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December 22, 2010

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"What Must I Do To Be Saved"?


Prophetic Book

"Daniel Reveals the Bloodline of the Antichrist"

New Book by Dr. J.R. Church

Daniel focused on the roots and works of the future Antichrist

'Secrets of the Illuminati' DVD's

Our Most Popular Videos!

by Doc Marquis

Super Combo Offer DVD:

Get the whole 'Secrets of the Illuminati' Series

Regularly $229.94 if bought individually

On Sale $149.94, Save $80

Individual Titles:


"Arrival of the Antichrist"

2-DVD Set, 3 1/2 Hours

Dramatically Expanded and Updated, by Former Satanist Doc Marquis

Dynamic Trailer

#1 of 6 in Series


"America's Occult Holidays"

#2 of 6 In The Series

Riveting Trailer


"Front Men of the Illuminati"

# 3 of 6 In Series

Watch Trailer


"Magick, Mysticism, and Masonry"


#4 of 6 In Series

Watch Trailer


The Illuminati Protocols of Zion: The Plot Against Israel

2 DVD Set

#5 of 6 In Series

New Protocols Trailer

The Illuminati Is Fulfilling Biblical Prophecy

2 DVD Set

#6 of 6 In Series

Watch Trailer

Founding Fathers New DVD

Dynamic Trailer

"Beyond Blasphemy: The Hidden Faith of Our Founding Fathers"

by Chris Pinto

Public Rebuttal of David Barton and His Teachings On Masonry

Two DVD's by Ken Ham

"Godless In America: State of the Nation"

"Erosion of Christian America"

"Mornings and Evenings": Priceless Devotions by Charles H. Spurgeon

Big Savings on Closeouts and sale items


"Mormonism's Temple of Doom + 2012 Election Alert"

New DVD by Bill Schnoebelen

Pre-Sale Saves You Money

Mormons like Mitt Romney and Glenn Beck have achieved amazing followings and many Americans have come to believe that Mormons are just another Christian denomination with fine, conservative, family-based values.

However, beneath the sweet surface of LDS Public Relations, there lurks one of the most dark and twisted religions to emerge in American history. You will discover that, just as Mormonism is not Christian, the Mormon Family is not the same as the Christian Family.

This DVD exposes the un-Biblical nature of Mormon theology and why it remains a cult. Bill also shows how the history of the Church and of it's founder, Joseph Smith, have been tampered with and lied about to a high degree. He further shows how the Book of Mormon is a pretty shaky foundation upon which to build one's eternal faith.

Bill also takes you through the highly secret Temple rites which only a few faithful Mormons ever get to experience. He demonstrates how the rituals of the temple - and even the temple architecture - are deeply rooted in Freemasonry, witchcraft and occultism.

Finally, and perhaps most importantly, Bill exposes the LDS Church's political ambitions and their strange theology about the US Constitution. You will learn about their beliefs concerning the future of America and how they hope to rule over all of us in a religious dictatorship. You will also discover the astounding secret of the Washington DC Temple.

This vital message will help you to see why the mainstreaming of Glenn Beck and Mitt Romney is so disturbing and why the close association between Christian leaders and Beck is of great concern.

ADDED -- 2012 Election Alert! Bill speaks of the strong probability of Mitt Romney running for President in 2012, and how his victory could well mean the coming dictatorship and, given the historical hatred Mormons have for genuine Christians, how a Romney Presidency could actually produce the beginning of martyrdom!

Over 2 hours long -- 2/DVD Set -- will start shipping by December 31

---------- This Week's Hot News -------


I. This exceedingly rare total Lunar eclipse on December 21 carried huge significance to any Luciferian.

Such a total lunar eclipse has not occurred on Winter Solstice since 1638, a period of 372 years!

NEWS BRIEF: Lunar eclipse coincides with winter solstice: Started at 1:33am, Eastern Time", The Washington Post, December 21, 2010

"There are not many days like Tuesday, Dec. 21, 2010. Take it from people who know: astronomers. There was maybe one day like this Tuesday in the past 2,000 years. The total eclipse of the moon, which delighted skywatchers in the pre-dawn hours, will be followed later in the day by the arrival of the winter solstice ... In a clear, cold sky over Washington, the full moon slowly slipped into shadow starting just after 1:30 a.m. People gathered at the Washington Monument, along the George Washington Parkway and at other prime viewing spots - or on their decks and in their backyards - to watch as its bright white glow gave way to a coppery, luminescent orange."

"The last time the solstice coincided with a total lunar eclipse on the same calendar day was long before any of our lifetimes, experts say. The year, according to Geoff Chester, public affairs officer at the U.S. Naval Observatory, was 1638. (Starhawk, a prominent Wiccan, told The Washington Post in an essay that the two events have not coincided since 1544.) ... The next time the winter solstice and a total lunar eclipse will occur on the same calendar day will be Dec. 21, 2094. "

I find it completely fitting that this news article would immediately quote a witch concerning this rare event, because such a rare total lunar eclipse, beginning at 1:33 am in the Eastern Time Zone on Winter Solstice carries huge significance to a practicing Witch. I turned to Doc Marquis for information, since he was a practicing Illuminati Witch from a family tradition of witches.

Remember, there are two types of witches in the world:

1) White Magic Witches believe they are using the power accessible in the occult for the good of mankind. Many deny the very existence of Lucifer, while others admit they serve him. All such witches deny they serve Satan.

2) Black Magick Witches know they serve Satan and they know they are using the power of the occult to hurt mankind. Illuminati Witches openly serve Lord Satan and admit that their coming New World Order is the Kingdom of Antichrist.

Doc said that all the elements of this total lunar eclipse add up to an event of great significance.

1) This night was very, very evil in the world of Black Magick

2) Human sacrifice was probably 3 times higher in Black Magick circles


3) Black Magick witches will believe their powers will magnify exponentially as the Stag Gods power fully hits on Yule. In his DVD, "America's Occult Holidays", Doc reveals that Santa is the great Stag God of Yule, which is the reason he uses reindeer to pull his sleigh!

In fact, one of the greatest Stag God of all time is the Nordic God, Odin, which was Adolf Hitler's favorite pagan god.

Since Witches worship the Sun, Moon and stars and observe carefully the alignments of all heavenly bodies, they have been preparing for this night of the total lunar eclipse on Winter Solstice for a very long time.


4) Since the Moon turned red, Witches call to mind the red planet of Mars -- the planet of War. Doc said that a lot of saber-rattling should be occurring right now, with the distinct possibility of a war. Do we see significant saber-rattling anywhere in the world right now, a crisis which carries the possibility of a devastating war?

Yes, of course, current news articles are screaming about the war on the Korean Peninsula!

NEWS BRIEF: "SKorean troops bracing for possible NKorean attack", Excite News, December 21, 2010

NEWS BRIEF: "China says Korean situation 'extremely precarious' ", Excite News, December 18, 2010

NEWS BRIEF: "U.S. Builds Military Alliance With Japan, South Korea For War In The East", OpEd News, December 14, 2010

This last news report is very significant, for it reveals the reality that, for the first time since this crisis over North Korea's nuclear weapons capability began in 1994, America, Japan and South Korea have created the alliance mechanism which will allow them to go to war with North Korea in a planned, coordinated response.

Of course, the Illuminati Plan calls for a very serious war emanating from the Korean Peninsula!


"A hair-raising confrontation in Korea may, towards the end of the period, threaten man's very survival."

[Peter Lemesurier, "The Armageddon Script", p. 223]

While we are not predicting an imminent war with North Korea, the fact is that this major saber rattling and the very real preparations for war, are occurring and did overlap this very rare red Moon total eclipse.


II. Vice President Joe Biden publicly linked the Wikileaks crisis to an act of Terrorism!

Since government actions frequently follow the public rhetoric, this linkage should be taken seriously by every discerning American.

NEWS BRIEF: "Assange like a hi-tech terrorist: Joe Biden", The Guardian, London, 19 December 2010

"The US vice-president, Joe Biden, today likened the WikiLeaks founder, Julian Assange, to a "hi-tech terrorist", the strongest criticism yet from the Obama administration. Biden claimed that by leaking diplomatic cables Assange had put lives at risk and made it more difficult for the US to conduct its business around the world."

As usual, whenever a high-level government official makes this kind of boldly inflammatory statement, the government is planning some sort of remedial action.

"Interviewed on NBC's Meet the Press, Biden was asked if the administration could prevent further leaks, as Assange warned last week. 'We are looking at that right now. The justice department is taking a look at that', Biden said, without elaborating. The justice department is struggling to find legislation with which to prosecute Assange."

We have believed from the beginning of this Wikileaks affair that the government was going to try to find a way in which to change the law so that the government can control specific parts of the Internet with full support of a terrified public.

Biden's escalation of public rhetoric just confirms our original belief.


III. Did Richard Holbrooke signal the government's intentions just before he died?

NEWS BRIEF: "Killing innocent people is no joke", by Arab News, 21 December 2010

"Richard Holbrooke’s last words before his surgery were: 'You’ve got to stop this war in Afghanistan'.”

"Of course this has not pleased the American political establishment as well the media. They are afraid this would give the impression that Holbrooke, President Barack Obama’s point man in Afghanistan, either opposed the war or doubted that it could be won. This became evident when some sections of the media tried to convince the people next day that Holbrooke was simply joking about the war."

"A person deeply involved in Af-Pak strategy, Holbrooke knew the West could not win the war in Afghanistan."

I believe that Holbrooke was laying the groundwork for an eventual withdrawal from Afghanistan. In no way do I believe that he was suffering pangs of conscience just before he died. Richard Holbrooke was a key, inner member of the Global Elite.

He was on the board of directors of the Council on Foreign Relations. A dedicated Clintonite and former ambassador to the United Nations ... Holbrooke was a consummate insider and global elite operative. Along with Henry Kissinger, David Rockefeller, and Paul Allaire, Holbrooke directed the American Friends of Bilderberg, an organization that takes money from Exxon, Arco, IBM, and other transnational corporations and has its meetings funded by the globalist Ford Foundation, Rockefeller Foundation, and the Carnegie Endowment fund.

More likely, I believe that Holbrooke was laying the rhetorical foundation for President Obama, or the president following him, to carry out a complete withdrawal from Afghanistan. Once our withdrawal is complete, every discerning person will realize that this war was another war which the Illuminati fought to not win.

If we are still here ten years from now, we shall look back and realize that every soldier who died in the Afghanistan and Iraq wars died in vain. Just as we now realize was the truth of the Vietnam War.


IV. The Vatican protected the most vile pedophile priest for many years!

As we have stated on many occasions, the circle of responsibility for this priestly sex abuse of children and of women goes right to the top of Catholicism, right to the Pope himself.

NEWS BRIEF: "Vatican protected Irish sex abuser ", BBC News, 17 December 2010

"The Vatican wanted an Irish priest to serve 10 years in a monastery for abusing children rather than force him out of the Catholic Church, a report has revealed. A previously censored chapter of the Murphy Report describes Tony Walsh as the 'most notorious' paedophile to come to its attention."

What, exactly, did Tony Walsh do to children that would merit the title, "'most notorious' paedophile".

"Walsh was jailed for 12 years earlier this month for abusing three boys. But the report said he was likely to have assaulted hundreds of children."

How did the Vatican step in to protect this sexual monster?

"The previously unseen chapter criticises the Catholic Church and the police for the way they handled the case. It details more than 15 years of abuse and concludes Walsh was moved from Dublin parishes in Ballyfermot to Westland Row to avoid further scandal. It outlines how the former priest abused children in the 1970s, 1980s and 1990s even though priests, canons, monsignors, bishops and the Archbishop in Dublin knew about it."

"The process to dismiss him as a cleric began in January 1992, almost a year after the decision to do so was made. In 1993 Rome was asked to laicise him. Walsh appealed and Rome allowed him to remain as a priest until Archbishop Desmond Connell wrote to the Vatican and begged the Pope to dismiss him. He was eventually defrocked in 1996 - 16 years after the first complaint."

Our investigation into the history of sex abuse of women and of children by the Roman Catholic priesthood reveals that this sexually predatory nature of priests goes back many centuries. Whenever you hear a Catholic Pope or other official speak of this problem as though it belonged to this current generation, know that priests have been preying on young women, married women and children through the confessional for many centuries.

How low has a priest gone in his effort to force women to have sex with him? Prepare to be shocked and dismayed.

"Going back to 1710, we find that predatory priests were preying upon women in the confessional, using all the techniques we have before described, including threatening the woman with torture and death at the hands of the Inquisition if she did not submit to his sexual lusts!" (NEWS1675, quoting a book entitled, "A MASTER-KEY TO POPERY: Giving a full account of all the customs of the PRIESTS AND FRIARS, and the RITES AND CEREMONIES of POPISH RELIGION, in four parts, by Anthony Gavin, one of the Roman-Catholic Priests of Saragossa.", Cincinnati: Published by B. Crosby, 1832.)

One of the advantages of studying material researched and published this far back in history is that the author had a ready access to material of at least 100-200 years prior to the date of publication! Indeed, some of the instances detailed by this author, a Roman Catholic Priest of Saragossa, date back to 1710.

Please carefully examine this picture, for it accurately portrays the anguish of young Catholic women as the priest is threatening her for sex.

This priest is using the authority of his priestly office as a weapon to force this woman to have sex with him. Such a priest utilizes two major weapons to gain access to this poor woman's body:

1) He is threatening to not forgive her of her sins. Thus, a woman refusing to have sex with such a priest will believe she will spend eternity in Hell.

2) During the Inquisition period (1550-1850), the priest would threaten to turn the women over to the Inquisition Authorities as a heretic. Such an action would mean the woman would not only die but she would die after much torture!

The priest could report the woman to the Inquisitors as a witch. The Inquisitors treated alleged witches with special relish, glee, and attention.

How effective were these methods?

"... one dying priest revealed in 1710, 'by these diabolical persuasions they were at our command, without fear of revealing the secret'. [Page 36, "MASTER-KEY TO POPERY", Father Givens]

As we boldly proclaimed in the video, "Catholicism: White Sepulcher 'Christianity' ", predatory sexual sins by the Roman Catholic priesthood goes all the way back to the initiation of Celibacy, in 1123 AD.

How far back in history does the practice of protecting priests extend? Once more, quoting our own research, we discover:

"NEWS BRIEF: "Porter Confessed to Pope: Ex-North priest told Vatican of abuse in 1973", Staff and Wire Reports, The Sun Chronicle, May 16, 2002.

"NORTH ATTLEBORO, Massachusetts -- Former North Attleboro priest James Porter told Pope Paul VI in 1973 that he had been sexually molesting children, nearly 20 years before victims stepped forward to reveal the abuse they had suffered.

Porter's confession is among newly released records which show that Catholic church officials -- including the late Cardinal Humberto Medeiros -- knew of child molestation allegations against Porter as far back as the 1960s. The court document is among hundreds of pages obtained by the Boston Herald and reported today.

Porter's personnel file included a 17-page letter he wrote to Pope Paul VI in which he asked to be removed from the priesthood. The file was forwarded to the Vatican in 1973.

In the letter addressed to `Most Holy Father,' Porter, who was a priest at St. Mary's Church in North Attleboro during the early 1960s, recounts that Fall River Bishop James Connolly knew he had been caught molesting a boy, and Connolly sent him home to be with his family until the scandal died down.

Porter has admitted to molesting at least 50 children while he was a priest in the Diocese of Fall River in the 1960's. He pleaded guilty to molesting 28 children in 1993 after victims formed a group in 1992 and detailed the abuse against them."

This information is simply and totally unbelievable! Let us review these terrible revelations again, one by one:

1. Tortured Pedophile priest, James Porter, wrote a 17-page letter to "His Holiness", Pope Paul VI, completely confessing his sexual molestation and rape of children. Porter then asked to be relieved of his duties, undoubtedly because he did not want to continue his compulsive sexual abuse!

2. "His Holiness", Pope Paul VI, did nothing! He took no action. He did not care about the plight of the poor innocent children one little bit.

3. The only action recorded was that the Bishop moved Porter to the Fall River Diocese, where Porter proceeded to molest and rape 50 more children over the years he was serving there!

4. Not only did Pope Paul VI know that Porter was raping children, but so did Fall River Bishop James Connolly and the late Cardinal Humberto Medeiros! Yet, not one of them ever, ever contacted the police. Not one of them ever took the common sense step of reassigning "Father" Porter so he could not have access to children.

Quoted from our NEWS1656, entitled, "Pedophile Catholic Priest Confessed Directly To The Pope In 1973, But 'His Holiness' Took No Action; Later, Over 50 Children Were Molested And Raped".

This information should give you the necessary facts to refute the claims of current Catholic officials that this current sex scandal is occurring because our current society is so wicked. Rather, the truth is that this sexually predatory nature has been occurring for many, many centuries.

Truly, the Roman Catholic Church is possessed by the Spirit of Antichrist!

Secrets of the Illuminati Combo Offer - Buy 'The Protocols of Zion' plus 'Illuminati Fulfilling Prophecy' and Save $20.00

Regularly $79.98, On Sale Only $59.98

In 'Protocols of Zion', Doc Marquis demonstrates two important facts: 1) The Protocols are NOT fraudulent, but represent the true master blueprint for achieving the global New World Order; 2) The world today stands at the verge of the most destructive world war in history - World War III - only because world leaders have been carefully following the Protocols plan for over 200 years!

In "Illuminati Is Fulfilling Prophecy', Doc demonstrates that God has forced the arrogant and mighty Illuminati to formulate a plan which does fulfill Bible prophecy exactly! At the end we demonstrate how Satanic predictions about the victory of Lucifer over Jesus will turn into the greatest and quickest slaughter in all of human history, on the plains of Armageddon!

Both videos are a 2-DVD Set, so this combo gives you a total of 4 DVD's -

New Headline News Articles

"Do Christians Actually Know What Mormonism Is And Why The Bible Forbids Us To Have Anything To Do With It?"

A longtime Christian brother talked to me last week, all excited about Glenn Beck. I quickly learned that this Sunday School teacher knew nothing about Mormonism. He did not know enough to be concerned about a Christian making an alliance with Mormonism.


"Conspiracy? Yes, Virginia, Satan Has Mounted A Global Conspiracy Against God - Just As Prophecy And Doctrine Foretell"

I find it incredible that many knowledgeable Christians prefer to not believe that a human conspiracy will set the prophetic stage for the appearance of Antichrist. Rather, these type of Christians prefer to believe in a "prophetic evolution" where all prophecies will spring to life out of some sort of primordial goo!

We shall demonstrate the futility of denying Biblical doctrine and teaching that God's prophecies will occur just as He foretold because Satan has caused his adherents to create a plan which will fulfill all His prophecies.

A massive End Times conspiracy is prophesied! Believe it and events today will begin to make sense.

"Elections 2010 - Analysis"

The 2010 midterm elections were the first salvo fired for the 2012 election! Conservatives will be frustrated greatly during the next 2 years and will be told that, in order to complete the overthrow of Obama Liberalism, they must win the White House and the Senate in 2012!

Deliberate Frustration will be the order of the day for Conservatives during the next 2 years!

"Glenn Beck's New Blockbuster Book 'BROKE' Is Selling By The Millions"

The premise is that America is financially, spiritually and mentally bankrupt and must be rescued. However, it is simply not true that America is financially bankrupt! CAFR is the greatest secret out in the open in a very long time, perhaps in all of human history.

Glenn Beck is following the Plan laid out in the "Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion", written 200 years ago!

Is this book the first major salvo in setting a Mormon on the path to the White House, so he can fulfill the old Mormon prophecy known as the "White Horse Prophecy"?

The Legend of the Guardians - The Owls of Ga'Hoole

A review of this mystical book series for children and youth - by Berit Kjos

"Controlled Conflict Bringing About Controlled Change" - The Hegelian Doctrine In Constant Use In Today's News"

Once you understand this tactic used daily by the Global Elite, in so many circumstances, you will never, ever view the news the same way again! As we head into the 2010 Mid-Term Elections, you need to understand that all political parties are based upon this Hegelian foundation -- Controlled Conflict Bringing About Controlled Change.



WARNING! The 'Livable Communities Act' (SB1619) Is The Official Implementation of the New Age 'Re-Wilding of America"!

For decades, very few people ever thought the radical New Age concept known as "Re-wilding America" would ever be enacted, as it was simply too radical, too crazy.

But, Senator Dodd (D-CT) is fast-tracking this legislation through the Senate! Concerned, enlightened Americans must act NOW!


Council On Foreign Relations (CFR) Pronounces The Winner of The Iraq War To Be -- IRAN!

Incredibly, Cutting Edge posted an article five years ago in which we declared that Iran would be seen eventually as the winner of the Iraq conflict, because that was the Illuminati Plan! --

"New Prophetic First -- One-half of Jewish people now support rebuilding the Temple on the Temple Mount"

Normally secular Israel has never shown this strong of support for rebuilding the Temple, showing the effects of Orthodox Judaism. Will the Islamic Dome of the Rock be destroyed on the 'Ninth Day of Av', the most horrible day of the year for Israel?

"Take from Freemasonry its dependence on the Temple; leave out of its ritual all references to that sacred edifice, and to the legends and traditions connected with it, and the system itself would at once decay and die ... " (Noted 33º Masonic author, Albert Mackey)

"Catholic Priestly Sex Abuse Is Now Oozing Over Every Continent on Earth!"

The sheer magnitude of the priest's sex scandal is shocking beyond belief; but, remember, the statistics we are about to share with you is simply the proverbial "tip of the iceberg"! The true total numbers of deviant priests and victims reach into the many millions of victims.

Even the infamous Kinsey Report may have its roots in the 12 Centuries of sexual deviancy from priests and nuns and their victims!


"Subscription Promotion"

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Purchase a 4-Year Subscription, you may select all 4 FREE gifts

We have changed our FREE gifts available to you when you subscribe to Headline News, adding two Pastor Hoggard DVD's to the Seminar Tapes and the Radio Collection CDROM.

--------Concluding Inspiration ---------"I clothed thee also with broidered work, and shod thee with badgers' skin, and I girded thee about with fine linen, and I covered thee with silk." Ezekiel 16:10

See with what matchless generosity the Lord provides for His people's apparel. They are so arrayed that the divine skill is seen producing an unrivalled broidered work, in which every attribute takes its part and every divine beauty is revealed. No art like the art displayed in our salvation, no cunning workmanship like that beheld in the righteousness of the saints. Justification has engrossed learned pens in all ages of the church, and will be the theme of admiration in eternity. God has indeed "curiously wrought it." With all this elaboration there is mingled utility and durability, comparable to our being shod with badgers' skins. The animal here meant is unknown, but its skin covered the tabernacle, and formed one of the finest and strongest leathers known. The righteousness which is of God by faith endureth for ever, and he who is shod with this divine preparation will tread the desert safely, and may even set his foot upon the lion and the adder. Purity and dignity of our holy vesture are brought out in the fine linen. When the Lord sanctifies His people, they are clad as priests in pure white; not the snow itself excels them; they are in the eyes of men and angels fair to look upon, and even in the Lord's eyes they are without spot. Meanwhile the royal apparel is delicate and rich as silk. No expense is spared, no beauty withheld, no daintiness denied.

What, then? Is there no inference from this? Surely there is gratitude to be felt and joy to be expressed. Come, my heart, refuse not thy evening hallelujah! Tune thy pipes! Touch thy chords!

"Strangely, my soul, art thou arrayed By the Great Sacred Three! In sweetest harmony of praise Let all thy powers agree."

(" Mornings and Evenings Devotions", by Charles Spurgeon, Emphasis added)

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Hoggard DVD's

"Pentacle of Power: Power

"The Mystery of Contemplative Prayer": New Age Practice Invading Churches - Trail Leads Directly To The Vatican

Beyond Coincidence

Universe Created Specifically For Man's Existence

Invisible Empire

A New World Order Defined

The Death Penalty On Trial

Taking A Life For A Life Taken


40 Irrefutable Signs That We Are The Last Generation

The Secret of Oz - Blueprint For Solving Our Broken Economy

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