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Monday, February 11, 2013


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"PSALM 83: The Missing Prophecy Revealed"

"How Israel Becomes the Next Mideast Superpower"

Regularly $24.99, Now Only $19.99

New 3-In-1 DVD

Great Value! 3-DVD's-In-One. This powerful 3 DVD series contains three of the most revealing teachings, complete with instructional images and maps, from Bible prophecy expert, Bill Salus. These 3 DVD's are all included in one package.

The titles are quite interesting: DVD 1 - 'Psalm 83 or Ezekiel 38, Which is the Next Middle East News Headline?'; DVD 2 - 'The Future for America in Bible Prophecy'; DVD 3 - 'The Roots of the Mideast Conflict'.

Psalm 83 identifies an Arab confederacy that wants to wipe Israel off the map. Many Bible experts are predicting that Russia, Iran, Turkey, and several other countries are about to invade Israel according to the prophecy in Ezekiel 38, but Bill Salus demonstrates multiple reasons why the Psalm 83 conflagration should occur first.

This ancient prophecy, written over 3000 years ago, reveals that the Arab states and terrorist populations, which presently share common borders with Israel, will soon join forces to try to annihilate Israel. These enemies of Israel are depicted on the red arrows upon the book cover image, and their mandate is clear:

They have said, "Come, and let us cut them off from being a nation, That the name of Israel may be remembered no more." (Psalm 83:4).

Salus tackles the tough questions such as: Is America in the Bible? Why was the United States such a blessed superpower? Has America abandoned its Judeo-Christian heritage? Is America being judged? What is America's future?

The present hostilities experienced in the Middle East between the Arabs and Jews can be traced to a disposition of hatred, originating almost four thousand years ago. In this teaching video, Bill Salus explains how the ancient family feuds between the Middle East patriarchs and matriarchs are the underlying roots of today's Arab-Israeli conflict.

This DVD will help you make sense of today's news events occurring daily in the entire Middle East. Your belief in Almighty God will be greatly strengthened. Believers will be given an enormous spiritual lift from these prophetic revelations.

Over 4 hours on the 3 DVD's -


Also Available As A 360 page book -

Hot News

I. Pope Benedict XVI has announced his resignation effective February 28, 2013.

Benedict is Pope #111 in St. Malachy's vision. Pope #112 will be the False Prophet of Revelation 13! He will be the prophesied final "Anti-Pope" in Catholic terminology.

NEWS BRIEF: "Pope Benedict XVI to resign this month", CBS News, February 11, 2013

"Vatican officials said Monday that Pope Benedict XVI had announced to his senior clergy that he would resign his position as the head of the Roman Catholic Church on February 28 ... Benedict has dealt with health issues for some time, and the 85-year-old announced his decision in Latin during a meeting of Vatican cardinals Monday morning ... The move took almost all Vatican observers, and millions of Catholics around the world, by surprise."

Please take a close look at this picture of Pope Benedict XVI. Please notice the Crucifix that Pope Benedict is holding up to the people is not a Traditional Crucifix. Rather, this Crucifix is known as a "Bent Cross". But, what does that mean? For the answer to that question, let us turn to a Roman Catholic author, Piers Compton, writing in his book, "The Broken Cross: Hidden Hand In the Vatican", Channel Islands, Neville Spearman, 1981.

This Bent Crucifix is "... a sinister symbol, used by Satanists in the sixth century, that had been revived at the time of Vatican Two. This was a bent or broken cross, on which was displayed a repulsive and distorted figure of Christ, which the black magicians and sorcerers of the Middle Ages had made use of to represent the Biblical term 'Mark of the Beast'. Yet, not only Paul VI, but his successors, the two John-Pauls, carried that object and held it up to be revered by crowds, who had not the slightest idea that it stood for anti-Christ."

This Bent Crucifix was created by Satanists to depict Antichrist and his Mark of the Beast! This "Twisted Cross" was originated by Satanists - sorcerers - magicians in the Middle Ages, adopted by the Masters of the Illuminati some time after 1776, and displayed for the first time at the Vatican by Pope Paul VI in 1963; the symbolism was very clear: the Illuminati had taken control of the Vatican, and Black Magick Witchcraft was now the official religion of the Vatican! From this moment, the "Vatican" was truly living up to the original meaning of its name: to "Divine the Future", to Prophesy.

Pope Benedict XVI carried this cross on his very first official ceremony as the new Pope, replacing John Paul II. Thus, from the beginning of his Pontificate, Benedict signaled to all who know Black Magick Witchcraft that he was continuing the Illuminati control over the Vatican.

Now, let us return to our featured article:

"The 265th Pontiff, Benedict will be the first leader of the Church to step down voluntarily in almost six centuries ... Benedict's decision sets the stage for a conclave to elect a new pope before the end of March."

Benedict's resignation is a critically important decision, because it sets the stage for the last Pope according to the vision given St. Malachy, and this last pope will be the "Anti-Pope", or the False Prophet of Revelation 13:10-18. What is the vision of St. Malachy? Doc Marquis presents this vision remarkably well in his DVD shown above, "The Illuminati's Plan For 2012 And Beyond".

And, Tom Horn devotes his entire book, "Petrus Romanus" to this St. Malachy vision.

In 1595, St. Malachy wrote of a vision where he was shown that 111 Popes would arise and serve before the final Pope, 'Peter The Roman', or 'Petrus Romanus', Pope 112.

Doc reports that the description Malachy presents for each 111 Popes is eerily accurate; the characteristics of Petrus Romanus -- literally meaning "The Roman Pope" -- label him the False Prophet (Rev 13:11-18), the Pope who will be in office when Antichrist destroys the Papacy and the Vatican by fire (Rev 17:16)

The current Pope, Benedict XVI, is Pope 111. The world has always trembled as this very elderly Pope faltered in the performance of his office.

The Pope Is A 'Proper Receptor' To Antichrist

On August 18, 1991, a member of the Black Magick Secret Society, the House of Theosophy, who had been Born Again only weeks before, sneaked me into a seminar for meeting for "Member's Only" and one guest, to discuss a unique presentation by the New England Director, Bill Lambert. This meeting was entitled, "Possible and Probable Events In The Future". The Director wanted to inform his members of some decisions just made by the Global Elite. (Read full details in NEWS1052)

One of these recent decisions was that the top religious leader of the global New World Order Religion would be the Roman Catholic Pope, whomever he was at the time. This revelation makes the Pope the Office of the False Prophet! Listen:

"At the proper moment in history, the Pope will visit the combined Jewish/Christian/Moslem sector of Jerusalem to announce that all religions should be combined into one. This action will then finally break the Middle East logjam."

This announcement that all world's religions are now the same under the leadership of the Pope will establish the prophesied One World Religion with the Pope as the undisputed leader. The Director, Bill Lambert, boldly stated that the Catholic Pontiff was planned to be the top religious leader of the New World Order Religion, a designation which makes him the False Prophet.

Bill then admitted that the nature of this Pope/False Prophet will be identical to that of the New Age Christ (Antichrist).

"At this point, I raised my hand to ask Mr. Lambert, 'You spoke earlier about the Pope going to Jerusalem; when Lord Maitreya makes his appearance, there will be three types of people:

1. Those whose consciousness has been properly raised so they can readily accept him;

2. Those whose consciousness has been raised somewhat but not so high that they can readily

and immediately accept him, but they might be able to accept him after further enlightenment;

3. Those who will never accept him.'

I said, 'Back to the Pope for a moment, Bill. You stated that, at the right moment, the Pope would go to Jerusalem. Surely the Pope is a proper receptor to the Christ'.

At this point, Bill nodded his head affirmatively that the Pope was a proper receptor to the Christ. This is the most direct acknowledgement by a influential person involved in the planning for the appearance of Anti-Christ that the Pope is ready and waiting for the appearance of The Christ. This acknowledgement also points to the Roman Catholic Pope as the False Prophet, because Bill stated, very pointedly, that the preparation for the New World Order religion was being paved by the Ecumenical Movement, which is being spear-headed by the Pope."

In conclusion, let us examine a key prophetic Scripture which shows how precisely God's prophecy applies to the Roman Catholic Pontiff!

"Then I saw another beast rising up out of the land itself; he had two horns like a lamb, and he spoke (roared) like a dragon." (Revelation 13:12; Parallel Bible, KJV/Amplified Bible Commentary)

The prediction that this second Beast will have "two horns like a lamb", means that he will present himself to the people as a Christian leader, and will be accepted as such by the masses. However, the very next verse segment reveals that he will be identical to Antichrist.

"... he spoke (roared) like a dragon."

Therefore, it is highly significant for the New England Director of the House of Theosophy to admit that the Pope in office at the time Antichrist arises will be a 'proper receptor to the Christ' ! Indeed, he will be, because that is the nature of Roman Catholicism and the clear declaration of Revelation 13:12.

I also find it very interesting to note that Pope Benedict XVI will abdicate his throne in a year ending in "13". Not only is this the Luciferian number for "extreme rebellion" against God, but it is also the number of the chapter in Revelation which predicts the rising of both Antichrist (First Beast) and the False Prophet (Second Beast).

This announcement that Benedict is resigning February 28, 2013, tells me that the timetable for the beginning of the World War III that will stage Antichrist is on track and drawing very near. How can we Christians know how close Antichrist might be? Daniel 7:7-8 tells us; read full details in NEWS2363, entitled, "There Is Only ONE Sequential Prophecy Which Shall Provide Us A Clear Gauge By Which We Can Know The Approximate Time That Antichrist Will Arise!"

I find one other aspect of Benedict's resignation that is noteworthy. Benedict XVI chose to resign effective 2/28/2013. When an occultist adds the numbers of this date together, he gets an "18", a sacred number to the occult because it is a hidden '666' (6+6+6=18). As you know, the Illuminati believes that a good plan might fail if it is not "carried out according to sacred numbers" (Read full details in NEWS1756).

Thus, the date on which Pope Benedict XVI is leaving office adds to a '666', a number which both the Bible and the Satanist assign to the coming Antichrist. The time evidently has come in the prophetic plan and in the scheming of the Illuminati, to put the future False Prophet in office so he can get firmly in place before Antichrist arises.

Pope Benedict XVI's resignation is a huge sign post on the road leading to Antichrist.


II. At long last, Conservatives in America are starting to wake up and understand at least some of the tactics being used to convince Americans that guns need to be seized!

NEWS BRIEF: "Gun control push causing mass awakening among conservatives about psychiatric drugs", Natural News, February 8, 2013

"Other media outlets, including the so-called conservative press - which has been reluctant to do so until recently - are reporting that many of the mass murders committed over the past 10-15 years have involved shooters who were taking, or had been taking, some sort of prescription psychotropic. Conservative commentator Alan Caruba, in a recent blog post, noted the connection in an essay entitled, "Making Little Murderers by Prescription," in which he observed that one positive thing that could come out of the Newtown, Conn., massacre is, finally, 'a national discussion of the role of various psychological medications that have been foisted on a generation or two of young Americans in the nation's schools'."

"Caruba mentioned a specific class of drugs as being particularly dangerous and, perhaps, ultimately responsible: SSRIs, or Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors, which are psychotropic medications that work to alter chemical levels in the brain which impact behavior and mood."

"Where you won't hear this connection made is at the White House, the New York gubernatorial statehouse, in the city council chambers of Chicago and New York City, and scores of other places where statist gun controllers are completely ignoring the connection. Rather, they are blaming the guns, gun makers and you, the honest gun-owning American."

Cutting Edge reported this mind-altering drug connection in 1998. Please take a few moments to read NEWS1278, entitled, "LORD SATAN CAN CONTROL THE MINDS OF PEOPLE -- LIKE THE SCHOOL SHOOTERS OVER THE PAST TWO YEARS".

Even World Net Daily is making the connection between psychiatrict treatment using mind controlling drugs and the public shootings.

"Caruba's not the only one establishing the link between SSRIs and mass murder. Conservative columnist Harvard Ph.D Jerome R. Corsi wrote recently that dangerous psychotropics have had a role in about '90 percent of school shootings over more than a decade'. He cited British psychiatrist Dr. David Healy, 'a founder of, an independent website for researching and reporting on prescription drugs'. Corsi, who is a senior staff reporter for, said one of Healy's websites,, contains more than 4,800 reports of violence where antidepressants are mentioned. (Note: The most common SSRIs include Zoloft, Celexa, Prozac, Lexapro and Luvox. (Dis)honorable mentions include Cymbalta, Remeron, Effexor, Anafranil and Prestiq.)"

We are extremely pleased that Conservative journalists are beginning to sound the alarm that public school shooters are victims of psychiatric treatment using mind-altering drugs. But, we wonder how long it will be before average American citizens understand this truth and then make the proper connection to understand that the Federal Government is the culprit behind these types of psychiatric treatments!

Then, perhaps, resistance to this coming New World Order might become meaningful because, finally, it has become widespread.

Remember the conclusion of New Age author, Bill Cooper, writing in 1992.

"I have found that these events have, indeed, happened all over the country. In every instance that I have investigated -- the incident at the women's school in Canada, the shopping center incident in Canada, the Stockton, California, massacre, and the murder of Rabbi Meir Kahane -- the shooters were all ex-mental patients or were current mental patients who were ALL ON THE DRUG PROZAC! This drug, when taken in certain doses, increases the serotonin level in the patient, causing extreme violence. Couple that with a post-hypnotic suggestion or control through an electronic brain implant, or microwave or E.L.F. intrusion, and you get mass murder, ending in every case with the suicide of the perpetrator." ["Beyond A Pale Horse", p. 225; Emphasis was in the original]

Three Powerful Headline News Articles For Our Faithful Supporters

Your faithful support enables us to keep Cutting Edge free for everyone else. Our readers have always loved the indepth correct news analysis found in our "Headline News Analysis".


"America Is Leading Western Powers In A Full-Scale Invasion of Africa!"

Now that the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan are winding down, the West is in full invasion mode destabilizing a major part of the "Non-Functioning Gap" region of the world. The "Pentagon's New Map Strategy" is being brilliantly followed. Have you noticed? Mass Media is either clueless as to what is occurring or they are part of a worldwide coverup.




"In Just 50 Years, America Has Turned "PINK"!

In February, 1963, the Supreme Court "kicked God out of public schools"; in January, 2013, President Obama allowed a large Lesbian/Gay marching band to participate in his Second Inauguration. The President also spoke so glowingly about homosexuality, he legitimized the lifestyle!

America has come full circle, from God's blessing to God's curse. America is the new Sodom, and we are living "in the days of Lot" (Luke 17:27-29)

Are you spiritually ready to live like "righteous Lot" (2 Peter 2:6-9), being daily tortured by all the filthy acts occurring in our nation, and yet able to live righteously for Jesus? Unless the Rapture of the Church occurs first, we Christians are going to have to stand our ground, protecting our loved ones while we aggressively evangelize those lost around us.

Most Important Article We Have Ever Written


"World War III Will Be History's Greatest Lynchpin!"

Many major events are planned to occur just as World War III begins. Mankind will be systematically hit with unparalleled disasters of every kind as this planned global war unfolds. But, none of these events will occur until the lynchpin called "World War III" is pulled.

The Illuminati has prepared many different scenarios which will not be triggered until World War III breaks out. All these events are sitting like a race car at the starting line, engines idling, just waiting for the global war to break out so they can all be triggered at once. Doc Marquis said that these events will occur at a rapid rate, one after another after another. Doc said people's hearts will literally fail them for fear, as they can scarcely comprehend one disaster when they will hear of another and then another and then another. People will be overwhelmed by the succession of so many horrific disasters after another.

But, Doc warned, "none of the planned events will occur before the others". And, the trigger for all these events is World War III, literally a lynchpin holding all planned events in place. Once this gigantic lynchpin is pulled, all these planned disasters will quickly follow. People worldwide will be so upset and so confused by so many disasters happening at once, they will literally leap at any proposal from their leaders that will "solve the problem".

At that point, the New World Order can be established as soon as World War III has run its course and the Masonic Christ appears on the world scene. We are not to panic whenever someone speaks out about one of these disasters, saying that it will occur NOW. We know the Plan for the New World Order and we know the sequential prophecy in Daniel 7:7-8 so we know these events are a number of years away.

You need not panic.

"And you will know the Truth, and the Truth will set you free." (John 8:32) Jesus' Promise


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A. Seminar 1, "America's Leadership of the New World Order" and Seminar 2, "America Determines The Flow of History" in MP3 format on CD. MP3 Audio format for play on your computer as well as CD and DVD players that will play MP3 format. Upload them to your IPOD too. Once you understand the evidence and truth we share with you, you will never look at the news the same way again. You will understand how America has become the nation she is, and you will be able to see the direction in which we are heading.

Nearly 10 hours of audio seminar material plus printable passout notes for the seminars are included on the disc.

Seminar 1- "America's Leadership of the New World Order", shows why this formerly Christian country could become the leader of the Satanic New World Order effort. America today is compared to the Israel in the years prior to God bringing in Nebuchadnezzar to physically destroy Israel in Judgment. Comparisons between Israel then and America today are staggering!

Seminar 2- "America Determines The Flow of History", looks carefully at our national history and discovers that our Founding Fathers had a hidden agenda which set this country on the path of leadership of the Kingdom of Antichrist. Also covered is the demonic Plan for three (3) World Wars, the fact that the Illuminati created Communism between 1846-1848, and the greatest deliberately staged "Dialectic Struggle" of all time -- the Cold War

B. MP-3 -- "Secret Societies Killed Jesus Christ" - MP3 Audio on CD

Your understanding of the Gospel account will change forever once you understand the truth of the Jewish leaders who conspired to put Jesus on the cross. This incredible series reveals that the Pharisees and Sadducees who hated Jesus with an unnatural hatred and provoked the Lord into uncharacteristic animosity toward them, were secretly Satanists practicing what later became known as the Cabala (Kabbala, Qabbala).
Now you will know why the Pharisees killed Jesus even though they knew with 100% certainty that He was the Promised Messiah.

Now you will know why these Jewish leaders looked at Jesus' miracles and concluded that He was drawing His power from Beelzebub, one of Satan's chief demons. MP3 audio CDs will play on your computer and can be transferred to your IPod or MP3 player. Many new cars also have CD players that will play MP3 CDs.

C. DVD - "Are We Living In The Last Days?" New DVD Compilation by Pastor Crone .

"Are we living in the last days?" Is the rapture of the Church imminent upon the horizon? And will this generation see the actual return of Jesus Christ? Pastor Crone compiles snippets of each one of his 14 DVD's thus far on the Book of Revelation to demonstrate how close we are to the very End of the Age.

Join us in this eye-popping provocative video study revealing how we really are living in the last days. Here you will be confronted with undeniable evidence in the form of actual interviews, reports, and news broadcasts from around the world unveiling the shocking truth that the end times are at hand.

These signs include, the Mark of the Beast, Worldwide Upheaval, a One World Government, Economy, Religion, and New World Order, the rebuilding of the last days Jewish Temple, Apostasy in the Church, Moral Decay in our Culture, the Rise of the Antichrist, and much much more!

Are we living in the last days? People, check out the proof for yourself! You won?t believe your eyes!

D. DVD - "Masons: Friend or Foe To The Born Again Christian?"

Many of our leaders have sworn allegiance to a Masonic Order of one type of another. Our current election features two brothers in a Masonically- based secret society called "Skull & Bones".

What are these leaders pledging their allegiance to and how deeply entrenched are their goals to America today? Since Freemasonry has attempted so strenuously to claim that they are just a good old boy fraternity that does good works and has a good time, most Americans would be shocked to learn the bitter truth behind that facade.

2 hours, 40 minutes of instruction


E. DVD - "Educate or Enslave?"

Three United Nations Programs: Outcome Based Education, Goals 2000, School-to-Work

These cradle-to-grave "improvement" plans are designed to reshape our national values and belief systems through our children. This video covers the origin of all these programs, showing how they are designed to completely change the values systems and worldview of our precious children.

Throughout the Clinton and Bush and Obama Administrations, these UN programs steadily made inroads into our educational curricula, reshaping the minds of our precious children into "Global Citizens". - 2 hours, 20 minutes


F. DVD -Barbed Wire On America: God's Final Warning - by Dave Wegener

In great film clips, Wegener details the coming plan to institute global dictatorship.

What do: Detention centers, Depopulation, Demilitarization, Foreign Troops on U.S. soil, Mother Gaia worship, Martial Law, and the Anti-terrorism bill have in common? They are all in our immediate future, unless enough Americans wake up to what is planned for us. Great film footage, a must see for all Americans.

Over 2 full hours


In closing we want to give a special thanks to all of you who have supported Cutting edge since 1996 and made it possible to now reach over 250,000 people each month, many who read our salvation message and now have a changed life in Jesus Christ. In fact, Cutting Edge is now printed in nine (9) languages and is thrilled to see 150,000 people per year read our Salvation Plan.

Many Christians who do not have a local church who preaches the full counsel of God can find the truth through our articles, books and DVDs that we offer.

During these financially challenging times, we desperately need your help and maintaining a subscription is one of the most important avenues we offer. Literally, we cannot survive without our subscription program. Our Headline News Articles reflect the study of 27 years and are the most insightful of any on the Internet. People have regularly told us over the years that "once they understand the Cutting Edge Worldview, they can never read the news the same way again"!


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The Watchers 5-DVD Box Set contains all 5 of L.A. Marzulli's best-selling series on the strange and the supernatural, The Watchers.

These are the titles in this 5-pc set: 1) 'UFO's Are Not Going Away'; 2) 'Signs In The Heavens and the Earth'; 3) 'Unseen Supernatural Forces'; 4) 'On The Edge'; 5) 'Let Me In'

"The Final Prophecies" DVD

If you have any doubt that mankind is living in the last days, this film will remove those doubts.

Regularly $24.99, Only $19.99

In addition to overwhelming archaeological evidence presented in the film, proving the ancient events off the scriptures have come to pass with shocking accuracy, The Final Prophecies explores the future events that are foretold to result in the death of billions around the world! You will see that unprecedented events unfolding today that are laying the ground-work to fulfill these near future prophecies

For generations, prophecy experts have claimed that the ancient scriptures foretell of an age in which the world will unite in a global financial system with a single currency. Despite the unbelief of millions, such a worldwide system of commerce is surging forward and the currency will be cashless

This DVD will surprise you and may even shock you, but you will discover that you have an excellent tool to witness to an unsaved loved one, coworker, and friends!

Watch Amazing Trailer