Newsletter - Tuesday, 2/16/2021 

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America Is The Planned Key To Resurrection of the Martyred Antichrist!

"Belly of the Beast"

"Antichrists Resurrection Planned in Washington DC!"

From 1776, a Shadow Government existed which really controlled the levers of power; under President Obama, this shadow government was transformed into the 'DEEP STATE'!

Washington DC was planned to be a 'High Place' of Luciferian worship, exactly like the 'High Places" in Old Testament times, against which God railed. Washington DC is correctly called the 'most evil place on Earth' with spiritually controlled buildings and seething with occult energy, just as we reported in 'Riddles In Stone'!

Luciferians of Freemasonry, Rosicrucianism and other occult leaders have always viewed world and national events as being controlled by 'National Overlords', demonic beings as revealed in Daniel 10!

US Capitol was built with a secret crypt empty of a body, so that, at the right moment in world history, the body of the assassinated Masonic Christ can be placed within (fulfillment of Rev 13:3); the most powerful Scottish Rite Masonic leaders will then convene to conduct the Aleister Crowley 'Raising of Osiris' ritual which will raise 'Osiris' (Antichrist) from the dead, thus fulfilling Revelation 13:3, so that the power and authority foretold in Revelation 13:4 can be fully established.

Finally, you will understand the Satanic Black Magick power of Hillary Clinton, much as we reported in our video 'Hillary Clinton: Sun Goddess Unleashed'!

Related Videos

"Secret Mysteries of America's Beginnings"

Combo Pack -- All Four Titles - Save $Money

Entire Combination Offer has almost 12 hours of video in History Channel quality. You will be mesmerized and your view of American history and of our national place in history

The 'Belly of the Beast' DVD, shown above, is the logical and the newest precursor to our 'Riddles In Stone" DVD of this Combo Offer!

Regularly $79.96, Now Only $69.96 for 12 full hours of History Channel Quality teaching!

"Antichrist & The 'Final Solution' "

New Book by Tom Horn, Only $19.99

It’s been assumed for centuries that a prerequisite for the coming of Antichrist would be a revived world order an umbrella under which national boundaries dissolve and ethnic groups, ideologies, religions, and economics from around the world orchestrate a single and dominant sovereignty. At the head of the utopian administration, a single personality will surface. He will appear to be a man of distinguished character, but will ultimately become a king of fierce countenance (Daniel 8:23) -- ANTICHRIST!

With haughty, dictatorial decrees, he will facilitate a One-World Government, universal religion, and global socialism. Those who refuse his New World Order will inevitably be imprisoned or destroyed until at last he exalts himself above all that is called God, or that is worshiped, so that he, as God, sitteth in the temple of God, showing himself that he is God (2 Thessalonians 2:4).

Bible prophecy depicts this coming tyrant as the deadliest in human history. He will try to carry out a satanic Final Solution to inflict genocide far beyond that done through Adolf Hitler's plan by the same name. And this soon-to-come era is closer than many can imagine; yet, most don't comprehend the events that lie just ahead.

For the first time in decades, the truth of dispensational history is laid out in order that the world can understand what is unfolding now -- and coming very, very soon.

Critically Important News Headlines - Analysis Below

1. President Biden is already caving in to China's President Xi!

After speaking with Xi by phone, Biden told fellow Democrats, "China is going to eat our lunch"!

2. President Biden is using the 3rd Anniversary of the tragic Parkland School shooting to enact the most draconian Gun Control legislation ever.

This law will instantly make tens of millions of law abiding citizens into criminals -- for the only "crime" of abiding by our Constitution.

This bill may also put gun manufacturers out of business!

3. Far-Left Representative Ayanna Pressley demands that the Federal Government Cancel $50K in Student Debt, Provide $2K Monthly Payments to both Americans and Illegal Immigrants.

The Republic is dissolving; can you sense it?

4. "Let's Have An Investigation"

The Elite love investigations, since they can bury every thing through staged investigations.

5. A current poll is said to show that 62% of American voters support a third political party.

Don't you realize that America has had an invisible Single Party masquerading as a two-party system, since President Franklin D. Roosevelt?

6. Biden's Stimulus Bill may be the most "pork-laden" spending bill in American history.

But, remember, "The Great Reset" requires trillions and trillions of government spending!

7. How long will the National Guard occupy Washington, D.C.?

Is the voter being conditioned to see images of military rule in our Capitol?

New World-Class DVD From Chris Pinto


New DVD Title from Chris Pinto

The 'True Christian History of America' is a powerful documentary, showing the Bible-based Christian origins of the early American view of freedom, tracing the principles of liberty back to England and the great Reformation.

For many years, Americans have been taught in our schools and universities that the founding of our Republic was the result of the Enlightenment from France, or from the deists of that time. But is that truly the case? Did the Enlightenment first declare no taxation without representation? Or trial by jury? Were they the champions of freedom of speech, or of the press? And why did Samuel Adams declare that the “reign of political Protestantism” would commence, just before signing the Declaration of Independence?

Filmed on location in the United States, as well as in England, Switzerland, and the Czech Republic, this insightful documentary contains unique interviews with experts from around the world, who relate how the champions of the Gospel pursued the cause of freedom across the centuries, and how it is their beliefs which are enshrined in the Declaration, the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.

At a time when America and the principles of freedom stand in peril, it has never been more important for the Christian world to reclaim its historic heritage. This documentary is perfect for churches, Bible study groups, homeschool parents, or anyone who desires to learn a detailed history on the influence of Christianity in the United States. Watch Video clips online

Presented by Christian J. Pinto Running Time: 150+ minutes --

Other Chris Pinto Titles

Critical Analysis of Headline News

1. President Biden is already caving in to China's President Xi!

After speaking with Xi by phone, Biden told fellow Democrats, "China is going to eat our lunch"!

NEWS BRIEF: "Biden told senators China ‘will eat our lunch’: After call with Xi Jinping", BPR News, Feb 12, 2021

"President Joe Biden warned a bipartisan group of Senators Thursday that China 'will eat our lunch' after speaking with Xi Jinping on Wednesday night ... "

Where I come from, saying that someone ate another person's lunch meant that the bully exercised such overwhelming force that the victim simply was powerless to resist.

But, more than this, this phrase means that the bully not only took the victim's lunch but intimidated him so completely that the victim fell on the ground before the bully in a "fetal position" -- just as this illustration  depicts.

Unfortunately for us, our President is depicted by the poor kid on the ground, covering his head helplessly, while big bully Xi is casually rifling through Biden's bag.

Now, as we return to this featured story, we are shocked to learn that President Biden had the gall to claim victory during this phone encounter!

"Biden’s hardened stance towards China signals a significant departure from comments he made in 2019 at a campaign event in Iowa where he dismissed China as a potential threat to the U.S. and its allies.

“ 'China is going to eat our lunch? Come on, man', Biden reportedly said at the event. 'They can’t figure out how they are going to deal with the corruption that exists within the system. I mean, you know, they’re not bad folks, folks. But guess what, they’re not competition for us'.”

This unbelievable statement shows us several other problems Biden is going to have in dealing with China.

* Biden points his accusing finger at China for rampant official corruption, while ignoring his own corruption in accepting many million of dollars of bribes for himself and for his son, Hunter -- from both The Ukraine and China.

* If President Biden views the Chinese Communists as "not bad folks", then he will likely make miscalculations that can allow the Chinese to come in to our backyard, steal our lunch, make us cry 'uncle', and then leave the smoking ruins behind.

Let us view the statement of a Chinese prisoner who suffered badly from these "not so bad folks"!

NEWS BRIEF: ""China just sent a ‘chilling message’ to the rest of the world", You Tube

China "... is a dictatorial, repressive, communist regime. It’s one of the last and worst communist regimes in the world, and they should be given no respect at all..."

* Biden continues to reiterate his belief that Communist China is "no competition" for us, which carries the corollary belief that they are not our enemy any longer!

If President Biden is this cowed by the first telephone call to the Chinese president then our understanding that China can order him around is certainly plausible.

I do believe that, just hours before China invades Taiwan, and before North Korea attacks South Korea, President Xi will call President Biden and order him to call his military to "stand down".

With superpower America refusing to fulfill our pledged aid to Taiwan and to South Korea, the fight will be short and very bloody.

World War III will have begun.



2. President Biden is using the 3rd Anniversary of the tragic Parkland School shooting to enact the most draconian Gun Control legislation ever.

NEWS BRIEF: "Joe Biden Marks 3rd Anniversary of Parkland Shooting with Gun Control Push", Breitbart News, 14 Feb 2021

"President Joe Biden marked February 14, 2021–the third anniversary of the Parkland school shooting–by calling on Congress to pass more gun control ... Today, I am calling on Congress to enact commonsense gun law reforms, including requiring background checks on all gun sales, banning assault weapons and high capacity magazines, and eliminating immunity for gun manufacturers who knowingly put weapons of war on our streets."

This bill may also put gun manufacturers out of business!

If Congress passes these provisions in to reality, then Toyota, Ford, and all other car manufacturers need to be held liable for all deaths and injuries caused by accidents in which their vehicle was involved!

What nonsense!

Furthermore, Hillary Clinton used to mask her totalitarian gun control issues by saying they were just "commonsense reforms". In reality, her gun control measures represented another incremental step toward total gun control!


This law will instantly make tens of millions of law abiding citizens into criminals -- for the only "crime" of abiding by our Constitution.

Gun Control has historically made it much easier for a government to become more violent in the manner in which it treats its citizens; in fact, the first action a new dictatorship takes is to seize all guns from the people. Lenin and Hitler both seized individual weapons under the same false premise that they were making their citizens "more safe"; the reality was that they made their citizens more susceptible to a severe dictatorship.

Scholars tell us that tyrannical governments have murdered 262 million citizens after they had seized all private weapons. Since our government is still using the One Dollar Bill, we can only assume that it is still pursuing the type of government on the back of that bill:

NOVUS ORDO SECLORUM (New World Order), planned to be the most dictatorial government in all history.

How well is this deliberate government mind control program working? 'This plan is well under way, and so far is working perfectly. The middle class is begging the government to do away with the 2nd amendment'.

Our Founding Fathers did not write the right of americans to bear arms into the Constitution so we could hunt and shoot targets; coming out of the slaughter of citizens in Europe by dictatorial kings, our Fathers were most intent upon never allowing America to be so subjugated, and they realized that only a Constitutional right to keep and to bear arms could prevent private arms from being seized.

Spread the word! Our right to arms is being eroded and a dictatorship is on the horizon!

3. Far-Left Representative Ayanna Pressley demands that the Federal Government Cancel $50K in Student Debt, Provide $2K Monthly Payments to both Americans and Illegal Immigrants.

NEWS BRIEF: "Ayanna Pressley: Cancel $50K in Student Debt, Provide $2K Monthly Payments to Americans and Illegal Immigrants", Breitbart News, 14 Feb 2021

"Far-left 'Squad' member Ayanna Pressley (D-MA) is calling on Democrats to cancel up to $50,000 in student debt and provide $2,000 monthly payments to both Americans and illegal immigrants following President Biden’s call to 'go big' in the next coronavirus relief package."

Ayanna Pressley has helped bring this American experiment to a logical outcome. In fact, our Founding Father, Ben Franklin, foretold this sad end almost 250 years ago! Listen to his prophetic words:

This new Republic is the "... type of system would last only until the people realized that they could vote themselves money from the Public Treasury. When the people find that they can vote themselves money that will herald the end of the republic.” Benjamin Franklin

The Republic is dissolving; can you sense it?

4. "Let's Have An Investigation"

NEWS BRIEF: "Blumenthal: We Need 9/11 Type Commission to Stop Future ‘Would-Be Trump Tyrants’ ," Breitbart News, 15 Feb 2021

"Senator Richard Blumenthal (D-CT) said on Monday’s broadcast of MSNBC’s “The Beat” that an independent commission investigation into the deadly riot at the U.S. Capitol would help to stop any future “would-be Trump tyrants.”

He continues to lie, lie and lie some more, claiming his opponents are guilty of riots and insurrections which the Democrats actually carried out.

"He added, 'There’s a need for more truth-telling. There’s a need for more facts. That’s why a 9/11 type commission will be important to uncover the larger causes, the individuals who should be held accountable, and as you have said, an unsuccessful coup attempt without accountably is a dress rehearsal. The would-be Trump tyrants waiting to mobilize that mob again must be stopped.”


The Elite love investigations, since they can bury every thing through staged investigations.

Tactic from the "Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion" -- Abuses of power will put the final touch in preparing all institutions for their overthrow ..." [Protocol #2]

"If You tell people a Lie Often Enough, They Will Come to Believe It Is The Truth"


Let's Have An Investigation -- Have Total Control Over People Doing The Investigations -- Thus, Guarantee An Acquittal [p. 19-20] " Bill Clinton used investigations in Arkansas as a great means to defuse threats from his opponents. He uses it now even more effectively. This is one [tactic] that he uses over and over again to bury everything. Every accusation, every hint of illegality, is effectively ended with this tactic."

"Bill Clinton is not troubled by investigations. He knows he can manipulate them to his advantage. He has enough supporters in enough places that he can make sure the investigations never get anywhere ... Control. Clinton has total control."

So, following this dictum, the Democrats are going to hold perfectly useless and lying Congressional Committee investigations into the January 6, 2021, demonstration at the White House and then the Capitol, which were not illegal in any way.

Yet, employing the theory of telling endless lies and of replacing truth with a big lie, the Leftists are going to waste many millions of taxpayer dollars to investigate a "crime" in name only.

This crisis is all the more sinister because it is invisible to those who have already become captive to its lie. How did we get to this point? In the DVD pictured above -- Invisible, Invincible Mind Control: Powerful Media Manipulation" -- we will demonstrate a Six-Step Process by which people's attitudes are being changed permanently on a population-wide basis by all forms of Mass Media.

This process was developed to change those most-deeply held attitudes, which naturally are traditional Christian values. Once you hear this process, and understand the examples of its use, you will realize it is being simultaneously utilized in many areas by the Mass Media.

Here is the exact formula for this type of Mind Control, as we show in this DVD:

Step 1. Some practice so offensive that it can scarcely be discussed in public is advocated by a RESPECTED expert in a RESPECTED forum.

Step 2. At first, the public is shocked, then outraged.

Step 3. But, the VERY FACT that such a thing could be publicly debated becomes the SUBJECT of the debate.

Step 4. In the process, sheer repetition of the shocking subject under discussion gradually dulling its effect.

Step 5. People then are no longer shocked by the subject.

Step 6. No longer outraged, people begin to argue for positions to moderate the extreme; or, they accept the premise, challenging, instead, the means to ACHIEVE it.

Insidious repetition of the monstrous lie is essential!

Now you know why the Democrat strategy for the last four years has been to endlessly pursue enormous lies, even though discerning people could see right through the lie!

Now you know why we have had to endure endless "investigations" even though no evidence was ever presented and why we have been forced to watch two of the most ridiculous impeachment hearings possible.

Repetition of the LIE -- even a stupid LIE -- is the key.

5. A current poll is said to show that 62% of American voters support a third political party.

NEWS BRIEF: "62% of Americans Support Third Major Political Party", Breitbart News, 15 Feb 2021

"A Gallup study released on Monday shows American support for a third political party is at an all-time high.

"Elected Republicans and Democrats beware: Ac

cording to a new study by Gallup, voters believe “parties do such a poor job representing the American people that a third party is needed.” In fact, just 33 percent of Americans believe the current political representatives are doing even an “adequate” job serving their most essential purpose. In an additional record, 50 percent of those polled call themselves independent voters, as opposed to members of either side."

Don't you realize that America has had an invisible Single Party masquerading as a two-party system, since President Franklin D. Roosevelt?

Read full details in our Archived Articles, NEWS1439, "THE INVISIBLE ONE-PARTY SYSTEM IN AMERICA"

Since President Franklin D. Roosevelt (1933-1945), America has been ruled by a secret, invisible One Party System! Since this information is too long to be reported here, please take the time to read this article, which we posted in early 1999.

And, finally, note that the White House began to fawn all over Communist China in the Bill Clinton days!

6. Biden's Stimulus Bill may be the most "pork-laden" spending bill in American history.

NEWS BRIEF: "Why Joe Biden’s ‘Stimulus’ Could Be The Most Pork-Filled Crony Christmas Ever", The Federalist, Feb 16, 2021

"Americans who thought the GameStop saga represented an unseemly trading frenzy haven’t seen anything yet. The coming weeks will see a flurry of old-fashioned horse trading—some would call it corruption—in Washington, as Democrats attempt to pass a partisan 'stimulus' bill."

"Because defections from only a handful of House Democrats or a single Senate Democrat could nix the entire $1.9 trillion spending spree, lawmakers will have great incentives to demand wasteful pork in exchange for their votes."

"As House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., said with Obamacare, we will have to pass the bill to find out what’s in it—meaning which lawmakers’ pork projects won the Biden administration’s favor. In case they forgot, the Obamacare debacle led to Democrats losing control of the House, plus the Senate seats formerly held by Ted Kennedy and Barack Obama. Democrats in Congress should bear that history in mind as they consider whether to auction their votes again."

America has long since passed the point of no return as far as bribery is concerned. Banana Boat republics have nothing on these Leftist Democrats and R.I.N.O. Republicans!

But, remember, "The Great Reset" requires trillions and trillions of government spending!

NEWS BRIEF: "The Great Global Reset", KITCO, Nov 12, 2020

" We're in the end game of a dollar-based system, and a new monetary system will emerge with gold as the anchor ... We had the World Economic Forum calling for a Great Reset."

"The sign that the "Great Reset" is underway is: "Trillions and trillions of Dollars" being released!

Do not be deceived, this COVID-19 Stimulus Bill is simply the mechanism by which more trillions and trillions of Dollars can be released!

7. How long will the National Guard occupy Washington, D.C.?

NEWS BRIEF: "Security meetings this week to determine when National Guard can go home", Fox News, Feb 15, 2021

"A leaked email from the Pentagon's acting point person on Homeland Security written on Jan 20 raised alarm bells about just how long the National Guard will remain guarding the Capitol, an expensive mission with no clear end date which has Republican lawmakers asking for answers."

"An e-mail obtained by the Fox affiliate in Washington DC, suggests the Pentagon is planning for a possible longer deployment."

Is the voter being conditioned to see images of military rule in our Capitol?

Read our archived article, NEWS2546, entitled, "Training Troops To Impose Nationwide Martial Law"!

Have You Seen All Volumes In This Series?




World-Wide Plans For A Deadly Plague

"Take control of the world ... to reduce ... the world to a safe level by a process of benevolent slavery and genocide ... The only alternative left to the world's ruling elite was to increase the death rate." ("Behold A Pale Horse", p. 49]

"Dr. Aurelio Peccei of the Club of Rome ... advocated that a plague be introduced that would have the same effect as the Black Death of history." [("Behold A Pale Horse", p. 167]

Coming Into Their New World Order

"When we come into our kingdom (New World Order) our orators will expound great problems which have turned humanity upside down in order to bring the world, at the end under our beneficent rule." ("Behold A Pale Horse", p. 303)
NOTE: The global plan to establish the New World Order as William Cooper so brilliantly informed us in "Behold A Pale Horse", is now finally beginning to occur with great rapidity!

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May Jesus Richly Bless You,

David Bay, Director

Cutting Edge

What Must I Do To Be Saved