reporting on the television network
blackout, the majority of mainstream and social
media are making big news of what former Trump
National Security Advisor John Bolton, whose book
was supposedly ‘leaked' to Leak Central
New York Times, will have to say."
"Could, for
instance, an American president suddenly declare
an emergency in the US and issue orders for travel
restrictions on a broad scale?
"Could he
confine citizens to their cities? Could he bring
troops into a city and have them assemble in large
public places and wave wands at people to look
for body temperature elevation and cart them away
to hospitals and other holding areas?
"Could federal
and state officials cancel sporting and concert
events? Could crowds of any kind be forbidden?
Could a national election be postponed?"
"You bet they
could, Mr. Rappoport, especially about postponing
a national election ... The clear and present
danger is that they are now capable of media blackouts
and well on their way down the deadly road to
evil totalitarianism."
7. Studies
of the Wuhan Coronavirus demonstrate that it is
to the SARS virus", which means it is
genetically created to be specifically effective
against the Chinese!
NEWS BRIEF: "Studies
on Wuhan virus portray it as 'insidious' and similar
to Sars", The Singapore Straits
Times, Jan 26, 2020
"LONDON - Scientists
and public health officials are beginning to get
a better understanding of the coronavirus that
has spread rapidly in China and increasingly around
the world ... The first clinical data published
on the lethal Sars-like virus suggest it has a
stealthy quality in its early stages that could
allow it to evade detection ... "
"... researchers
said they need to quickly find out whether most
cases have been caused by repeated spillover of
the virus from animals into humans, or whether
most cases are now being triggered by secondary
human-to-human transmission.
"Genetic analysis
of various strains of the new virus, called 2019-nCoV,
detected in patients shows the strains are remarkably
similar to each other ... Other coronaviruses
that have jumped to humans, including severe acute
respiratory syndrome (Sars), have been linked
to bats."
"Despite similar
symptoms to Sars such as fever and shortness of
breath, there are also key differences, including
the absence of upper respiratory tract symptoms
and intestinal sickness..."
If this Wuhan Coronavirus
is similar to SARS, that is very significant,
is a man-made bio-weapon ... SARS is engineered
to target Chinese...",
Cutting Edge Archived Article, April, 2003
"Could SARS Be Manmade? Bits of Human, Cow,
Mouse Virus", by Dr. Patricia Doyle, Tuesday,
8 April 2003.
"Could SARS
be Man made? Contains bits of human, cow and mouse
virus ... Coronaviruses do not naturally jump
species barrier. It is very rare. Also, we gave
genetic material still unidentified. Does not
match any human or animal virus. It has characteristics
never seen before in any animal or human virus
"Thus, Dr.
Doyle mixes medical fact with 'informed speculation'.
However, she is probably very close to the truth
when she states that this SARS virus -- which
is a coronavirus -- was specifically created in
a laboratory by merging at least two different
types of flu virus, plus "bits of human,
cow and mouse viruses"! Any virus is really
bad news, for medical science has never, ever
beaten a virus. When the time comes to loose the
Biblically prophetic 'Big One' (Fourth Seal Judgment)
upon mankind, it will undoubtedly be a virus."
This information
from Dr. Doyle leaves no room for doubt that SARS
is manmade, created in a laboratory, perhaps even
a military facility. Now, let us examine the question
as to whether SARS could be genetically engineered
to attack only those people who carry the Oriental
genetic marker.
In 1994, I read
a very small article in our local paper in which
Israeli government officials admitted that Israel
was working on a deadly disease that would only
attack persons of Arab genetics! This small article
was not repeated by any major news network and
died a very quick death. Since I was between the
time I stopped Cutting Edge Radio (March, 1993)
and before I began the Internet ministry (June,
1996), I did not save this article.
However, an Israeli
doctor who is a Cutting Edge subscriber, noted
this very fact in an email I received this morning,
May 15, 2003. I had asked this doctor if it is
possible that SARS could be genetically engineered
to attack only Orientals. Listen to the reply:
"In my 'heart
of hearts' I believe that SARS is genetically
engineered to target Chinese (Oriental) genetic
materials. You may already know that Israel has
been working on such a thing, specific to Arab
genetic material. Knowing the military-industrial-medical
cartel like I do, I would not be surprised if
this isn't a 'test market' for something more
sinister regarding other populations. What leads
me to suspect that genetics are involved is that
China is now trying to impose the death penalty
on anyone who has contracted SARS. This lets me
know that it is much more sinister than an ugly
flu strain."
Indeed, China has
"over-reacted" to SARS to a degree that
is surprising. They have lost less than 300 people
in a population of 1.3 billion, but her officials
are acting as if the losses are running in the
Another doctor,
Dr. Robert Lee, sheds some information in this
light, in an email he sent me.
"It is my belief
that SARS coronavirus will disproportionately
infect and with more serious consequences individuals
who are Class II MHC HLA-DR, -DP, and -DQ alleles
(genetics here). It is less likely to infect and
with less serious consequences individuals who
are Class II MHC HLA-DB. Translating this to English,
I believe it is likely that SARS coronavirus will
disproportionately infect those of Asian, African,
and Hispanic extraction and less likely those
of Northern European extraction."
the meantime, please carefully consider the somber
wording of New Age author, Bill Cooper, as he
writes of the Plan of the Elite:
"Take control of the
world ... to reduce ... the world to a safe level
by a process of 'benevolent slavery and genocide'
... The only alternative left to the world's ruling
elite was to increase the death rate ... Dr. Aurelio
Peccei of the Club of Rome ... advocated that
a plague be introduced that would have the same
effect as the Black Death of history."
(Bill Cooper, "Behold
A Pale Horse", p. 49, 167)
Another New Age
author speaks even more boldly:
"The human family is
in a position to note for itself the processes
of the rebirth of a civilisation ... for the progress
of the soul of the individual and the soul of
humanity, death is inevitable, good and necessary."
[Alice Bailey, "The Externalisation of the
Hierarchy", p. 112, 115; Originally penned
in September, 1939]
Never forget this occult
principle: "Death is
inevitable, good, and necessary".
The world awaits
the arrival of Antichrist (Seal One) and the plague
(Seal Four). When the plague foretold in Revelation
6:7-8, it will probably be a virus!
8. Democrat
Pete Buttigieg -- Democrat candidate for President
-- boldly declared the Democrat Party to be the
party of death to the unborn!
Pete Says There's No Place in Democratic
Party For Pro-Life Democrats",
Townhall News, Jan 27, 2020
"Mayor Pete
Buttigieg told a pro-life Democrat at Fox News
Channel's town hall meeting that she has no place
in today's Democratic Party. Kristen Day, a 50-year-old
member of Democrats For Life, asked if Mayor Pete
would support more moderate language in the party
platform to "ensure that the party of diversity
and inclusion really does include everybody."
He stated his belief that a pro-life citizen
has no place in today's Democrat Party!
Buttigieg just told a pro-life, Democrat *woman*
she has no place in today's Democrat Party
... I believe Ms. Day would feel much more at
home in the Republican Party, where life is cherished
and the unborn are provided refuge ... when Democrats
see the image of a baby in the womb, they see
tiny body parts that can be sold to the highest
bidder on the black market."
" 'Every child
is a precious and sacred gift from God', President
Trump said last week at the March For Life. 'Together,
we must protect, cherish, and defend the dignity
and sanctity of every human life'."
"The truth
is there really is not a place for anyone who
believes that life begins at conception in the
radicalized party of Barack Obama and Pete Buttigieg.