A. Hillary told CNN in an interview
in June, 2014, that children of illegal immigrants had
to be deported!
B. Military Contractors are now
coming forward, revealing that Hillary's State Department
silenced them regarding security lapses at Benghazi!
C. Clinton lawyers have been
ordered by a Federal judge to reveal details on the emails
they deleted on behalf of Hillary.
D. One journalist says that Hillary's
book, "What Happened" clearly reveals that Hillary
still does not know why she lost!
2. When President
Trump suddenly reached a debt ceiling agreement with
Liberals Pelosi and Schumer, he was really aiming a
bitter blow against RINO Republicans!
there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and
in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations,
with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring..."
(Luke 21:25, KJV)
3. Right on cue,
White House is being urged to blame this recent spike
in the number of hurricanes on "Climate Change!.
We predicted this
development last week.
4. The Israeli
Defense Force is conducting massive military drills
simulating war with Hezbollah.
Conforming to
prophecy, the Palestinian Authority and Hamas have agreed
to join in one government.
5. Guam's "Pacific
Daily News" is running an opinion column which
has a very significant new idea:
Imprison the "beast"
in a cage!
the full text of these articles below our book store
New DVD's!
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Headline News
1. Hillary
Clinton is back in the news this week, and you
may be shocked at some of the revelations!
Hillary's current stand in favor
of keeping illegal immigrant children from being deported:
"Former Democratic presidential nominee Hillary
Clinton is encouraging her supporters to 'fight with
everything' they've got to defend the Obama-era program
that stops illegal immigrants who came to the U.S.
at a young age from being deported."
"But just a few years ago, in
an interview that has resurfaced online, Clinton called
for sending back illegal immigrant children who crossed
the border to 'send a clear message' that such crossings
won’t be tolerated by the United States ...
We have to send a clear message, just because your
child gets across the border, that doesn't mean the
child gets to stay,” Clinton said at the time.
'So, we don't want to send a message that is contrary
to our laws or will encourage more children to make
that dangerous journey'.”
This hypocritical turn-around by
Hillary Clinton is ONE of THE reasons that voters
distrust and hate politics. They have heard and seen
many instances of this type of hypocrites filling
the offices of State and Federal governments!
Few people actually carry out their
campaign promises once they get into office! Trump
strongly promised to be an honest politician, and
so far, he has fulfilled those promises.
B. Military Contractors
are now coming forward, revealing that Hillary's
State Department silenced them regarding security
lapses at Benghazi!
BRIEF: Contractors say Clinton State Department
silenced them on Benghazi security lapses",
Fox News, 9/13/2017
"Security at the State Department's
Benghazi compound was so dire that another contractor
was brought in to clean up the mess just two weeks
before the 2012 terror attack – and was later
pressured to keep quiet by a government bureaucrat
under then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, according
to two men from the American security company. "
"Brad Owens and Jerry Torres,
of Torres Advanced Enterprise Solutions, say they
faced pressure to stay silent and get on the same
page with the State Department with regard to the
security lapses that led to the deaths of four Americans."
All along, Secretary of State Hillary
Clinton and President Barack Obama vigorously fought
to keep from accepting any responsibility for the
murders of the American ambassador and several patriotic
American soldiers.
I find it highly offensive that both
Clinton and Obama have now left office unscathed by
this terrible tragedy. Benghazi illustrates like no
other incident the degree to which Hillary Clinton
is incompetent and brazenly hard-hearted.
Thank God she did not win the 2016
C. Clinton lawyers have
been ordered by a Federal judge to reveal details
on the emails they deleted on behalf of Hillary.
NEWS BRIEF: "Investigation
into Clinton lawyers accused of deleting emails is
ordered", Fox News, 9/11/2017
"A Maryland county judge has
ordered the state bar to investigate three lawyers
accused of deleting thousands of Hillary Clinton's
emails. Circuit Judge Paul F. Harris Jr. ruled Monday
that the Attorney Grievance Commission and Office
of Bar Counsel Maryland Office of Bar Counsel must
look into complaints against Cheryl Mills, Heather
Samuelson and David E. Kendall, citing 'allegations
of destroying evidence', according to the Washington
"Clevenger argued that the lawyers
should be investigated for wrongdoing by destroying
evidence, The Baltimore Sun reported."
One of the major allegations against
President Bill Clinton is that he refused to accept
blame for any wrongdoing and he further seemed to
actually believe that he should not be held accountable.
Likewise, Hillary has always demonstrated her belief
that she was above the level of accountability. The
deadly Benghazi tragedy has proven Hillary and Bill
to be right: they are not accountable, for anything,
at +least so far.
D. One journalist says
that Hillary's book, "What Happened" clearly
reveals that Hillary still does not know why she
NEWS BRIEF: "Clinton’s
new book removes all doubt:
She still has no idea why she lost",
Opinion Column, RT News, Sept 11, 2017
"If her newest released book
is any indication, there isn’t a bus big enough
to fit all the people Hillary Clinton wants to throw
under it. Clinton's book, ‘What Happened,' serves
as a kind of personal post-mortem of the 2016 election
campaign. Indeed, many have joked it would have been
more appropriately titled ‘What Happened?’
with a question mark stuck on the end because almost
a year later, Hillary Clinton apparently still has
no idea what actually happened."
The first action that jumps in Hillary's
mind when confronting a difficult matter, is to figure
out who could she blame! This book is certainly no
exception to that rule.
"There’s little need here
to rehash Clinton’s view that Russia and Vladimir
Putin are behind her epic downfall and Donald Trump’s
shock victory, but we should take a look at some of
the other people in her crosshairs, because Clinton
is still managing to expand her repertoire of excuses
for losing to Donald Trump."
Who are these other people whom Hillary
now blames for her election defeat?
* Bernie Sanders
-- "Clinton lets her anger loose ... for what
she feels were unrealistic campaign promises. At one
point, she compares Sanders to the 'deranged hitchhiker'
character from the 1998 movie 'There’s Something
About Mary' who offers 'seven-minute abs' instead
of 'eight-minute abs' ... Clinton also scolds Sanders
for 'impugning her character'— which is rich,
coming from the woman who ran a campaign that slyly
tried to use McCarthyite smears to brand Sanders as
a communist for the crime of spending his 1988 honeymoon
in the former Soviet Union."
Hillary's after-election attack on
Bernie are especially disgusting when you remember
that Bernie campaigned FOR Hillary during the campaign.
Bernie buried the hatchet after he lost to Hillary,
and she returns the favor by stabbing him badly in
her book, "What Happened"?
* "The media and debate
moderators" -- There
is little more hilarious than Clinton blaming the
media for her losing an election to a man who was
despised and reviled by an astoundingly high percentage
of that media. Yet, she finds a way.
The media helped elect Trump by giving him massive
amounts of free airtime and spending too much time
on her email scandal, she writes."
* "Jill Stein, Julian
Assange, Susan Sarandon and Barack Obama"
-- "Clinton’s argument when it comes to
Green Party candidate Jill Stein is that Stein essentially
threw the election to Trump because some people voted
for her ... "
"This is also where Clinton
throws in a jab at actress Susan Sarandon for the
crime of not supporting her. Sarandon, originally
a Sanders supporter (and later a supporter of Jill
Stein), was heavily critical of Clinton during the
campaign — enough to earn her a place in the
Clinton Hall of Blame."
"The 'odious' Julian Assange,
who released DNC emails through WikiLeaks during the
campaign cycle is also in the firing line. Assange
is a 'hypocrite' who masquerades as a champion of
transparency, but who should be 'held accountable'
for helping Russia and Putin by releasing information
that damaged her campaign."
I find it hilarious that Hillary
Clinton demands that Assange be "held accountable"
when she and Bill have been spending years avoiding
any accountability whatsoever! Again, I shout ---------
Some prominent Liberal
Democrats are getting fed up with Hillary's refusal
to take responsibility for her own defeat!
the Presses! Democrat Senator Schumer Makes Admission
About Election - Hillary is to blame for her 2016
loss", CNS News,
"There may be no greater partisan
than the Democrats’ Senate leader, Schumer.
He’s spent months arguing that every bad event—except
perhaps the weather, is the fault of President Trump
.... Hillary Clinton has been the Blamer-in-Chief."
"Surprisingly, Sen. Schumer
won’t have it. He and Hillary Clinton served
together. Last fall, each relied on the other to deliver
the votes to give Democrats control of the White House
and Congress. But the American people got in the way."
"The other day, Sen. Schumer
didn’t blame the people. He blamed Hillary Clinton
... When you lost to somebody who has 40 percent popularity,
you don’t blame other things—Comey, Russia—you
blame yourself.” What went wrong, he asked?
'People didn’t know what we stood for, just
that we were against Trump. And still believe that'.”
One of the oldest maxims in campaigning
is that, while negative campaign ads might tip a close
election, they will never actually win an election.
Voters want to know what the candidates believe and
what they will do once they are in office; and, Hillary
and her celebrity friends served the voter nothing
by profanity-laced hatred of Donald Trump!
2. When
President Trump suddenly reached a debt ceiling
agreement with Liberals Pelosi and Schumer, he
was really aiming a bitter blow against RINO Republicans!
Dobbs: Trump ‘Took RINO Ryan to the Woodshed’
By Making Debt Ceiling Deal With Dems",
Mediate News, September 6th, 2017
"Earlier today,
Speaker of the House Paul Ryan heavily criticized
Congressional Democrats for only wanting a three-month
increase in the debt ceiling and a short-term
spending resolution ... then President Donald
Trump sided with Senate Minority Leader Chuck
Schumer and House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi,
something Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell
lamented this afternoon shortly after leaving
a budget meeting with the president."
Loyal Republicans
gasped when they learned that their President,
Donald J. Trump, has not only met with Schumer
and Pelosi, but he had actually reached an agreement
with them on the Debt Ceiling and on funding Planned
Parenthood. How can this be? Dobbs believes he
"Dobbs pointed
out he was talking about Ryan and the lawmaker’s
'obsequious (pretentious) deference to corporate
lobbyists and unbridled hostility towards President
Trump'. He added, 'President
Trump not only took RINO Ryan to the woodshed,
but eliminated any need for any Republican to
pretend that Ryan is a real Republican or that
any RINO has a political future after Mr. Trump
simply booted the hapless fool out of the way
of those trying to do the nation’s business'.”
In my opinion, Trump
fired a warning shot across the Congressional
bow that he was more than capable of dealing with
the hated Democrats to get his legislation passed,
if RINO (Republicans In Name Only) Congressmen
and Senators insisted upon continuing to block
everything the White House wants, acting more
like Liberals than Conservatives!
Trump's message
to all Republicans: if you continue blocking my
proposals, I am prepared to compromise with the
Liberal Left, even to the point of continuing
the hated Federal funding of Planned Parenthood!
there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon,
and in the stars; and upon the earth distress
of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves
roaring..." (Luke 21:25, KJV)
3. Right
on cue, White House is being urged to blame this
recent spike in the number of hurricanes on "Climate
Homeland Security Adviser Asked to Blame Hurricanes
on Climate Change",
CNS News, 9/11/2017
" 'The previous
administration saw a connection between climate
change and homeland security and that the frequency
and intensity of powerful storms like Harvey and
Irma could pose a problem for future administrations.
You could have FEMA budgets that can’t keep
up with the demand when you have powerful storms
hitting the country', Acosta (CNN) said ... Is
that something that you think this administration
should take a look at? We know that the president
pulled out of the Paris climate accord. Are these
storms giving this administration some pause when
it comes to the issue of climate change and homeland
security?” he asked."
Notice that these
huge hurricanes struck within weeks after the
President pulled America out of the Paris Accords.
We predicted
this "Gaia
Goddess" development last week.
However, immediately
after correctly deflecting the CNN / Al Gore linking
severe storms to Climate Change, Trump's spokesman
abruptly agreed with their core message!
"... President
Trump remains committed to is making sure that
federal dollars aren’t used to rebuild things
that will be in harm’s way later or that
won’t be hardened against the future predictable
floods that we see, and that has to do with engineering
analysis and changing conditions along eroding
shorelines, but also in inland water, flood control
projects', Bossert added."
This agenda is exactly
what Liberal "Gaia" proponents have
in mind. They want to identify those areas which
are hit repeatedly and refuse to allow anyone
to rebuild. The map
below shows the areas in which mankind will eventually
be excluded from living.
Nations Biodiversity Map"
This strange map
designates those areas on which humans will not
be allowed to live! This process is also called
In other words,
once mankind is removed, the land will return
to its original "wild" condition.
America's Map is
being quietly redrawn, to create vast areas where
no human activity -- especially living -- will
be tolerated. This plan is called the "Re-Wilding"
Project. Once it is fully implemented, you will
be told where you can live and what occupation
you will be allowed to work, if you are allowed
to live at all. Weather Modification and Control
are the specific tools being used, because the
storms look so "natural" no one would
suspect that they were deliberately created and
steered, in order to achieve the desired effect.
Please read the startling revelation from Defense
Secretary William Cohen, verifying that scientists
control weather systems.
"Others are
engaging even in an eco- type of terrorism whereby
they can alter the climate, set off earthquakes,
volcanoes remotely through the use of electromagnetic
waves." (William
S. Cohen, speaking at a DoD News Briefing, Monday,
April 28, 1997)
The key to this
draconian plan is to refuse individuals and/or
companies / cities, to rebuild in areas which
have been repeatedly hit by hurricanes, tornadoes,
wildfires, flooding and earthquakes. This truth
is what hit me so hard by the words President
Trump's press secretary said,
"... making
sure that federal dollars aren’t used to
rebuild things that will be in harm’s way
later or that won’t be hardened against
the future predictable floods that we see..."
What is the "Mother
Gaia" principle?
Much space in New
World Order books is devoted to this concept that
Mother Gaia (Mother Earth) is being slowly poisoned
to death, especially by our current Industrial
Civilization. Remember the Satanic belief that
this planet called Earth is really a living, breathing,
and thinking goddess, whom they called Mother
Gaia! Occultists believe Mother Gaia is being
overburdened and poisoned by both overpopulation
and our "toxic) Industrial Civilization.
Therefore, Illuminists
believe that, if they do not take action to reduce
the world's population by two-thirds, Mother Gaia
will begin a "cleansing action" that
will be so severe that all mankind might just
perish. To such an Illuminist, warfare to reduce
the population then becomes both "benevolent"
and "compassionate". [New Age author,
Bill Cooper, uses these words to refer to the
de-population plan in his book, "Behold
A Pale Horse", p. 49]
When Mother Gaia
attacks in order to "cleanse" her earth
and return to "balance", Illuminists
believe she will attack two targets simultaneously:
the human overpopulation and the Industrial Civilization!
Of course, it helps that scalar scientists working
on behalf of the global plan can control all aspects
of the weather, for the Illuminati can make the
very event happen which seems to fulfill occult
belief in Mother Gaia.
The real manner
in which these hurricanes and drought and wildfires
will result in the land being cleared is that
government authorities will declare that the reasons
these natural disasters are occurring in these
locations is that these are the particular parts
of the globe which man's activities -- and his
Industrial Civilization -- are placing undue stress
upon Mother Gaia.
In order to "prove"
their point, these government spokesmen will point
to the many natural disasters which have repeatedly
hit these Red Core Reserve areas.
Then, a government
edict will order humans out of these areas, and
other areas around the core reserves will be designated
"Buffer Zones", showing on this map
as Yellow areas. It will be just as simple as
Will President Trump
lead the way in advancing this "Gaia Agenda",
under another name, by just making it sound like
logic! Can Trump accomplish this goal where Clinton/Gore
could not?
4. The Israeli
Defense Force is conducting massive military drills
simulating war with Hezbollah.
To Simulate War With Hezbollah in Massive Military
Drill", Breaking Israel News,
"The IDF will
launch its largest military exercise in close
to 20 years Tuesday as it simulates a war with
Lebanon-based terror group Hezbollah. The 11-day
drill include tens of thousands of soldiers, including
reservists, as the IDF seeks to improve the preparedness
of its forces for a broad campaign in the north
... The exercise will simulate a scenario where
Hezbollah forces infiltrate into an Israeli settlement,
escalating the situation to an all-out war in
the north. One scenario has 'terrorists' entering
Moshav Shavei Tzion, 15 kilometers from the Lebanese
border, from the sea, while “Hezbollah”
forces stage an attack in the Golan Heights. The
army will also practice an attack on Lebanon and
the evacuation of Israeli towns near the border
in preparation for possible heavy missile attacks."
“ 'The enemy
is developing very fast', said Major General Yossi
Bachar, commander of the General Staff Corps.
'Therefore, there is a more significant threat
to IDF'.”
to prophecy, the Palestinian Authority and Hamas
have agreed to join in one government.
Palestinian Authority to Form Dangerous Unity
Government", Breaking
Israel News, 9/13/2017
"Ismail Haniyeh,
the top leader of Gaza-ruling terror group Hamas,
announced Monday that his organization is prepared
to form a unity government with Palestinian Authority
(PA) President Mahmoud Abbas’s Fatah party,
without preconditions. Hamas is ready 'to hold
a dialogue with Fatah in Cairo immediately, to
come to an agreement and set the terms for its
implementation', said Haniyeh in a statement published
on the terror group’s official website."
Did you realize
that God's prophecies of the annihilation of all
Palestinians at the End of the Age cannot take
place until the Palestinians are a single country
and government? Listen:
shall call the nobles thereof to the kingdom, but none shall
be there, and all her princes shall be nothing."
(Isaiah 34:12, KJV)
Now that the Palestinians
are going to unite government and country, God's
judgment can occur!
5. Guam's
"Pacific Daily News" is running an opinion
column which has a very significant new idea:
the "beast" in a cage!
NEWS BRIEF: "Opinion:
Shoot down all North Korea missiles",
Pacific Daily News, by Robert Borja, 9/6/2017
"This an open
letter to the leaders of the USA, China, Russia
and Germany. I was born on Guam and consider it
my paradise home. The North Korean nuclear missile
issue brings us now so close to a catastrophic
climax. But we can still avoid an unnecessary
conflict which realistically could ignite the
third world war."
Borja then presents
an idea so original that one wonders why no one
in authority in America, South Korea, and Japan
have ever thought of it before. Since North Korea
cannot develop her missiles without testing them,
why not just shoot them down within a few feet
after their launch?
In this manner,
the North Korean Nuclear Beast is imprisoned in
the cage, and cannot get out to threaten anyone!
American-led forces have repeatedly declared the
skies over Iraq, Syria and Libya, to be "No-fly
Zones" where allied aircraft would shoot
down any enemy airplane which flew into that airspace.
This proposal is
the same concept applied to any missile lefting
off from its base in North Korea.
Of course, there
is no chance whatsoever that this great concept
would ever be carried out.
You see, the impetus
of this nuclear confrontation by North Korea is
part of the Plan of the Elite to stage their "New
David", whom the Bible shall call "Antichrist"!
This Korean Plan was written in a book published
in 1981, entitled, "'The
Armageddon Script". Listen
to the full quote:
script is now written ... A hair-raising nuclear
confrontation in Korea may ... threaten man's
very survival." (Peter Lemesurier, 'The Armageddon
Script", p. 223, 1981)
What a revelation! North
Korean dictator, Kim Il-jung is not acting from his
own accord, but by following a script. Of course, President
Trump, and President Putin, and Japan's PM Abe, are
also acting according to their part in the same script.
Further, this reality
also follows the prophecy in Revelation 17:16-17:
the ten horns which thou sawest ... God hath put in
their hearts to fulfil his will, and to agree (to act
in harmony), and give their kingdom unto the beast,
until the words of God shall be fulfilled."
Holy Spirit is controlling the hearts and minds of all
the rulers in this situation, so that none of them can
act in such a way as to negate any of God's prophecies!

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