News Analysis
1. Why is President
Trump attending the Illuminati Davos Economic Summit
this year?
to attend Davos economic forum: White House",
Reuter's News, 9 Jan 2018
Does he not
know that DAVOS is fatally opposed to his "America
First", "National Sovereignty Always"
Let us go back
in time 10 years ago:
the cusp of economic history: Drastic global
economic changes are being planned by the World Economic
Forum, in Davos, Switzerland, International Herald
Tribune, 22 January 2008
"Is economic history about to
change course? Among the chieftains of politics and
industry gathering in Davos for the World Economic
Forum on Wednesday, a consensus appears to be building
that the capitalist system is in for one of those
rare and tempestuous mutations that give rise to a
new set of economic policies."
Of course, this kind of economic
"mutation" is the goal of this part of the
Plan from the very beginning. In strict accordance
with the "Dialectic Process" (Controlled
Struggle), these captains of industry and politics
first created the urgent problem and now that this
problem is threatening the stability and the prosperity
of the entire world, they are getting ready to propose
the "solution" to an anxious world.
This next segment speaks about the
importance of this current year in the implementation
of this global plan.
" 'The pendulum between market
and state is swinging back', Pascal Lamy, director
general of the World Trade Organization, said by telephone
before traveling to Davos. 'The year 2008 is a crucial
year that could end up setting the tone for some time
to come. What we need is an ideological mutation without
falling into the trap of protectionism'."
Of course, "protectionism"
springs from feelings of National Sovereignty, i.e.,
the loyalty one feels toward their own country. The
desire to protect ones own market springs from patriotism,
so what these globalists want to achieve is such a
destruction of patriotism that the desire for protection
of individual markets will not spring up, as it usually
does during hard economic times.
Now, President Donald Trump steps
on to the world stage, a refreshing champion of National
Sovereignty and Patriotism.
The President
answers the question as to "why" he will
attend a meeting obviously antagonistic to his "Make
America Great Again" agenda.
Trump Plans to Attend World Davos Economic Forum",
Breitbart News, 9 Jan 2018
" 'The president
welcomes opportunities to advance his America First
agenda with world leaders', White House press secretary
Sarah Sanders told the New York Times ... Sanders
said that Trump would defend his agenda while participating
in the forum of global elites."
“ 'At this year’s World
Economic Forum, the president looks forward to promoting
his policies to strengthen American businesses, American
industries, and American workers', she said."
Hurrah to the President if he carries
this lofty goals out! Based upon his track record
during this first year in office, I am more confident
that our President will not betray us than ever before!
2. As world
weather demonstrates how false the "Climate Change"
propaganda truly is, advocates are making fools of
themselves trying to defend the indefensible!
NEWS BRIEF: "Washington
Governor Claims ‘Just 59 Days’ Left To
Save Children From Global Warming",
The Daily Caller News, 9 Jan 2018
"Washington state’s
Democratic Governor Jay Inslee warned there was “just
59 days” to save future generations from 'an
endless cycle of crop-killing droughts one year, and
rivers spilling their banks the next'.”
"Inslee went on
a lengthy Twitter rant in efforts to convince the
state legislature to pass legislation to tax carbon
dioxide emissions. Washington residents voted down
Inslee’s last carbon tax plan by a wide margin
in 2016."
How did this propaganda
governor reach his 59 day deadline?
"The state legislature’s
session ends in 59 days, on March 8. Democrats have
a slim majority in both state legislative chambers.
Inslee wants lawmakers to pass a tax on carbon dioxide
emissions from power plants and industrial facilities."
Who is going to pay
for this mammoth tax increase? Washington state citizens,
of course!
"The plan could
raise household electricity prices five percent, and
gas prices by about 10 percent."
Notice how quickly this
Liberal Democrat jumped at the chance to increase
taxes, probably counting on the President's tax decreases
to compensate for the new taxes he wants to levy.
We shall see more and more Democrats trying to get
tax increases that will deny their citizens tax relief
from Trump's tax decreases.
Even Prince
Charles was forced to extend his estimated "Doomsday"
time to 35 years.
Charles gives world reprieve: He Extends ‘100-Month’
climate ‘tipping point’ to 35 more years",
Climate Depot
"Prince Charles
declared on July 18, 2015 that the world now has 'just
35 years to save the planet” from “global
warming”. But this new climate ‘tipping
point’ marks a huge reprieve from Prince Charles
original 100 month tipping point issued in 2009. The
2015 UK Western Morning News interview with Charles
revealed that 'His Royal Highness warns that we have
just 35 years to save the planet from catastrophic
climate change'.”
This next statement
from Prince Charles reveals the false arrogant attitude
which the Global Elite possess regarding Planet Earth.
"“The grim
reality is that our planet has reached a point if
crisis and we have only seven years before we lose
the levers of control,” he declared as the months
ticked away."
What? "... before
we lose the levers of control"!??
God emphatically declares
that HE is in control of the Earth!
"It is he that
sitteth upon the circle of the earth (horizon), and
the inhabitants thereof are as grasshoppers; that
stretcheth out the heavens as a curtain, and spreadeth
them out as a tent to dwell in:" (Isaiah 40:22,
"While the earth
remaineth, seedtime and harvest, and cold and heat,
and summer and winter, and day and night shall not
cease." (Genesis 8:22, KJV)
It is a foolish man
who believes that mankind has the ability to "save
the earth"!
Listen to another "foolish
Scientist Stephen
Hawking made a mockery of himself
NEWS BRIEF: "Stephen
Hawking: Earth will become unbearably boiling
hot thanks to climate change",
Grand City News, Jan 9, 2018, Video
"Professor Hawking
said US President Donald Trump's decision to withdraw
from the Paris Climate Agreement, has doomed Earth
to one day become uninhabitable. And repeating his
warning, the physicist said climate change deniers
should look to Venus which is now a boiling planet
... "By denying the evidence for climate change,
and pulling out of the Paris Climate Agreement, Donald
Trump will cause avoidable environmental damage to
our beautiful planet, endangering the natural world,
for us and our children'.”
In the year 2,000, Climate
Change advocates made another shocking claim.
NEWS BRIEF: "Flashback
To Year 2000: ‘Snowfalls
are now just a thing of the past’ – ‘Children
just aren’t going to know what snow is’,
" UK Independent,
Monday, 20 March 2000
weather ends tomorrow with further indications of
a striking environmental change: Snow is starting
to disappear form our lives. Sledges, snowmen, snowballs
and the excitement of waking to find that the stuff
has settled outside are all a rapidly diminishing
part of Britain’s culture, as warmer winters
– which scientists are attributing to global
climate change – produce not only fewer white
Christmases, but fewer white Januaries and Februaries."
" 'Children just
aren’t going to know what snow is', he said."
Have you seen the "snow
bomb cyclone" which just hit America's East Coast?
Storm Grayson Hammers South, Northeast (420 PHOTOS)",
Weather.com, Jan 5, 2018
"The first named
storm of 2018, Winter Storm Grayson was a massive
storm that had deadly impacts in both the South and
Northeast. The storm claimed at least 11 lives. Nearly
all of the deaths occurred in crashes or collisions
that were blamed on snowy or icy conditions. In
the Northeast, officials asked residents to stay home
and schools were canceled Thursday in New York City,
Boston, Philadelphia and Washington D.C. Thousands
of flights were canceled at the biggest hubs, and
along the coast, major flooding swamped roads with
frigid storm surge. Rescues were needed in some towns
as drivers and residents got stuck in rapidly rising
How much snow fell in
January, 2018, eighteen years after this "snowfalls"
propaganda piece?
Storm Grayson hits East Coast, including North East",
MSN Weather, January 9, 2018
President Trump follows through on his campaign promise
to eliminate the "Inheritance Tax", which
he called "Death Tax".
NEWS BRIEF: "Standing
Ovation as Trump Touts End of Death Tax:
‘Keep Your Farms in the Family’, "
Breitbart News, 8 Jan 2018
"Attendees of the
American Farm Bureau Annual Convention in Nashville,
Tennessee, rose to their feet with boisterous praise
on Monday when President Donald Trump heralded the
end of the death tax in the 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs
Act. During his speech at the convention, Trump pointed
out that not one Democrat voted for the Republican
congressional leadership’s tax cut plan."
"All American businesses,
including American farmers, will be able to deduct
100% of the cost of new equipment in the year you
make the investment. That is something that I think
is going to be the sleeper of the bill, you
deduct it all in one year as opposed to over
many years, that’s a tremendous thing."
(Emphasis added)
"And from now on, most family
farms and small business owners will be spared, and
you’re gonna be spared and it really is the
word punishment, of the deeply unfair estate tax known
as the death tax — so you can keep your farms
in the family."
Did you know that the Illuminati zeroed
in on the "Inheritance Tax" almost 300 years
ago as a means by which they could prevent wealth
passing down families generation to generation?
4. Liberal Harvard
Law Professor, Alan Dershowitz severely criticized
Liberals who were psycho-analyzing Trump in the Media!
Dershowitz slams liberals for claiming Trump is mentally
ill", The Washington Examiner, Jan
10, 2018
"Harvard law professor
Alan Dershowitz blasted liberals over the weekend
for trying to 'undo democracy' by claiming President
Trump should be removed because he's mentally unstable
... There's only one thing worse than trying to criminalize
political differences, and that's trying to psychiatrize
them', he said."
Then, this famous Liberal
Law Professor reveals a shocking historic truth!
"These psychiatrists
now who are trying to diagnose without ever having
met the man, that's what they did in Russia. I represented
dissidents who they locked up in mental hospitals,"
he added. "That's what they did in China. That's
what they did in apartheid South Africa.
" 'How dare liberals, people
on the left, try to undo democracy by accusing a president
of being mentally ill without any basis?' he said."
Therefore, Liberal Democrats who
are questioning the mental fitness of President Trump
in the Mass Media, are showing their secret allegiance
to the Communists in Russia and China and with "
apartheid South Africa"!
Now you know the true foundation
of Democrats like Hillary Clinton, Nancy Pelosi, Chuck
Schumer, and Hollywood Elite Liberals! Remember this
allegiance to Communists when you go to the polls
Even though
Liberals are trying to remove Trump via the 25th Amendment,
history tells us that they will fail, and fail badly.
how the 25th Amendment could remove Trump from office
— and why it won't happen",
CBC News, 9 Jan 2018
"Donald Trump's
tweet declaring himself a 'stable genius' amid questions
about his mental fitness has rekindled talk about
how the 25th Amendment — originally ratified
for extreme cases such as a comatose president —
could remove him from the Oval Office."
"Invoking the U.S.
Constitution's 25th Amendment is an idea that's 'alive
every day in the White House', Wolff told NBC's Meet
the Press. It's a concept he said has been chewed
over among staffers who think it's one way Trump could
be ousted from power, on grounds that he's 'unable'
to carry out his presidential duties."
But, this is not what
the 25th Amendment says:
" 'The amendment
simply says a president must be able to discharge
his duties. It doesn't necessarily say to discharge
them well', he said. 'People seem to be confusing
that point' ... It would be changing the standard,
he said, to suggest Trump is unable to discharge his
duties based on his turbulent leadership style and
erratic, nuclear war-threatening Twitter habits. 'He's
clearly able to discharge his duties; just people
don't like how he's doing i, Turley said."
Furthermore, if Liberal
Democrats were able to remove a President from office
using the 25th Amendment on the basis of their political
difficulties with him, then we have slipped into the
Communist philosophy as to how to deal with dissidents
of all stripes!
5. Since President
Trump changed American foreign policy by recognizing
Jerusalem as Israel's eternal capital, and by refusing
to continue the sham of "Peace Negotiations"
with the Palestinians, why is his State Department
pressuring Israel not to allow Jews to pray on the
Temple Mount?
State Department Pushes Israel to Ban Jewish Prayer
on Temple Mount", Breaking
Israel News, 9 Jan 2018
"The US State Department’s
annual report on religious freedoms, released on Thursday,
focused much attention on Jerusalem, calling for the
Israeli government to strengthen the ban on Jewish
prayer on the Temple Mount. 'The U.S. Ambassador and
embassy officers spoke with government officials and
Knesset leaders about the importance of maintaining
the status quo at the Temple Mount/Haram al-Sharif
and not escalating tensions through provocative actions
or statements', the report read, referring to the
Temple Mount by its Arabic name."
"Though Israeli law mandates
religious equality, the Israeli police cite security
concerns and the possibility of a violent Muslim reaction
to justify preventing non-Muslim prayer on the Temple
"Though also relevant to Christians,
the ban on prayer focuses on Jews. Hours for Jewish
visitation to the site are limited and Jews may only
enter the site in small groups. Visitors undergo rigorous
security checks and religious items are prohibited.
Jewish groups are accompanied by both Israeli police
and Waqf (Muslim authority) guards who ensure that
visitors do not pray or show any signs of devotion."
"Muslims normally have unrestricted
access to the site ... Muslims do not undergo any
security checks at the site."
So, why is
Trump's State Department pressuring Israel not to
allow Jews to pray on the Temple Mount?
The answer lies
in modern history and may shock you.
The State Department
in any Presidential Administration has more lifetime
employees than most other agencies. Therefore, it
is typical for a Secretary of State to take positions
that are not in sync with the President's policies.
Cutting Edge Radio Program, 1992
"Both Great Britain
and the United States were the major powers led by
White Lodge Adepts, Churchill and Roosevelt, respectively.
Is it any wonder that our State Department refused
to accept Jews who were trying to flee Europe? Is
it any wonder that our War Department refused to bomb
the death camps and/or the rail lines that were transporting
Jewish victims? Little did the Jews realize that the
leaders of the Allies were occultists who also hated
the Jews, but who were just better at disguising their
The State Department
under President Franklin Roosevelt exhibited more
anti-Jewish bias than did the President. Many Jews
were denied entrance by Roosevelt's State Department
6. The Palestinian
Authority continues to "Race to the Bottom"
of the barrel, even declaring that they are at war
with America.
Palestinian 'Race to the Bottom',"
Breaking Israel News, Jan 10, 2018
"The PLO and the
Palestinian cause more generally are sinking into
irrelevance and rather than reform their policies
to rebuild their position, they have adopted a scorched
earth policy that only intensifies their race to the
Even though Palestinian
leadership can see the IDF preparations to annihilate
them by use of the 15-foot-high blast walls which
streak throughout the land, separating Jewish citizens
from Palestinian, they are acting more bellicose than
ever before.
Praise God that
Trump has finally "kicked the Palestinian habit"!
Kicks America’s Palestinian Habit",
Breaking Israel News, Jan 9, 2018
"It is no coincidence
that Hamas is escalating its rocket attacks on Israel
as the Iranian regime confronts the most significant
domestic challenge it has ever faced ... As IDF Chief
of Staff Lt.-Gen. Gadi Eisenkot said this week, Iranian
assistance to Hamas is steadily rising. Last August,
Hamas acknowledged that Iran is its greatest military
and financial backer. In 2017, Iran transferred $70
million to the terrorist group. Eisenkot said that
in 2018, Iran intends to transfer $100m. to Hamas."
"Given all of this,
Hamas is comfortable using Iran’s $100m. to
build attack tunnels and missile launchers, because
it trusts that the US and other UNRWA donor countries
will continue to underwrite its regime through UNRWA."
comments, as well as President Donald Trump’s
follow-on threat to end US funding of the PA, were
more than a blow to Hamas. They marked the end of
the past 25 years of US-Palestinian relations ...
The Clinton, Bush and Obama administrations provided
the Palestinians unstinting and unconditional support,
despite the fact that the Palestinians never abided
by any of their expectations."
"Luckily, like
the Trump administration, Israel’s government
today recognizes that repeating the failures of its
predecessors makes no sense."
The prophetic clock
is ticking, carrying Israel and the Palestinians closer
to the point where Israel will annihilate every single
Palestinian, in full accord with Obadiah and Isaiah
34. See a full analysis of this vividly shocking prophecy
in our DVD "Israel's
Prophesied Annihilation of the Palestinians",
shown above.
Once you understand these
two linked prophecies you will never read the news
the same way again!
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