This is David Bay, Director of Old Paths Ministries.
And this is the Cutting Edge, a radio program dedicated to warning and informing God's people. We are committed to the study and exposition of the inerrant, inspired and authoritative Word of God. The views expressed belong to us, and are not necessarily shared by this station.
Our society is deteriorating, and Bible-believing Christians are ill-prepared to face that deterioration. This radio program is dedicated to preparing God's people to meet the challenges of the Day, and to encourage obedience to the Word of God in being separated from worldliness and false doctrine.
The moral bankruptcy of our society is well-documented.
Few people understand why we have become morally bankrupt. However, when we look at society through the eyes of God, through the Bible, we can easily see why we are facing the unprecedented troubles today. This study of America through the eyes of God is what we will always do try to here; stay with us for some eye-opening truths.
After World War II, America began to reject the One, True God of the Holy Bible. This rejection occurred first in the individual hearts and minds of the vast majority of the "average" citizen, but soon began to spread throughout our national and state institutions. Then, in 1963, the U.S. Supreme Court handed down the infamous decision to ban prayer in public schools. In the nearly 30 years since that watershed decision, America has rejected God in nearly every area of her national life. We have already enunciated some of the consequences we are now suffering, i.e., unprecedented sex outside of marriage, as well as skyrocketing birth rates among unwed mothers, unprecedented disease from casual sexual activity, and the coming out of the closet of homosexuality.
However, the root disease with which most Americans are afflicted is a spiritual thirst that will not go away. Our beloved Bible teaches that God has placed within man the knowledge that He does exist, accompanied by the hunger to seek after Him. When men reject the True God, they immediately begin to spiritually hunger and thirst. Satan then steps in to fill this spiritual vacuum. The Apostle Paul speaks to this issue in Romans 1:18-32; we encourage you to read this passage thoroughly so you can more completely understand our program today. For our purposes, we shall quote only selected verses.
"...that which may be known of God is manifest in them; for God hath shown it unto that they are without excuse...when they knew God they glorified Him not as God...but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened. Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools, and changed the glory of the incorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man, and to birds, and four footed beasts, and creeping things."
Let us stop here and examine America today in the light of this section of Scripture. Today, many Americans have totally rejected God in their personal lives, just as this portion of Scripture indicates. As a result, many of them profess great wisdom and freedom in matters of the spirit. However, they literally became fools in their hearts. This foolishness is exhibited in many different ways by different people, but the end result is always the same -- separation from the One True God. Satan does not care how he separates human beings from God, as long as everyone who has rejected God is mislead by some false teaching. Thus, Satan has mislead some through the teaching of evolution, others by the teaching that all humans are gods if they would only discover the "godhead within", and still others through the worship of nature. In this study, we shall be discussing this spiritual misleading in two areas:
Finally, we shall see how this all ties into the coming New World Order.
1. Nature Worship by men is a phenomenon of which most people are unaware. Last year, Newsweek ran a full-length article concerning the newest craze, Male Bonding Camps. These camps were located in the wilderness, where men could relate to other men through the medium of dancing to the beat of a primitive drum, elaborate rituals designed to allow men to discover their masculinity, and group counseling. As I read this article, I realized that this was nothing more than a revival of Pagan worship, but I concluded it was only a small movement and would soon pass away; how very wrong I was. A listener to this program sent me a quarterly news letter entitled "Wingspan: Journal Of The Male Spirit". The editors of this newsletter claim a quarterly distribution of 150,000 copies, and a perusal of the articles to the editor revealed that educated, professional men were involved in this movement. As we review some of their beliefs, keep this passage in Romans firmly fixed in your minds.
Wingspan: Journal Of The Male Spirit, "The Green Man Reawakens," October-December, 1991, p. 1.
"As men in quest of masculine soul, many of us are attempting to heal our lives and reconnect with our authentic, deep masculinity...the trend to personify soul and the earth as feminine, effectively perpetuates the divorce of the male psyche from its own fecund (meaning fertile), inner-masculine, life-affirming nature....For images of this masculine ideal, some of us are turning toward the ancient gods of the Earth...One of these images is the Green Man... a masculine personification of Nature -- the Earth Father."
As we stop to examine this incredible information, we can empathize with the deep spiritual cry flowing from the pen of the writer. He is genuinely searching for the truth, albeit in the wrong place. That this author has rejected the One True God can be seen in another part of the article, where he states that women have traditionally been wronged by the belief in monotheism "through exiling and degrading the sacred image of the Goddess." Once men thus reject the Truth about God which God has revealed through Scripture and through Nature, Satan can mislead them into a false religion that will produce a false religious experience.
Another observation is that the worship of the "ancient masculine gods of the Earth" is simply a return to the old Paganism of the Romans, Greeks, Babylonians, and American Indians. The writer of Ecclesiastes was certainly correct when he stated, many years ago, that "there is nothing new under the sun".
The author then goes on to describe the masculine god, the Green Man. He is "the new image of masculinity...a creative, [fertile], nurturing, protective and compassionate male, existing in harmony with the earth and [with] the feminine; yet also erotic, wild, playful, energetic, and fierce...The Green Man is immediately available to our imagination as soon as we begin to look at nature and soul with masculine eyes. He offers us a deep source of wild magic and empowerment."
We can see that the Green Man god of Nature is nothing more than a god created in the minds of the adherents, simply an idol created within their imagination. However, Satan is using this illusion to create a mystical religion which will be very similar to the Satanically-inspired religion of Secret Societies and of witchcraft covens. The key words which provide this insight are, "imagination", "magic" and "empowerment". As is also very typical when people begin to worship the creature rather than the Creator, they fall into a preoccupation with sex. We see this in the words, "erotic", "fecund" {meaning fertile}, "free", and "wild". This preoccupation also leads to a general bent of the mind; therefore, we should not be surprised when the reader is encouraged to look at trees and mountains "through male eyes", which is nothing more than seeing these natural objects as male sexual organs, as we see later in this article. We also should not be surprised that these people believe that Father Nature has sexual intercourse with Mother Nature.
At this point, God's words in Romans 1:22, certainly ring true, "Claiming to be wise, they became fools -- professing to be smart, they made simpletons of them the glory and majesty..of the immortal God were ...represented by images, resembling mortal man..." (Bible Commentary)
The author continues, "Father Nature is beginning to reawaken as an equal partner alongside the resurgent Goddess." How reassuring it is to know that now men can equally participate in Pagan worship, right alongside the women! We also see this imagery of Father and Mother deity in occultic literature, where the male and the female are always thought to exist in harmony and balance. In the occultic book, "Magic Symbols", by Frederick Goodman, the author illustrates this principle with a Middle-Ages painting of Jesus on the Cross. To His left, was the Sun, drawn with a male face, and on His right, was the Moon, drawn as a female face. (page 69) We share this with you to show that this new phenomenon of worshipping Mother and Father Earth is simply nothing more than a repackaged Nature worship.
In fact, this author makes no bones that this worship of Father Earth is a revitalization of ancient Earth Religions. In several instances, he states that this activity was very common in ancient religions.
The author of this article then lists 10 ways in which men can connect with the ancient, sleeping masculinity residing within us.
A brief review of the contents of the rest of this newsletter reveals the typical New Age nature of this movement. I have listed these New Age themes below:
We are again at the point of worshipping the Creature rather than the Creator. At this point, I wish to reiterate that these men are not homosexuals; they simply are Nature Worshippers as were the American Indians and the Voodoo Africans of yesteryear. Their emphasis is on the worship of the Masculine part of Nature.
We must also understand that science is not the objective field it has been presented in our schools; rather, it has consistently lied to us, trying to lead us away from the faith in the One True God. This deception is most clearly seen in the teaching of the theory of Evolution as scientific fact throughout our educational system. In the American South, prior to the Civil War, respected scientists came forward, saying that science has "proven" that blacks were inherently, biologically inferior to whites. Therefore, slavery was presented as a benevolent system by which superior whites cared for the inferior blacks. ("The Fiery Cross", by Wyn Craig Wade).
I feel the need to warn you now that the planners of the New World Order have every intention of using scientific knowledge to deceive the peoples of the world into believing that Maitreya the Christ is truly God. When this deceit occurs, we will see fulfillment of the prophecy in Revelation 13:13, foretelling that the False Prophet will perform "startling miracles" so as to deceive the multitudes of the earth into worshipping the first beast, Anti-Christ.
Now back to our examination of the Green Man worship:
I am sure your mind is simply reeling, and you are tempted to throw this information away by declaring it to be the work of irresponsible and crazy men. However, this would be a mistake, because this Masculine Nature Worship is appealing to many men in American society today. And when you add this group together with the other many splinter groups in American society today, you will discover that you have a collective group of millions of people. There truly is an America out there of which we are not aware; but, God is aware of it daily, and this is the key to understanding America's spiritual condition before God.
You and your family are also impacted by this newly founded religion in other, unbelievable ways. One article caught my eye, and once I had read it, I was devastated. The title was "Swamp Thing: The Green Man Stalks the Bayou". This article had several jolting revelations:
This article explains that the saga of Swamp Thing has undergone an evolution in story material. DC Comics decided to change Swamp Thing to a series which would not carry the Comics Code Authority Seal of Approval, because these stories "violated the Authority's ban on the representation of nudity, zombies, incest and necrophilia". Not coincidentally, these are the same recent trends in Pornography.
Did you know these comics were available in comic and magazine stores, for your children to buy? In fact, most of the themes of the New World Order, especially the religious themes, are rampant in comic books. If you want to receive an eye-opening experience, go into a comics shop and look at the comics. You will find unlimited violence, sorcery, and every un-Christian theme imaginable. Satan has successfully penetrated children's minds through comics under the unsuspecting noses of parents.
But, the surprises continue. These Swamp Thing "mature readers-only comics have inspired two toned-down television series for kids, along with a whole line of action-figure toys..."
Do you know which TV series feature a huge, green monster who is determined to avenge the wrongs in society? The Hulk was certainly such a character. But, today's Toxic Crusaders is drawn from the same story line. Remember, this article stated that the TV series was "toned-down".
Our point in sharing this information with you is to demonstrate how the slime and sleaze of deviate material can leap from the pages of kooky magazines and newsletters into the hearts and minds of our children. The material is always toned down so parents aren't alerted as to the true purpose of the story line, but children are thus conditioned to the concept. Later, Satan will confront these children, now adults, with the true deviant material; how many of these people, preconditioned as they are, will accept the deviancy later in their lives, or will at least not object to it? The stakes are high indeed.
As we stated earlier in this program, science has been lying to us for over a century now concerning Evolution. From the beginning, the perpetrators of this abominable theory were attempting to "prove" that God does not exist and could not have created this world. Even though subsequent scientific knowledge has disproved Evolution, educators continue to teach it. The major result is that people the world over have lost the concept of a unique God creating unique humans in His image, possessing an eternal soul. Man is little more than an evolved monkey. One of the results of this widespread belief is the loss of the concept that man is inherently precious, and that only God is able to decide when a person leaves this life. Thus, the road to an inevitable holocaust is assured, beginning with those individuals whom society has deemed devalued, i.e., people who are aged, suffering disease, or handicap. In our seminar we show that this killing of devalued persons has already begun in America in such a way as to parallel developments in Germany from 1920-1945.
However, the teaching of Evolution is now spawning a new phenomenon, which no one could have foreseen. A corollary to the concept that man is just an animal is the belief that animals possess the same rights as humans. Therefore, humans have no right to kill to eat or kill to wear any animals. The entire concept of rights comes from God. As Creator, God decided how human beings were to treat each other. Human rights flowed from these commandments. Once society rejected the knowledge of God, it was only a matter of time before the God-ordained concept of human rights was twisted and turned from its original meaning.
NEWS BRIEF: The Providence Journal-Bulletin, "Group Battles Animal Activists Over Rights Issue", May 14, 1992, page E8.
This article lists the goals of such Animal Rights Activist groups as PETA (People For The Ethical Treatment of Animals). Again, notice how New Age these goals are.
1. Teach everyone, but especially children, that animals have the same rights as people, and that anyone who kills an animal is guilty of murder.
This belief can easily be seen in one statement from the National Director of PETA, Ingrid Newkirk, who stated, "6 million people died in concentration camps, but 6 billion broiler chickens will die this year in slaughterhouses". From my Christian upbringing, I find it ludicrous that anyone would equate the killing of people to the killing of chickens or any other animal. However, this is precisely what these animal rights activists are doing. This concept might be dismissed as way-out, fringe belief were it not for the fact that this concept figures prominently in the New World Order. This leads us to the second goal of the animal rights movement:
2. Outlaw hunting, fishing, and trapping, as well as the wearing of any material made from animal skin. This belief leads directly to vegetarianism, a very common occultic belief. Satan has always implanted this concept within his followers. We see the basic reason in 1 Timothy 4:1-3, "...the Holy Spirit distinctly declares that in latter times, some will turn away from the faith, giving attention to deluding and seducing spirits and doctrines that demons teach...Who forbid people to marry and to abstain from certain kinds of foods..." The doctrine of abstaining from certain kinds of foods, like vegetarianism, is clearly a "doctrine that demons teach". But there is a more foundational reason Satan teaches this doctrine: Satan's rebellion. After the Fall, God killed the first animal to make the first clothes. Later, as God is giving the Law to Israel, God allows the Jews to eat certain animals. Finally we see in Peter's vision that all animals could be eaten. When Satan teaches vegetarianism, he is rebelling in yet one more way against God's commands.
3. Animal rights activists want to abolish circuses.
4. Pets would be disallowed under this program.
5. All biomedical research using animals would be outlawed, even though instances abound of cures which would not have been effected had it not been for the testing of the cure on animals.
Again, all this could be dismissed out of hand as the dumb ideas of a few kooks if it were not part of the coming New World Order. Because the planners of the New World Order are practicing occultists, they share the belief in vegetarianism. When the world is fully initiated into the New World Order, vegetarianism will be the law of the land. No one will be allowed to kill any animal for food, or for any other reason.
The first step toward this goal, which must necessarily be undertaken under the Old World Order, is to persuade people to voluntarily stop eating meat. Have you noticed how many articles have been published since the early 1970's that try to prove how unhealthy meat is for humans? This has been an incessant drumbeat now for over 20 years. Beef has been singled out for particular condemnation, even though no scientific study has ever been published that establishes, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that beef is harmful to your health. Even cholesterol studies have been inconclusive.
In the past several years, reports have been regularly issued which have depicted the inhuman conditions which exist in feedlots of cattle and poultry. Of course, conditions in these facilities are inhuman because animals are not human. I grew up on a dairy farm, and know that we cared very well for our animals, because they represented a huge financial investment. However, conditions are necessarily not human because animals do not require, nor desire, human conditions. This point seems oxymoron, but I feel it must be made to counter the wild-eyed exaggerations of the New Age Animal Activists crowd. I guarantee you that animals which are being grown for slaughter are treated much better and fed much better than if they were growing wild.
We have reached the point in this campaign that now all eating of all animal flesh is considered wrong. And many schools are teaching this concept as part of their curriculum. So again, we are back to how our precious children are being impacted. Parents, you must deprogram your children on a daily basis. Ask them what they have learned or talked about during any particular day. You will be shocked to discover how many times you will find it necessary to deprogram and then reeducate your children.
Remember, our children are the special targets of the New World Order. Children quickly grow up to assume the leadership of every aspect of human society. The stakes are not just high, they are huge.
We are at the point where parents must constantly hold their children up to God in prayer. This is a battle for human souls. As one Evangelical Minister repeatedly states, "America is living in the Post-Christian era".
The New Age of Paganism/Satanism is breaking upon us.
You have been listening to the Cutting Edge, a radio program of Old Paths Ministries.
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