UFOs - Chariots of the Beast - Angels, UFOs and Antichrist
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a Mac if you have a USB adapter. This is about 11 hours
of teaching. This may also play on a smart TV from your
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instructions for that. Flash-Drive-
There is so much on this flash drive that we have put the
full description in a PDF file for you. The
Genesis Collection and The UFO Connection on Flash drive

News Analysis
1. Biden's DOJ is
hiding 400 pages of such damning material, the President
could be impeached and his brother convicted, of:
* Revealing payoffs
from Russia, Ukraine, China!
NEWS BRIEF: "Biden’s
DOJ is Concealing 400 pages of “sensitive documents”
Revealing Payoffs and Gifts from China, Russia, and Ukraine
to Hunter", 100PercentFedUp.com,
Jan 2, 2023
"Joe Biden’s Department
of Justice is attempting to conceal 400 pages of documents
that reportedly contain sensitive information regarding
Hunter and Jim Biden’s business dealings with China,
Russia, and Ukraine."
"In October, the federal
agents working on the investigation into Hunter Biden’s
foreign business dealings said that there is enough evidence
to criminally prosecute Hunter with tax crimes and making
false statements related to a gun purchase. David Weiss,
a Justice Department prosecutor who was appointed by President
Donald Trump, is considering a criminal case against Hunter
with possible allegations of money laundering, illegal foreign
lobbying, and tax crimes, all related to overseas business
Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion tells us that the
citizen will not be able to trust in anything the leaders
are telling them! Listen and be enlightened:
"The principal factor of success
in the political is the secrecy of its undertakings: the
word should not agree with the deeds of the diplomat."
"The principal object
of our directorate consists in this: to debilitate the public
mind by criticism; to lead it away from serious reflections
calculated to arouse resistance; to distract the forces
of the mind towards a sham fight of empty eloquence. In
all ages the peoples of the world, equally with individuals,
have accepted words for deeds, for they are content with
a show and rarely pause to note, in the public arena, whether
promises are followed by performance. Therefore, we shall
establish show institutions ..." [Protocols #5; reiterated
in Protocol #10; Emphasis added]
This single paragraph tells us all we need
to know about politicians of both parties, as they gradually
guide us into the New World Order. They deliberately intend
to "debilitate" our minds and to "distract"
us through "sham" speeches of "empty eloquence".
We certainly have seen and heard enough of this type of
speaking to last us a lifetime! You can just put the name
of any number of politicians on both sides of the aisle
that fit this description. Talk, talk, and talk some more,
is the motto of the consummate politician.
Today, the Elite have followed
this plan of deliberate scandal and Media-created discord,
that the end of this despicable 200-year-old plan seems
ready to complete.
Do not be deceived: Biden
is carrying out the Illuminati plan in a number of ways,
chief of which are bold lying and bold seizure hidden by
a thin veneer of coverup!
The information contained
within this cache of records seems strong enough to warrant
an Impeachment against Biden; but, don't hold your breath
waiting for this scenario to actually occur!
2. Medical Establishment
is bracing for imminent price increases!
medical community braces for January price increases",
Japan Herald, 3 Jan 2023
"According to healthcare
research firm 3 Axis Advisors, during January, historically
the month when drugmakers raise prices, pharmaceutical companies
that include Pfizer, GlaxoSmithKline, Bristol Myers Squibb,
AstraZeneca and Sanofi, will raise the prices of more than
350 drugs in the US."
We are then told that this
price increase has been forced by recently passed laws,
which is only partly true.
"The price rises are
part of the preparations by the pharmaceutical industry
to comply with the Biden Administration's Inflation Reduction
Act (IRA), as well as their efforts to deal with inflation
and supply chain constraints, which have caused higher manufacturing
Remember, cost increases were
already on the rise, in 2022!
"... in 2022 drugmakers
raised the prices of more than 1,400 drugs, the most since
I can personally attest to
this fact: my heart doctor prescribed XARELTO, a blood thinner.
In 2019, while Trump was President, the cost for a three-month
supply was less than $100. In August, 2020, that three-month
refill cost $349, and last week, my refill was going to
cost $435 and if I tried to use "Good-RX", the
cost would be over $1,000!
Can you just see the grins
on the faces of today's wealthy businessmen? Biden's Socialist
policies are close to bearing the fruit of their evil efforts!

Did you know, that
In 1911, cartoonists were well aware that Capitalist owners
greatly preferred the Communist / Socialist program of Karl
This political
cartoon was created by Robert Minor and run in the St. Louis-
Dispatch newspaper in 1911. At this point in history, the
link between Karl Marx's Communism and Capitalism was far
more widely known than today.
Karl Marx is
being given a ticker-tape parade down Wall Street. Marx
has his thesis on Socialism (Communism) tucked under his
arm, as he is being greeted by several of the most prominent
Wall Street businessmen:
George Perkins,
shaking Marx's hand, then a partner of J.P. Morgan
Andrew Carnegie,
(Andy) waiting behind Marx with outstretched hand
J.P. Morgan
tipping his hat to Marx
John D. Rockefeller
(John D.) to Marx's right, smiling smugly
John Ryan, of
National City Bank, standing beside John D. Rockefeller
Why are America's
leading businessmen so happy with Marx's theories? Because,
under the utopia envisioned by Communism, they would have
an absolute monopoly over every aspect of the world economy.
Riches beyond measure beckon.
The political
side of this American New World Order Plan is represented
by Teddy Roosevelt, shown with his typically toothy smile.
("Wall Street And The Bolshevik Revolution,
by Anthony Sutton)
Why are renowned Capitalist
leaders so enthusiastic about Communism / Socialism rather
than Capitalism? The answer is clear, but dramatic. Under
Capitalism, the number of competitors who can produce the
same product is only limited by Market Forces.
But, under Communism / Socialism,
the Government selects the number of competitors who can
produce the same product. Usually, authorities cause the
vast majority of competitors to close, allowing prices to
be severely increased.
Communism / Socialism means
a huge increase in profits for those in charge!
Conversely, Communism / Socialism
causes the death of many people, for many reasons! Some
people die because of malnutrition, and in some cases, people
who simply cannot afford the increased cost of medicine
simply die!
And, such death aids in the
reduction of world population down to 1/2 billion, from
the nearly 8 billion today! ("Dark
Clouds Over Elberton - DVD Georgia Guidestones Mystery Revealed")
3. Iran just launched
a war exercise in which her bombs and bombers destroyed
a replica of Israel's Eilat Naval Base.
massive war drill targets replica of Eilat naval base",
DEBKAfile, Jan 2, 2023
"Iran’s Ababil
5 suicide drones simulated a strike on the Israeli Red Sea
naval port in Eilat on Friday, Dec. 30 as part of its massive
Zolfaqar 1401 military exercise. Iranian war planners designed
for the drill a replica of the targeted base and and also
a simulation of an Israeli Sa’ar 6-class corvette."
This new Iranian drone actually
carries 6 missiles, which are no doubt independently target
6 different targets!
"The IRNA showed images
of the new drone taking off from an IRIS Lavan landing ship,
hitting the Israel missile vessel and setting it on fire.
(See photo). Iran’s chief of staff Maj. Gen, Abdolrahim
Mousavi reported on Sunday that two naval squadrons of the
army were taking part in the Zolfaqar exercise and practicing
innovative methods of warfare."
'Thank You'. Obama
and Biden, for providing the funds for this massive war
4. War news is being
trumpeted which might fulfill the prophecies of World War
question of the hour is, 'when will this global war begin'
and 'what are the signs it is about to commence'? Many major
events are planned to occur just as World War III begins.
Mankind will be systematically hit with unparalleled disasters
of every kind as this planned global war unfolds. But, none
of these events will occur until the lynchpin called 'World
War III' is pulled.
When the Global Elite pulls this lynchpin
event called World War III, events are going to be unleashed
in such severity and in such great numbers the peoples of
the world will not stand in awe, they will panic and run
for the hills. Jesus said that 'men's hearts shall fail
them for fear', and the Elite is creating just such climactic
events which shall not occur until the lynchpin known as
'World War III' is pulled.
Crisis has been created,
but set in "Pause Mode" until all can be released
at a coordinated attack
* Russia - Ukraine
NEWS BRIEF: "Italian
Military Expert on Ukraine’s Key Ingredient for Success
Against Russia", KYIV
News, January 3, 2023
"This tendency to analyze
a war only through quantitative measurement is typical of
the current mainstream way of thinking. It’s based
on efficiency and an economy-based mentality that tends
to underestimate the human factor ... The fact is, combat
is not so much about numbers, as it is about men: and not
so much about the number of men involved, but about their
"The quality of people,
far more than the quantity of weapons, is making the real
difference for the Armed Forces of Ukraine."
* China - Taiwan
Jinping is 'preparing the Chinese people for war': Trump-era
National Security Adviser, Retired Lt. Gen. H.R. McMaster",
Insider Asia, January 3, 2023
"McMaster, a retired
lieutenant general who served as National Security Adviser
in 2017 and 2018 under former President Donald Trump, said
the US should take potential threats from Xi seriously,
adding that the leader 'means what he says'."
"... Xi has been posturing
aggressively in recent speeches, telling Chinese people
that it would take sacrifices to restore China to national
* China - South &
North Korea
Korea, US in talks over joint plans on N.Korean nukes ",
The Korea Herald, January 3, 2023
"South Korea and
the United States said Tuesday they had been discussing
the joint operation of US nuclear assets to enhance the
alliance’s capabilities to counter North Korean threats,
clarifying that an option to stage nuclear exercises was
off the table ... could not even be discussed."
"Biden appears to have
had no option but to say no as he was asked without any
further explanations, Kim said, adding that only nuclear
weapon states can stage “joint nuclear exercises.”
"South Korea and the
US have been in talks over how the South Korean military
can better support the US nuclear operations on the Korean
Peninsula with its conventional military forces."
* China - New Virus
NEWS BRIEF: "There’s
a new virus in China: Here’s
what you need to know", Deseret News, Aug
10, 2022
"A new virus has been
identified in China.
"The Langya henipavirus has been found
in 35 people, mostly farmers, in the same eastern region
where the first sample of the virus was collected in late
2018 from a farmer with a fever ... None of the patients
died, according to the study by researchers in China, Singapore
and Australia, but all of the 26 determined to be infected
only with the new virus had fevers and about half experienced
fatigue, decreased white blood cell counts and coughs. More
severe symptoms included kidney and liver issues,"
"Langya is a henipavirus, a genus
that includes two “highly virulent emerging pathogens
that cause outbreaks in humans and are associated with high
case-fatality ratios,” in Australia and Southeast
Asia, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Not only does Jesus foretell that the Fourth
Seal out of Heaven (Rev 6:7) will be instrumental in killing
25% of the world's population, but believers are instructed
to trust God for health and for a protection against diseases/pestilences.
"Surely he shall deliver thee from
the snare of the fowler, and from the noisome pestilence
... Thou shalt not be afraid for the terror by night; nor
for the arrow that flieth by day; Nor for the pestilence
that walketh in darkness; nor for the destruction that wasteth
at noonday." (Psalm 91:5-6, KJV)
We are living in a most difficult time
in world history. We Christians must live lives of heroic,
Biblical faith!
5. NATO and the United
States may finally be in trouble as Russia is moving up
her nuclear weapons and her hypersonic missiles to Ukraine
U.S., In Trouble: Russia expands militarily and moves
hypersonic missiles near Ukraine",
Natural News, Jan 3, 2023
"Still, his point is
taken: Russia is ramping up, and they are getting ready
to deploy a legitimate super weapon that cannot be stopped
... The Western Press keeps just putting out propaganda
about Ukraine winning, while it is ignoring the
mobilization of NATO which is clearly anticipating war,”
he said. 'This is not going to be just about Ukraine as
we head into 2023. You have to be blind not to see that
the West is clearly preparing for war'." (Emphasis
"Russia will start to
deploy more hypersonic weapons, noting that the first warship
equipped with state-of-the-art Zircon hypersonic missiles
will be commissioned by the navy next month. There is no
question that defense against Russia’s hypersonic
weapons is likely not possible."
At this point, the world seems
trembling as major global disasters have been created which
are being held back right now; but, the time is coming when
all of these disasters will be let loose, one quickly following
another, and another, and another.
Truly, the End of the Age
prophecy will come true: "Men's hearts failing them
for fear ... for the powers of heaven shall be shaken."
(Luke 21:26, KJV)
you spiritually prepared?
New DVD Titles
Schwab, the Third Reich & the Covid
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if I were to tell you that Hitler’s
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if I were to inform you that all the
evil dastardly things that the Nazis
did to humanity back in World War II
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a much grander scale? And what if I
were to disclose to you that all the
deceptive tactics that were used to
dupe the German people the first time,
are actually being used on the world
today with even more devastating and
mesmerizing effects? Well, believe it
or not, all this and much more, including
another human holocaust, is not only
happening, but it’s well underway.
Therefore, this series, Klaus Schwab,
the Third Reich & the Covid 19 Holocaust
seeks to equip you with the historical
evidence revealing how this evil Hitlerian
plan of the ages is being thrust upon
you and I whether we want it or not,
or even believe it or not. Here you
will learn such scandalous historical
parallels as:
* Klaus
Schwab & the Antichrist Kingdom
* Klaus Schwab & the Forced Sterilization
* Klaus Schwab & the Nazis
* Klaus Schwab & the New Holocaust
* Klaus Schwab & His Family
* Klaus Schwab & the Murder for
* Klaus Schwab & the Third Reich
* Klaus
Schwab & the Death of Freedom
* Klaus Schwab & the Hitler Scheme
* Klaus Schwab & His Defeat by God
Who would
have thought, in a relatively short
amount of time, that history would be
repeating itself with the rise of another
even larger Hitlerian Regime on the
planet? What Klaus Schwab and his evil
gang of Global Elites have planned for
us is much grander and wider than what
Hitler ever planned to do, with even
deadlier results. https://www.cuttingedge.org/detail.cfm?ID=3016
Study Videos
Sacrifice: Cleansing The Soil For The
Aryan Antichrist"
Vol. 1
of 2, by Cutting Edge Speakers
the coming Biblical Antichrist by studying
Nazi Germany's Adolf Hitler!
This video
is a unique look at the coming Biblical
Antichrist through the eyes of Adolf
Hitler. Embark on a journey that will
likely challenge the highest scholar
to the one beginning his quest for truth.
This documentary will go where many
scholars and historians are not willing
to go... To the heart of Adolf Hitler.
secular historians totally fail to understand
the unique Satanic phenomenon that possessed
and empowered Adolf Hitler, his Nazi
Religion and World War II. This video
proves that Adolf Hitler was a perfect
type of the coming Biblical Antichrist.
drew upon the most powerful and most
destructive Satanic power which the
Evil One can command. That power was
unleashed through the Nordic pagan religion
known as 'Blood Sacrifice of the Soil'.
importantly we examine what all this
means for us today? We begin to connect
the dots from Nazi Germany to today.
How can studying the life of Hitler
help prepare us for a world ruler to
come. How does the Bible help us unravel
the mysteries of history?
are Mac Dominick, David Bay and Dr.
Stan Monteith - Director Cory Black,
92 minutes long - https://www.cuttingedge.org/detail.cfm?ID=2552
Sacrifice Thy Kingdom Come - Hitler's
Complete and Easy Conquest of the German
Christian Churches"
DVD, Vol. 2 of 2,
by Cutting Edge Speakers -- Only $19.99
This video
continues our study of the Biblical
Antichrist by studying the life, the
values, the attitudes and the Black
Magick Satanism of Adolf Hitler. We
will examine how thoroughly, easily,
and quickly Hitler intimidated, and
then completely controlled, most of
German christian churches.
Our supernatural
adversary always has his counterfeit
plan and counterfeit disciples, and
nowhere in world history will this counterfeit
plan be more perfect than during the
time of Antichrist.
The christian
church proved to be a soft target for
Hitler. As one pastor later lamented,
'The Church made peace with an enemy
with which it should have been at war.
Called to warn and protect, it tolerated,
then saluted, then submitted...' and
stood by while perhaps the greatest
sacrifice to appease the
gods of darkness occurred
in modern history -- An estimated total
of 70–85 million people perished!
Only $19.99,
both "Blood Sacrifice" DVD's
For only $29.98, Saving $10
will never look at today's events the
same way again! |
You for Your Support!!

We want
to thank all of our financial supporters.
Over the years your support has proven
crucial in enabling us to make our full
site free for everyone so that those who
cannot afford to donate can have full
access. BUT, This year we have experienced
the painful 'birth pangs' of a world which
is going crazy as it spins toward Antichrist!
Our heartfelt
thanks for helping us continue our outreach
and preventing Cutting Edge from disappearing
from the Internet, at a most crucial time
in world history!
have always believed that more souls will
be won for Jesus Christ during the Last
of the Last Days than in entire previous
centuries. But, we must have
your financial support to make this possibility
a reality.
If you have
not supported our outreach before please
consider a one time or monthly donation
Thank you
in advance, David Bay, Director
Breakdown--Living in the Time
of The Paradigm Shift Into the New World Order"
March 21, 2022 President Joe Biden said 'Now is the
time when things are shifting, there’s going
to be a new world order out there, we’ve got
to lead it, and we’ve got to unite the rest
of the free world while doing it.'
The President
is talking about the 'Paradigm
Shift' to take us into the New World Order and
stage the Antichrist.
We are on the
verge of that New World order and our current system
is breaking down. Gas prices are up, inflation is
the worst in 40 years, interest rates are rising,
and customer confidence is collapsing. This video
is the most relevant and current on the market today
and combines the best in the progress of Bible prophecy
in world news and in the unique Cutting Edge viewpoint.
This understanding will affect -- should affect --
every other aspect of the current collapse of this
once free and mighty nation!
This DVD is
a 2-DVD set running about 2 1/2 hours
As Jesus said: "And
when these things begin to come to pass, then look up,
and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh.
(Luke 21:27, KJV)
"Ancient Cities And The
Pagan Gods Who Built Them"
Now available as DVD,
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Who were the Nephilim? What
really happened at the Tower of Babel? Where is Atlantis?
Who are the Shining Ones? Are these questions relevant
to our walk with God today and our understanding of
His creation?
Jesus said that as it was in
the days of Noah, so shall it be at the coming of
the Son of Man. Jesus also said to be ready for His
return, that it comes like a thief in the night. This
DVD takes an uncomfortable look at the days of Noah
and many other topics so that we can be ready for
our Savior’s return. Topics that God chose to
include in His Word are worth taking the time to study.
Ancient Cities looks at the
Antediluvian world from a solid biblical foundation.
Why are the stories of giants scattered throughout
Scripture as well as our world today? Why did Joshua
kill not only the men, but also the women, children,
and livestock of the Anakim-Rephaim? What parallels
do we find between the Bible and ancient Greek mythology?
Ancient Cities studies Mount Olympus and the Greek
gods whose tales shape our culture today. Why did
the Romas at Lystra in the Bible think that Paul and
Barnabas were the Roman gods Hermes and Zues? Ancient
Cities examines the city of Rome’s important
role in spreading Christianity. Join Micah Van Huss
as he teaches the topics that your Sunday school teacher
refused to talk about.
130 Minutes DVD or 203 page book
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America's Founding
1 - "New
Atlantis" -
demonstrates that the Secret Society plan to
create a New Atlantis nation on the North American
Continent began in the 1580's between Queen
Elizabeth I and Sir Francis Bacon. We also show
that America's Founding Fathers carefully carried
out the Baconian Plan in establishing the government
of America. This DVD ends by showing that this
plan ends with Antichrist coming to the world
scene, a plan which is shown in the street layout
of Washington, D.C. Nearly 3 hours long
Video 2 - "Riddles
In Stone: The Secret Architecture of Washington, D.C.",
closely examines the pagan monuments, paintings, sculptures,
and street layout in Government Center and show how the
original Bacon Plan can be seen in these pagan depictions
demonstrate that America was founded according to the Baconian
Plan. Nearly 3 hours long
Video 3 - "Eye
of the Phoenix" examines the two Seals
on the back of the One Dollar Bill and demonstrates that
they are Global Illuminati Seals, not Seals of the U.S.
Government. Also demonstrates that the occult design of
these Seals represents the most powerful 'Magick" of
any other document in history. These two Seals hide three
(3) hexagrams, forming a '666', another example of the hidden
plan to produce Masonic Christ (Antichrist). Nearly 3 hours
Video 4 - "Hidden
Faith of the Founding Fathers" may be
the most important video in this series. Today, a great
deal of effort and money have been poured into convincing
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Wagener, SC 29164
Service/Ordering 803-564-3341 / 803-528-0199 / dbay@cuttingedge.org
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Jesus Richly Bless You,
Bay, Director
Edge Ministries
Must I Do To Be Saved