People's minds are going
to be so captured by this Mind Control technique that
they will "wonder after the Beast and follow
him in amazement"! (Revelation 13:3)
Litrerally, peoeple's minds
will be hypnotized by Antichrist and will follow him
like lemmings! Straight over the cliff into the Abyss
of Hell.
2. Because of deliberately
weak and ineffective leadership the "Post-American
Age" is rapidly approaching.
time to prepare for the post-American age",
Taiwan Sun, 03 January 2022
"Has American dominance across
global foreign policy, finance, and military affairs
been a source of stability, or conflict? Some believe
Washington's status as the last great power has been
a force for good."
"We are now living in an age
when that American dominance is coming to an end,
and its security guarantees are losing their credibility
... When American promises don't matter any more."
"Its allies would no longer
be able to base their foreign policy on the assumption
of its protection and collective hegemony, and they
would have to pursue an independent foreign policy
and compromise with their adversaries."
"If Ukraine and Taiwan did not
have full faith that the US would offer them protection,
then their positions as Washington's frontlines against
Russia and China would not be tenable and they would
have to seek peace with their adversaries. Without
steadfast US support, Ukraine would have to abide
by the Minsk Peace Agreement, and Taiwan would need
to halt its push for secession from China."
"The EU is also coming to terms
with the consequences of US decline. In May 2017,
German Chancellor Angela Merkel argued that 'The times
when we could fully rely on others have passed us
by a little bit, that's what I've experienced in recent
days... I can only say: We Europeans really have to
take our fates in our own hands'."
Obama, Pelosi, Schumer, McConnell,
Biden, Lyndon Johnson, Jimmy Carter, and many more
traitors have hollowed us out from within.
Their repeated outrageous lies and
innuendos over the past 60 years have inflicted the
type of damage which termites create. Tiny subterranean
termites are voracious cellulose eating and daylight,
avoiding pests that are literally causing billions
of dollars in property damage around the world. One
variety, known as the "Formosan" termite
(apparently indigenous to the island of Taiwan and
introduced accidentally into the Southern US through
the port of New Orleans) has practically devoured
parts of Louisiana and is now spreading northward
looking for more wood to consume! They are virtually
impossible to control with any EPA-approved pesticide
and this has caused many pest control companies to
put a disclaimer in their "bonds" refusing
to cover damage caused by that particular insect.
They cannot tolerate light, preferring
to do their insidious work in complete darkness. If
workers chew through to the outside of a piece of
wood and light enters, they will fill in the hole
with dirt brought from their nesting area in the ground.
They also use dirt to build tunnels up the foundations
and support pillars of wood frame buildings so they
can pass back and forth in darkness. This often results
in damage which goes totally unnoticed until the weight
of the wooden structure causes hollowed-out sections
to collapse.
America is now a hollowed-out structure
and its demise is drawing very near. (Read NEWS2518
for full details)
3. Biological Sex is even
being redefined to cancel out the Biblical reality
that underpins our country.
NEWS BRIEF: "Biological
sex is being redefined to subvert society",
The Washington Examiner, January 3 2022
"On Thursday, Science, one of
the top scientific publications in the world, ran
a letter titled, 'Transgender rights rely on inclusive
language', suggesting that biological sex is 'context-dependent'
and not binary."
This nonsense is a great proof of
the point we made earlier, that people are getting
to the point where they cannot discern reality from
fantasy. It is ludicrous for any sane person to proclaim
to the highest rooftops that a person's sex is determined
by context and not by physical organs.
"... sex is determined by gametes:
eggs and sperm. As a result, there are only two sexes,
and biological sex is not a spectrum. Intersex people,
who possess a combination of female and male anatomy
(and who are frequently tokenized by activists as
a justification for outlandish claims), typically
prefer to live as male or female, within a binary
conception of sex."
Listen again to an explanation of
this nonsense:
"To be clear, this ideology
has less to do with the beliefs and priorities of
everyday transgender people and everything to do with
redefining words and reality to subvert society and
promote wider activist goals. It is an indication
of what is coming down the road. When the scientific
process has been compromised, we are deeply in trouble."
America is now "deeply in trouble"!
I can just hear Jesus prophesy: "In
the days of Lot ..." (Luke 17:28-29)
America and the West have
arrived at changing into a New Sodom and Gomorrah!
4. Abortion was the #1 killer
worldwide in 2021.
Killing 42.6 Million People
NEWS BRIEF: "Abortion
Was the Leading Cause of Death Worldwide in 2021:
Killing 42.6 Million People",
Life News, Jan 3, 2022
"More human beings died in abortions
than any other cause of death in 2021."
I will never get used to the concept
that a mother's womb is a very dangerous place for
a human being to start life. I agree with little that
Mother Teresa said, but she did strike a chord with
me when she said that mankind was finished once they
started murdering babies within the womb.
'... statistics compiled by Worldometers
indicate that there were over 42.6 million abortions
world-wide in 2021 ... When contrasting the abortion
numbers to other causes of death, including cancer,
HIV/AIDS, traffic accidents and suicide, abortions
far outnumbered every other cause..."
"... And when compared to COVID,
the number of people dying from abortions dwarfs the
number of COVID deaths. Worldomters indicates that
approximately 3.5 million people died from COVID worldwide
in 2020."
"An estimated 63 million unborn
babies have been killed in abortions in the U.S. since
Roe v. Wade in 1973."
Why do American politicians become
hysterical whenever someone mentions abolishing abortion?
Why are these leaders so anxious to continue the bloody
slaughter in the womb?
answer may surprise you,and it is rooted in Black
Magick Witchcraft.
How does a Satanist view Abortion?
Did you know that the Illuminati views Abortion as
a major and indispensable tool to enable them to achieve
the New World Order?
We know the incredible death toll
exacted by World Wars I and II (200 million), and
the other wars since then, we can see how pleased
Lord Satan must be over the rivers of human blood
which the Illuminati has produced so far.
But, there is a method which probably
kills far more than all the wars combined -- abortion
on demand!
Does abortion count as human sacrifice
in Satan's eyes? Does the blood of innocent babies
dying within the womb count as blood sacrifices which
will enhance the appearance of Antichrist?
Abortion plays a large role in the
Illuminati. I asked former Black Magick Satanist,
Doc Marquis, how Satanists view abortion. Satanists
view human sacrifice as the ultimate sacrifice to
Lord Satan, and the younger the victim, the more precious,
and powerful, the sacrifice. Thus it was, in 1986,
the TV documentary program, "20-20", aired
a segment on Satanism in America today. One of the
last parts of this segment showed women who were Satanists,
and obviously pregnant. They said they were giving
birth to these babies for the express purpose of sacrificing
their infants to Satan. I was not surprised because
I had run into this practice in my research into the
So, I asked Marquis, "If a sacrifice
increases in power and preciousness the younger the
victim is, how does a Satanist view aborted babies."?
He looked at me deadpan, and said, "Satanists
view aborted babies as THE most powerful human sacrifice
Now you know why prominent Leftist
/ Liberal leaders today are so anxious to keep the
blood flowing through abortion: their New Age, Masonic
Christ cannot appear without that river of blood.
5. "Election Integrity"
is the propaganda word today.
NEWS BRIEF: "Electoral
Integrity For Me But Not For Thee",
American Greatness, Jan 2, 2022
"What will happen when a significant
portion of the electorate believes that a free and
fair election is no longer possible because the system
is permanently rigged to keep the ruling party in
"If Democrats are successful
in their campaign of disinformation, however, and
continue labeling those who have concerns about the
questionable electoral practices employed in 2020
as unpatriotic insurrectionists who wish to destroy
democracy and successfully enshrine those questionable
practices permanently into federal law, we may see
a fundamental shift in American attitudes about their
cherished electoral system."
"The question that may then
arise is whether it will even be possible to decide
elections peacefully through ballots, or whether bullets
will be the last resort—as they were in 1860.
" (Civil War)
But, such integrity is one
of those "Rules for thee. but not for Me"
6. 2021 - Year of Living
Dangerously In American Cities!
Canada Free Press, Jan 3, 2022
"People are fleeing cities and
states led by left-wing Democrats and moving to areas
controlled by pro-business and tough-on crime Republicans."
"In today’s urban America,
if you are a thief, why wouldn’t you smash a
glass door or glass display case and grab all the
merchandise you could? Seriously, why wouldn’t
you? In the old days you wouldn’t because you
would be scared that you would get caught.
"In the past, 'smash and grab'
robberies occurred, but it was a very infrequent occurrence.
It was rare because thieves understood if they were
caught there would be consequences, and even punishment,
perish the thought! "
"The tax base of urban areas
will continue to plummet and even the federal printing
presses will not be able to save the day."
"In urban America today, there
exists an entire class of mayors and council members
who believe they can control thieves, muggers, rapists,
and murderers by surrendering to them. Truth be told,
some of these politicians are only concerned about
their careers and couldn’t care less about the
real victims of these crimes and the productive, tax
paying residents who are forced to live in these violent
"Since Democratic Party leaders
refuse to modify their failed policies, these trends
will continue indefinitely ... The hardworking citizens
remaining will soon realize that it is better to flee
our legacy cities than fight losing battles against
corrupt city governments."
I find it very interesting that,
at the time America is tolerating -- even encouraging
-- lawlessness within our cities, numerous prophecies
are flashing the warning signs that Antichrist is
on his way.
Did you know that Antichrist is known
as lawless?
"Let no one deceive
or beguile you in any way, for that day will not come
except the apostasy comes first [unless the predicted
great falling away of those who have professed to
be Christians has come], and the man
of lawlessness (sin) is revealed, who is the
son of doom (of perdition)." [2 Thessalonians
2:3; Parallel Bible)
Since the "Man of Lawlessness"
(Antichrist) is very close to appearing on the world
scene, the time has come for society to become lawless!