Hot News
Wednesday, 1/13/2015
1. President Obama
-- with help from his GOP friends -- have transformed America
during the past 7 years.
Let us tearfully recount
these changes, through the eyes of God.
NEWS BRIEF: "Obama’s
SOTU: The Transformative President Triumphant",
Breitbart News, Jan 12, 2016
"... Obama has indeed succeeded in transforming
the country, and he’ll pat himself on the back with
both hands, presumably until he begins crying from a case
of broken ribs. Here are 12 ways Obama has transformed America
and the world:
1) Executive
Amnesty - Obama Administration has stopped
deporting illegals, and RINO (Republicans In Name Only)
have funded his amnesty program every single time the opportunity
has arisen to reverse this policy.
2) Executive
Gun Control - Obama’s crying jag last
week over gun control hid the fact that he’s setting
the groundwork for his Department of Justice to target individual
3) Obamacare.
Republicans have pledged since 2010 to stop Obamacare ...
Nonetheless, Republicans continue to fund the program.
4) Planned Parenthood.
Obama hasn’t just enshrined Planned Parenthood’s
abortion business – he’s done it while defanging
the single largest scandal ever to engulf the abortion mill
... when Republicans refused to attach the defunding issue
to a broader budget, Obama simply vetoed the stand-alone
bill. Republicans went ahead and funded Planned Parenthood
in the end. As always.
5) The Iran
Deal. President Obama’s Iran deal
hands the mullahs nuclear weapons in a decade, and hands
them massive financial power, which will be channeled into
terrorism and territorial expansionism, immediately.
On On Tuesday, the day of Obama's State of
the Union Address, Iran poked the United States in the eye
again, seizing two American naval vessels who had supposedly
strayed into Iranian waters. Iran did not need to take this
aggressive action, but wanted the world to know that, on
the eve of the lifting of sanctions against Iran, the Persian
Kingdom was showing the world who really was boss.
The Illuminati is planning for Iran (Ancient
Persia) to join the Russian-led attack on Israel -- fulfilling
Ezekiel 38-39. Iran is off limits to any Western attack
because of this prophecy.
6) Slashing
The Military -- Republicans, in attempting
to stop Obama’s spending spree, jumped on board with
the foolhardy sequestration deal that would supposedly slash
future spending – but in actuality served mainly to
stop spending on the military ... The result is a military
that has been dramatically weakened. On top of that, Obama
has insisted on using the military as a vehicle for his
social experimentation on behalf of women and transgenders.
7) Destruction
Of America’s Traditional Alliances
--- Israel used to be our strongest ally in the Middle East
... Obama has succeeded in crafting a regime of international
isolation for the Jewish State, even as he boosts the terrorist
Palestinians. The new Egyptian government has already begun
looking for allies in Russia and China..."
8) The Dependency
Society -- Obama has spent $8 trillion in
order to craft a permanent dependency society in which almost
four in ten Americans of working age don’t work ...
in which 46 million Americans are on food stamps and eight
million are on disability."
9) The Enshrinement
of Same-Sex Marriage -- President Obama
says that the most important moment of his presidency was
the Supreme Court mandating state-sanctioned same-sex marriage.
10) Mobilization
of The Bureaucracy Against Political Opponents
-- The IRS has targeted Obama’s political opposition.
Racial Breakdown -- Obama’s DOJ is
targeting police departments around America; Obama himself
continues to press the message that America is deeply racist,
and that such racism is embedded into our DNA ... yet another
generation of minorities in America have now been trained
that “white privilege” is to blame for any problems
they suffer."
12) Stacking
The Supreme Court. -- Obama has put in place
two new Supreme Court justices: Elena Kagan and Sonia Sotomayor.
Both are relatively young, and both are wildly leftist.
Obama is one justice away from complete dominance on the
Court – all he needs is Anthony Kennedy to resign,
and the Constitution turns to ash."
America long ago passed God's "Point
of No Return". But, these changes cement the inevitability
of our physical annihilation at God's hands. In the DVD,
"America's End Times Destruction Foretold",
we demonstrate the prophetic reality that the United States
is the Economic Babylon of Revelation 18. With this concept
in mind, listen to the awful prophetic destruction soon
to fall upon this once great nation.
"`Babylon the great is fallen, and is
become the (resort) of (demons), and the (dwelling place)
of every foul spirit, and the cage of every unclean and
hateful bird ... For all nations have drunk of the wine
and the wrath of her (passionate unchastity), and the (leaders)
of the earth have committed fornication with her, and the
(businessmen) of the earth (have become) rich through the
abundance (excessive luxury) of her delicacies."
"For her crimes and transgressions--are
piled up as high as heaven and God has remembered her wickedness
and her crimes--and calls them up for settlement..."
(Revelation 18:2-5)
This is a statement of staggering proportions.
How high is it from earth to heaven? When these sins are
stacked, they literally reach from earth to heaven, according
to God's accounting. God will one day sooner rather than
later suddenly and without further warning, destroy America
in one hour of one day by overwhelming fire.
Doubt it not, and pass the warning!
2. President Putin
announced he is open to the concept of granting Syria's
Assad political asylum!
Such a move would
remove a regional entrenched dictator, thus fulfilling the
goal of the Elite in this Non-Integrating
Gap region!
Once Assad is removed,
the only major entrenched dictator left is Saudi Arabia.
hints that Russia could grant asylum to Assad",
The Guardian, 12 January 2016
"Russia could grant asylum to Bashar
al-Assad if he is forced to leave Syria, Vladimir Putin
suggested in an interview ... The Russian president said
it was premature to discuss asylum, but added that it would
be easier to welcome the Syrian leader than the US whistleblower
Edward Snowden, who was given asylum in Russia in 2013."
When Russian forces invaded Syria in September,
we were the only prophetic ministry which stated that, instead
of propping up Assad, Russian forces were on a mission to
prevent Assad's forces from winning the war outright and
thus voiding the plan of the Elite to remove him because
he was one of those entrenched dictators singled out for
destruction in the Middle East and Northern Africa region
known to the Pentagon as the "Non-Integrating Gap".
At this point, immensely superior Russian
forces have NOT conquered all of tiny Syria, as they most
assuredly could have done so; rather, they have prevented
Assad from winning the war outright, thus preparing for
his removal.
Once Assad is removed,
the only major entrenched dictator left is Saudi Arabia.

3. Saudi Arabia is
at war with Iran -- in Yemen.
The fall of the Desert
Kingdom may already be close at hand.
Arabia At War With Iran In Yemen", Western
Journalism, January 11, 2016
"The longstanding conflict between the
two countries reached a boiling point when Iran didn’t
prevent the ransacking of Saudi Arabia’s diplomatic
missions in Iran. Ever since Saudi Arabia executed the Shiite
cleric Nimr al-Nimr a week and a half ago, the crisis between
the Shiite regime in Iran and the Sunni monarchy continues
to escalate."
"Saudi Arabia reacted to the Iranian
aggression by expelling all Iranian diplomats and severed
not only all diplomatic ties with the Islamic Republic ...
In addition, the Saudi authorities halted all air traffic
from Iran and called upon Saudi companies to sever trade
with the Islamic Republic."
"This weekend, the Arab League, citing
'Iranian provocations', decided to side with Saudi Arabia.
Nabil al-Arabi, the Egyptian Secretary-General of the Arab
League, demanded that the Arab League 'adopt a strong and
clear common position calling on Iran to stop all forms
of interference in the affairs of Arab nations'.”
"The media, meanwhile, speculate on whether
the current crisis could end in a war between the two rivals
... The truth is that the two enemies have been at war with
each other for quite some time now. Both Iran and Saudi
Arabia use proxies to wage this war. In Syria, Iraq and
Yemen the two countries support groups and regimes on opposing
sides in the conflict."
The reality is exactly what this article portrays.
Iran and Saudi Aabia are fighting a proxy war, which will
continue proxy until one day, Iranian theater missiles attack
and destroy much of Saudi Arabia's oil infrastructure, followed
by a Houthi rebel ground assault toward Islam's holy places
now controlled by the Desert Kingdom.
Saudi Arabia is likely to shatter rather quickly
into shards of glass.
At this point, political and military realities
throughout the entire region will allow the Illuminati to
call a regional peace conference, at which point, the Pentagon's
New Map of 2007 will become reality.
4. German police are
investigating whether the numerous sex assaults in public
in multiple cities are part of an Islamic practice known
as "Taharrush
In Islamic countries,
this practice allows a large group of Muslims to sexually
harass and rape Islamic women with legal impunity.
One more reason not
to let these people with an alien mindset / values into
our country.
NEWS BRIEF: "‘Taharrush
gamea’ comes to Germany? Police fear Cologne sex
abuse may be imported practice", Russia Today
News, 11 Jan 2016
"German police fear repeats of the Cologne
New Year’s Eve sexual assaults, saying extra attention
will now be paid to fighting similar attacks. Police used
the Arab term ‘taharrush gamea’ (collective
harassment) to categorize the assaults ... The Federal Criminal
Police Office (BKA), the main investigative authority in
Germany, said in a response to Welt newspaper it knows sexual
harassment of women in public is widespread in Arab countries,
and that this is exactly what happened on New Year’s
Eve in Cologne. Collective harassment is translated as 'taharrush
gamea' ."
In other words, groups of Arab men believe
that they have the right under "'taharrush gamea"
to sexually harass and even to rape, women unlucky enough
to be caught outside in the vicinity of the gathering of
the Islamic men.
Western Society cannot tolerate a belief system
which allows groups of Arabic men to rape women.
Donald Trump is right in advocating a brief
halt to immigration from Islamic countries until the United
States can create and implement, a new system which takes
into count what our national attitude must be regarding
this issue.
Why are feminist groups NOT up in arms over
this issue?
Churches Are Ignoring"
Volume 2, DVD Combo
by David Bay
Regularly $84.94,Now
only $29.99
You save nearly $55
Why are so many pastors so reluctant to teach
prophecy? Why are so many pastors even more reluctant to
teach how current events are uniquely fulfilling End of
the Age prophecy?
Cutting Edge Director, David Bay, teaches
six hard- hitting lessons on six unique End Times instances
where events are fulfilling prophecy, but no one is talking
about it. Five hot topics on three discs.
1) Israel's Prophesied Triumph over
the Palestinians
2) Russian Bear Poised To Strike Israel
3) 'Masons In The Pulpit'
4) World War III: History's Greatest
Lynchpin Event
5) Secret Societies Killed Jesus Christ
Each message is followed by a complete Salvation
Plan, so each DVD becomes a Soul-Winning tool.
Almost 6 Hours of Teaching --
Also see "Prophecies
Churches Are Ignoring", Volume 1 - DVD
Combo by David Bay
We urge our supporters to get these DVD's into the hands
of their pastor, who is probably reluctant to preach prophecy
being fulfilled in our
Daily News!
Jesus' Calling -- New Book by Warren B. Smith
by the New Age book God Calling, Sarah Young claims to be
receiving messages from Jesus Christ which she compiled
into what is now her best-selling book, Jesus Calling. Author
Warren Smith carefully documents his concerns about her
book, her 'Jesus', and the New Age implications contained
in many of Young's devotional messages. He also warns about
the danger of contemplative prayer and in elevating spiritual
experiences over the Word of God.
'Another Jesus' Calling is his call for much
needed discernment in these very deceptive times.
173 pages
- Man's Greatest Invention or Mark of The Beast?"
4 Studies On 2 Disks,
This device is being heralded as a silent
revolution, a state of the art global tracking device, and
as significant of an invention as the Internet or even the
computer itself. with all the hoopla aside, the question
we need to be asking ourselves is this, Is RFID man's greatest
invention or Mark of the Beast?
Yet the irony is that even though this technology
is sweeping the planet, hardly anyone, even Christians,
have any idea what it is in the first place, let alone its
Biblical ramifications!
This technology is not a science fiction
scenario of the future; it is present day reality with today's
technology called RFID. And that's why the Mark of the Beast
is not only real, it's really going to be implemented just
like the Bible said. In fact, it might be sooner than you
2 DVD set - 3 hours --

Marriage Built To Last Paperback Book
from Pastor Billy Crone
Many marriages today are under severe
strain. Most of us can identify with this. But is this the
kind of relationship that God had in mind when He instituted
marriage? Absolutely not! A Marriage Built to Last looks
at eleven steps to having a lasting and fulfilling marriage,
including: Men and Women are Different. Love is and Action.
The Need for Communication, Honor, and Intimacy. The Need
for Biblical Men and Women. The Need for a Strong Family
It's going to take some time and work, but if we'll just
get back to God's plan for marriage, we're well on our way
to having A Marriage Built to Last.
170 pages
your copy today
Most Unusual DVD
On Freemasonry Ever Created
Mac Dominick and David
Bay, Authors
In The Pulpit: Is 'Ichabod' Written Over Your Church Door?"
If your church allows Masons to fill the pulpit,
or be Deacons, or serve as Sunday School teachers, you have
a very serious spiritual problem with Almighty God. The
Holy Spirit has written 'Ichabod (The Glory Has
Departed)' above your front door!
While Freemasonry has successfully deceived
a great many people, convincing them that Freemasonry is
compatible with Christianity, God knows the Truth and is
not tolerant of Masons In The Pulpit. We prove that a Holy
God cannot tolerate Masons in the pulpit of a church for
which His Son, Jesus, bled on that cruel cross of Calvary.

We begin at a very reasonable starting premise:
If a pastor refuses to resign from the Masonic Lodge he
does so because he feels greater loyalty to the Lodge than
to Jesus Christ.
Starting from this premise, we examine a number
of key Masonic teachings and then ask the Pastor how he
can reconcile these teachings with Biblical Christianity.
We ask, 'Mr. Pastor, when you are teaching key biblical
doctrine, are you really thinking of the radically different
teaching of Freemasonry? Prime Example:
Freemasonry teaches that its religion is far superior to
any other religion on Earth, including Christianity. Mr.
Pastor, are you thinking how superior Masonry is to Christianity
when you are teaching Biblical doctrine. Second
Example: Freemasonry teaches that it is necessary
for Lodge leaders to deliberately lie to their people until
they are 'mature enough' to comprehend and accept the truth;
Mr. Pastor, when you are teaching key Biblical doctrine,
are you secretly thinking that it is necessary for you to
teach these 'lies' about Jesus and the God of the Bible
until your people are spiritually mature to comprehend the
true Masonic doctrine?
We prove that a Holy God cannot tolerate Masons
in the pulpit of a church for which His Son, Jesus, bled
on that cruel cross of Calvary.
hours of teaching
Water fluoridation has been hailed by the
CDC as one of the ten great public health achievements
of the 20th century. However, the practice has been mired
in controversy since it began over 70 years ago. Does water
fluoridation actually prevent tooth decay, or have we been
sold a lie?
Join producers Paul Wittenberger and Chris
Maple as they engage with world-renowned experts in exposing
one of the biggest frauds the world has ever known. Together,
they unravel the shocking secrets and deception of a corrupt
industry that has been poisoning communities for generations.
This surprising research creates a compelling case against
the fluoridation of our water supplies, revealing long hidden
health hazards, fraudulent findings, and corporate corruption.
FLUORIDE: POISON ON TAP will inspire you to
take action on a local and global scale before its too late!
Incredible Trailer