Wednesday 1/25/2017
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News Headlines
1. How are you
going to spend your "massive" tax cut?
President Trump
announced that he is going to lower Middle Class taxes
to "15 or 20"!
Don't get suckered
in by the Liberal defense, "how are we going to
pay for the loss of tax dollars"? Remember Hong
Kong, my friend!
2. President Trump
signed the orders designed to approve the massive Keystone
XL and Dakota Access pipelines.
Did you know that
Trump will insist on legislation requiring American
steel supply the pipeline? Thousands of additional jobs,
28,000 to be exact!
3. Now that the
White House defunded Planned Parenthood, what now will
happen to History's #1 killer of innocent babies?
future was looking bleak, three years ago!
Will Liberal Hollywood
stars start ponying up their cash to keep Planned Parenthood
4. The President
also signed an order which pulls the United States out
of the global job redistribution free trade agreement
known as "TPP".
But, TPP is still
in place, just will one less member.
"Wise as Serpents" Training
Osteen - The Smile of Deception"
by Mike Oppenheimer
- Lighthouse Trails
What are Joel Osteens beliefs based on, what has made
him one of the most watched and popular TV preachers?
Because of peoples lack of discernment they are unable
to recognize what is obviously wrong.
The teachings of Joel
Osteen are Biblically light and often out of context.
Joel Osteen's open ended spiritual inclusiveness is
misleading many. Osteen's teaching combines Positive
Thinking and Kenneth Hagin's Positive Confession with
'The Secret'. He has it based on 'word faith teaching'
that he learned from his father. His positive thinking
and confession visualization techniques are aligned
with the Secret that Oprah promotes. He is promoti,ng
decreeing, creating by words; word faith declarations,
with Visualization.
This amounts to a dangerous
mix that departs from Biblical teaching into New Age/Mysticism.
Numerous video clips with
PowerPoint presentations, makes it clear what has made
Lakewood the largest church in America.
This video is over an
hour long and very well worth your time. 
Only $14.95
Need For Discernment In These Last Days"
Believers are
told in the last days that false prophets and false
teachers will increase and that deception will be pervasive
in the world and in the church. What are the new spirituality
movements and methods that are consistently springing
up and entering the church? Spiritual Discernment is
the need of the hour for our survival and keeping the
faith of biblical Christianity.
In this DVD, we
use some of the worst examples to demonstrate the
dumbing down of the church in discernment, which has
resulted in the church becoming deceived. We will learn
where and from whom this originated in modern times.
For Example:
* Revelations
that contradict the Bible
* Dominionist goals of the New Apostles and Prophets,
* People claiming to go to heaven
* Prophetic interpretation of tattoos and piercings
* New Age healing
* Drunken stupors, and becoming frozen and silent.
What is passing
for revelation and Bible teaching is astounding. We
need to understand what is taking place and stand firmly
in our faith. How do we identify and refute these deceptions?
How can we protect ourselves and others?
The Bible tells
us to grow in discernment, so we can mature and help
others who are easily deceived. Being grounded in the
core doctrines of the faith and building on them makes
one immune to the many deceptions that surround us today.
This two-part lecture series will show us why we need
discernment and help us learn how to become a discerning
2 DVD Set | Approx.
2 hours - http://www.cuttingedge.org/detail.cfm?ID=2759
Final Word
I send you forth as sheep in the midst of wolves: be
ye therefore wise as serpents (be spiritually discerning),
and harmless as doves." (Matthew 10:16, KJV)
Revelation Five
Is Shipping NOW
of Babylon, Capital Of The New World Order"
5 - DVD 
by Mac Dominick
of Cutting Edge Films
This DVD covers Revelation,
Chapters 15 through 18, four of the most insightful
chapters in the Book.
Mac starts in Revelation 15 with the 7 vials of wrath
and then moves to Revelation 16, where a Godly angel
proclaims that all Divine Judgments are now completed.
Therefore, Chapters 17
and 18 are 'parenthetical', meaning that while they
are part of the seven years of Tribulation, they do
not necessarily follow after the previous chapter (16).
They can occur at any point along the Tribulation Timeline.
Rev 17 and 18 describe
two Satanic behemoths called 'Babylon' which tightly
control all the Earth with their monstrous spiritual
power and their spiritual influence on all mankind.
Rev 17 describes the False
Religious Prophet and his authority over men. Bible
scholars believe this prophet is the Pope of Roman Catholicism.
Rev 18 is proposed to
be the physical and political capital of Antichrists
Kingdom, a.k.a., New World Order. Great video, and very
Almost 2 hours long, shipping
on or before January 30 -- http://www.cuttingedge.org/detail.cfm?ID=2765
For more information
and trailers on the DVDs individually select below

Offer is Available, Volumes 1-4: You save $16
1. How are you
going to spend your massive tax cut?
President Trump
announced that he is going to lower Middle Class taxes
to "15 or 20" %!
Promises to Cut Taxes and Regulation ‘Massively’:
Taxes down to 20%, regulations cut by 75%!",
Breitbart News, 23 Jan 2017
"President Donald
Trump met with business CEOs and leaders on Monday morning
... 'We are going to be cutting taxes massively for
both the middle class and for companies', he said during
the meeting. 'And that’s massively. We’re
trying to get it down to anywhere from 15 to 20 percent.”
"Trump said that
he would also cut regulations, something he said 'surprised'
him when he learned just how damaging some of the regulations
could be. ‘[W]e are going to be cutting regulation
massively … we think we can cut regulations by
75 percent', he said."
What is the average tax
percent right now levied on American Middle Class?
"And on average,
according to the report, the below-$100,000 taxpayers
paid 35 percent of their taxable income in taxes (income
and payroll)...." ("Middle
class pays higher tax rates than millionaires, Sen.
Tammy Baldwin says", Politifact.com,
January 25, 2017)
Therefore, if Trump gets
a reduction of our taxes to 15%, from 35%, that is a
57% tax reduction! As I asked at the top of this Newsletter,
how are you going to spend your massive tax cut?
And, please don't
get suckered in by the Liberal defense, "how are
we going to pay for the loss of tax dollars"? Remember
Hong Kong, my friend!
Trump’s $10 Trillion Stimulus Plan: For the
Private Economy", Freedom's Back, January
24, 2017
"All of Washington
seems to be in cardiac arrest over the news reports
late last week that President Donald Trump is planning
a budget with $10 trillion of budget cuts over the next
decade. We can only hope and pray that the report is
accurate. Let's also hope that Mr. Trump has the backbone
to stick with this plan to staple the stomach of the
federal government. This is an enterprise that has been
borrowing $1 trillion a year for the past decade and
is expected to continue to do so for years and decades
to come. The national indebtedness will soon exceed
$20 trillion and everyone in Washington is denial about
this metastasizing cancer cell rather than ordering
radiation therapy before it kills off the economy."
Please ignore the cries
of the Leftist Democrats, demanding to know how the
President is going to "pay" for all these
budget cuts. Such politicians are depending upon the
basic economic ignorance of the American voter when
he casts this question. Such a concept is only possible
if the economic formula were a "zero sum game".
In such an economy, every dollar in taxes cut must be
replaced somewhere else in the economy.
But, Capitalism does not
work that way, as Hong Kong began to prove after the
end of World War II and as she continues to prove today.
After World War II ended, Hong Kong was in ruins. To
encourage foreign manufacturers to build new plants
in Hong Kong, city leaders reduced taxes which would
be incurred by business owners. Not only did this tax
reduction encourage foreign companies to locate in the
city, it spurred such greater sales that the actual
amount of money flowing into the city's treasury increased
President Reagan used
this same concept to dramatically spur the economy right
after he took office. When people and businesses are
given reduced taxes, they spend more and they plan to
spend more in the future. Such an increase in sales
spurs the economy onward like no Government spending
will ever do, and will result in far greater tax receipts!
It sounds ironic, but
it is true: "Less produces more".
Less taxes produce more
Treasury receipts.
2. President Trump
signed the orders designed to approve the massive Keystone
XL and Dakota Access pipelines.
President clears way for controversial oil pipelines:
Keystone XL and Dakota Access ", Reuters
Commodities News, January 24, 2017
"U.S. President Donald
Trump signed orders on Tuesday smoothing the path for
the controversial Keystone XL and Dakota Access oil
pipelines in a move to expand energy infrastructure
and roll back key Obama administration environmental
actions ... . But going ahead with the pipelines would
mark a bitter defeat for Native American tribes and
climate activists, who successfully blocked the projects
earlier and vowed to fight the decisions through legal
Did you know that
Trump will insist on legislation requiring American
steel supply the pipeline? Thousands of additional jobs,
28,000 to be exact!
gives OK to Keystone XL and Dakota Access pipelines",
CBC News, Jan 24, 2017
"U.S. President Donald
Trump has signed executive actions to move forward on
construction of two controversial oil pipelines that
affect Canada, giving his OK to the Keystone XL and
Dakota Access projects. Speaking in the Oval Office
in the White House as he signed the presidential memorandums,
Trump said that 'we are going to renegotiate some of
the terms' of TransCanada's Keystone XL project. 'And
if they like, we will see if we can get that pipeline
built — a lot of jobs, 28,000 jobs, great construction
One of the major factors
upon which Trump is depending to gain 28,000 jobs is
this provision:
"The new U.S. president
said that if pipelines are built in the United States,
they should use U.S. steel. 'From now we are going to
start making pipelines in the United States', Trump
said "
This next news story illustrates
how far this concept of Americans using American materials
is planned to go in this new, more aggressive economy.
'We Want to Make Our Products Here", CNS
News, January 24, 2017
"Shortly after 6
a.m. Tuesday, President Donald Trump tweeted: "Will
be meeting at 9:00 with top automobile executives concerning
jobs in America. I want new plants to be built here
for cars sold here!"
"I think we're going
to have a tremendous amount of business coming back,"
Trump told them. "So that's what we want. We want
people -- we want to start making our products again,
and we don't want to bring them in, we want to make
them here."
The new President even
has his eye on factories not yet built. And, he is going
to cut regulations massively to lower manufacturing
costs even more.
"Under his presidency,
'when somebody wants to put up a factory, it's going
to be expedited. And you have to go through the process,
but it's going to be expedited and we're going to take
care of the environment, we're going to take care of
safety and all of the other things we have to take care
of ... Trump said gone are the days when companies build
factories overseas and then send their products back
to the United States."
What does Wall Street
think of all this new Trump trading policies?
Street In Rally Mood", RTT News, January
25, 2017
"Brushing off negative
attitudes towards Trump Presidency and in view of a
strong earnings season, Wall Street stocks may open
Wednesday's session higher. The market is looking ahead
to stronger House Price Index and other economic data
scheduled for the day. Asian shares closed higher and
European shares currently in the greener pastures."
Now that the White House defunded Planned Parenthood,
what now will happen to History's #1 killer of innocent
NEWS BRIEF: "President
Donald Trump Signs Executive Order to Defund International
Planned Parenthood", LifeNews, Jan
23, 2017
"President Donald
Trump today signed an executive order to defund International
Planned Parenthood ... While that defunding legislation
concerns the domestic-based Planned Parenthood abortion
corporation, President Trump has the ability to put
in place an executive order that would revoke funding
for its International affiliate. The Mexico City Policy
covered over $400 million in federal funds, part of
which flowed to the abortion businesses International
Planned Parenthood and Marie Stopes International for
their foreign efforts.
"As LifeNews.com
reported, the pro-life policy had been in place during
the entirety of the Bush administration and Obama rescinded
it on his first week in office ... Today, Trump restored
the Mexico City Policy by executive order. The Executive
Memorandum to reinstate the Mexico City Policy stops
taxpayer funding of groups that perform and promote
abortions overseas but does not stop non-abortion international
Therefore, Planned Parenthood's
total income is facing a "massive" cut! How
will this bloody human genocide provider continue to
future was looking bleak, three years ago!
Future Is Beginning to Look Bleak for Planned Parenthood",
CNS News, January 6, 2017
"The Planned Parenthood
Federation of America recently released its 2014-2015
Annual Report. That report contained information that
demonstrates the real problem that Planned Parenthood
is encountering across the country ... Planned Parenthood
starts off the 2014-2015 Annual Report stating that
it has 661 centers across the country. In 1995, Planned
Parenthood had 938 centers ... There is no evidence
women’s health care has suffered because of all
these Planned Parenthood closures. That’s because,
at its roots, Planned Parenthood is not a health care
organization. It is a sex shop. Just
about all of Planned Parenthood’s services concern
girls and women who are engaged in sexual activity.
Teens who do not get involved in sex do not provide
any income to Planned Parenthood. Those who do get involved
in sex provide millions of dollars to the organization.
Planned Parenthood has a vested interest in getting
young people involved in a sexual lifestyle." (Emphasis
I had never thought of
Planned Parenthood being a "sex shop" at its
foundation! But, of course, this author is correct.
Planned Parenthood is a unique business which stays
profitable by killing the offspring for profit which
her policies started in the first place!
Thank God that this human
carnage flowing from the drains of Planned Parenthood
will no longer be financed by Federal Tax dollars, even
from Christians who hate this practice will all our
Will Liberal Hollywood
stars start ponying up their cash to keep Planned Parenthood
donates to Planned Parenthood", MSN
Entertainment News, 1/25/2017
"Singer Halsey has
donated $100,000 (£80,000) to women's health organisation
Planned Parenthood ..."
NEWS BRIEF: "Planned
Parenthood to benefit from '20th Century Women' ticket
sales this weekend", CNN Entertainment,
January 19, 2017
"This weekend, a
trip to the movies could do some good for Planned Parenthood.
A24, the studio behind Mike Mills' "20th Century
Women" is showing its support for the organization
by donating 5% of its revenue from the film to Planned
It is high time that Liberals
"put their money where their mouths are".
If they support Planned Parenthood so greatly, they
should put their own wealth into this bloody organization,
not demanding tax payer monies!
4. The President
also signed an order which pulls the United States out
of the global job redistribution free trade agreement
known as "TPP".
NEWS BRIEF: "President
Trump Kills TPP Once and for All with Executive Order
Officially Withdrawing, Breitbart News,
23 Jan 2017
"President Donald
J. Trump killed the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP)
once and for all on Monday, signing an executive order
officially withdrawing from the trade deal negotiations
... As President Trump signed the executive action killing
the TPP, he announced for the cameras in the oval office
that it was a 'great thing for the American worker,
what we just did'.”
Thus, Trump has fulfilled
another campaign promise!
But, TPP is still
in place, just will one less member.
TPP is dead, but don’t bury it yet",
Los Angeles Times, Jan 25, 2017
"In the executive
order he signed Monday, Trump declared his intention
not to pursue multilateral trade deals. Instead, his
administration will conduct trade talks 'directly with
individual countries on a one-on-one (or bilateral)
basis' in pursuit of better outcomes for American workers.
U.S. exit, Asian nations try to save TPP trade deal",
Reuter's News, January 24, 2017
"Australia and New
Zealand said on Tuesday they hope to salvage the Trans-Pacific
Partnership (TPP) by encouraging China and other Asian
countries to join the trade pact after U.S. President
Donald Trump kept a promise to abandon the accord."
With the rest of the industrialized
world hoping to salvage the global organizations that
are so important to the New World Order, we shall watch
with interest how long President Trump can continue
going "America First".
We wish him well, and
we wish him safety from those determined to finally
achieve this global dictatorship, global economy and
global religion, listed as "NOVUS ORDO SECLORUM"
on the back of the American One Dollar Bill since 1782!
This danger is very real.
Globalist American leaders since 1782 have consistently
moved America toward this New World Order. Are they
going to sit back and allow President Trump to now unhinge
this entire progression toward the Kingdom of Antichrist?

Religions & Cults Clearly Exposed
Each Volume
- Reg $19.99, Now Only $14.99
Written for
the Laymen
of Christianity"
Vol. 1 -- by Bodie
Hodge, Roger Patterson 
Religions in todays culture seem to be
multiplying. Have you ever wondered why certain religions
believe and practice what they do? Or how they view
the Bible? In one way or another the Bible gets demoted,
reinterpreted, or completely ignored. Mans ideas are
used to throw the Bibles clear teaching out the window
while false teachings are promoted.
This book is a must for laymen, church
leaders, teachers, and students to understand the trends
in our culture and around the world where certain religions
dominate, helping you discern truth and guard your faith.
When you understand a religions origins and teachings,
you are in a better position to know how to proclaim
the gospel of Jesus Christ as you take the good news
to those in false religions.
425 Pages -- http://www.cuttingedge.org/detail.cfm?ID=2763
Mythical and Mysticism Religions"
Vol. 2 - by Bodie
Hodge, Roger Patterson 
This eye-opening second volume deals with
many Eastern religions like Hinduism, Taoism, New Age,
Sikhism, Confucianism, Shinto, and Buddhism, as well
as other pagan-based systems like Witchcraft, Voodoo,
and Greek mythology (and many more)!
Religions of the Far East like Hinduism, Buddhism, and
New Age have been gaining a firm foothold in the Western
world. We even see witchcraft on the rise and paganism
infiltrating the minds of the next generation even
in Christian homes!
Followers should be set at ease knowing
that all other gods are false as the All-Knowing God
of Scripture has proven He is the only God. http://www.cuttingedge.org/detail.cfm?ID=2762
492 Pages
and Humanistic Religions"
Vol. 3 - by Bodie
Hodge, Roger Patterson
This final book in the series focuses
on the atheistic or humanistic type of religions. It
would be one of the most valuable for the church in
the Western World where anti-god and pro-evolution religions
are beginning to explode, for it was written to refute
those religions and show how they fail. Unlike most
books on world religions, this title dives into the
secular humanistic religions. The book starts with God's
Word as the absolute authority. In doing so, God becomes
our guide to refute false religions.
12 Religions Studied
350 pages -- http://www.cuttingedge.org/detail.cfm?ID=2761
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