Bouncing Balls in the Buff
Wired News
AM Sep. 06, 2003 PT
This weekend, "the most unique event in nudism" will take place at the 105-acre White Thorn Lodge nudist park in South Beaver Township, Pennsylvania. As many as 17,000 spectators and participants are expected to gather as players compete in the 33rd annual Volleyball Superbowl -- in the buff. Event organizers describe the tournament as a seriously competitve event divided into six skill levels, from novice to college caliber. "And people do dive. Even on the asphalt courts," said a White Thorn spokesman. "The ones who know how to do it don't even get skinned." Why play volleyball in the nude? "You don't sweat as much," explained a tournament veteran. "You don't get overheated because you don't have clothes keeping the heat in."