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Friday 6/16/2017

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New DVD Series by Mac Dominick

"GENESIS: The Foundation of Our Faith "

Volume 1, In The Beginning, GOD Created

Regularly $24.99, Only $19.99

If you liked Mac Dominick's Revelation Series you will love his Genesis Teaching, because Mac also teaches a combination of Traditional Bible exegesis plus unique Cutting Edge understandings.


God instantly claims this Earth and the Universe as HIS, uniquely belonging to Him because He created it by His Wisdom and Power. Evolution is forever debunked as a false system of belief, coming from Satan out of the Abyss.

Did you know that the sequence of creation listed in Genesis 1 is precisely the order scientists and mathematicians know that is essential to creating the world? At the conclusion of each of the SIX DAYS OF CREATION, God examined His work for that day, and pronounced it 'good', or 'approved'. But, on the sixth day, when all was created, God pronounced His work 'very good'.

Mac teaches Genesis One in light of essential faith and in End Times' prophecy, surprising even the most hardened skeptic.

2 hours run time, Mac plans 4 DVD's in this series - shipping July 24 http://www.cuttingedge.org/detail.cfm?ID=2775

Critical News Headlines

1. As America reels from the aftershocks of the targeted attack on Republican lawmakers practicing baseball, President Trump created a video message to all lawmakers, and to the American people.

The President urged Americans of all political stripes to calm down and be united.

He also warned that genuine Americans will not be intimidated.

2. Did the avalanche of "Fake News" so radicalize the shooter that he decided to carry out the lawmaker attack?

We have noted many times since the Inauguration that we have never seen such a daily onslaught of Fake News, nor have we ever seen so many people act on such propaganda, believing it to be true.

3. End of the Age Apostasy has reached a new low, the kind of doctrinal depth prophesied by the Apostle Paul, as a sign that the appearance of Antichrist is imminent.

"... that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition..." (2 Thessalonians 2:2-6, KJV)

The Southern Baptist Convention is bowing to the pressures of this sinful world, in recognizing "Gender-Neutrality"!

A familiar code term used by the LGBT-Q force!


A New Way To Save!

"COMBO OFFER REVELATION DVD VOLUMES 1-6 COMPLETE SET: Mac Dominick's Startling Studies on the Book of Revelation"

Regularly $119.94, Combo Offer Only $95.94 -You SAVE $24

Get the Complete set. Buy Volumes 1-6 of Mac Dominick's Revelation Studies and save $24 over buying them individually.
This systematic study combines standard Biblical Interpretation plus a number of distinctive Cutting Edge teachings. You will be blessed and enlightened.

Volume 1 examines 'Jesus' Warning To His 7 Churches', both then and now.

Volume 2 studies 'The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse', a most dynamic and exciting event.

Volume 3 demonstrates 'The Wrath of God', culminating in Him peeling back the covering of Heaven so that wicked mankind can see an Angry, Almighty God sitting on His Throne of Judgment.

Volume 4 reveals 'The Final Trumpet Judgments: Time Is Running Out' -- which stampede the peoples of the world in a panic mode unprecedented in all of human history.

Volume 5 - In Disc 5 of our study, we are drawing very near to the finale of God's wrath. Chapters 15 and 16 describe the 7 vials of God's wrath that will be suffered by those who have received the Mark of the Beast, and we will discuss how Lucifer counters the wrath of God with evil spirits that seem to turn everything around for sinful mankind. However, these evil spirits will only set up Antichrist and his followers for the events that will push him to the point of gathering his armies from all over the world for the final showdown at Armageddon. Dominick makes the case for Antichrist to make his HQ in physical Babylon in Volume 5.

Volume 6 - JESUS CONQUERS ALL!! This video examines Rev 19-22, a most exciting and impactful chapter as Jesus Christ speedily concludes His dealing with wicked, sinful mankind, preparing the world for the purity required for his Millennial (1,000 Year) Reign! Jesus begins this final segment with His holy angels proclaiming ' Alleluia; Salvation, and glory, and honour, and power, unto the Lord our God' and concluding with Jesus proclaiming to John 'Surely I come quickly' During these four chapters, Jesus consummates His 'Marriage Supper of the Lamb', His final judgment - the 'White Throne Judgment' - seizing Satan and binding him and his demons for Jesus' 1,000 year reign, the final battles as Jesus releases Satan for a short while, and the New Heaven / New Earth, and the glorious beginning of Eternity!

Total teaching time is 12 hours. YOU SAVE $24 over buying these DVD's individually http://www.cuttingedge.org/detail.cfm?ID=2774

"A Tale of Two Babylons DVD: Trump's Prophetic

Appointment With Destiny"

by Cutting Edge Director, David Bay -- Only $19.99

The Bible mentions the name 'Babylon' 264 times in the KJV. Today, many Christians are confused about references in prophetic passages which use Babylon in seemingly different ways. When a Christian tries to shoe-horn one definition into all references to Babylon he / she is unnecessarily confused.
In our study of 'A Tale of Two Babylons', we are going to demonstrate that prophetic literature speaks of God's judgment on one physical nation 'Babylon' (Judged in Isaiah 13) and one nation Symbolically called 'Babylon' ( Judged in Revelation 18).

If you understand this difference, you will properly understand End Times prophecy. But, if you do not understand the difference between these 2 Babylons, you will be unnecessarily confused, and will be open to being mislead on one of the most important End Times subjects.

Since the confusion begins with the definition of Babylon, let us begin at there! Bible scholars recognize that God uses the name Babylon in two distinct ways. (Quoting from The Free Dictionary Online).

1) "... the capital of the ancient kingdom Babylonia in Mesopotamia on the Euphrates. Established as capital c. 1750 bc, rebuilt in regal splendor by Nebuchadnezzar II after its destruction (c. 689 bc) by the Assyrians, Babylon was the site of the Hanging Gardens, one of the Seven Wonders of the World 2) A city or place of great luxury, sensuality, and often vice, corruption or a place of captivity or exile.

In this study of 'A Tale of Two Babylons', we are going to demonstrate that End Times' prophecy speaks of God's judgment on one physical nation 'Babylon' and one nation Symbolically called 'Babylon'.

We will also reveal two major contributions to End Times' prophecy which Donald J. Trump is poised to fulfill. In fact, Trump may be the only leader who can fulfill these prophecies in America today. President Trump does not realize it, but he has 'An Appointment With Destiny', a favorite term uttered many times by 33rd Degree Masonic President, Franklin Roosevelt, referring to the New Age / Masonic Messiah, whom the Bible calls Antichrist. 1 hour 40 minutes - Watch the trailer from the link below.

Order yours today - http://www.cuttingedge.org/detail.cfm?ID=2768

Critical News Analysis


1. As America reels from the aftershocks of the targeted attack on Republican lawmakers practicing baseball, President Trump created a video message to all lawmakers, and to the American people.

The President urged Americans of all political stripes to calm down and be united.

He also warned that genuine Americans will not be intimidated.

NEWS BRIEF: "We Will Not Be Intimidated’ — Donald Trump Addresses Congressional Baseball Game", Breitbart News, 16 June 2017

"President Donald Trump sent a video message to members of Congress participating in the annual Congressional Baseball Game after a gunman targeted Republicans at practice on Wednesday."

“ 'As you all know tonight’s game has taken on a much deeper level of meaning, beyond anything that we would have thought', Trump said in the video. 'By playing tonight, you are showing the world that we will not be intimidated by threats, acts of violence, or assaults on our democracy'.”

"He paid special tribute to wounded House Majority Whip Steve Scalise, who was shot by the gunman and remains in the hospital in critical condition ... Trump also made a plea for unity in Washington despite a year fraught with disagreement between the two parties."

At times of great national heartache, the President is seen as a major rallying point for all parties involved; in fact, he is expected to be a force of reconciliation. But, given the false hateful allegations leveled against him, many people were surprised when his words were healing and a balm to our freshly inflicted wounds.

A Scripture favorite among Christians for centuries came to my mind:

"Is there no balm in Gilead; is there no physician there? why then is not the health of the daughter of my people recovered?" (Jeremiah 8:22, KJV; read the entire chapter 8 of Jeremiah, for you will find America's spiritual condition there!)

America, the time when God may send a spiritual healing balm to bind our wounds is slipping by quickly. Turn now, while the time of Grace is here, and repent of our sins, in the blood sacrifice of Jesus Christ, so our once great nation can be restored and saved!

2. Did the avalanche of "Fake News" so radicalize the shooter that he decided to carry out the lawmaker attack?

NEWS BRIEF: "Rush Limbaugh: Fake News 'Radicalized' Scalise Shooter", News Max, June 16, 2017

"Conservative talk radio host Rush Limbaugh accused the liberal mainstream media of radicalizing James Hodgkinson, the man suspected of shooting House Majority Whip Steve Scalise and four others on Wednesday ... 'I have been worried for quite a while about the cumulative effect or impact of this constant anti-Trump hysteria everywhere in mainstream media: New York Times, Washington Post, LA Times, CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, NBC', Limbaugh told listeners."

"It's hysteria. It's lies. It's things that are completely manufactured about Trump personally, about Trump and Russia, about climate change, about any number of things."

I wonder if Rush Limbaugh is a Cutting Edge reader, because we have been covering this sad propaganda campaign since the early part of the 2016 Presidential Campaign. Never before has a major political party engaged in such a planned, systematic campaign of outright lies and innuendo.


And, this systematic campaign has continued unabated since Trump won the election. Do you remember Adolf Hitler? He was a master propagandist; two of his fundamental doctrines come into play here.

"Truth is NOT what is, truth is what people perceive it to be"!

This is the foundation for the "fake news" of New York Times, Washington Post, LA Times, CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, NBC'!

"Tell a lie big enough and repeat it often enough, and people will start believing it".

This second maxim brings us to the baseball practice shooting on Wednesday, does it not? James Hodgkinson's social media posts and his membership in Leftist organizations clearly prove that he had accepted "fake news" for the truth, and then he moved to carry out the key doctrine of "Terminate the Republican Party".

We have noted many times since the Inauguration that we have never seen such a daily onslaught of Fake News, nor have we ever seen so many people act on such propaganda, believing it to be true.


3. End of the Age Apostasy has reached a new low, the kind of doctrinal depth prophesied by the Apostle Paul, as a sign that the appearance of Antichrist is imminent.

"... that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition..." (2 Thessalonians 2:2-6, KJV)

NEWS BRIEF: "Southern Baptists Embrace Gender-Inclusive Language in the Bible", The Atlantic, JUN 11, 2017

"Southern Baptists have long defended literal approaches to the Bible, but their recent translation of the Good Book might have them switching sides. Last fall, the publishing arm of the 15-million member Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) released the Christian Standard Bible (CSB). LifeWay Christian Stores, America’s largest Christian retailer, which is owned by the SBC, sells the translation at hundreds of its locations nationwide and touts it as a work of superior scholarship. But patrons are largely unaware that the denomination-approved translation is gender-inclusive."

King James Only advocates must be greatly scandalized, for they have defended the KJV as the only English translation which delivers all the truth of the Bible all the time. But, here we have the largest single Protestant denomination changing to a new Bible translation!

But, not only has the SBC changed Bible versions again, they have adopted a term used by the Lesbian/Gay/Bisexual/Transgendered/Queer movement, "gender-inclusive!" This shocking change means that the current leaders of the SBC believe that God got it all wrong when He revealed that there was a role man is designed to play and a role which woman is to play.

God was wrong, these leaders are contending by their actions.

The Southern Baptist Convention is bowing to the pressures of this sinful world, in recognizing "Gender-Inclusivity"!

A familiar code term used by the LGBT-Q force!

"The denomination has affirmed that the Bible commands wives to submit to their husbands and that modern notions of transgender identity blur the line between God-ordained masculine and feminine roles. The group has passed numerous resolutions since the late 1990s publicly condemning Bible translations that attempt to utilize gender-inclusive language."

"When several revisions to the popular New International Version (1984) appeared to employ gender-neutral language, for example, Southern Baptists condemned the translation by name and chastised its publishers."

What are some examples of the changes wrought by a "gender-inclusive" Bible/

* "change 'father' to 'parent'

* " 'son' to 'child'

* " 'man' to 'mortal' ”

"These translations added words and phrases not found in ancient manuscripts for the sake of inclusion. A common example is the translation of 'brother' as 'brother or sister'.”

"... such translations as part of a larger cultural push to erase distinctions between genders and diminish masculinity. It believes political correctness is threatening the integrity of its holy scripture."

"The new SBC Bible, Christian Standard Bible (CSB), now translates the term anthropos, a Greek word for “man,” in a gender-neutral form 151 times, rendering it “human,” “people,” and “ones.” The previous edition had done this on occasion; the new revision adds almost 100 more instances. “Men of Israel” becomes “fellow Israelites;” when discussing Jesus’s incarnation the “likeness of men” becomes “likeness of humanity.” The CSB translates the term adelphoi, a Greek word for “brother” in a gender-neutral form 106 times, often adding “sister.” “Brotherly love” is translated “love as brothers and sisters.”

"In the CSB, there are hundreds of verses that fall within the “gender-neutral” category condemned in Southern Baptists’ own resolutions. Together, they provide an illustrative survey of the kinds of quietly progressive changes that have been inserted into this conservative denomination’s Bible translation."

These "progressive changes" have a clearer name, "apostasy", the great falling away from previous doctrines key to Scripture. In the CSB, there are hundreds of verses that fall within the “gender-neutral” category condemned in Southern Baptists’ own resolutions. Together, they provide an illustrative survey of the kinds of quietly progressive changes that have been inserted into this conservative denomination’s Bible translation.


Genuine Christians who are attending a Southern Baptist Convention Church now have choice to make. Are they going to stay within and try vainly to change the current direction, or are they going to leave?

What did Jesus say?

"And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues. For her sins have reached unto heaven, and God hath remembered her iniquities." (Revelation 18:4-5, KJV)

We have always contended, based on Paul's revelations of 2 Thessalonians 2, that Antichrist cannot arise until the great falling away from key doctrines has reached its climax. This reality means that, when christian leaders guide their flocks into doctrinal error, they are literally opening the door to Antichrist.

Can you hear the snorting of the White Horse of Antichrist (Rev 6:1-2), as the "Son of Perdition" anxiously awaits permission to ride on to the world scene?

Will SBC leaders be pleased with the outcome their actions have brought?

Prophecies Slipping Into "CONVERGENCE"!

"The Coming Convergence" DVD - Dynamic Prophetic Message Whose Time Has Come

Regularly $24.99, Now only $19.99

Jesus boldly proclaimed that one of the major prophetic signs that His return was close was CONVERGENCE, "when you see these signs, lift up your heads, for your Redemption draweth nigh" (Luke 21:22) Jesus' second coming was also compared to a woman's labor pains, which converge at the end to give birth to the baby. Likewise, we are to expect a 'convergence' of prophetic labor pains just before Jesus returns.

That 'convergence' is upon us NOW!

Jesus chastised religious leaders in the first century for not knowing the time of His arrival. Will we make the same mistake today? Christ stated how His second coming would be preceded by global events signifying the end of our age. We may not know the day or the hour, but we can know the season!

The Coming Convergence also pulls you deeper into the reality of an approaching apocalypse as you follow the story of a young girl that is living through the end of days. Her words of warning are a wakeup call to the horrors mankind will soon face. The conclusions of The Coming Convergence explain how the scenarios described within Revelation are converging before our very eyes.


This film features Kade Hawkins, Ray Bentley, Douglas Hamp, Tom Hughes, Brent Miller Sr and Jack Hibbs! http://www.cuttingedge.org/detail.cfm?ID=2771

"The Watchman Chronicles"

A Roswell Insider Speaks Out For the 1st Time!

by L.A. Marzulli

After spending the last 10 years co-creating the well-known Watchers DVD Series, L.A. Marzulli is off on another mission. Hes launched a new project called 'The Watchman Chronicles', a continuing look into the supernatural, UFOs, the Nephilim, and the ongoing hunt for ancient artifacts.

On this DVD in the new Watchman Chronicles series you will see and hear from real people who have had real UFO encounters. Some of the encounters are absolutely chilling.

The highlight of the DVD is the interview with a Roswell insider who breaks the silence and spills a few more of the alien beans! Spectacular! Where does L.A. find these people? Then theres live video footage of a UFO that was captured on a cell phone that lasts for over 3 minutes! This unknown object changes shape, color and pretty much puts on a show for the audience! The dark side is real. UFOs are real.

Shipping now - Run Time 1 hr 37 minutes -- Only $19.99 http://www.cuttingedge.org/detail.cfm?ID=2773

 'The Shack' Movie Presents A Spiritual Danger Which Shall Introduce You To Satanism While Taking Your Breath Away

The official trailer contains colors and filters which create a look and feel of the 'Wizard of Oz', which introduced hundreds of millions to the Black Magick world of the House of Theosophy, and created a most important "Mind Trigger" for the Master MK Mind Controller.

Another fact is even more sinister: 'The Shack" was created with Monarch MK Mind Control!

MK Ultra Mind Control Manuals

by Former Satanist, Cisco Wheeler



New Spiritual Discernment DVD's

"The Need For Discernment In These Last Days"

Believers are told in the last days that false prophets and false teachers will increase and that deception will be pervasive in the world and in the church.

What are the new spirituality movements and methods that are consistently springing up and entering the church?

Spiritual Discernment is the need of the hour for our survival and keeping the faith of biblical Christianity.

In this DVD, we use some of the worst examples to demonstrate the dumbing down of the church in discernment, which has resulted in the church becoming deceived. We will learn where and from whom this originated in modern times.

For Example:

* Revelations that contradict the Bible
* Dominionist goals of the New Apostles and Prophets,
* People claiming to go to heaven
* Prophetic interpretation of tattoos and piercing's
* New Age healing
* Drunken stupors, and becoming frozen and silent.

What is passing for revelation and Bible teaching is astounding. We need to understand what is taking place and stand firmly in our faith. How do we identify and refute these deceptions? How can we protect ourselves and others? The Bible tells us to grow in discernment, so we can mature and help others who are easily deceived. Being grounded in the core doctrines of the faith and building on them makes one immune to the many deceptions that surround us today. This two-part lecture series will show us why we need discernment and help us learn how to become a discerning Christian.

2 DVD Set | Approx. 2 hours - http://www.cuttingedge.org/detail.cfm?ID=2759

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New Headline News Article

'The Shack' Movie Presents A Spiritual Danger Which Shall Introduce You To Satanism While Taking Your Breath Away

The official trailer contains colors and filters which creates a look and feel of the 'Wizard of Oz', which introduced hundreds of millions to the Black Magick world of the House of Theosophy, and created a most important "Mind Trigger" for the Master MK Mind Controller.

The time has arrived for all genuine Christians to jump off that Broad Road leading to Hell and jump on that Narrow Road leading to Heaven! But, at this most deceitful era, how can you correctly discern the genuine Narrow Road?



May Jesus Richly Bless You,

David Bay, Director

Cutting Edge Ministries

803-356-2850 -- Customer Service or Orders Toll Free within the USA 800-451-8211

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