Mac Dominick has given
us a series of articles this week titled "PART3
and Ron Riffe has written "ABSTAIN FROM
does this apply to genuine Christians?. Thanks
to Doug for giving me a wonderful group of news articles
for me to work with to keep us all up on world, USA
and Israel events and more in our Daily
News Updates page.
Podcast from David's
earlier radio shows.
Antichrist Planned
And On His Way! New World order plans fulfill Bible
Prophecy - This Cutting
Edge Radio program recorded by David Bay over 25 years
ago. Many of the new world order plans will fulfill
Bible prophecy to an astonishing degree. David Bay discusses
specific parts of the new world order plan and the Bible
prophecies that foretold these events. A world leader,
a world economy, a world religion, mark of the beast
and a 10 nation reorganization.
Planned And On His Way! New World order plans fulfill
Bible Prophecy
If you can't wait to hear all 60 of
these podcasts as we post 1 per week, you can have them
all on CD in mp3 format now. Cutting Edge Radio Programs
by David Bay - 60 Programs - All On Two Discs. Order
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Special prayer
request from Jim: My 99 year old mother fell and broke
her hip last week. My brother and I take turns staying
at her house for 2 days and nights each so I am doing
this Cutting Edge work today on my laptop at her home.
She has dementia and does not remember she has to stay
off of it for 6 weeks so it can heal without surgery.
Please pray for us and for healing so mom, Mildred.
can get back to her gardening. Nurses and physical therapist
come regularly and teach us how to do the rehab so with
God's help we will get through it. His will be done.
Thanks and God bless.
Mac Dominick
This is a series of articles.
We will publish one each week. Here are the titles:
Mac Dominick
The Bible records 3 major
rebellions recorded in the first 11 chapters of Genesis:
1. The Rebellion of Satan
and the resulting Fall of Man. (Genesis 3)
2. The Rebellion of the Watchers (Genesis 6)
3. The Rebellion at the Tower of Babel (Genesis 11)
The biblical account of
the Watcher Rebellion found in Genesis 6 is very brief
and covers a mere 4 verses:
"And it came to pass,
when men began to multiply on the face of the earth,
and daughters were born unto them, that the sons of
God saw the daughters of men that they were fair, and
they took them wives of all they chose...There were
giants in the earth in those days: and also after that,
when the sons of God came into the daughters of men,
and they bare children to them, the same became mighty
men which were of old, men of renown... But Noah found
grace in the eyes of the LORD...Noah was a just man
and perfect in his generations..."
There has been a lot of
confusion stemming from these verses mainly because
St. Augustine and others refused to look at this Scripture
from a supernatural perspective. Most early "Church
Fathers" interpreted the passage as did the Hebrew
scholars. This interpretation was as follows:
• “The Sons
of God” (bene ha elohim) --- Angels or Watchers
• "Daughters of Men”— Human women
• "Giants in the Earth” --- Offspring
of the Watchers and mortal women
• "Mighty Men" -- The Hebrew here is
gibborim, which, in this context, denotes giants with
supernatural strength.
• "Noah…perfect in his generations"---
Noah had no Nephilim in his genealogy
Several passages in the
New Testament confirm this interpretation:
For if God spared not
the angels that sinned, but cast them down to hell,
and delivered them into chains of darkness, to be reserved
unto judgment; And spared not the old world, but saved
Noah the eighth person, a preacher of righteousness,
bringing in the flood upon the world of the ungodly...
II Peter 2:4-5
And the angels which kept
not their first estate, but left their own habitation,
he hath reserved in everlasting chains under darkness
unto the judgment of the great day. Jude, vs. 6
By which also he went
and preached unto the spirits in prison, Which sometime
were disobedient, when once the longsuffering of God
waited in the days of Noah, while the ark was a preparing,
wherein few, that is, eight souls were saved by water.
I Peter 3:19-20
While one cannot interpret
the Scripture solely based on the position of the early
"Church Fathers," their majority view aligns
with a literal rendering of the Hebrew text, Hebrew
scholars, and support from the New Testament. Most importantly,
if one holds to the text in context and allows Scripture
to interpret Scripture with the New Testament passages,
one must embrace the supernatural view of Genesis 6:1-4—but
there is more to the story.
The lack of detail in
the Hebrew Scriptures about the Rebellion of the Watchers
did not create the uncertainty of interpretation among
the Jewish population as it did the Church. This was
due to the story's familiarity with their culture and
the cultures surrounding them. The proof comes from
two primary sources and other Second Temple Jewish Literature.
The Book of the Giants, found among the Dead Sea Scrolls,
details the story of the supernatural rebellion and
the exploits of the giants (the Nephilim). The Book
of I Enoch, quoted by New Testament authors Peter and
Jude, provides a "blow-by-blow account of the Rebellion
of the Watchers, their dalliance with human women, and
their giant hybrid offspring. The following is an excerpt
from I Enoch 10:1-3:
"And to Michael he
said, “Go. Michael, bind Shemihazah (the leader
of the rebellious Watchers -ed.) and the others with
him who have united themselves with the daughters of
men, so that they were defiled by them in their uncleanness.
“And when their sons perish and they see the destruction
of their beloved ones, bind them for seventy generations
in the valleys of the earth until the day of their judgment
and consummation, until the eternal judgment is consummated…they
will be led away to the fiery abyss, and to the torture,
and to the prison where they will be confined forever."
There are also the pagan
gods of the cultures surrounding Israel that are an
obvious embellishment of the account of the Watcher's
• In Mesopotamian
mythology, the Apkallu were supernatural wise sages
who taught mankind many technologies. The god Marduk
captured and imprisoned them in the Abyss. The accounts
of the Apkallu are synonymous with the accounts of the
Genesis 6 Watchers in the Hebrew Scriptures, the New
Testament, and the book of I Enoch.
• Mount Hermon became emblematic of the transgression
of the Watchers. According to I Enoch, Mt. Hermon, located
on the current border of Israel and Syria was the landing
spot of the Watchers when they appeared on Earth. Babylonian
myth also remembers Mount Hermon as the 'abode of the
gods," while Amorite cultures in the Levant believed
Hermon was the Canaanite god El's mount of assembly,
where he held court with Ba’al (the storm-god
Hadad) and his seventy sons.
• The Greek Titans are almost a perfect match
to the Genesis 6 Watchers. Their fate was imprisonment
in Tartarus at the hand of Zeus. While the Titans (unlike
the Watchers) boast male and female members, the children
of the Titans (Zeus, Poseidon, Hades, etc., with a Titan
father and a Titan mother) were on the same level as
the Watchers. The children of the Titans were the group
that had sexual liaisons with human beings that resulted
in the hybrid beings that would equate to the biblical
Nephilim. These became "the mighty men which were
of old, men of renown." (6) Greek mythology greatly
expands and embellishes the narrative in the Hebrew
Scriptures and the Book of Enoch, converting the monstrous
Nephilim into the great heroes of their culture.
• The Roman gods were, for the most part, the
Greek gods renamed. The Norse gods also mimic the accounts
of the Watchers and the Nephilim. These gods also share
hybrid offspring with human women. Many other ancient
cultures have a mythology that mimics the Watchers and
the Nephilim. These ancient myths are the "fake
news" version of the history recorded in the Word
of God.
Space does not permit
a complete revelation of the massive amount of evidence
that proves the Rebellion of the Watchers is the source
of the worship of false gods. Still, the Watchers are
today chained in Tartarus where they can do humanity
no harm. (This is confirmed in II Peter 2:4-5). Their
hybrid offspring, the Nephilim, were destroyed in the
Flood. However, their spirits, as reported in the Book
of Enoch and implied in the Word of God are what today
are termed demons--disembodied spirits that harass mankind.
The Second Temple era Book of Baruch recorded 435,000
Nephilim perished in the Flood.
The rebellion failed.
The plan had been 2-fold:
1. Replace the human race
(God's family on Earth) with an evil hybrid race led
by Satan.
2. Prevent the advent of the "Seed of the Woman"
that would reconcile the human race with the
Creator God and restore Eden on the Earth.
This diabolical plan came
within one family (Noah's family) of implementing an
extinction-level event for all humanity. While the Watchers
failed in their plan, their rebellion became the source
of the worship of false gods. But who were the elohim
that became the gods, and how did they pull off the
ruse? The third rebellion at the Tower of Babel will
expose the gods and their designs for humanity.
Subtitle: How does this apply
to genuine Christians?
of all, we must realize that when we received Jesus
Christ as our personal Lord and Savior, we gained a
totally new godly nature: “Therefore if any man
be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed
away; behold, all things are become new.” (2 Corinthians
5:17) But we did not lose the old nature we inherited
at birth. And that is when the spiritual battle in our
lives really begins! Our sinful flesh—the old
nature—is in a constant war with the godly nature.
Note that the “all” (in the “all things”
of the verse above) does not mean “all without
exception” and that we emerge as pure as the driven
snow! That is made clear by the Apostle Paul in Romans
7:14-25 where he tells us in verse 18: “For I
know that in me (that is, in my flesh,) dwelleth no
good thing: for to will is present with me; but how
to perform that which is good I find not” (emphasis
mine). And in that passage Paul concludes by saying
in verses 24 and 25, “O wretched man that I am,
who shall deliver me from the body of this death? (25)
I thank God through Jesus Christ our Lord. So then with
the mind I myself serve the law of God; but with the
flesh the law of sin.”
And with that being said,
what is the most valuable asset we have as believers?
Without a doubt it is our personal testimony in the
eyes of others. And to live for the Lord as we should,
it must be guarded at all times. The old aphorism that
“birds’ of a feather flock together”
teaches us that to be seen with a group of unsavory
characters is to risk being thought of as one of the
group. This is termed “guilt by association.”
In actual point of fact we may be totally innocent of
doing anything wrong, but our testimony for Christ can
easily “take a hit.”
This general principle
is especially true for young people, because of peer
pressure and the purely human desire to be “one
of the “cool kids.” Today we see this graphically
demonstrated on every level of school campuses—elementary
through college and beyond. Designer clothes and possessing
the very latest and most expensive cell phones, video
games, cars, etc. etc. is the rule and not the exception.
And to me, as an 85 year old great-granddad and preacher,
it is almost amusing to witness the “dress codes”
of this age group! From the “tweenies” on
up to college seniors, tee shirts and shorts are the
de rigueur “unisex uniform of the day” (uniform
of the day is military for what you are required to
wear). And thankfully, the fad of wearing jeans shredded
and so full of holes that in some cases they barely
cover the legs, is becoming passe.’ (What will
they think of next?) Of course my generation would not
have been caught dead wearing (or barely wearing) such
ridiculous clothing. And to see hordes of people walking
around in cold weather with legs bared and feet shod
in sandals never ceases to amaze me!
O.k. I know that I am
showing my age now, but let’s get serious. Few
people pay much attention to what the guys wear, but
I’ll guarantee you that the guys pay verrry close
attention to what the girls have on—especially
if it leaves very little to the imagination. Ladies,
take it from an old but very much alive red-blooded
male: the vast majority of you apparently do not realize
what goes on in the filthy minds of the male of the
species, because if you really did—you would cover
up and stop enticing them! Men are “turned on”
by sight whereas with most women it is touch. And when
you show your bodily assets to tease the knuckle-draggers—you
are playing with fire! Rape and murder are absolutely
rampant across our nation today and only those who are
as dumb as a box of rocks will disregard what I am trying
to get across to you. For many years I have told my
own daughters and other young ladies from the pulpit—as
well as their mothers—”If you aint selling,
don’t advertise!”
From Adam up to this very
day, males as a group have always been rotten. I R one,
so I recognize the truth of that statement. But sad
to say, females have undoubtedly caught up, and in many
cases, exceeded the relative degree of rottenness exhibited.
However, there still remains men and women who value
respect for themselves as well as what others think
of them and live accordingly.
As this world and its
inhabitants continue to spin toward the inevitable Armageddon
Judgment of Jesus Christ, we as believers must use whatever
time is left to us profitably with respect to our impact
upon a godless society determined to self-destruct.
This life is the only heaven most of them will ever
know and the only hell believers will experience. Therefore,
our personal testimonies before them should be as what
I call “fish bait.” Another old aphorism
is that “You can catch more flies with honey than
with vinegar.” To be “fishers of men”
(Matt. 4:19), we must present the right kind of bait
before them. You can catch suckers (a type of fish and
no pun intended) with dough balls, but large mouth bass
won’t give that kind of bait a second look! Multiplied
billions around the world are spiritually hungry and
Satan is keeping them on starvation rations of false
religion, self-help seminars, identity politics, race
hatred and a host of other devices he is very adept
at employing. But our success in attracting people to
eternal life in Christ depends upon us cooperating with
the Holy Spirit in showing them we have something wonderful
that they don’t. He lives within us and is the
ultimate “soul winner” we take with us everywhere
we go. My old pastor years ago made a statement that
I have never forgotten: “People who are in our
presence should come under the influence of the Holy
Spirit.” And far too often nothing of an eternal
value happens because we are guilty of “quenching
the Spirit.” (1 Thess. 5:19). Unconfessed sin
has not been taken care of by the “antidote”
provided in 1 John 1:9: “If we confess our sins
he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to
cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” In other
words, we have failed miserably in being the right kind
of fish bait.
Could it be that you have
managed to read through what I have written and not
understood the message? With these few words I have
tried to “catch you” for Jesus Christ—my
precious Lord and Savior—by being the right kind
of bait. And if you are still “scratching your
head” and have unanswered questions, please feel
free to contact me at the following email address and
I will try my best to answer them: May God richly bless
as you seek the Truth. Jesus said, “I am the way,
the truth and the life: no man cometh unto the Father
but by me.” (John 14:6)