Hot News
Wednesday, 1/13/2015
Americans are abandoning the two traditional political parties.
Voters are angry,
and are not going to take it anymore!
NEWS BRIEF: "Americans
Are Abandoning Political Parties", by
Ken Walsh, U.S. News and World Report, January 12, 2016
"Both major political parties are in
trouble with the American people."
Now, this news is truly hot, because it holds
out hope that the American citizen is not the mindless and
spineless jelly fish we had believed to be the case. Americans
seem to be fed up with the endless stream of lies, deceptions
and betrayal which have characterized politics for the last
100 years.
But, we should not be surprised, because each
major leader of both Democrat and Republican are equally
committed to this coming global system known as the "New
World Order" -- the "NOVUS ORDO SECLORUM"
on the back of the American One Dollar Bill.
Since leaders of both parties are equally
committed to this new system, they are following the principles
of the "Protocols
of the Learned Elders of Zion" (See DVD
at left).
Listen to some of the pertinent portions of
the plan to deceive.
The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion
tells us that the citizen will not be able to trust in anything
the leaders are telling them! Listen and be enlightened:
'The principal factor of success in the political is the
secrecy of its undertakings: the word should not agree with
the deeds of the diplomat'."
"When we come into our kingdom, our orators
will expound great problems which have turned humanity upside
down in order to bring it, at the end, under our beneficent
rule. Who will ever suspect, then, that all these peoples
were stage-managed by us according to a political plan which
no one has so much as guessed at in the course of
many centuries?" [End of Protocol No. 13;
Emphasis added]
Our leaders have been working toward this
new global system for "many centuries" now! Doubt
it not!
"In all ages the peoples of the world,
equally with individuals, have accepted words for deeds,
for they are content with a show and rarely pause to note,
in the public arena, whether promises are followed by performance.
Therefore, we shall establish show institutions ..."
[Protocols #5; reiterated in Protocol #10; Emphasis added]
Adolf Hitler once remarked, "What luck
for rulers that people do not think"!
Now, let us return to our featured article:
"The latest Gallup Poll finds that loyalty
to the Democrats and Republicans is at or near historic
lows. In 2015, for the fifth straight year, 'at least four
in 10 U.S. adults identified as political independents',
a Gallup spokesman said ... Twenty-nine percent said they
were Democrats and 26 percent said they were Republicans."
Therefore, conventional wisdom holds that
any candidate must attract the Independent voter.
"Gallup found that a big reason for the
increase in independents was frustration with government
Just government gridlock? I can think of many
other reasons that voters are abandoning the two major parties:
1) Out-of-control government spending that
never gets under control. It is in this area that Republicans
cave to the Democrat position, allowing the spending to
dramatically spiral out of sight.
2) Taking America to war time and time again
after World War II ended. Eventually, the voter will discover
that the war was useless and the leaders taking us to war
lied boldly to us to gain our support.
All parents worry about their loved ones going
into combat; that concern really peaks quickly once the
parent realizes that the war could have been prevented.
3) Scandals and bribery have run rampant in
both parties. Hillary
Clinton is now said to be losing support because of the
close ties to Wall Street barons and Hillary and Bill Clinton.
4) Consistently rising taxes on the poor and
the middle class have been a feature in the last 60 years.
5) Candidates do not keep their campaign promises
once they are elected. This reality truly does weigh heavily
on many voter's minds. But, at least
we know that the Global Elite has instructed them to lie
and to not keep their promises.
Doubtless you can think of more reasons Americans
are abandoning both Democrat and Republican. Since World
War II, the American voter has consistently been exposed
to the truth that there is "not a dime's worth of difference
between Republican and Democrat parties" (Governor
George Wallace).
Donald Trump picks up some political support as he campaigns
in Iowa.
Sarah Palin delivers
a fiery speech, while John Wayne's daughter announces her
Palin’s Fiery Iowa Endorsement of Donald Trump",
Breitbart News, 19 Jan 2016
"MES, Iowa — 2016 GOP frontrunner
billionaire Donald Trump won the coveted endorsement of
former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin—the 2008 GOP vice presidential
nominee ... Palin, who appeared on stage with Trump in the
Hansen Agriculture Learning Center, backed Trump for president
just 13 days ahead of the all-important Iowa caucuses on
Feb. 1. The Palin endorsement is about the best endorsement
any conservative can get..."
"Palin has survived, and thrived, and
remains a grassroots conservative hero."
Donald Trump will receive the support of many
Conservative voters now, and Christian voters, since Palin
is widely admired in the Christian community. Palin's speech
was long and very colorful. We urge you to read it in the
news article, above.
Palin closed her speech, "“God
Bless you, and God Bless the United States of America and
our next President of the United States, Donald J. Trump.”
John Wayne's daughter
cast her hat into the ring for the "Donald"!
NEWS BRIEF: "Daughter
of 'The Duke' Backs 'The Donald',"
U.S. News and World Report, 19 January 2016
"Donald Trump listens as John Wayne's
daughter, Aissa, endorses Trump during a news conference
on Tuesday at the John Wayne Museum in Winterset, Iowa ...
show business is intersecting with and in some cases consuming
politics: Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump
has been endorsed by the daughter of the late movie actor
John Wayne, and the event is being widely covered by the
media as a serious campaign development."
John Wayne is very admired within Conservative
/ Christian circles.
"John Wayne represented strength, he
represented power, he represented what the people are looking
[for] today because we have exactly the opposite of John
Wayne right now in this country," Trump said Tuesday
in accepting the endorsement from Aissa Wayne in Iowa ...
"He represented real strength and an inner strength
that you don't see very often, and that's why this endorsement,
it meant so much to me."
Donald Trump most definitely is an expert
campaigner and seems to be pulling all the right levers
to convince voters he is their man for the job of President
of the United States.
Oil investors are finally panicking, giving up on oil prices.
The oil sell-off is
going to last a while and is going to take the Dow Jones
down dramatically; BUT, the economy is not going to crash.
futures fall more than 300 points as oil, Asia selloff rattle
investors", Market Watch News, January
20, 2016
"Wall Street was set for steep losses
at the open on Wednesday as a renewed selloff in Asia and
tanking oil prices triggered a flight from risky assets
such as equities ... The slide comes as part of a broader
global selloff in the equity market, fueled by oil creeping
further below $28 a barrel and worries over a slowdown in
Oil investors have patiently waited for the
past several years, as they saw their oil-based investments
slide rapidly downward, believing that, one day, crude oil
prices were going to increase to their "normal"
high level. But, now, oil investors are truly spooked and
are selling oil stocks so they can invest in other places.
In the DVD, above, we reported that the reason
global oil prices are declining is because the Elite is
planning to overthrow the "entrenched dictator"
in Saudi Arabia; however, before direct action could be
taken against Saudi Arabia, readily available oil resources
must develop and be ready to flow instantly, before Saudi
oil is taken off the market.
This action has been taken, and the glut of
oil on the world market is exceedingly high.
If you own stocks, do not panic, because one
day soon, the world will realize that Saudi oil is no longer
pumping. Initially, investors will panic until they realize
that enough oil can be pumped on the world market that Saudi
oil is no longer relevant.
So far, our analysis of Saudi Arabian oil
and the Global Elite is proving to be true!
4. As the Global Elite
gather at the Dovos Economic World Forum this week, it is
important to keep in mind what the bottom-line goal is for
the delegates.
Dovos delegates intend
to fully overthrow Capitalism so Fascism can rule the global
NEWS BRIEF: "Anxiety
in the air as Davos World Economic Forum kicks off ",
Yahoo Finance, January 20, 2016
"DAVOS, Switzerland (AP) — A prevailing sense
of anxiety was in the air in the Swiss ski resort of Davos
as the World Economic Forum kicked off Wednesday with delegates
fretting about the turbulence in financial markets, slowdown
in China and plunging oil prices ... there was a high degree
of concern about the outlook for the global economy this
What is the purpose of the Davos group? After
all, people really do not know much about them.
2012: From Capitalism to Fascism", War
Is Crime, January 24, 2016
"This is very serious. The elitist power
grab is going right at the heart of capitalism. Of course,
they have always been for central control, with them in
control, but now they are calling out capitalism, directly,
as an inferior product ... in a new aggressive move by elitists
to discredit capitalism outright."
As we reported in early 1992, the ultimate
economy of the New World Order was Fascism, not Capitalism.
(Read full details in NEWS1144).
America has long operated under the Capitalist economy.
Under this type of economy, the Means of Production and
raw materials is owned by private individuals. These same
private individuals determine what their factories are going
to produce and how much of any single item will be produced.
Private owners also determine the price they will charge
for their product. Under Capitalism, private owners pay
a great deal of attention to the needs and desires of the
ultimate consumer, in determining how much of what items
to produce and in what quantity to produce them. The government
cannot determine how many competitors may make the same
type of items; thus competition between manufacturers of
the same type of item(s) keeps prices low and quality high.
Finally, the government in a Capitalist economy will act
as a referee only, ensuring the laws regarding fair competition,
and the laws governing basic morality and public safety,
are followed. The government does not intervene as in a
Fascist economy.
The Plan of the New World Order is to establish
a Fascist economy globally. In September, 2008, President
Bush's Treasury Secretary convinced Congress to allow "Government
Bailout" of banks, insurers, and the Automotive Industry,
he was moving America into the Fascist Economy (Read full
details in NEWS2494,entitled,
"Powerful Current Positive Proof That America's
Economy Is Fascist".
And Dovos is leading this change!
Churches Are Ignoring"
DVD Combo by David
Regularly $84.94,Now
only $29.99
You save nearly $55
Why are so many pastors so reluctant to teach
prophecy? Why are so many pastors even more reluctant to
teach how current events are uniquely fulfilling End of
the Age prophecy?
Cutting Edge Director, David Bay, teaches
six hard- hitting lessons on six unique End Times instances
where events are fulfilling prophecy, but no one is talking
about it. Five hot topics on three discs.
1) Israel's Prophesied Triumph over
the Palestinians
2) Russian Bear Poised To Strike Israel
3) 'Masons In The Pulpit'
4) World War III: History's Greatest
Lynchpin Event
5) Secret Societies Killed Jesus Christ
Each message is followed by a complete Salvation
Plan, so each DVD becomes a Soul-Winning tool.
Almost 6 Hours of Teaching --
Also see "Prophecies
Churches Are Ignoring", Volume 1 - DVD
Combo by David Bay
We urge our supporters to get these DVD's into the hands
of their pastor, who is probably reluctant to preach prophecy
being fulfilled in our
Daily News!
Jesus' Calling -- New Book by Warren B. Smith
by the New Age book God Calling, Sarah Young claims to be
receiving messages from Jesus Christ which she compiled
into what is now her best-selling book, Jesus Calling. Author
Warren Smith carefully documents his concerns about her
book, her 'Jesus', and the New Age implications contained
in many of Young's devotional messages. He also warns about
the danger of contemplative prayer and in elevating spiritual
experiences over the Word of God.
'Another Jesus' Calling is his call for much
needed discernment in these very deceptive times.
173 pages
- Man's Greatest Invention or Mark of The Beast?"
4 Studies On 2 Disks,
This device is being heralded as a silent
revolution, a state of the art global tracking device, and
as significant of an invention as the Internet or even the
computer itself. with all the hoopla aside, the question
we need to be asking ourselves is this, Is RFID man's greatest
invention or Mark of the Beast?
Yet the irony is that even though this technology
is sweeping the planet, hardly anyone, even Christians,
have any idea what it is in the first place, let alone its
Biblical ramifications!
This technology is not a science fiction
scenario of the future; it is present day reality with today's
technology called RFID. And that's why the Mark of the Beast
is not only real, it's really going to be implemented just
like the Bible said. In fact, it might be sooner than you
2 DVD set - 3 hours --

Marriage Built To Last Paperback Book
from Pastor Billy Crone
Many marriages today are under severe
strain. Most of us can identify with this. But is this the
kind of relationship that God had in mind when He instituted
marriage? Absolutely not! A Marriage Built to Last looks
at eleven steps to having a lasting and fulfilling marriage,
including: Men and Women are Different. Love is and Action.
The Need for Communication, Honor, and Intimacy. The Need
for Biblical Men and Women. The Need for a Strong Family
It's going to take some time and work, but if we'll just
get back to God's plan for marriage, we're well on our way
to having A Marriage Built to Last.
170 pages
your copy today
Most Unusual DVD
On Freemasonry Ever Created
Mac Dominick and David
Bay, Authors
In The Pulpit: Is 'Ichabod' Written Over Your Church Door?"
If your church allows Masons to fill the pulpit,
or be Deacons, or serve as Sunday School teachers, you have
a very serious spiritual problem with Almighty God. The
Holy Spirit has written 'Ichabod (The Glory Has
Departed)' above your front door!
While Freemasonry has successfully deceived
a great many people, convincing them that Freemasonry is
compatible with Christianity, God knows the Truth and is
not tolerant of Masons In The Pulpit. We prove that a Holy
God cannot tolerate Masons in the pulpit of a church for
which His Son, Jesus, bled on that cruel cross of Calvary.

We begin at a very reasonable starting premise:
If a pastor refuses to resign from the Masonic Lodge he
does so because he feels greater loyalty to the Lodge than
to Jesus Christ.
Starting from this premise, we examine a number
of key Masonic teachings and then ask the Pastor how he
can reconcile these teachings with Biblical Christianity.
We ask, 'Mr. Pastor, when you are teaching key biblical
doctrine, are you really thinking of the radically different
teaching of Freemasonry? Prime Example:
Freemasonry teaches that its religion is far superior to
any other religion on Earth, including Christianity. Mr.
Pastor, are you thinking how superior Masonry is to Christianity
when you are teaching Biblical doctrine. Second
Example: Freemasonry teaches that it is necessary
for Lodge leaders to deliberately lie to their people until
they are 'mature enough' to comprehend and accept the truth;
Mr. Pastor, when you are teaching key Biblical doctrine,
are you secretly thinking that it is necessary for you to
teach these 'lies' about Jesus and the God of the Bible
until your people are spiritually mature to comprehend the
true Masonic doctrine?
We prove that a Holy God cannot tolerate Masons
in the pulpit of a church for which His Son, Jesus, bled
on that cruel cross of Calvary.
hours of teaching