News Alert & Bookstore Bulletin

Monday, October 24, 2011

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Key Events

I. As President Obama announced his intentions to fulfill President Bush's original timetable for ending the war in Iraq, the length of the war contains a very significant "occult signature"!

In fact, this "occult signature" also contains a "911"!

News Brief: "Obama Announces Complete Withdrawal of U.S. Forces From Iraq by End of 2011", Fox News, October 21, 2011

"U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton says the U.S. commitment to the democratic future of Iraq remains strong despite the withdrawal of American troops by the end of the year ... This will end the war ... (Hillary) Clinton said Saturday."

The President made it very clear that all American troops would be out of Iraq by December 31, 2011.

" 'As promised, the rest of our troops in Iraq will come home by the end of the year', Obama said. 'After nearly nine years, America's war in Iraq will be over'."

The remarks by both U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and President Obama amount to the old adage that, when you are getting ready to flee the battlefield, simply call a news conference and announce "V-I-C-T-O-R-Y"!

Despite the fact that only one of the original goals announced before the invasion has been accomplished, America is leaving the battlefield. The Iraqi insurgency is still not defeated, and when the dreaded civil war between Sunni and Shi'ite sects explodes, the American people will begin to understand that we have not left Iraq with the ability to defend itself.

In fact, when President Bush announced his tactic called a "surge" on January 10, 2007, the clerical head of the Shi'ite Mahdi Army announced a unilateral ceasefire, a ceasefire which is still in effect today. At the time, we noted that Bush's "surge" would likely be viewed as a victory, because the major militant army had just announced that they were going to withdraw from the battlefield.

Sure enough, over the next three years, we heard countless reports as to how well the Coalition Forces were doing in prosecuting this war. The Mahdi Army is simply waiting for the last American soldier to leave before they turn their weapons on their historic enemy, the Sunni. A significant prophecy is going to be fulfilled when this civil war explodes, a most interesting reality which I will explore in a new Headline News article later this week.

Now, back to this "occult signature" underlying the entire war effort.

During the nearly nine years of this conflict, I truly believed, in my inner heart, that the war's length would contain a significant "occult signature", and indeed, it does. President Obama's announcement means that we can now view this needless, destructive war from the very beginning to the very end. Now that we know the ending date -- December 31, 2011 -- we can type it in the Calendar Calculator with the Iraq invasion date of March 20, 2003.

The are numerous examples of an "occult signature" in the length of this war:

1) The exact length of this war was "8 years, 9 months, and 11 days". This length contains a "911".

Do you remember the lying rationale by which President Bush, Defense Secretary Rumsfeld and Secretary of State Colin Powell convinced the American people that we had to invade Iraq? These lies revolved around the attacks of 9/11!

* Saddam Hussein was charged as being complicit with Osama bin Laden in the 9/11 attacks.

* Saddam Hussein was said to possess military nuclear weapons which threatened the entire Middle East.

* Saddam Hussein was said to be so close to Osama bin Laden that he might give him some nuclear devices which he could use against American cities.

Many commissions later debunked all these charges, including the President's own commission. But, the fact is that President Bush originally justified the Iraq invasion by these charges which revolved around "9/11".

2) The exact number of days of this Iraq War is 3,208. When you add these numbers together as any occultist would do, you get a "13", a major occult sacred number, denoting "extreme rebellion against God's constituted authority.

3) The deadline date of December 31, is important, because any practicing occultist would simply "reverse" the numbers, getting a "13".

4) The year of '2011' contains an '11'.

This "occult signature" of the war's length defines this war as one of the planned conflicts by which the Global Elite is overthrowing this existing "old world order" so the New World Order can be erected in its place.

II. The Libyan invasion is also shown to be based upon a lie, with numerous events eerily similar to the Iraq War.

Can anyone say "SCRIPT"?

NEWS BRIEF: "NATO Murders Libya for a Lie", Lew Rockwell News, October 20, 2011

"The savage torture and murder of former Libyan leader Gaddafi was on full display today to a bloodthirsty world. His capture was a curiously familiar tale: he was 'caught like a rat' in a hole. Just like Saddam. One wonders which NGO was subcontracted to write these scripts."

Cutting Edge has long taught that God meant what He said in Revelation 17:17:

"And the ten horns that you saw ... God has put it into their hearts to carry out His own purpose by acting in harmony in surrendering their royal power and authority to the beast, until the prophetic words (intentions and promises) of God shall be fulfilled."

No group of proud, arrogant leaders can 'act in harmony" unless they are acting according to a Plan upon which they or their predecessors have previously agreed! Therefore, we agree with New Age leaders that all major -- and even many minor -- events are pre-planned, "scripted" as New World Order author Peter Lemesurier penned nearly 30 years ago. Listen:

"Their script is now written, subject only to last-minute editing and stage-directions. The stage itself ... is almost ready ... Most of the main actors, one suspects, have already taken up their roles. Soon, it will be time for them to come on stage, ready for the curtain to rise. The time for action will have come." [Peter Lemesurier, "The Armageddon Script", p. 252]

Let us now return to our featured news story to see how the lie which persuaded people to carry out war against Libya is the same lie used against Iraq.

"French filmmaker Julien Teil's incredible film, 'The Humanitarian War in Libya: There is no Evidence', lays out very clearly the truth behind the mountain of lies manipulated by NATO to justify its attack on Libya."

Time and time again during the immediate run-up to the Iraq invasion, we posted News Alert after Newsletter crying out that President Bush had not proved his contention that Saddam Hussein possessed WMD or that he was in league with bin Laden. It is amazing that the people of the world have allowed our current leaders to carry out this thinly-disguised attack, because the lies were so similar to that of Iraq.

"The United Nations did not investigate Bouchuiguir's claims before they were used by the UN Security Council to bolster their efforts to pass UN Security Council Resolution 1973, opening the door to NATO bombs! In the film, Bouchuiguir is pressed to advise journalists who go to Libya how they can document his claims about the Gaddafi regime. I hate to be a film spoiler, but in the climax of the film we can see Bouchuiguir asked again and again for evidence to back up his claims. Finally, without a bit of shame, he flatly states, 'there is no evidence'."

Do you remember the arrogance by President Bush when he was pressed to explain why Coalition Forces had not discovered WMD in Iraq? Bush incredibly walked around his Oval Office, looking under furniture and behind doors trying to find "weapons of mass destruction". This Skull and Bones President not only did not care if he was caught in a huge lie, he rubbed his critic's nose in it!

Turning once more to this featured news article.

"Libya was bombed by NATO based on a dirty lie. Just like Iraq. Now the sights are all set on Syria. Does anyone care?"

This last sentence seals our contention of earlier this year that the "Arab Spring" protest movement was being used simply to weaken and overthrow solidly entrenched dictators of countries in the Club of Rome Plan noted as:

* Supernation # 7 -- Northern Africa and the Middle East

* Supernation #8 -- Central and Southern Africa

Please take a moment to read NEWS2436, entitled, "Flames of War Now Engulfing The African Nations Comprising Supernations #7 and #8".


III. The sex abuse of innocents by Catholic priests is not over by any means, despite strenuous protestations to the contrary by top-level Church officials.

NEWS BRIEF: "Letter: Sex abuse not over in Catholic Church", New, October 20, 2011

"I suppose the Reader Forum author of “Church has changed” is sincere in her efforts to convince herself that there is no longer any pedophilia among Catholic clergy and that there hasn’t been any in many years. I remind her that Bishop Robert Finn was indicted last week on charges that he failed to report to law enforcement his knowledge of child pornography on the computer of one of his priests, Shawn Ratigan, in Kansas City, Mo. This incident occurred in 2011. In addition, most of the clergy sexual abuse occurring right now will not be known for another 20 to 30 years because children can’t talk about it for decades. "

The Roman Catholic Church is a resurrection of the old Babylonian system of worship, including the sexual deviancy of the Babylonian priests who were forced into a lifetime of sexual celibacy. Catholic priests are sexually deviant because that is the system of religion into which they have committed their lives. Unless a Pope disbands Roman Catholicism, sexual deviancy will always be a huge problem for the innocent victims and their families.

Doubt it not.

NEWS BRIEF: "The Catholic Church And Child Abuse: Deja Vu All Over Again", Huffington Post News, 10/19/2011

"Catholic Bishop Robert W. Finn of Kansas City has just been indicted for failure to report suspected child abuse. The offender, one of his priests, apparently was a photographer of some considerable energy. According to the indictment, as reported by the New York Times, the bishop for some six months failed to report evidence found on the priest's laptop, and thus he is charged with ignoring "previous knowledge regarding Father Rattigan and children; the discovery of hundreds of photographs of children on Father Rattigan's laptop, including a child's naked vagina, upskirt images and images focused on the crotch; and violations of restrictions placed on Father Rattigan."

This last statement means that the Bishop knew that Father Rattigan was sexually deviant, and indeed, he did. This understanding makes this next revelation even more heinous, if that is possible.

"... during the six months, the priest went to children's parties, hosted an Easter egg hunt and presided -- with the bishop's permission -- at the first communion of a young girl."

But, we should not be too surprised, because Bill Schnoebelen reveals in his "Catholicism: Church On Haunted Hill", that Bishops have historically covered up the sins of their priests and Cardinals regularly cover up the sins of their Bishops. This horrible reality goes back 1,200 years!

And, it is still occurring!

New Bookstore Items


"Lucifer's Conspiracy and Spiritual Warfare"

New DVD by Pastor Hoggard

Spiritual Nature of Conspiracies are working feverishly in the world today, driving all mankind into the New World Order (Isaiah 14:12-14). Hoggard reveals how evil spirits are leading wicked men to create events which will establish Antichrist on the world scene in such a way as to create the Kingdom of Antichrist.
Do all conspiracy theories have an unseen connection? —Can seemingly random events lead to ONE future outcome? Pastor Hoggard reveals how the spirit realm is pushing people, governments, institutions and churches into establishing the New World Order to usher in the reign of Anti-Christ!

These poor world leaders are forced to create a plan which fulfills God's Prophecies precisely, even though they hate him exceedingly .

Hoggard further demonstrates the sacred occult numbers by which the Satanic New World Order is being established, in current news events -- 11, 22, 33, 77, 99. INCREDIBLE!

This DVD is most definitely Pastor Hoggard's best, and one of his longest, 1 hour, 48 minutes. Still only $14.99


Click Here To See All 47 DVD's By Pastor Hoggard

"IndoctriNation DVD"

"Public Schools Contributing To The Decline of Christianity in America"

Over the past 100 years, public school curricula has systematically been changed to the point where, today, Christianity is completely banished in most public schools in America.
This DVD explores the origins of the American education system, the effects of public schools on the Christian family, and the turning of the hearts of parents to their children through home education.

You should be shocked at the revelations of this video. One expert witness says that parents do not realize the extent to which public school curricula is stealing their children's minds because the child's body is left with the parents!

Incredible facts will persuade you to take your children out of public schools no matter what the cost. We all have to answer Jesus on Rewards Day as to how we have protected the precious souls of our children.

Available October 19

"Defiant Grace"

"Jesus Defiantly Proclaimed Salvation By Grace; We Need to Defiantly Live Our Lives By His Defiant Grace"

The Bible tells us that 'Salvation Belongs To The Lord - Ps 3:8. Yet, Christians believe that, after we are saved, we have to work to keep our salvation. The difference between 'religion' and the gospel of grace is that religion ADDS burdens by announcing that Jesus plus something equals everything while the gospel of grace ABSORBS burdens by announcing that Jesus plus nothing equals everything.

Law feels safe. Grace feels risky. We often speak about grace with a thousand qualifications which reveal a paralyzing fear that grace will be taken too far.

It is time to enjoy grace anew, Paul promised, 'Ye are not under law but under grace” (Rom 6:14) Paul also said 'For it is by Grace ye are saved, not of works...Eh 2:5

This book is for the mature Christian who is frustrated by the lack of spiritual progress in their life; get ready to dive deeply into the ocean of Grace!

"Guide To End Times Prophecies"

Visuals, Charts,and More Aids! Book

The Rose Guide to End Time Prophecy is an easy-to-understand overview. It helps you go through the key portions of Scripture and explains different ways that Christians have interpreted them. Simple charts and illustrations help you see the whole picture.
This book includes: 1)Book of Revelation — four ways Christians interpret it. 2)Book of Daniel — the statues, beasts, goats, and the 70 weeks. And three ways to interpret the 70 weeks 3) Four main Christian views of the end times: Pre-Mil, Post-Mill, A-Mill and Historical Pre-Mill. 4) Terms in the Book of Revelation: the Beasts, 666, Millennium, Antichrist, Armageddon, and Tribulation. 5) A Dispensational time line chart compared with two other Christian views of God's work with Israel 6) And so many more interesting and revealing prophetic subjects

This book will give you confidence as you look at the Bible and at events in today's newspapers. You will be better informed and will have a Christ-centered, biblically based view of Jesus' second coming.

364-page book is full-color - Only $19.99!

"Free Will vs Predestination Pamphlet"

Do people have free will or does God predestine them to be saved? If God elects us, is there any reason to spread the Gospel? Can a person lose his salvation? This easy-to-understand pamphlet compares the teachings of Arminianism with Calvinism and gives the key Bible verses you need to understand this important topic.

The Free Will vs. Predestination pamphlet provides a side-by-side comparison of Arminianism and Calvinism on: 1) Free Will and Total Inability 2) Atonement 3) Grace 4) Security of the Believer

This new Free Will vs. Predestination pamphlet will change your life, as: 1) It provides comfort by showing where Free Will vs. Predestination views agree 2) It helps Christians develop an appreciation and respect for each other's beliefs 3) It presents key Bible verses so you can see what Scripture says and compare different passages.

Pamphlet contains colorful photos and illustrations. 10-point type makes it easy to read. Size 8.5" x 5.5", but unfolds to 33" wide. Folds inside a Study Bible

Will enrich and mature your Biblical understanding

New Headline News Articles

When Antichrist Steps On To The World Stage. How Will People See Through His Deception?

To misstep in identifying Antichrist could cause you to be cast into Hell for eternity!


Halloween - The Most Important Holiday During The Coming New World Order

As Americans all across this land celebrate another Halloween, we need to examine this celebrated day in light of the coming Satanic New World Order. Once you read this article, you will never look at Halloween the same way again. Guaranteed!!


"Compilation of False But Scary Economic Collapse Headlines - Beginning in 2001, Continuing through 2005 -- Part 1"

We shall prove that fake news headlines screaming imminent economic collapse have occurred regularly every single year since 2001! All these headlines have proven to be false, but people still are scared when another fake collapse headline occurs in their daily news.

What did Jesus predict at the End of the Age: "... men's hearts failing them for fear" -



New Book

"God's Ghostbusters"

"Vampires? Ghosts? Demon Possession. Creatures of the Night Beware"

New Book by Tom Horn, Pastor Hoggard, Dr. Noah Hutchings, Chuck Missler, Dr. Gary Stearman, and More

Introductory Sale: Regularly $16.99, On Sale $13.99 - You Save $3.00

Recently some 300 exorcists flocked to Poland for a week-long congress to examine the current fashion for vampirism the world-over and the apparent connection between this fascination and a surge in demonic possession.

The world is experiencing an explosion of ancient occultism combined with wicked fascination for ghosts and all things paranormal. In the United States alone, there are now more than two hundred thousand registered witches and as many as 8 million unregistered practitioners of “the craft.” On college and high school campuses, vampires, werewolves, and other “creatures of the night” are esteemed as objects of desire and idolized by young men and women who view them as cult icons of envious mystical power.

Church goers are enchanted by the darkness as well. An April 13, 2011 article “Mysticism Infecting Nazarene Beliefs” was preceded only a few days before by a Telegraph article describing how a “surge in Satanism” inside the church has sparked a 'rise in demand for exorcists' within traditional religious settings.

Why is this happening now? God’s Ghostbusters provides shocking answers

'2012 & Beyond: Combination Offer'

Saves You $30.00!

'2012 & Beyond: Combination Offer'

Regularly $79.88 If You Buy Them Separately

Now Only $49.88

This world may, indeed, suffer the greatest calamity in history, but this catastrophe will NOT be any of the proposed doomsday scenario for December 21, 2012, offered by the Mass Media.
This DVD series examines many of the Mass Media scenarios and then shows how each of them simply will not occur.

What may occur, however, is a demonic plan revealed only by the Black Magick Secret Society, The House of Theosophy. This disaster from the Abyss is called the 'Paradigm Shift Producing The Universal Mind'.

Doc Marquis correctly identifies it as a global demonic possession of all unsaved people!

We also examine the possibility that God might send His 'strong delusion' (2 Thess 2:11) This DVD closes with a dramatic appeal for genuine Christians to aggressively reach out to sow Gospel Seed to the unsaved people in their lives, before this 'strong delusion' hits with full force.

This combination offer contains 4 DVD's and has nearly 7 hours of teaching. A Plan of Salvation is offered at the very end of both DVD sets.

Watch Trailer For Volume 1

Watch Trailer For Volume 2, Paradigm Shift

"Combo Offer DVD: Secrets of the Illuminati Series"

All Eight Titles by Doc Marquis, 15 DVDs, , Save $110

Each of these unique DVD's provides information on a part of the Illuminati Plan which only a former Satanist / Illuminati would know. Furthermore, much of the information Doc Marquis provides is the 'Oral Plan', which is the parts of the plan to produce Antichrist which is so evil that it is never written down.

'Paradigm Shift: 2012 & Beyond, Volume 2', reveals more important Mass Media expectations as to what may happen on 12/21/2012 and then reveals that the Paradigm Shift is intended to be a global mass demon possession which shall produce the Universal Mind in every unsaved person on Earth. Is this the time of the prophesied 'Strong Delusion'?

NEW!! Cutting Edge DVD, by Mac Dominick

"The Triumphant Return of Jesus Christ - Volume II - Blessed Hope"

Through current events, Satan is building his One World Church, the One World Antichrist and the One World Religion to be headed by the False Prophet.

This DVD deals with the One World Church and the One World Government. Emphasis is laid on the building of the prophesied 10-Nation confederation and how Antichrist will arise once this Plan is fully worked out.

The False Prophet will lead the One World Church and be headed by the Pontiff of Rome. Current events are pointing resolutely to the reality that the False Religious Prophet is the Pope, whomever he is at the time.

This DVD teaches the reality of the Pre-Tribulation Rapture and how this blessed hope of the Christian is becoming more obvious with each passing day.

Dispensationalism is discussed and taught and presented as the only way in which we can make sense of God's prophetic time line and the difference God makes between Israel and the Church.

Over 2 hours, single DVD.

Mac uses the King James Version



"BIG Book of History: Learning Just Became 15 Feet of BIG Fun"

Families, schools, and churches can unfold 15 feet of the most interesting history of the world. This easy to follow, color-coded, multi-stream timeline teaches six thousand years of world history to children ages seven through thirteen.

These exciting facts and so much more wait inside:

1) Who were the first emperors of China and Rome
2) What discovery unlocked the secrets of a forgotten language
3) How modern robotics had its roots in the tea dolls of Japan
4) Where Christians faced death for the entertainment of thousands
5) Why the languages of Greek and Hebrew were used to write the Bible
6) How the Age of Discovery meant wealth some, and the destruction of civilization for others.

Understanding how the past has shaped our future will inspire young learners to make history for themselves!

Uniquely designed to capture your child's interest, as history flows out 15 feet covering many centuries of exciting history.


NEW By Chris Pinto

"The Jesuit Conspiracy: Rome, The Church And The Kingdom of Antichrist "

"My history of the Jesuits is not eloquently written ... If ever there was a body of men who merited eternal damnation on earth and in hell, it is this Society of Loyola." - John Adams, President of the United States

"It is my opinion that if the liberties of this country – the United States of America – are destroyed, it will be by the subtlety of the Roman Catholic Jesuit priests …" – Marquis de LaFayette, Revolutionary War hero

Discover the political role of the Jesuits in the Great Inquisition, the American Civil War, Vietnam, World War II and Nazi Germany.

Additionally, learn of their spiritual agenda in the United States through the Ecumenical Movement, Dominionism and the New World Order.

CD, MP3 Format, by Chris Pinto - 3 hours 23 minutes of teaching -


"Freemasonry In The Church: Worship of Christ or Antichrist"

“I’m Lucifer!” exclaims an elderly man, “And I’m pure and virtuous, and holy!” Incredibly, this same man goes on to say that he is a Christian, and insists that Jesus Christ is his Lord. How can he be “Lucifer” and a follower of Christ? “Because I’m out helping people,” he says.

Such is the declaration made by a modern Freemason, and is indicative of perhaps the greatest spiritual cancer afflicting the Church in America today. There are literally thousands of pastors, elders, deacons and regular members in churches that are involved in Masonry. But is their worship toward the Lord Jesus Christ? Or after the spirit of antichrist?

In this dynamic and powerful audio CD, documentary filmmaker Chris Pinto explores the issue of Freemasonry in the Church, and how this secret society is working to change the Gospel and undermine the Christian faith.

CD, MP 3 format, by Chris Pinto, 4 hours 21 minutes of teaching -


"The Crown of Thorns and the Defeat of Antichrist" - New DVD by Pastor Hoggard

The first time Pastor Hoggard ever saw the movie The Omen, he was amazed at the occult and biblical symbolism embedded in the film, including the name given for the Antichrist.
In this latest video from Michael Hoggard, he reveals the secrets behind the Masonic symbol of the acacia tree and the construction of the wilderness tabernacle, including the symbolism of the crown of thorns on the head of Jesus Christ.

This teaching reveals from the scriptures why many major denominations, ministries, well-known Christian leaders, and churches are moving rapidly toward the great falling away.

Of course, prophecy of 2 Thess 2 reveals that the Great Falling Away must occur before Antichrist can arise! This connection is so vital for people to understand. Pastor Hoggard makes it quite plain, as he is so good at doing. Order Now

Click Here To See All 47 DVD's By Pastor Hoggard

NEW BOOK - Return of the Antichrist And The New World Order

The Fallen Angels of Antichrist

WARNING This book is not fiction and may change your life forever!

This book is an in-depth study of the Beast’s past, present and future which debunks most of the common and accepted assumptions of the Antichrist and instead presents a sculpturally based study of he who is to come; The Beast who ascends out of the Abyss having seven heads and ten horns.

Genesis 6:4: “The Nephilim were on the earth in those days and also after that…they were the heroes of old, men of renown.” Nephilim in Hebrew means ‘the fallen ones’. These were evil fallen angels who appeared on the earth in those days and caused the violence, bloodshed and chaos which resulted in a world-wide Flood. “As it was…so shall it be.” After the Apocalypse begins, these same fallen angels, plus Satan and all the rest of those that rebelled with him, will once again manifest on earth in plain sight. They will be led by a man most call The Antichrist. But in Revelation he is not given this name. John refers to him as The Beast from the Abyss. ORDER YOURS TODAY

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Aliens, Sons of God & Genesis 6

NEW DVD - The Ancient Book of Enoch: The First Book Ever Written
by J. R. Church & Gary Stearman

Order now
The Book of Enoch is a treasure, perhaps hidden away just for these last days. Many know of it but few know of its contents. Can this ancient text be trusted? Is it credible? In this 6-hour DVD series, J. R. Church and Gary Stearman take you on a comprehensive, cover-to-cover tour of this amazing book. You will learn about the fallen angels who entered Earth through a "stargate," located on the peak of Mt. Hermon, where they swore an oath to complete their corrupting work among men. Enoch enters a flying house and journeys to heaven, shell and all around the world! His descriptions are absolutely breathtaking in their realism; he literally travels through time!

Although never placed in the canon of Scripture, it has long been held, by both Jews and Gentiles alike, to be an authentic and valuable work. J. R. Church was always fascinated, but frustrated, that so little credible research had been done on it. He wanted to compare the writings of Enoch to the Bible and searched in vain for a usable commentary. So he wrote his own! The results of his lengthy research and study are on these four amazingly informative DVD's.

* Watch TV Interview on "The Ancient Book of Enoch"

  • 5 hours on 4 DVD's

    For more resources on the subject get these videos by experts Mike Hoggard, L.A. Marzulli, Bill Schnoebelen, and Mac Dominick :


  • "Wide Is The Gate"

    "The Emerging New/Old Paradigm Shift"

    DVD - 3hrs 20 minutes

    A look into the invasion of the old New Age Movement in today's Post Modern Church. Today's new brand of Christianity has a different gospel and is targeting thousands of the younger generation with a so-called hip, cool, experiential spirituality, much of which is embracing the mysticism of Roman Catholicism with its ecumenical philosophy of uniting people from all faiths to work together and bring about a new world of peace and harmony. This notion dovetails with the heart of New Age thinking and the utopian ideals of many world religions who all await their religious leaders and dreams of world domination.

    The dangerous result of this new spirituality in the church is bringing about the rise of today's "Christianized" occultism. It's stretching its tentacles around the souls of unsuspecting youth, setting them up for the lie that subjective emotions of "power" and "experience" are "feelings" to be held higher than an objective walk in the Christian Faith, based in Truth found in the Pure Word of God. The Holy Bible is presented as unattainable truth: "stuffy", "dry" and "churchy"

    A true "signs of the times" videos! The apostasy of the Church is here now and is taking over. Is your church threatened? Watch the trailer.

    The Watchers Have Returned!

    "The Watchers: UFO's Are Not Going Away"

    New DVD by Dr. Marzulli - Recognized Expert On The Nephilim

    Dr. LA Marzulli has produced a spectacular DVD on the UFO phenomenon, one of the most confusing and unexplained mysteries of our time. Until now. Marzulli offers his own unique perspective on the subject and how this deception plays a part in end-time prophecy. When will the world meet these alien creatures in their flying machines? Is a face to face encounter right on the horizon? Marzulli believes we are being set up for a great deception.

    He answers a lot of questions on his DVD including: 1) What are those strange lights in the sky? 2) What factual proof is there of UFO's 3) Are people interacting with UFO's now? 4) Why do people feel the phenomena is benevolent? 5) Cattle Mutilations 6) Abduction Phenomena 7) Alien Implants

    You will be amazed! Watch the interview of Dr. Marzulli or order at this link

    "The Watchers 2: Signs In The Heavens and the Earth"

    New DVD by Dr. Marzulli - Recognized Expert On The Nephilim

    Why are the nations of the world in turmoil? What is happening with all the changes in the sun and the moon? Why are birds dropping out of the air and millions of fish dying without explanation? Why are sinkholes of gigantic proportions appearing all over the Earth? What is causing increased volcanic activity in Japan, Italy and Iceland? Why are we seeing earthquakes of 7.0 or greater, seemingly on a weekly basis? And what about the UFO seen over the Temple Mount? Was that from God and his angels, or from the dark side?

    Something has changed and Watchers 2 will try to investigate to see if the ancient texts are accurate. Are we entering a period where there will be an escalation in wars, earthquakes and famines, including signs in the skies and the heavens? L. A. Marzulli interviews the experts in this sequel to The Watchers.

    What a marvelous quality presentation! Watch the trailer or order

    Quotable Quotes

    "UFO's and Aliens are part of the New World Order. They are benevolent beings which will aid mankind in attaining the goal of becoming one humanity. They will appear at the proper time to enable mankind to make that Quantum Leap of Collective Consciousness -- when the Christ appears." (Bill Lambert, New England Director, House of Theosophy, Seminar, August 18, 1991)

    "[New World Order Planners] have plans to bring about things like earthquakes, war, the Messiah, an extraterrestrial landing, and economic collapse. They might bring about all of these things just to make sure it does work...The Illuminati has all the bases covered..." (New Age author, Bill Cooper, Behold A Pale Horse, p. 177)

    Close-Out Opportunity - Quantities Limited To Stock On Hand

    "The Last War" - Compelling Book by Jim Fletcher

    Regularly $10.99, Close-out Price $4.99

    Conflict in the Middle East has simmered and boiled for decades. Now, war and terrorism are global in scope. The Last War contains supremely relevant information for all concerned: • Why do Islamic radicals hate the West? • What is the radical Moslem’s world view? • Who are the “Little Satan” and the “Great Satan”? • Are we being told the whole truth about our enemies?

    Tragically, a decade of intense diplomacy and negotiation has given way to widespread violence: some analysts, aware of the real potential for catastrophic war in the region, openly wonder if this will all lead to a “last war” of sorts

    You will be able to see clearly that the latest confrontations are a prelude to a devastating conclusion.

    240 pages -

    Can Man Create God?


    "And Man Created God: Is God A Human Invention?"

    Book by Robert Banks

    People throughout history have created a god to meet their own needs and circumstances. But, the REAL God of the Universe cannot be the creation of mere man's logic and mental comprehension!
    This book addresses one of the oldest questions posed to religious believers: If God created everything, who created God?

    This is a question originally asked in Ancient Greece and just recently resurrected by the New Atheists. Skeptics, philosophers, and theologians have been puzzled by this seeming contradiction.

    Christian scholar, Robert Banks, explores the history of this objection from the earliest vocalization in the ancient world to its most famous supporters, Freud, Marx and others.

    Your faith will be increased by this great book, and you will better understand how to answer people around you who believe in this theory

    160 pages

    Value Priced at only $13.95


    New Headline News Articles

    Mitt Romney Is Hiding A Secret He Does Not Want You To Know

    Mitt Romney – The Man Who Plans To Become A God In This Lifetime! A guest column from Ed Decker, Founder, Saints Alive

    Is America In Danger of Being Taken Over By Islam?

    You can ignore the three Brotherhood people in the White House, the ascendancy of Islamic culture within our public schools and in our court system.


    Declaring Truth About Mormonism

    "Mormonism's Temple of Doom - 2012 Election Alert"

    New 2-DVD Set by Bill Schnoebelen

    Dynamic Trailer - What's Under That Dome?

    Schnoebelen was told by his Coven Master that, if he ever got into trouble, he was to join the Mormon Church because it was 'created by Witches for Witches'! But, in the past 50 years, the Mormon (LDS) Church has managed to grow from a small fringe cult to a major world religion of considerable respectability. Mormons like Mitt Romney and Glenn Beck have achieved amazing followings and many Americans have come to believe that Mormons are just another Christian denomination with fine, conservative, family-based values.

    However, beneath the sweet surface of LDS Public Relations, there lurks one of the most dark and twisted religions to emerge in American history. You will discover that, just as Mormonism is not Christian, the Mormon Family is not the same as the Christian Family.

    We include a section warning genuine Christians not to support a Mormon for President, providing critical Scriptural references. Evangelical leaders are already urging Christians to support a Mormon for President.

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    David Bay, Director, Cutting Edge Ministries

    1792 South Lake Drive, Ste. 90 PMB 300, Lexington, SC 29073
