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Warning To The Unredeemed
Ready --- Or NOT? 15 Reasons This Is The Generation
Who Will Be Left Behind"
New Book by Terry James
Only $14.99, 314 pages
This book
is uniquely written to those people who will
be Left Behind following the Rapture
of the Church!
Jesus stated clearly
that people will be living 'Business As Usual'
right up until He catastrophically intervenes
again in the History of Mankind. When Raptured
Saints are quickly taken up to Heaven, everyone
else will be part of the massive 'Left Behind'!
Read this detailed,
precise frame of reference as to where this
generation stands on God's Prophetic Timeline.
Discover how each chapter points specifically
what strange, troubling events are happening
in a world seemingly gone insane, accompanied
by unstoppable violence in the immediate future
and beyond.
This book is for
this generation of readers who are confused
as they attempt to contend with a world whom
God is preparing for the first Judgment, the
Rapture of His Saints!
The Rapture is
about to devastatingly strike an unsuspecting
wicked and rebellious world. Jesus Christ is
the Shelter from the coming Tribulation storm
of God's wrath and Judgment
Are YOU ready
for the Rapture? This message is uniquely meant
for this time.
Terry James uses
the King James Bible.
Our Other 'Rapture' Bookstore Items

Love Casteth Out Fear" (1 John 4:18, KJV)
News Headlines
1. Gallup Poll
has just issued a shocking report: The Democrat Party
is losing Moderate members at a rapid rate.
Is President-elect
Trump putting together a Reagan-style raid on lifelong
Democrats who cannot stand the Barack Obama / Hillary
Clinton party?
Better yet, can
Trump presidency be so popular that he will forge a
new broad party of disaffected Democrats like Franklin
Roosevelt accomplished?
2. The "death
spiral" of ObamaCare has begun!
The Republican-controlled
Senate yesterday introduced legislation to repeal ObamaCare!
3. Obama's FBI
/ DHS issued a report detailing their "findings"
that Russia hacked our 2016 election.
But, their report
contained a poison pill right at the beginning!
4. President Obama
carried out the Liberal mantra of "death by rules"
to the extreme degree.
In 2016, his Administration
issued 3,853 new rules, and signed into law 211 new
5. Great Britain
is using the Islamic terror threat to clamp down more
tightly on their citizens.
British leaders
are "considering" forcing manufacturers to
install "kill switches" in vehicles to prevent
any more Berlin-style attacks where the terrorist weapon
was a large commercial truck.
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News Analysis
1. Gallup Poll
has just issued a shocking report: The Democrat Party
is losing Moderate members at a rapid rate.
NEWS BRIEF: "Democratic
Party Is Losing Its Moderate Members, Says Gallup",
Breitbart News, 3 January 2017
"The number of self-described
political moderates in the Democratic Party is shrinking
... In 2001, just after the departure of President Bill
Clinton, self-identified moderates claimed 47 percent
of the party, while liberals were only at 30 percent.
In 2016, the numbers had flipped to put moderates at
41 percent, and liberals at 44 percent. That was a large
20-point shift, including a 12-point shift during President
Barack Obama’s two terms."
Is this dramatic shift
in the Democrat Party good or bad?
"The national shift
'represents a hardening of political polarization between
the two major parties', Gallup concludes. 'With most
Republicans already identifying as conservative and
more Democrats identifying as liberal, the parties are
moving further apart ideologically'.”
If you consider the election
results for Democrat Party members during the past 8
years, you can see this situation with far greater clarity.
NEWS BRIEF: "Election
Report: Democrats Lost More than 1,000 Seats Under
Obama", Breitbart News, 27 December 2016
"Democrats lost a
total of 1,042 seats at the state and federal level,
including congressional and state legislative seats,
governorships, and the presidency, Fox News reported.
Obama’s popularity failed to bring support for
his allies. Although Hillary Clinton brought out the
first family for numerous campaign appearances, the
country voted for President-elect Donald Trump."
I believe that, when all
is said and done, historians will conclude that Barack
Obama was a lot less popular than he believes today.
In fact, when history has finished judging the Obama
Administration during these past 8 years, he will be
considered among America's "Failed Presidents"!
Is President-elect
Trump putting together a Reagan-style raid on lifelong
Democrats who cannot stand the Barack Obama / Hillary
Clinton party?
In fact, voter's perception
of the failed presidency of Barack Obama may prove critically
important as the Trump Administration rolls forward.
Please consider the importance of voter perception to
President Ronald Reagan.
Democrats", by James Pontuso - 08/22/12,
First Principles Journal
"Reagan’s electoral
victories in 1980 and 1984 astonished political commentators
because a large block of his support came from traditional
Democrats—union members and working-class ethnics—who
had never before abandoned their party in such massive
numbers. The reasons for Reagan’s success with
Democrats are complex, because opinion polls show that
Reagan Democrats often disagreed with the particulars
of Reagan’s policies even while supporting him
at the polls. Perhaps the most obvious reason for Reagan’s
victory in 1980 was President Jimmy Carter’s perceived
weakness. "
Did you catch that last
"... the most obvious
reason for Reagan’s victory in 1980 was President
Jimmy Carter’s perceived weakness."
In like manner, voter's
perception of political weakness and radicalism of President
Obama and of Hillary Clinton may be the most obvious
reason for Trump's victory in 2016 and for his popularity
during his administration.
Better yet, can
Trump presidency be so popular that he will forge a
new broad party of disaffected Democrats like Franklin
Roosevelt accomplished?
2. The "death
spiral" of ObamaCare has begun!
NEWS BRIEF: "ObamaCare's
Death Spiral Has Begun",
Investor's Business Daily, 9/23/2016
"Will the last one
out of ObamaCare please turn off the lights?"
From the beginning of
this ill-fated, bloated plan, experts were warning that
Obama Care might start floundering soon after it had
begun, and might disappear altogether. It looks as though
this scenario is coming true.
"That's a question
that health insurers and individual Americans both may
want to start pondering. Recent events such as the departure
of the insurance company Aetna from the vast majority
of state exchanges show that ObamaCare is entering the
death spiral that experts have long predicted. Insurers
are now heading for the exit, fast — and consumers
won't be far behind them."
"In the wake of massive
losses, insurance companies are instinctively engaging
their fight-or-flight instincts. The two big insurers
remaining on state exchanges — Anthem Blue Cross
and Blue Shield, and Cigna — are still evaluating
the risks of a collapsing system, trying to determine
if they should abandon the ObamaCare exchanges altogether
or cope with the realities of increasingly high-cost
care and coverage."
Yesterday, the U.S. Senate
introduced legislation to repeal ObamaCare.
The Republican-controlled
Senate yesterday introduced legislation to repeal ObamaCare!
Introduces Obamacare Repeal Resolution",
Breitbart News, 3 January 2017
"The Senate introduced
a resolution Tuesday that represents congressional Republicans’
first step toward the repeal of Obamacare. Sen. Mike
Enzi introduced the resolution by the Senate Budget
Committee targeting President Barack Obama’s healthcare
law. Floor votes are anticipated next week ... 'Americans
face skyrocketing premiums and soaring deductibles',
Enzi said, according to a statement from his office.
“Insurers are withdrawing from markets across
the country, leaving many families with fewer choices
and less access to care than they had before —
the opposite of what the law promised'.”
Right, do you remember
the President's infamous lie when he was pitching for
voter support for his Fascist Plan? Obama said, "If
you like your doctor, you may keep him". This lie
will go down in history as one of the boldest and shortest
lived lies ever.
Let us stop here to examine
the differences between Capitalism, Fascism and Communism.
These terms can be applied to both politics and to the
The planned system once
the New World Order is established is Fascism. Capitalism
does not bring enough profit to the manufacturers compared
to Fascism, while Communism has proven to be an abject
failure in 100 years of trial.
What are the basics of
each system?
* Capitalism is that type
of economy in which private individuals own the Means
of Production, i.e., the factories and the mines. The
companies founded by these private individuals then
compete openly with one another in the Marketplace.
No one tells the owners what to produce, or how much
to produce, or how much to charge. Competition is the
primary determinant of prices, and careful attention
to the needs and wants of the people within this type
of economy determines how much is produced. Capitalism
may have its faults, but it has produced the highest
standard of living in history for her citizens.
* Communism is that type
of economy in which the State owns the Means of Production.
Companies are told what to produce, when to produce
it, and how much they can charge. This type of control
is supposedly enacted in the interests of the "people",
to ensure that they are treated "fairly".
However, history has shown that Communism never works;
rather, it delivers the most wretched conditions on
earth for its citizens.
* Fascism is the economic
system of Nazi Germany, National Socialist Italy, and
Imperial Japan. Today, only Japan retains this system.
In Fascism, private individuals retain control over
the Means of Production, thereby ensuring that the key
element which makes Capitalism work so well is kept
in place. However, the Government intervenes to control
how much is produced of any item, how many competitors
can be making the same item, and how much they can charge.
Therefore, the potential for the most profit lies within
the Fascist economy! The experiment with Nazi Germany
and Imperial Japan proved that Fascism does work. We
have seen that the proper coordination between Government
and Capitalism does work.
The planned economic banking
disaster of the last days of President Bush's administration
provided the excuse to overthrow Capitalism in America
and introduce Fascism. The exact title of this traitorous
law was the "Emergency
Economic Stabilization Act of 2008",
a bill which was commonly referred to as the "bailout
Please read our in depth
article on how this switchover occurred right under
our noses, NEWS2317,
entitled "Financial
Coup Completed: American Economy Now A Tightly Controlled,
Severely Regulated Economy - Capitalism is DEAD in America
- Fascist Economy is now a reality".
Prior to ObamaCare, our
Health Industry was set up as a Capitalist system. Private
health insurers operated the system for profit, while
the Federal Government acted merely as an "escape
hatch", to right any grievous errors and injustices
created by the system, but the Government was not involved
in daily operations.
But, under ObamaCare,
Fascism was created as the system by which all daily
operations were carried out. Private health companies
continued to provide most of the health services, but
the role of the Government was drastically changed.
Now, government rules, regulations and laws played a
major part in daily operations.
ObamaCare is Fascism,
and it is failing.
My concern is what system
the Republicans are going to set in its place. Rumors
abound that the new system will be a "One Payer
System", where the Federal Government forces private
insurers out of business and pays all the benefits.
Such a system is, in effect,
based upon Communism, since the Government owns and
controls everything. This system could prove to be worse
than ObamaCare!
3. Obama's FBI
/ DHS issued a report detailing their "findings"
that Russia hacked our 2016 election.
But, their report
contained a poison pill right at the beginning!
‘Russian Hacking’ Report Begins with Major
Disclaimer: DHS does not 'provide any warranties'
about the information contained inside the report",
Breitbart News, 2 January 2017
"Amid escalating
tensions between the U.S. and Russia, the FBI and the
Department of Homeland Security (DHS) on Thursday released
a joint report accusing Russian civilian and military
intelligence services of compromising networks and infrastructure
associated with the 2016 presidential election."
Remember, even though
these Federal Agencies will continue operating after
January 20, right now, they are still being controlled
by Democrat President Barack Obama; therefore, their
conclusions about matters such as the alleged Russian
"hacking" operation of the 2016 election must
be taken with a huge "grain of salt".
"Much of the news
media coverage of the joint report failed to mention
that the 13-page document, which is short on specifics,
starts off with a glaring disclaimer that the DHS does
not “provide any warranties” about the information
contained inside the report."
"The disclaimer states:
"This report is provided
'as is' for informational purposes only. The Department
of Homeland Security (DHS) does not provide any warranties
of any kind regarding any information contained within."
Stop right there, no need
to go any further. No intelligence report is worth the
paper on which it is printed if the authors were so
unsure of their accuracy and truthfulness that they
wrote such a disclaimer. Hillary Clinton began this
false public rhetoric against Russia the day after candidate
Trump mocked her supposed loss of 33,000 emails; Trump
mockingly said that, perhaps the Russians could supply
her with these emails, since foreign intelligence services
routinely intercept such communications, especially
since one of America's most important leaders -- Secretary
of State Hillary Clinton -- was sending out national
secrets over insecure private servers.
Hillary went on the offensive,
charging that the sophisticated Russians had intercepted
her private emails, not any Tom, Dick or Jane who could
intercept her emails with ease.
Then, President Obama
threw the weight of the official Federal Government
behind this charade, adding great credibility to Hillary's
false charge. These officials created the kind of report
the "Boss" wanted, knowing they would immediately
be fired if they refused to comply.
If you doubt that a sitting
President could force his officials to systematically
lie to the Media and to the public, we encourage you
to read how President Bush, Vice-President Cheney, and
Defense Secretary Rumsfeld created a bogus intelligence
agency in 2002, which would create lying stories to
convince the voters that Saddam Hussein did, indeed,
have Weapons of Mass Destruction.
This false intelligence
service was called "Office of Special Plans"
and was responsible for the enormous tsunami of false
intelligence which provided the President with the false
basis upon which he invaded Iraq. Please read "BUSH/BLAIR
1 of 2, and Part
2 of 2.
You must understand that
all our leaders lie to us all the time, both Republican
and Democrat, and have for many years! In fact, I believe
that President Bush's "Office of Special Plans"
has been far more destructive to America than President
Obama's false "Russian hacking report", for
Bush's lie has resulted in hundreds of thousands of
Iraqi civilians dying and many thousands of our own
President Obama carried out the Liberal mantra of "death
by regulation" to the extreme degree.
In 2016, his Administration
issued 3,853 new rules, and signed into law 211 new
NEWS BRIEF: "Report:
3,853 New Federal Rules Issued in 2016, 211 New Laws
Passed In USA", Breitbart News, 2
January 2017
"For every one law
that Congress passed in 2016, the federal bureaucracy
issued 18 new rules and regulations, according to the
Competitive Enterprise Institute (CEI). Federal agencies
under the Obama administration issued 3,853 rules and
regulations in 2016, which is more than was issued in
2015, according to the 97,110 page Federal Register."
"Congress passed
211 laws in 2016."
Remember, these statistics
represent only one year of Obama's eight. President
Obama may very well be the most intrusive, Liberal President
since Franklin D. Roosevelt!
But, also remember, that
most of this legislation was supported by enough Republicans
to enact it into law. Our enemies of freedom are all
people who are striving for the coveted New World Order,
and that has been most leaders since 1776!
The verdict is still out
as to how Donald Trump is going to actually govern.
If he stops the trend to Globalization in its tracks,
then the New World Order is dead during his Administration.
But, if Trump attempts to merely "renegotiate"
objectionable deals without killing the underlying institution,
we are left with a scenario of economic success which
preserves the New World Order infrastructure.
For example, Christians
must insist that Trump and his Republican legislators
destroy the very infrastructure of Abortion Upon Demand,
instead of just trying to fine-tune the system. All
the way along the line, Trump must disband the very
infrastructure of the New World Order.
We must keep his feet
to this fire!
5. Great Britain
is using the Islamic terror threat to clamp down more
tightly on their citizens.
British leaders
are "considering" forcing manufacturers to
install "kill switches" in vehicles to prevent
any more Berlin-style attacks where the terrorist weapon
was a large commercial truck.
Curated by Josh Caplan, 1 January 2017
"A remote ‘kill
switch’ to immobilise HGVs is being secretly developed
by Government scientists who fear a Nice-style massacre
in the UK. They are investigating methods of interfering
with the electronics of lorries to stop them in their
tracks if hijacked or used in an attack. They fear Islamic
State militants could try to emulate the horrific strike
in France which left 86 people dead in July."
If author ties really
wanted to stop a truck from being used as a murder weapon
amongst large crowds, they should simply make it legal
for law-abiding citizens to "Conceal Carry"
weapons. Had one person armed with a pistol been in
any of these vehicle attacks, that armed citizen could
have blown out the tires and then gone after the driver
-- with their lowly pistol!
But, if the real objective
is to justify putting a "kill switch" in trucks,
and then in all vehicles because the coming planned
dictatorship requires government control over all citizens
and all vehicles, then this scenario is simply perfect!