Tuesday, 1/29/2019
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of the Beast: Antichrist's Resurrection and Return Planned
in Washington DC!"
This video builds
upon the foundation of our 'Secret
Mysteries of America's Beginnings' series and adds
to and builds up and updates what we presented!
From 1776, a Shadow
Government existed which really controlled the levers
of power; under President Obama, this shadow government
was transformed into the 'DEEP STATE'!
Washington DC
was planned to be a 'High Place' of Luciferian worship,
exactly like the 'High Places" in Old Testament
times, against which God railed. Washington DC is correctly
called the 'most evil place on Earth' with spiritually
controlled buildings and seething with occult energy,
just as we reported in
'Riddles In Stone'!
The Luciferians
of Freemasonry, Rosicrucianism and other occult leaders
have always viewed world and national events as being
controlled by 'National Overlords', demonic beings as
revealed in Daniel
US Capitol was
built with a secret crypt empty of a body, so that,
at the right moment in world history, the body of the
assassinated Masonic Christ can be placed within; the
most powerful Scottish Rite Masonic leaders will then
convene to conduct the Aleister Crowley 'Raising of
Osiris' ritual which will raise 'Osiris' (Antichrist)
from the dead, thus fulfilling Revelation 13:3, so that
the power and authority foretold in Revelation 13:4
can be fully established.
Finally, you will
understand the Satanic Black Magick power of Hillary
Clinton, much as we reported in our video
'Hillary Clinton: Sun Goddess Unleashed'!
2 hours long,
a 'MUST SEE' video for our day and age! Only $24.95
By Dr. Tom Horn,
Russ Dizdar, LTC Robert Maginnis, and Other Experts
Videos (DVD's)
New Atlantis: Secret Mysteries of America's Beginnings"
Volume One - Watch
The greatest "Whodunit"
of the past 500 years! Secret Mysteries takes the mystery
out of America's history. This video unfolds the fascinating
history behind the founding of America, and exposes
the esoteric underbelly of its design.
*Why is Washington
D.C. build on the 77th Meridian?
*Are the Revolutionary
War cities really built in perfect alignment with Stonehenge?
*If America was
founded as a Christian nation, why are many of its symbols,
buildings, and monuments based on Pagan traditions?
There is no doubt that much of America?s national heritage
was Christian, but just as a coin has two sides, our
national heritage has a second side, one based squarely
on occult secret societies and their values.
In the 16th century,
Sir Francis Bacon was at the helm of the secret societies
in England. When Bacon penned his classic work, 'The
New Atlantis' he believed that America and Atlantis
were one and the same.
Our Founding Fathers
were intent upon establishing America strictly on the
Baconian Plan!
Three hours -
Reg $29.99, Now Only $17.39
in Stone DVD - Secret Architecture of Washington"
Mysteries of America's Beginnings",
Vol Two - Trailer
Volume II zeroes in on the
Masonic & Rosicrucian influence so prevalent amongst
our Founding Fathers as they planned, and began to implement,
the layout of America's Capitol.
Is there really
an inverted Pentagram formed by the street layout just
north of the White House? We have discovered the Black
Magick reason why this Pentagram is missing one segment.
Was this city
laid out to reflect the vision of a Masonic Christ foreseen
by Sir Francis Bacon? Is it true that America's capitol
was laid out "according to the stars", i.e.,
in the astrological shapes of certain planets and stars
so revered by occultists?
Why did our Masonic Founding
Fathers perform "Corn, Wine, and Oil" ceremonies
at cornerstone layings and at the dedication of the
finished structure?
Does this occult "wisdom"
represent the interests of America, or a hidden agenda?
Three (3) Hours of Intensity
- Reg $29.99, Now Only $17.39
Eye of the Phoenix: Secrets of the One Dollar Bill"
Volume 3 -
Secret Mysteries of America's Beginnings Series
All esoteric plans
revealed in 'Riddles In Stone' are revealed on the One
Dollar Bill, using different occult symbols.
This high quality
documentary proves the following points about the two
Seals on the back of the One Dollar Bill with clarity
and precision: 1) The two Seals are Egyptian and Luciferian
2) The two Seals were introduced by Freemasons, in 1782
3) Masonic President Franklin Roosevelt, aided by his
Secretary of Agriculture/Vice President Wallace, ordered
these Seals to be placed on the back of the Dollar Bill
in 1935, having been urged on and advised by the Russian
channeler/mystic, Nicolas Roerach.
We correctly link
the symbolism of the All- Seeing Eye of Lucifer hovering
over the unfinished pyramid on the back of the Dollar
Bill to the coming prophesied Third Temple on the Temple
Mount in Jerusalem! The Masons have been steadfastly
determined since 1782 to seize control of the Temple
Mount so they could resurrect Solomon's Temple for use
by their Masonic Christ!
Since this was the plan in
1782 when the Seals were created, the Masons made sure
that the symbolism of the unfinished pyramid directly
tied into their plan to rebuild Solomon's Temple. When
the Masonic Christ (Antichrist) is planned to be the
"Living Stone" to top off the unfinished pyramid!
Three (3) Hours Long - Watch
Trailer -- Reg $29.99, Now Only $17.39
Hidden Faith of Our Founding Fathers" DVD
Vol 4 In Secret
Mysteries of America's Beginnings Series
This DVD is perhaps the first
and only documentary to go where no film has ever gone
before: into the hidden faith of America's founding
fathers. Many founders were involved in secret societies,
and yet it is often claimed these men were Christians
who were trying to build a Christian nation. But was
their faith the true faith of the Bible? And is it possible,
as some claim, that the exact opposite is true?
* What did the founders believe
about the Person of Jesus Christ?
* Were they fighting for Christianity,
or against it?
* Moreover, is it possible
that the events of the American Revolution have a much
darker significance in the pages of Bible prophecy than
most church leaders are aware?
* How has their Hidden Faith
affected the Church and society in America today?
* Did their Hidden Faith actually
prepare the world for the Masonic Christ (Anti-christ)?
Three (3) Hours Long - Watch
Trailer --
Reg $29.99, Now
only $19.99
All Four "Secret
Mysteries of America's Beginnings" Available In
A DVD Combo Offer
Mysteries of America's Beginnings - Buy Videos 1, 2
and 3, and 4 - Save $60
Nearly 9 Hours
of Video - View
All Four Trailers
Video 1 - New
Atlantis - demonstrates that the Secret Society plan
to create a New Atlantis nation on the North American
Continent began in the 1580's between Queen Elizabeth
I and Sir Francis Bacon. We also show that America's
Founding Fathers carefully carried out the Baconian
Plan in establishing the government of America.
Video 2 - Riddles
In Stone: The Secret Architecture of Washington, D.C.,
closely examines the pagan monuments, paintings, sculptures,
and street layout in Government Center and show how
the original Bacon Plan can be seen in these pagan depictions
demonstrate that America was founded according to the
Baconian Plan.
Video 3 - Eye
of the Phoenix examines the two Seals on the back of
the One Dollar Bill and demonstrates that they are Global
Illuminati Seals, not Seals of the U.S. Government.
Also demonstrates that the occult design of these Seals
represents the most powerful 'Magick" of any other
document in history. These two Seals hide three (3)
hexagrams, forming a '666', another example of the hidden
plan to produce Masonic Christ (Antichrist).
Video 4 - 'Hidden
Faith of the Founding Fathers' may be the most important
video in this series. Today, a great deal of effort
and money have been poured into convincing Americans
that their Founding Fathers were Christian men intent
upon founding a Christian nation. We debunk this idea
and prove that the REAL intention of our Masonic Founding
Fathers was to produce a Global Dictatorship ruled by
the Masonic Christ (Anti-christ)!
Rules This World - Preparing For Antichrist
Clinton: The Sun Goddess Unleashed" DVD
When Hillary Clinton
wore that full length white pantsuit on the night she
accepted the Democrat Party nomination for President,
she was reaching back into time nearly 4,000 years to
symbolically declare that she was the Sun Goddess in
the Zoroastrian Tradition, exactly the symbolism the
Roman Catholic Pope uses nearly every day to declare
that he is the Sun God! She was declaring that she was
transcending politics in this present time, because
she was spiritually transformed into a goddess!
We explore this
white outfit phenomenon from the occult world, and by
looking back at other facts in her life and career,
we prove that Hillary is a high level Illuminati Witch,
a fact brought out by the new DVD, "Belly of the
Her white outfit
tells the full, disastrous story, one that true Christians
must understand.
The Illuminati
needs a Sun Goddess as the time draws near for the appearance
of Antichrist.
1 hour 40 minutes
long -
Critical News
1. Did President
Trump "cave" to Speaker Pelosi when he agreed
to a temporary reopening of the Government even though
he received no wall funding in return?
"Never Trumpers"
certainly believe so.
But, Senator Lindsey
Graham disagrees, calling the President's move "brilliant".
Is a little-known
corollary to the Dialectic Struggle in play here?
2. Pelosi and
Schumer are saying a border wall is not necessary?
Texan citizens
living at the Texas border in the Nuevo Laredo-Laredo
metropolitan border area, the only urban location along
the entire U.S.-Mexico Border that does not have any
barrier, might feel differently.
A most ruthless,
bloody Mexican cartel has just moved to that portion
of he border!
3. Russia is not
allowing Syrian troops to use their sophisticated S-300
anti-aircraft missile batteries against Israeli planes.
Russia is expanding
its influence, just as you would expect them to do as
they buy enough time to surround Israel, preparing for
the Ezekiel 38-39 war.
4. Why is it,
that when Democrats steal, Republicans go to jail?

Next Prophecies': Volume
2 of 2
DVD by Bill Salus,
Only $19.99
A DVD that attempts to chronologically set in order
the prophetic events of the end times. These PROPHECIES
will happen soon after The NOW PROPHECIES and the stage
is presently being set for their fulfillment!
The NEXT PROPHECIES include: 1) The Ezekiel
38, 'Gog of Magog' invasion
2) The Pre-Tribulation Time-Gap Mystery
3) Satanic Supernatural Deception, (Super-Signs and
4) The Rise of the Antichrist, (The Lawless One)
5) The Revealing of Mystery Babylon, (The Harlot World
6) The Opening of the Seal Judgments (The 4- Horsemen
of the Apocalypse)
7) World Wars, Famines and Pestilences
8) The Decline of Islam, (Allah loses his Akbar)
9) The False Covenant that triggers the Tribulation
10) Christian Martyrdom, (The Fifth Seal Saints)
11) The Two Mysterious Witnesses of Revelation
This critically
important video prepares the reader for powerful future
world events! Don't get LEFT BEHIND to face these NEXT
This title is also available
in a Book:
Now Prophecies"
DVD by Bill Salus,
Volume 1 of 2 - Only $19.99
God's word to Noah was
to prepare NOW for a worldwide flood. God's word to
Joseph was to prepare Pharaoh and Egypt NOW for seven
years of famine. God's word to Jeremiah was to prepare
the Jews NOW for seventy years of exile into Babylon.
The key word in these
historical examples was NOW! What does God's Word say
for us to prepare for NOW? What are the tough decisions
we need to make?
The NOW Prophecies identifies
the biblical prophecies that were
written centuries ago
for THIS GENERATION! These ancient inscriptions predict
powerful events that will profoundly affect everyone.
This video makes it easy to understand how to get ready
NOW for what to expect in the near future!
The titles of these critical
NOW prophecies are:
* Disaster In Iran!
* Destruction of Damascus! Decline In America!
* The Final Arab- Israeli War!
Christian, it
is time to 'look up, for our Redemption draweth nigh'!