News Headlines
1. President
Trump continues to uphold Biblical Truth!
He stated
that Freedom does not come from Government,
but from "Almighty God"!
It is
no wonder that atheistic Liberals and Hollywood
celebrities hate him and want him out of the
White House - by whatever means!
2. The
White House physician examined Mr. Trump and
declared him fit for office.
But, journalists
rejected this scientific pronouncement, just
as they have been rejecting the results of the
2016 presidential election!
3. Trump
ordered the CNN White House correspondent to
leave his office because the journalist kept
interrupting the President.
Will the
President now take the logical step of barring
any CNN correspondent from the White House Press
4. After
all, the Liberal "news" media has
been waging war against the White House for
a year now.
Trump's alleged low approval ratings -- if they
exist at all -- can be directly attributed to
these constant barrages against this anti-New
World Order President.
5. Now
the truth about the Democrat's lying allegations
that Trump call some countries "Sh**hole
has been revealed:
Schumer (D-NY) has told the President that he
can "begin to prove" that he is not
racist by supporting the Democrat's position
on DACA and immigration!
6. A shock
poll has revealed that President Trump's approval
among blacks has DOUBLED since the election
of 2016.
Even Alveda
King publicly announced that Trump is not a
Do you
remember the 1998 praise of Donald Trump from
Jesse Jackson?
the full analysis of these articles below our
book store update, below
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Must I Do To Be Saved?
God's dazzling and resplendent new creation called
the 'Heavens and the Earth', created specifically
for the happiness and joy of His really special creation,
Adam and Eve, Satan suddenly launched a vicious war
against man.
And, Satan knew exactly where to strike. Taking the
form of a Serpent, Satan spoke gracious words to an
innocent, gullible Eve. He convinced her that God
REALLY did not mean what He said when he told Adam
that they could not eat of the fruit of the Tree of
Knowledge and Evil, and then Satan painted such a
wonderful word picture of the fruit that Eve simply
had to try it.
Satan must have been
howling with glee as he witnessed God changing the
nature of Adam and Eve to where they would now be
susceptible to physical death and they would have
to earn their sustenance through hard work fighting
weeds and brambles, wild animals, dinosaurs, demons
who have taken the form of men (Nephilim, Genesis
6), paranormal activity, parallel dimensions, and
a new nature of sin and of murder.
All mankind faced a
world as frightening and dangerous as anyone could
have possibly imagined. Little did they know Satans
true plan, i.e., to so corrupt every human being that
Jesus, the Redeemer of Mankind, would be thwarted
in His plan to die on Calvary. Therefore, Genesis
6 reveals that Satan flooded the world with Nephilim
who mated with human wives, producing a new creation
that was no longer purely human, but mixed with demonic
Satan's strategy was
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It is an exciting journey
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Please join us as we will take one more step in our
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News Analysis
1. President
Trump continues to uphold Biblical Truth!
He stated that
Freedom does not come from Government, but from "Almighty
Freedom Doesn't Come From Govt, It's a 'Sacred Right
From Almighty God', CNS News,
Jan 16, 2018
"Today, President
Donald Trump issued a proclamation declaring January
16, 2018 as Religious Freedom Day, wherein he noted
that, 'Our forefathers, seeking refuge from religious
persecution, believed in the eternal truth that freedom
is not a gift from the government, but a sacred right
from Almighty God'."
My goodness, the President's
declaration sounds exactly like America's boldly written
"Declaration of Independence"!
"We hold these
truths to be self-evident, that all men are created
equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with
certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life,
Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness ... That to secure
these rights, Governments are instituted among Men,
deriving their just powers from the consent of the
governed..." (U.S.
Declaration of Independence , July 4,
It is no wonder
that atheistic Liberals and Hollywood celebrities
hate him and want him out of the White House - by
whatever means!
For the continuance
of our cherished freedoms, we need to keep this guy
in the White House by whatever means. He is basing
his decisions upon firm foundation, from the Bible
and the Declaration and the Constitution.
As events continue to
unfold, I am amazed that the leaders of the day in
Washington, D.C., are ruling according to the insight
provided in Daniel 10, where Godly angels are daily
waging spiritual warfare in the heavenlies against
ungodly demons for the ear / attention of the human
ruler -- just as we detail in the DVD shown above,
"Angelic / Demonic Warfare In The Heavenlies:
Daniel 10 Propelling World Event"!
When I view statements
from Nancy Pelois or Chuck Schumer, I can almost see
the demon whispering into their ear, can't you?
2. The White
House physician examined Mr. Trump and declared him
fit for office.
House doctor says Trump is fit for duty, but should
hit the gym: Presidential
physician Dr. Ronny Jackson", New
Hampshire Union Leader, 1/16/2018
President Donald Trump passed a test for signs of
dementia and is in overall excellent health, but needs
to shed weight by cutting calories, fats and carbohydrates
and starting a daily exercise routine, the White House
physician said on Tuesday."
But, journalists
rejected this scientific pronouncement, just as they
have been rejecting the results of the 2016 presidential
House Press Corps Treated Results Of Trump’s
Medical Exam Like Results Of The Election",
The Daily Caller, Jan 16, 2018
"Reporters were
given the opportunity to ask White House physician
Ronny Jackson questions about President Trump’s
health Tuesday, and they took news of Trump’s
good health about as well as they handled the 2016
election results. Indeed, the White House press corps
gave Jackson a cross examination fit for the Watergate
investigation over the results of Trump’s cognitive
Dr. Jackson continued
to report on the President's remarkable health:
"It’s called
genetics, I don’t know. It’s some people
have just great genes. I told the president if he
had a healthier diet over the last 20 years, he might
live to be 200 years old. I don’t know. I mean,
he has incredible–he has incredible genes ...
he has incredibly good genes, and it’s the way
God made him.”
"Many in the White
House press corp, on the other hand, seemed to question
if Trump really was in good health. CNN’s Jim
Acosta used the press briefing to ask whether Dr.
Jackson may be withholding information about Trump’s
health from the public."
Speaking of CNN's Jim
3. Trump ordered
the CNN White House correspondent to leave his office
because the journalist kept interrupting the President.
Trump Tells CNN’s Jim Acosta to get “Out”
of the Oval Office After Reporter's Latest Outburst
", Gateway Pundit, January 17, 2018
"CNN’s Jim
Acosta, who is known for his unruly behavior and juvenile
outbursts towards President Trump and others, threw
a tantrum Tuesday claiming White House aides shouted
in his face to drown out his questions. President
Trump then pointed at Jim Acosta and said 'out'."
"President Trump
met with Nursultan Nazarbayev, the president of Kazakhstan
in the Oval Office Tuesday. The President decided
to stop taking further questions from the press and
Jim Acosta lost his mind."
Will the President
now take the logical step of barring any CNN correspondent
from the White House Press Corps?
The author of this news
article from whom we are quoting certainly believes
so: "Jim Acosta is extremely disrespectful towards
President Trump and White House Press Secretary Sarah
Sanders; he should have had his press pass pulled
a long time ago."
When the planned North
Korean nuclear confrontation begins, I hope President
Trump goes to Congress so they can officially declare
War. This Congressional declaration could then place
all these hostile statements and accusations against
the President in the category of "Sedition",
and possibly "traitorous", as they certainly
give "aid and comfort to the enemy"!
4. After all,
the Liberal "news" media has been waging
war against the White House for a year now.
NEWS BRIEF: "2017:
The Year the News Media Went to War Against a President",
MRC Newsbusters, January 16, 2018
"The first year
of the Trump administration was as turbulent for the
news media as it was for politics, with many journalists
dropping any pretense of professionalism to become
strident opponents of the President."
Consider the facts about
news coverage:
* "The Trump presidency
was the biggest story of the year, accounting for
one out of every three minutes of evening news airtime..."
* "The tone of
coverage has been incessantly hostile, especially
for a new President in his honeymoon year: 90% negative,
vs. just 10% positive."
* "More than two-fifths
of evening news coverage of the President (43%) focused
on controversies, not policies, with the Russia investigation
alone accounting for one-fifth of all Trump coverage
(1,234 minutes)."
* "Despite their
massive coverage of Russia, the networks had almost
no airtime for questions about how the investigation
began, or whether special counsel Robert Mueller’s
current investigation is biased."
"What seems to
be happening is that many in the media, including
the broadcast networks, have chosen to morph into
anti-Trump activists. As a result, they provide massive
attention to stories that they think make him look
bad, give little airtime to more positive aspects
of his administration, and punish him with massively
negative spin."
"The polls suggest anti-Trump
Democrats love that kind of news, pro-Trump Republicans
hate it — while the national media are cementing
their reputation as biased partisans. Their hostility
against the White House is now so obvious, nobody
could possibly take them seriously if they ever again
claim to be fair and non-partisan professionals."
The strident, constant anti-Trump
barrage leveled during the course of the 2016 presidential
election was a huge factor in Donald Trump's victory.
Since then, the Mass Media has proven it has not learned
from their mistake in 2016 and are being even more
anti-Trump than ever before.
President Trump's
alleged low approval ratings -- if they exist at all
-- can be directly attributed to these constant barrages
against this anti-New World Order President.
Trump Approvals Directly Attributable To Negative
Media Coverage", by Rod Thomson,
The Revolutionary Act, January, 2018
"Relentlessly negative
media coverage continues to keep President Trump’s
approval ratings at historic lows. This should not
be surprising. But now it is virtually provable by
connecting the dots on three pieces of data."
1) "First off,
it’s necessary to understand that any polls
conducted on an issue recently in the news are a complete
and direct reflection of the media coverage."
2) "However, on
issues that have been around a long time, Americans
tend to be able to form their opinions less reflective
of media coverage. This is particularly true of issues
related to principles. So it follows that the media
coverage of Trump is what is driving his low approvals
because it comes as one negative news cycle after
another, which builds this unrelentingly negative
picture of the Administration.
3) "Pew found that
the initial media coverage of Trump was more than
three times more critical than the initial coverage
of former President Barack Obama — who, granted,
the media fawned over like a little kitten —
but also more than twice as negative as Presidents
George W. Bush and Bill Clinton. That’s a lot
of negative input into the American opinion psyche."
"So here is the
formula: Record negative media coverage defeats record
high economic optimism to create record low approvals.
Alas, the reality is that the mainstream media is
still the dominant force in shaping public opinion."
Finally, remember that
polls can be manipulated to achieve the result desired;
and, these polls are conducted by the same lying polling
organizations which consistently declared during the
2016 election that there was no way possible that
Trump could win.
As events trudge along,
the views of the American voter are going to slowly
change, so they distrust the continuous lies of the
Mass Media and start to understand that truth lies
in the opposite of the Media rhetoric!
Average citizens in
Communist Russia came to that conclusion slowly, starting
in the times of Stalin (mid-1920s until his death
on 5 March 1953). Therefore, when Pravda constantly
painted the story of America as untrustworthy and
determined to destroy Russia, Russian citizens believed
that just the opposite was true!
The same consensus will
occur here, as President Trump continues to succeed.
Right now, no discerning
American need pay any attention to the Washington
Post, the New York Times, or CNN, just to name a few
organizations which have proven time and time again
over the past year to be radical "hatemongers"
of the highest caliber!
5. Now the truth
about the Democrat's lying allegations that Trump
call some countries "Sh**hole has been revealed:
Senator Schumer
(D-NY) has told the President that he can "begin
to prove" that he is not racist by supporting
the Democrat's position on DACA and immigration!
NEWS BRIEF: "Schumer
Tells Trump: You Can Begin to Prove You’re
Not Racist or Bigoted By Supporting Bipartisan Immigration
Compromise", Breitbart News, 15 Jan
"On Monday’s
broadcast of CBS’ 'Late Show', Senate Minority
Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) stated that President
Trump can begin to prove
he’s not racist or bigoted by supporting the
bipartisan immigration compromise." (Emphasis
Now we understand why
opposition Democrats and Liberal Establishment Republicans
created the lie that President Trump called some countries
"Sh**hole countries"! They were trying to
force him into adopting DACA and other Democrat reform
Have you ever heard of Blackmail?
Verbal and political blackmail?
6. A shock poll
has revealed that President Trump's approval among
blacks has DOUBLED since the election of 2016.
Trump’s Support Among Blacks Has Doubled Since
2016, Even Amid Racism Claims", Breitbart
News, 14 Jan 2018
"Two new polls
show President Donald Trump’s rising support
among black voters, highlighting his political gains
from pushing employers to hire Americans instead of
lower-wage migrants. The growing support from blacks
— despite furious Democratic claims of racism
— could become a shocking political validation
in November when Trump will face millions of upper-income
Democratic voters who are angry at his 'Buy American,
Hire American' policies."
"Among black men,
Trump’s '2017 average approval rating significantly
exceeds his 2016 vote share' ... '23 percent of black
men approved of Trump’s performance versus 11
percent of black women', said the article."
"That score averages out to
17 percent, or twice the 8 percent score he was given
in the 2016 exit polls."
Even Alveda
King publicly announced that Trump is not a racist.
King: Trump Is Not Racist, African-Americans Benefit
From His Presidency", NewsMax, 15
Jan 2018
"Martin Luther
King Jr.'s niece threw her support behind President
Donald Trump on Monday, defending him against accusations
of racism ... 'I do not believe President Donald John
Trump is a racist. The economy's up. Jobs are up in
the black community. There is great promise to get
a lot of people who have been unfairly incarcerated
out', King told Fox News' 'Fox & Friends' on Monday,
Martin Luther King Jr. Day."
"The president
is working for America, period, as he is draining
the swamp. And African-Americans are benefiting. Our
jobs are going up. Our unemployment is going down.
Companies are saying they are going to raise their
own minimum wage and do bonuses because of the tax
" 'So, the president is helping
the African-American community. And I don't believe
President Donald Trump is a racist', she added."
Alveda King believes
that the rise in black employment is proof that President
Trump is not racist! Before you scoff at this concept,
please consider the import of this next news report.
You may discover that the REAL racists are the politicians
who most loudly and most often shout their support
for African-Americans!
NEWS BRIEF: "Senator
Durbin (D-IL) ‘Focused Full Time’ on Illegal
Aliens as Black Americans Remain Excessively Unemployed
in His State", Brietbart
News, 16 Jan 2018
"While Sen. Dick Durbin (D-IL)
says he is “focused” and working “full
time” for illegal aliens, black Americans in
his state of Illinois remain excessively unemployed,
far above the national average ... Durbin admitted
that he is working around the clock, not for his underrepresented
constituents in Illinois, but rather illegal aliens
who have been shielded from deportation by a President
Obama-created amnesty program."
Why should Senator Durbin care more
for illegal immigrants than he does for his own African-American
citizens? Do not be deceived on this point: bringing
in illegal immigrants takes jobs from black citizens
and drives wages downward!
Every thinking black citizen should
be wholly supportive of restricting the numbers of
illegal immigrants and should realize that Liberal
politicians are lying to them. During the 2016 presidential
campaign, Trump invited groups of black leaders to
tour the blighted industrial areas like Detroit. Michigan.
After viewing the neighborhoods around these factories
closed by the Democrat-supported NAFTA agreement,
Trump reminded these leaders that Detroit had been
under the constant control of Democrat leaders. He
then asked these black leaders if this was the result
they wanted from city and state Democrat leaders.
Donald Trump won enough black votes
to carry the state in 2016.
With the hypocrisy of Senator Durbin
still fresh in our minds, let us examine how our Republican
President is genuinely taking care of the interests
of African-Americans.
cuts drive business back to the Motor City: Chrysler
move back brings 2,500 new jobs to blighted Detroit",
The Washington Examiner, Jan 14, 2018
"Fiat Chrysler will make Ram
trucks in Michigan instead of Mexico beginning in
2020, and the company says this will mean 2,500 extra
jobs at the plant in Warren, Detroit’s largest
Always, one of the main differences
between Liberals and Conservatives is that Liberals
want to solve economic problems through government
welfare, while Conservatives want to solve the same
problems through getting jobs that will enable people
to get back on their feet.
President Trump has followed economic
policies that will encourage the flow of monies back
into the United States and that flow will produce
tens of thousands, even millions. of jobs, many of
which will be held by black and brown minorities.
Do you remember
the 1998 praise of Donald Trump from Jesse Jackson
for his "lifetime of support" for the black
1998 Jesse Jackson praises and thanks Donald Trump
for a lifetime of service to African Americans",
You Tube
Jackson praises and thanks Donald Trump for a lifetime
of service to African Americans .. for his gusto and
his seriousness and his commitment ..."
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