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Prophecies Churches Are Ignoring Collection - 6 films on Flash-Drive
Why are so many pastors so reluctant to teach prophecy? Why are so many pastors even more reluctant to teach how current events are uniquely fulfilling End of the Age prophecy?
Cutting Edge Director, David Bay, teaches six hard- hitting films on six unique End Times instances where events are fulfilling prophecy, but no one is talking about it. Six hot topics in 3 videos in MP4 format on one USB Flash Drive.
- 1) Israel's Prophesied Annihilation of the Palestinians
- 2) Russian Bear Poised To Strike Israel
- 3) A Tale of Two Babylons
- 4) World War III: History's Greatest Lynchpin Event
- 5) Secret Societies Killed Jesus Christ
- 6) Bringing Saudi Arabia Down
Over 7 Hours of Teaching
Each message is followed by a complete Salvation Plan, so each video becomes a Soul-Winning tool.
These videos are for play on your windows 10 computer or a Mac if you have a USB adapter. This may also play on a smart TV from your computer or on smart phone with a USB flash drive adapter and some technical savvy on your part. See our flash drive instructions for that.
There is so much on this flash drive that we have put the full description in a PDF file for you.
Prophecies Churches Are Ignoring Collection full description

7 Films on one Flash Drive

Price: $115.00
Sale Price: $69.98
THIS COLLECTION comtains the following Videos on a USB Flash Drive in MP4 format.
Magick, Mysticism, and Masonry - by Doc Marquis
Freemasonry: FATAL In The First Degree -by Bill Schnoebelen, Former Mason, Satanist
Masons In The Pulpit: 'Ichabod' Written Over Your Church Door? - by David Bay and Mac Dominick
UNHOLY COVENANTS: Challenges For The 'Christian' Mason - by Bill Schnoebelen
Masons: Friend or Foe To The Born Again Christian?
Masonic Demolay - Kindergarten for Satanism
Ladies of the Labyrinth: Order of the Eastern Star - by William Schnoebelen
These videos are for play on your windows 10 computer or a Mac if you have a USB adapter. This is about 11 hours of teaching. This may also play on a smart TV from your computer or on smart phone with a USB flash drive adapter and some technical savvy on your part. See our flash drive instructions for that.
Flash-Drive- Instructions
There is so much on this flash drive that we have put the full description in a PDF file for you.
The Freemasonry Collection full description

News Analysis

1. The new Conservative
government of Israel is concerned that a Russian/Iranian
alliance is coming together against her.
Does Israel Interpret the Russian-Iranian Alliance?",
Israel365 News, January 8, 2023
"It is perhaps a measure
of Israel’s elevated stature in the world that its
newly elected right-wing government is under scrutiny not
just for its domestic policies and its approach to the Palestinians,
but its foreign policy as well."
continues to command respect which is completely out of
reason given the fact that she is so tiny and is so hated
throughout the world. Of course, their God is THE God, the
God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob!
And, this God committed to
Abraham over 3,000 years ago:
* "And I will bless them
that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in
thee shall all families of the earth be blessed." (Genesis
12:3, KJV)
* " Thou shalt be
blessed above all people..." (Deuteronomy 7:14, KJV)
Today, the only nation whom
God has placed a "Hedge of Protection" around
them so good that Satan complained to God, "Then Satan
answered the Lord, and said, Doth Job fear God for nought?
Hast not thou made an hedge about him, and about his house,
and about all that he hath on every side? thou hast blessed
the work of his hands, and his substance is increased in
the land." (Job 1:9-10, KJV)
The DVD, shown above,
All Odds",
"Modern-day Israel is truly a divine wonder of the
current age. How has it triumphed through four major wars
and survived relentless terrorist attacks, each time from
an enemy who is far superior in numbers? Meet the actual
people who lived through what can only be described as miracles
of Biblical proportions, and share their remarkable stories.
" (6 DVD's, 9 hours of instruction, and on sale, $49.95,
only $29.95)
Over 2,600 years ago,
God foretold this alliance would invade tiny Israel (Ezekiel
"The last week has witnessed
an enormous amount of speculation over which path Benjamin
Netanyahu’s coalition will follow with regard to Russia’s
brutal aggression against Ukraine ... All of these options
are more or less plausible. And they are being debated in
a febrile context defined in military terms by ongoing sledgehammer
Russian strikes against Ukraine’s civilian infrastructure
using Iranian-manufactured Shahed-131 and Shahed-136 drones,
and in political terms by the appointment of a new Israeli
foreign minister, one of whose first acts was to do what
his predecessor refused to do, in speaking by telephone
with his Russian counterpart Sergei Lavrov."
"At minimum, Israel needs
to regard Ukraine’s territorial integrity and the
imperative of expelling the Russian occupiers as red lines
in this conflict. That, in any case, is its current stance."
Prime Minister Netanyahu seems
to be looking at Russia with the steely steady eyes of a
pragmatist, and not the vision of a utopian dreamer!
Meanwhile, Russia's Putin
continues to position military hardware in Syria, within
shouting distance of the Golan Heights while also building
up his diplomatic and military cooperation with Iran.
The foretold alliance is building!
(Ezekiel 38:5-6, KJV)
2. President Biden
continues to destroy our way of life:
Warning! ‘Heads up, farmers, Biden is coming for
your water’," American Wire, January
9, 2023
"An opinion piece at
Fox News is ringing alarm bells for farmers and ranchers
as President Biden and environmental activists are set to
push forward with WOTUS (Waters of the United States) regulation
that will give the government jurisdiction over every body
of water in the country.
“ 'If you live in rural
America, odds are that hearing the phrase ‘waters
of the United States’ – more commonly known
as WOTUS -- gives you some unease', authors Dan Newhouse
and Zippy Duvall stated ... ' "
This warning continues:
"“We don’t
blame you. For years, farmers, ranchers, small business
owners, landowners, and families throughout rural America
have faced the possibility of thousands of dollars in fines
per day from the federal government in an egregious example
of government overreach', they pointed out."
Remember, we live in a state
where proof is not required, but only allegation. Listen:
"... currently, environmentalists
in states such as Wyoming are contending that ranchers are
polluting waters in the state with runoff."
"... this misguided rule
suffocates Wyoming’s farmers, ranchers, and landowners
alike, and the rule isn’t about protecting America’s
waterways – it’s about putting Washington in
control of everything from ponds to potholes ... "
".. the danger of the
WOTUS rule now that it has been resurrected and how it impacts
agriculture in the United States ... The move by Biden and
the EPA is suspect especially since the Supreme Court is
prepping to rule on the definition of “navigable waters.”
“The Supreme Court heard oral arguments
for Sackett v. EPA in October and is expected to release
a decision in early 2023. The case that will undoubtedly
help clarify the definition of ‘navigable waters'."

now, we can see the demonic face of the
'Re-wilding' project:
"An amicus brief submitted to the
court by the American Farm Bureau Federation details how
agriculture producers bear the brunt of expansive WOTUS
regulations, and an amicus brief submitted by members of
the Western Caucus further outlines how regulatory overreach
can actually harm effective efforts to protect and conserve
clean water', they further wrote."
“Instead of assisting farmers’
and ranchers’ efforts to protect clean water, the
EPA’s proposed WOTUS rule is a boon to activists who
will use it to stall, delay or halt rural development, eliminate
incentives for locally-led conservation, and further erode
the confidence of America’s farmers and ranchers in
the federal government,” the authors charged.
But, the lunacy continues,
as Biden's war on Fossil Fuels continues:
administration weighs nationwide ban on gas stoves",
New York Post, January 10, 2023
"Millions of Americans
may soon be entering 'not stove season'.”
"The Biden administration is considering
a nationwide ban on gas stoves — citing the harmful
pollutants released by the appliances, according to a report
... The Consumer Product Safety Commission is mulling the
action after recent studies showed emissions from the devices
can cause health and respiratory problems, Bloomberg
reported Monday."
"This is a hidden hazard,” CPSC Commissioner
Richard Trumka Jr. told the outlet. “Any option is
on the table. Products that can’t be made safe can
be banned ... gas stoves ... emit pollutants like nitrogen
dioxide, carbon monoxide and fine matter at levels deemed
unsafe by the Environmental Protection Agency and World
Health Organization. The studies also linked gas stoves
to respiratory illness, cardiovascular problems, cancer?
and other health conditions.?"
To repeat: "Products that can’t
be made safe can be banned"
The aim is to ban one area of our economy
after another, until our current Industrial Civilization
is collapsed, forcing people to live like our Forefathers
did -- at the state
of technology of 1620!
Finally, Biden government officials have
more in mind to ban than gas stoves.
"The association that represents gas
stove makers like Whirlpool contends that cooking on any
type of stove produces harmful emissions."
But, Biden plans more:
NEWS BRIEF: "Big American
farm sounds the alarm: Livestock numbering in millions could
soon 'starve to death'," World
Net Daily, January 9, 2023
"Complications from extreme winter
weather conditions are at least partly to blame for a feed
crisis confronting California-based poultry producer Foster
Farms. The shortage of feed -- which it blamed on Union
Pacific rail delivery failures -- imperiled both chickens
and cattle, the company said in a Dec. 29 petition to the
Service Transportation Board for emergency assistance."
Remember, control of our everyday diet
is very important to the Elite.
"The point has again been reached
where hundreds of thousands of dairy cattle are not being
fed, and when millions of chickens will starve to death
because of UP’s service failures,” Foster Farms
said in the petition."
Death of Our Civilization:
- PART 1
- PART 2
Now, you will understand how it can be
that our leaders and tens of millions of our people can
be persuaded by the Spirit of Antichrist to hate our current
lifestyle. As Jesus said, "... except those days should
be shortened, there should no flesh be saved ..." (Matthew
24:22, KJV)
3. Biden continues
to be the best ally which Public Schools have.
He is trying to "regulate"
Christian schools out of existence!
NEWS BRIEF: "Faith-based
schools should be 'very concerned' about Biden accreditation
plans", Washington
Examiner, January 10, 2023
"A former Department
of Education official is concerned that a new regulatory
agenda released by the Biden administration could have adverse
effects on religious colleges and universities that participate
in the federal student loan program ... including accreditation,
student loan deferments, distance education, and other issues."
"The former education
official explained that the regulations implemented in 2020
by the Trump administration and then-Secretary Betsy DeVos
contained a number of "important changes" that
were aimed at protecting religious colleges and universities
from accrediting agencies that sought to force such schools
to adopt curriculum requirements that violated their religious
"Eitel expects the Biden
administration to roll back those protections "because
these issues bleed into their priorities regarding gender
identity and the rights of transgender students and individuals
... The issue here historically has been that accreditation
agencies — whether they are agencies that accredit
institutions or whether they're agencies that accredit certain
programs — often will require faith-based schools
to adhere to accreditation requirements that are based in
diversity, equity and inclusion or affirmative action, or
directly implicate issues of LGBTQ rights in a way that
contradicts the faith or the teachings of that faith-based
institution', Eitel said."
4. As
the President prepared to visit the Southern Border for
the first time, his agents prepared the scene so Biden could
pretend that there is no crisis!
Government agents
swept all migrants from the tiny border town!
agents, police making arrests to sweep streets of illegal
immigrants ahead of Biden visit", wgmd.com
News, January 10, 2023
"President Biden got
a watered-down version of the border crisis in El Paso,
Texas on Sunday, as the number of illegal immigrants coming
across the U.S.-Mexico line appears to have plummeted since
December ... Not only that, but the Central Processing Center,
which was previously overwhelmed with immigrants, is no
longer at its capacity of about 1,000 migrants, and the
camps of migrants have suddenly vanished, at least according
to U.S. Customs and Border Protection sources."
What is going on here? Another
massive government cover-up?
"El Paso is being cleared
up as if nothing unusual ever happened there,” the
National Border Patrol Council tweeted on Friday. 'Just
in time for Biden’s ‘visit to the border’.”
But, Texas Governor
Abbott, drove his wheelchair to meet the President with
a letter of protest!
NEWS BRIEF: "Governor
Abbott Hand-Delivers Letter To President Biden At Border
Visit", Office of the Texas Governor,
January 8, 2023
"Governor Greg Abbott
today hand-delivered a letter to President Joe Biden, upon
his arrival in El Paso for his first trip to the border,
calling on him to do his job and secure the border by enforcing
federal immigration laws."
"The Governor handed
the letter to President Biden after greeting him on the
tarmac at the El Paso International Airport. "
I can just envision the sight
of a handicapped wheelchair of Texas Governor Abbott traveling
across the tarmac and greeting the Chief Executive of the
United States as he came out of Air Force One.
What did Abbott say in his
letter, in part?
* "Securing $4 billion
in funding for Texas' border security efforts
* Launching Operation Lone
Star and deploying thousands of Texas National Guard soldiers
and Texas Department of Public Safety troopers
* "Taking aggressive
action to aid border communities, including busing thousands
of migrants to Washington, D.C., New York City, Chicago,
and Philadelphia
* "Designating Mexican
drug cartels as terrorist organizations to keep Texans
safe amid the growing national fentanyl crisis."
We encourage you to read the
rest of this letter from Texas Governor, Abbott, to the
President of the United States, Joe Biden.
"This visit marks the
President's first trip to the southern border since being
sworn into office almost two years ago."
5. Brazilian Protesters
Stormed Capital, Destroyed the Supreme Court and Congress
in Brazil: Protesters Storm Capital, Destroying Supreme
Court and Congress", Breitbart News,
8 Jan 2023
"Thousands of opponents
of socialist convicted felon President Luiz Inácio
Lula da Silva stormed his offices and the headquarters of
the Congress and Supreme Federal Tribunal (STF) of Brazil
on Sunday, reportedly demolishing the facades of two of
the three buildings and causing “irreparable”
damage to priceless artifacts in the chambers."
"Many of the protesters
convening in Brasilia on Sunday are part of a movement demanding
that the nation’s military oust Lula. They insist
that their demand is not for a coup d’etat, but for
a 'military intervention' they say the Brazilian constitution
provides for in the event of an illegitimate election."
American Leftists immediately equated
the Jan6 "mostly peaceful protests" with this
Brazilian dissent!
blames Trump, Republicans for Brazilians storming National
Congress", American
Wire News, January 9, 2023
"While it may be a worn-out analogy
to say that Democrats never let a crisis go to waste, that
is precisely what they are doing in response to Brazilians
expressing their abject dissatisfaction with the outcome
of that country’s recent presidential election by
storming Brazil’s National Congress — the legislative
body was not in session."
"... the left in America was quick
to link events in Brazil, where there are vast concerns
about the integrity of their recent election that resulted
in a victory for now-President Luiz Inácio Lula da
Silva, a radical left candidate challenging the incumbent
president, to the Jan. 6, 2021, protest at the U.S. Capitol.
“Supporters of Brazil’s right-wing
former President Jair Bolsonaro stormed the National Congress
and other government buildings in the capital Brasilia on
Sunday in an attack that echoed the Jan. 6, 2021, U.S. Capitol
riot by supporters of former President Donald Trump,”
Axios reported."
"The protesters also breached Planalto
Palace, the Brazilian president’s official residence."
The far-left reaction was both predictable
and quick.
"From the Trump/Far Right playbook,
when democracy (ie ordinary people voting even when you
make it difficult for them to vote) doesn’t go your
way, then storm the Parliament/Capitol/Court."

6. Re-Writing History continues
in an Federally-driven campaign.
NEWS BRIEF: "Pentagon
begins work to strip DOD of Confederate-linked names and
items, rename 9 Army posts", Stars &
Stripes, 8 Jan 2023
"The Pentagon has started the process
of renaming Fort Bragg and other bases, as well as ships
and hundreds of signs and roads, as it plans to scrub ties
to the Confederacy from all installations by the start of
"The Pentagon on Thursday, Jan. 5,
2023, instructed all Defense Department organizations to
begin working to remove names and items associated with
the Confederacy as recommended last year by a congressional
commission. This includes nine Army bases named for Confederate
generals. The bases are Fort Polk in Louisiana, Fort Benning
and Fort Gordon in Georgia, Fort Bragg in North Carolina,
Fort A.P. Hill, Fort Lee and Fort Pickett in Virginia, Fort
Rucker in Alabama, and Fort Hood in Texas. Officials have
said they would not recommend a name change for Camp Beauregard
in Louisiana, which was also named for a Confederate general,
because it is owned by that state’s National Guard.
(Library of Congress)."
Communism places a great deal of
importance upon re-writing the history of the country they
are conquering!
Karl Marx is cheering these developments
from Hell. Listen to him go on and on and on.
" One of the key understanding of
Satan is that he hates all mankind, and wishes them dead
and in hell with him, simply and only because all human
beings are made in the "image of God" (Genesis
1:26). Satan wishes eternal damnation for every human being
God has ever created, even those people who serve him. Now
listen to Marx:
"...Yet I have power within my youthful
To clench and crush you (i.e., personified
with tempestuous force,
While for us both the abyss yawns in darkness.
You will sink down and I shall follow laughing,
Whispering in your ears 'Descend,
come with me, friend'".
This is the attitude, the voice, of Satan.
Marx knows his choice will send him to Hell for eternity
and he wants to carry as many people with him as possible;
and, Marx knew he was headed for Hell, as his next poem
shows so very well:
"Thus Heaven I've forfeited,
I know it full well,
My soul, once true to God,
Is chosen for hell."
you spiritually prepared?
New DVD Titles
Schwab, the Third Reich & the Covid
19 Holocaust"
by Pastor
Billy Crone
Set, Regularly $28.97 -- NOW ONLY $24.97
if I were to tell you that Hitler’s
Third Reich never went away?
if I were to inform you that all the
evil dastardly things that the Nazis
did to humanity back in World War II
are actually being repeated today on
a much grander scale? And what if I
were to disclose to you that all the
deceptive tactics that were used to
dupe the German people the first time,
are actually being used on the world
today with even more devastating and
mesmerizing effects? Well, believe it
or not, all this and much more, including
another human holocaust, is not only
happening, but it’s well underway.
Therefore, this series, Klaus Schwab,
the Third Reich & the Covid 19 Holocaust
seeks to equip you with the historical
evidence revealing how this evil Hitlerian
plan of the ages is being thrust upon
you and I whether we want it or not,
or even believe it or not. Here you
will learn such scandalous historical
parallels as:
* Klaus
Schwab & the Antichrist Kingdom
* Klaus Schwab & the Forced Sterilization
* Klaus Schwab & the Nazis
* Klaus Schwab & the New Holocaust
* Klaus Schwab & His Family
* Klaus Schwab & the Murder for
* Klaus Schwab & the Third Reich
* Klaus
Schwab & the Death of Freedom
* Klaus Schwab & the Hitler Scheme
* Klaus Schwab & His Defeat by God
Who would
have thought, in a relatively short
amount of time, that history would be
repeating itself with the rise of another
even larger Hitlerian Regime on the
planet? What Klaus Schwab and his evil
gang of Global Elites have planned for
us is much grander and wider than what
Hitler ever planned to do, with even
deadlier results. https://www.cuttingedge.org/detail.cfm?ID=3016
Study Videos
Sacrifice: Cleansing The Soil For The
Aryan Antichrist"
Vol. 1
of 2, by Cutting Edge Speakers
the coming Biblical Antichrist by studying
Nazi Germany's Adolf Hitler!
This video
is a unique look at the coming Biblical
Antichrist through the eyes of Adolf
Hitler. Embark on a journey that will
likely challenge the highest scholar
to the one beginning his quest for truth.
This documentary will go where many
scholars and historians are not willing
to go... To the heart of Adolf Hitler.
secular historians totally fail to understand
the unique Satanic phenomenon that possessed
and empowered Adolf Hitler, his Nazi
Religion and World War II. This video
proves that Adolf Hitler was a perfect
type of the coming Biblical Antichrist.
drew upon the most powerful and most
destructive Satanic power which the
Evil One can command. That power was
unleashed through the Nordic pagan religion
known as 'Blood Sacrifice of the Soil'.
importantly we examine what all this
means for us today? We begin to connect
the dots from Nazi Germany to today.
How can studying the life of Hitler
help prepare us for a world ruler to
come. How does the Bible help us unravel
the mysteries of history?
are Mac Dominick, David Bay and Dr.
Stan Monteith - Director Cory Black,
92 minutes long - https://www.cuttingedge.org/detail.cfm?ID=2552
Sacrifice Thy Kingdom Come - Hitler's
Complete and Easy Conquest of the German
Christian Churches"
DVD, Vol. 2 of 2,
by Cutting Edge Speakers -- Only $19.99
This video
continues our study of the Biblical
Antichrist by studying the life, the
values, the attitudes and the Black
Magick Satanism of Adolf Hitler. We
will examine how thoroughly, easily,
and quickly Hitler intimidated, and
then completely controlled, most of
German christian churches.
Our supernatural
adversary always has his counterfeit
plan and counterfeit disciples, and
nowhere in world history will this counterfeit
plan be more perfect than during the
time of Antichrist.
The christian
church proved to be a soft target for
Hitler. As one pastor later lamented,
'The Church made peace with an enemy
with which it should have been at war.
Called to warn and protect, it tolerated,
then saluted, then submitted...' and
stood by while perhaps the greatest
sacrifice to appease the
gods of darkness occurred
in modern history -- An estimated total
of 70–85 million people perished!
Only $19.99,
both "Blood Sacrifice" DVD's
For only $29.98, Saving $10
will never look at today's events the
same way again! |
Need Your Support!!

We want
to thank all of our financial supporters.
Over the years your support has proven
crucial in enabling us to make our full
site free for everyone so that those who
cannot afford to donate can have full
access. BUT, This year we have experienced
the painful 'birth pangs' of a world which
is going crazy as it spins toward Antichrist!
Our heartfelt
thanks for helping us continue our outreach
and preventing Cutting Edge from disappearing
from the Internet, at a most crucial time
in world history!
have always believed that more souls will
be won for Jesus Christ during the Last
of the Last Days than in entire previous
centuries. But, we must have
your financial support to make this possibility
a reality.
If you have
not supported our outreach before please
consider a one time or monthly donation
Thank you
in advance, David Bay, Director
Breakdown--Living in the Time
of The Paradigm Shift Into the New World Order"
March 21, 2022 President Joe Biden said 'Now is the
time when things are shifting, there’s going
to be a new world order out there, we’ve got
to lead it, and we’ve got to unite the rest
of the free world while doing it.'
The President
is talking about the 'Paradigm
Shift' to take us into the New World Order and
stage the Antichrist.
We are on the
verge of that New World order and our current system
is breaking down. Gas prices are up, inflation is
the worst in 40 years, interest rates are rising,
and customer confidence is collapsing. This video
is the most relevant and current on the market today
and combines the best in the progress of Bible prophecy
in world news and in the unique Cutting Edge viewpoint.
This understanding will affect -- should affect --
every other aspect of the current collapse of this
once free and mighty nation!
This DVD is
a 2-DVD set running about 2 1/2 hours
As Jesus said: "And
when these things begin to come to pass, then look up,
and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh.
(Luke 21:27, KJV)
. You
Must Be Born Again
On Debbie and Darryl's Trip
Debbie and Darryl
Grim -- my daughter and her husband -- have arrived
in Suth Carolina!
Thank you so
very much for your intense prayer.
David Bay, Director
Cutting EdgeMinistries
"Ancient Cities And The
Pagan Gods Who Built Them"
Now available as DVD,
or Save $5.00 on the Combo

Who were the Nephilim? What
really happened at the Tower of Babel? Where is Atlantis?
Who are the Shining Ones? Are these questions relevant
to our walk with God today and our understanding of
His creation?
Jesus said that as it was in
the days of Noah, so shall it be at the coming of
the Son of Man. Jesus also said to be ready for His
return, that it comes like a thief in the night. This
DVD takes an uncomfortable look at the days of Noah
and many other topics so that we can be ready for
our Savior’s return. Topics that God chose to
include in His Word are worth taking the time to study.
Ancient Cities looks at the
Antediluvian world from a solid biblical foundation.
Why are the stories of giants scattered throughout
Scripture as well as our world today? Why did Joshua
kill not only the men, but also the women, children,
and livestock of the Anakim-Rephaim? What parallels
do we find between the Bible and ancient Greek mythology?
Ancient Cities studies Mount Olympus and the Greek
gods whose tales shape our culture today. Why did
the Romas at Lystra in the Bible think that Paul and
Barnabas were the Roman gods Hermes and Zues? Ancient
Cities examines the city of Rome’s important
role in spreading Christianity. Join Micah Van Huss
as he teaches the topics that your Sunday school teacher
refused to talk about.
130 Minutes DVD or 203 page book
DVD, OR Order
Book or Save
$5.00 by ordering the Combo
America's Founding
1 - "New
Atlantis" -
demonstrates that the Secret Society plan to
create a New Atlantis nation on the North American
Continent began in the 1580's between Queen
Elizabeth I and Sir Francis Bacon. We also show
that America's Founding Fathers carefully carried
out the Baconian Plan in establishing the government
of America. This DVD ends by showing that this
plan ends with Antichrist coming to the world
scene, a plan which is shown in the street layout
of Washington, D.C. Nearly 3 hours long
Video 2 - "Riddles
In Stone: The Secret Architecture of Washington, D.C.",
closely examines the pagan monuments, paintings, sculptures,
and street layout in Government Center and show how the
original Bacon Plan can be seen in these pagan depictions
demonstrate that America was founded according to the Baconian
Plan. Nearly 3 hours long
Video 3 - "Eye
of the Phoenix" examines the two Seals
on the back of the One Dollar Bill and demonstrates that
they are Global Illuminati Seals, not Seals of the U.S.
Government. Also demonstrates that the occult design of
these Seals represents the most powerful 'Magick" of
any other document in history. These two Seals hide three
(3) hexagrams, forming a '666', another example of the hidden
plan to produce Masonic Christ (Antichrist). Nearly 3 hours
Video 4 - "Hidden
Faith of the Founding Fathers" may be
the most important video in this series. Today, a great
deal of effort and money have been poured into convincing
Americans that their Founding Fathers were Christian men
intent upon founding a Christian nation. We debunk this
idea and refute David Barton in the process. 3 hours long
Entire Combination Offer has
almost 12 hours of video in History Channel quality.
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P.O. BOX 1067,
Wagener, SC 29164
Service/Ordering 803-564-3341 / 803-528-0199 / dbay@cuttingedge.org
Number Is: 800-451-8211
Jesus Richly Bless You,
Bay, Director
Edge Ministries
Must I Do To Be Saved